The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1 Page 75

by J. Smith

  mentioned by RAF 120, 154, 155, 158

  pardoned 307

  trial (1972) 113, 589

  use in psychological warfare 113, 118, 158, 351

  Runau, Heinz 219

  Salazar (dictator) 179, 427. See also Portugal

  Sanders, Heike 582

  Santiago de Chile conference (1972) 210

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 108, 388, 459, 526, 595

  SAS (Special Air Service) 193

  Saudi Arabia 209, 439, 484

  SAVAK 32

  Sayeret Mat’kal 193

  Scarton, Frank 617

  Schaap, William 597

  Scharf, Kurt 459, 532

  Schauer, Helmut 444

  Scheel, Walter 41, 574, 584. See also Social-Liberal Brandt-Scheel Government (1969-1974)

  mentioned by RAF 131, 232, 600

  speech at Schleyer’s funeral 525

  Schelm, Petra 107, 115, 574

  death mentioned by RAF 123, 165, 183, 233, 589

  killed by police (1971) 107, 587

  Schiller, Karl 29, 574. See also Grand Coalition

  mentioned by RAF 102, 134

  Schiller, Margrit 574

  captured (1971) 108, 110, 588

  captured (1974) 325–326, 594

  force-feeding 259

  lawyer’s offices bombed 348, 601

  release demanded 339

  underground (before Oct. 1971) 108, 587

  returns underground (1973) 110, 593

  Schily, Otto 246, 247, 575

  attacks on 266

  criticized by Baader 249, 320

  on Buback assassination 470

  Committees Against Torture 245

  Green Party 247

  convinces Katharina Hammerschmidt to surrender 171, 591

  on Meinhof’s death 382

  Minister of the Interior (1998) 247, 626

  prevented from attending Ruhland’s trial 154

  SDP 247

  on Stammheim deaths 608

  Stammheim trial 345, 353, 598, 603, 604

  Schleyer, Eberhard 608

  Schleyer, Hanns Martin 477, 575, 610. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer (1977)

  executed 486, 507, 608

  family 485

  funeral 525

  kidnapped 476–477, 478, 508, 532, 533, 607

  letters while held captive 481

  mentioned by George Jackson Brigade 524

  mentioned by RAF 478, 498–502

  mentioned by SAWIO 505

  videotape while held captive 484

  Schlöndorff, Volker 610

  Schmid, Norbert 110, 172, 352, 575, 588, 600

  Schmidt, Helmut 575, 627. See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1982)

  on Buback 491

  Chancellor 344

  on Lorenz kidnapping 331

  lurch to the right 525, 540

  mentioned by RAF 228, 312, 372, 416, 491, 499, 501, 507, 600

  New Year’s speech (1975) 312

  Schleyer kidnapping (1977) 480

  SDS 23

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation (1975) 333, 335

  Schmidt, Olivier 453

  Schmitz, Sabine 473, 575, 605

  Schnabel, Ernst 247

  Schneider, Gerd 527–528, 575, 609, 613

  Scholze, Uli 59, 60, 575, 585

  Scholz, Rupert 627

  Schoner, Herbert 112, 172, 352, 588

  Schreiber, Manfred 231, 233

  Schröder, Gerhard (CDU) 147

  Schröder, Gerhard (SPD) 256, 625

  Schrübbers, Hubert 116

  Schubert, Ingrid 54, 575

  captured (1970) 59, 59–60, 585

  death in Munich-Stadeheim (1977) 520, 528, 609

  library break-out 54

  on Meinhof’s death 383

  release demanded 339, 440, 498, 505

  trial (1971) 60–62, 64, 586

  Schulz, Adelheid 526-527, 575, 612

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  captured (1982) 615

  force-feeding 259

  killings at Dutch border (1978) 530, 611

  pardoned (2002) 626

  prison 624

  released (1998) 625

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1985) 617

  trial (1995) 620, 624

  Schumann, Jürgen 485, 575

  Schwan, A. 155

  Schwarze Hilfe. See Black Aid

  Schwarzer, Alice 445–446

  SDS (Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund) 23, 579. See also youth culture (1960s-70s)

  See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  move to the left (1958-64) 23, 24, 27

  purged from SPD (1961) 24, 579

  role in APO (1964-70) 28, 33, 579

  protest against Moise Tschombe (1964) 27–28

  expels K.1 commune (1967) 580

  dissolution (1970) 44, 584

  anti-Zionism 34, 553

  guerilla 35, 48, 581

  Dierck Hoff 352, 422

  konkret 26

  Horst Mahler 39

  Ulrike Meinhof 26, 53

  mentioned by Thorwald Proll 69, 78

  mentioned by RAF 90

  Otto Schily 247

  structure 33

  women 31, 42, 53, 444, 582–583

  Seale, Bobby 418

  Seckendorff, Ekkehard von 614, 620, 620–621

  Second International 379, 427

  2nd of June Movement 46, 110, 439, 472, 574, 587, 588, 599, 602, 605, 613

  bombing of Berlin LKA (1972) 114, 589

  Drenkmann assassination (1974) 258, 262–263, 264–265, 313–314, 327, 459, 595

  Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 335, 337, 349, 377, 454, 460, 462, 479, 480, 596, 605

  Palmers kidnapping (1977) 523, 609

  and the Blues 588

  denouncing reactionary attacks 349, 376–377, 380, 599

  prisoners 242–243, 254, 470, 594, 604

  and RAF 51–52, 52, 171, 264, 327, 332, 380, 380–381, 523, 527, 609, 613

  Roaming Hash Rebels 46, 588

  and Rote Ruhr Armee 588

  and Tupamaros 157, 171, 588

  and women’s movement 536

  SED (Socialist Unity Party) 4, 17–18, 246. See also German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

  Seiters, Rudolph 623

  Semler, Christian 33

  Senegal 66

  Senghor, Léopold Sédar 66


  counterinsurgency 171, 387, 535

  on the left 42, 51, 444, 582–583

  Shah of Iran (Pahlavi) 31, 211

  mentioned by RAF 124, 125, 211

  visit to West Berlin (1967) 31–32, 34, 124, 125, 580

  SHB (Sozialdemokratischer Hochschulbund) 23–24

  Shuller (federal prosecutor) 526

  Sidki (president) 233

  Siemens 618

  Siepmann, Eckhard 31

  Siepmann, Ingrid 328, 575, 596

  Sigrist, Christian 166, 249

  Sino-Soviet split 28, 424, 434

  Sippel, Fritz 600

  Sirhan, Sirhan 192

  Six Day War 34, 206, 551–552, 580–581

  New Left reaction 34, 553

  West German reaction 34, 207, 552–553

  skyjackings 194, 332

  Air France/Entebbe (1976) 439–441, 504, 559, 561

  Dawson’s Field (1970) 56, 559, 584

  Istanbul airport (1976) 481

  Lufthansa (1972) 191, 592

  Lufthansa/Mogadishu (1977) 481–485, 515, 529, 559, 561

  Sabena/Lod airport (1972) 188, 231

  Socialist Lawyers Collective

  Hamburg 247

  Stuttgart 246

  West Berlin 39, 246

  Socialist Reich Party 20

  Socialist Student Initiative 264

  Social-Liberal Brandt-Scheel Government (1969-1974) 41–42, 115, 116, 584, 589, 594. See also amnesty (1970)

  See also Foreigners Act

oned by RAF 88, 101, 128, 148–149, 214, 225–226, 228–229, 229–230, 233, 234, 414, 424, 433

  Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1982) 433, 449, 454, 594. See also Schmidt, Helmut

  lurch to the right 525, 540

  mentioned by RAF 424

  Society for the Promotion of Socialism (SF) 24, 579

  Söhnlein, Horst 48–49, 50, 575, 582, 583

  Soledad Brothers 199

  Somalia 484, 485, 505, 563, 608

  Sonnenberg, Günter 576

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  Buback assassination 470

  captured (1977) 472, 605

  Committees Against Torture 253

  released (1992) 621, 622

  release demanded 498, 505, 610, 612, 614

  trial (1979) 610

  South Africa 11, 132, 474, 503

  Southern Fighting Group of the “RAF” 349

  Soviet Union 28, 485, 621. See also Sino-Soviet split

  See also KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands) [pro-Soviet]

  See also DKP (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei)

  mentioned by RAF 88, 308–309, 405–406

  occupation of Germany 4, 17

  Sowa, Werner 596

  Sozialistische Hochschulinitiative 264

  Sozialistisches Büro 199–200, 440, 583. See also Angela Davis Congress (1972)

  Anti-Repression Conference (1976) 442, 601

  Spain 125, 183

  prison amnesty movement (1977) 489

  Spangenberg, Henning 595

  Spartacus Youth 140

  SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) 63, 312, 525. See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1982)

  See also Social-Liberal Brandt-Scheel Government (1969-1974)

  See also Brandt, Willy

  See also Schmidt, Helmut

  abortion rights 447

  anti-rearmement movement 20, 21–22

  benefits from collapse of APO 433

  and Citizens Initiatives 448, 449

  class base 9, 10, 29

  functionaries mentioned by RAF 81, 88, 134, 147, 181, 233, 303, 322

  Grand Coalition 29, 38

  Hans-Christian Ströbele 246

  mentioned by RAF 102, 126, 148–149, 225, 228–229, 229–230, 275, 305, 379, 418, 427, 533

  movement against nuclear weapons (1950s) 23

  Otto Schily 247

  repression 237–238, 265–266, 267, 418, 533

  and SDS 23–24, 579

  Zionism 552

  Speitel, Angelika 514, 527, 576, 607

  captured (1978) 529, 611

  Ponto assassination 474, 606

  Speitel, Volker 475, 576

  arrested (1977) 608

  informant 514–515, 613

  trial (1978) 611


  abortion rights campaign 446

  on Entebbe 440

  mentioned by RAF 83–84, 155, 313

  and RAF 54, 65, 118, 350, 557, 588, 605, 622

  on rearmement 11

  “Wir waren in den Durststreik treten” interview 300–323, 346, 596

  Zionism 553

  SPK (Socialistiches Patientenkollektiv) 108, 517, 584, 587

  and Committees Against Torture 245

  and RAF 108, 114, 118, 171, 172, 250, 325, 332, 337, 351, 587

  mentioned by RAF 147, 401

  spontis 43, 169, 435–436

  attitude towards antinuclear movement 450

  anti-Zionism 553

  Meinhof demonstration (1976) 389, 441–442, 600

  attitude towards RAF 201, 326, 435–436, 456, 534–535

  mentioned by RAF 464

  third RAF hunger strike (1974-75) 254, 257, 264–265

  Tunix (1978) 538

  Spranger, Dietrich 532

  Springer, Axel 576

  Springer Press 33, 581. See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition): anti-Springer campaign

  and Heinrich Böll 112, 532, 589

  anticommunism 33–34, 36, 581

  bombed by RAF 165, 177, 179, 180. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on Springer Building (1972)

  mentioned by RAF 71, 83, 86, 93, 99, 101, 103, 146, 150–151, 206, 207, 232, 235, 274, 303

  on the RAF 112, 586

  Zionism 207, 552, 552–553

  Springer Tribunal 581

  squats 147, 184, 333, 460

  Frankfurt 435, 436

  Hamburg 435, 474

  Hannover 148

  Kassel 148

  Stachowiak, Ilse 59, 576, 585

  captured (1971) 64, 586

  captured (1974) 325–326, 594

  release demanded 339

  Stahl, Alexander von 623

  Stahl, Wolfgang 333, 339

  Stammheim (book) xx

  Stammheim deaths 113, 511–512

  Baader’s autopsy 514

  communication theory 515–516

  demand for inquiry 528, 610

  “discoveries” in cells 516, 519

  Ensslin’s autopsy 515

  flight to Mogadishu theory 516

  gunsmuggling theory 513–514, 514–515

  historiography 512–513

  International Investigatory Commission into the Death of Ulrike Meinhof 519

  Irmgard Möller 517–518

  predicted by prisoners 518–519

  Raspe’s autopsy 514

  “suicide=murder” theory 511, 516–517

  Stammheim (film) 618

  Stammheim trial (1976-77) 471, 595, 598, 599, 600, 603, 604

  attacks on lawyers 341, 346, 419–421, 597, 598, 604

  mentioned by prisoners 413–416, 416, 418–424, 428, 429

  mentioned by RAF 490–491

  psychological warfare 350–351, 352–353, 388, 422

  special building 302, 351

  special legislation 267, 345–346, 418–419

  The Nature of the Stammheim Trial (1975) 372–375

  Standard Oil 4

  Stasi 4, 58. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): and GDR; Klaus Croissant 246

  and RAF 58–59, 619

  Staub, Ernst Volker 616, 626

  Steinmetz, Klaus 623

  Stephenson, Hugh 129

  Stern 525

  abortion rights 446

  mentioned by RAF 184, 232, 412

  Sternebeck, Sigrid 527, 576

  arrested (1990) 620

  in the GDR 614

  Hamburg squats 435

  Ponto assassination 474, 606

  trial (1992) 622

  Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe 225

  Stoll, Willi-Peter 527, 576, 605

  killed by police (1978) 529, 611

  Strasburg Human Rights Commission 495

  Strategic Defense Initiative 618

  Strauß, Franz Josef 576

  Grand Coalition 29

  mentioned by RAF 101, 102, 104, 228, 229–230, 305

  sues Ulrike Meinhof (1961) 41

  strikes 16

  postwar strikewave for nationalization (1940s) 20

  September strikes (1969) 147, 584

  chemical industry (1971) 128, 133–139, 183

  September 1973 459–460

  steel and auto industries (1973) 593

  Ströbele-Gregor, Juliana 345

  Ströbele, Hans-Christian 576, 623

  Alternative List 246

  attacks on 345, 346, 419, 595, 597, 598, 603, 608

  Commmittees Against Torture 245

  Green Party 246

  Socialist Lawyers Collective 246

  SPD 246

  student movement 33, 34, 44, 117, 582. See also SDS (Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund)

  See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  See also youth culture (1960s-70s)

  mentioned by RAF 89–92, 92, 97, 103, 226, 406

  Sturm, Beate 59, 60, 576, 585

  after RAF 118, 161

  captured (1970) 60

  on Holger Meins 262–263

  mentioned b
y RAF 118, 155

  Stuttgarter Zeitung 12

  Stuttgart Supreme Court 304

  Sudan 192

  Süddeutsche Zeitung 379, 453, 533

  support scene 108, 120, 188, 244–245, 248, 311–313, 326–327, 598, 604. See also protests: death of Holger Meins (1974)

  See also protests: death of Ulrike Meinhof (1976)

  See also protests: Stammheim deaths (1977)

  See also Committees Against Torture

  Mahler, Schubert, Goergens trial (1971) 63

  May Offensive (1972) 164

  during first hunger strike (1973) 277

  during third hunger strike (1974-5) 257–258

  DPA occupation (1978) 611

  anti-imperialist Front (1980s) 615, 616, 618

  attacks on 248, 344–345, 508–509

  focus on prisoners 343–344, 450–451

  Zusammen Kämpfen 616, 617, 618, 620

  Sweden 57, 319, 427

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 332–336, 339–340, 386, 597

  Switzerland 440

  Schleyer manhunt 501, 508

  weapons smuggling (Haag-von Dyck) 337, 597

  Zurich bank robbery 613

  Symbionese Liberation Army 360

  Syndicat de la Magistrature 522, 526

  Syria 191, 209

  Six Day War 34, 551–552, 580–581

  Tagesschau 478, 499

  tageszeitung 539

  Taufer, Lutz 576, 623

  Committees Against Torture 253

  konkret interview (1992) 622

  prison 605

  released (1995) 624

  Stockholm Embassy Occupation 334

  trial (1976-77) 600, 606

  taz 539

  Technical Institute of Criminology (Stuttgart) 383

  Technical University in Hannover 460

  Technical University in West Berlin 581

  Tel, Wasfi 188

  Teufel, Fritz 49, 440, 576, 580

  Teuns, Sjef 249

  Thimme, Johannes 472–473, 576, 605, 617

  Third International 309

  Third Reich 3, 19, 188, 477. See also Holocaust

  See also Nazis, former

  antifascist resistance to 19

  mentioned by RAF 225, 308–309, 374, 425, 544–547

  30 Questions to a Tupamaro 122, 153

  Thoene, Thomas 621

  Thomas, Gary P. 601

  Tichler, Anton 599

  Tietmeyer, Hans 619

  Tilgener, Brigitte 602

  Time magazine 331

  Toller, Ernst 67

  Tolmein, Oliver 528

  Tommy Weissbecker House 114

  trade unions 9–10, 20, 22–23. See also strikes

  See also co-management

  anticommunism 36

  anti-RAF statements 169

  mentioned by RAF 127, 128, 133–139, 149

  Traube, Klaus 421

  Treaty of Paris 22, 415

  Treuhandstalt 621

  Truman Doctrine 5

  Tschombe, Moise 27, 579

  Tübingen University 384

  Tunisia 212

  Tunix 538–540, 610

  Tupamaros (West German) 157. See also Roaming Hash Rebels

  See also Blues, the


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