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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History, Volume 1

Page 76

by J. Smith

  Tupamaros-Munich 171, 583

  Tupamaros-West Berlin 46, 171, 583, 585, 587, 588

  Turkey; and FRG 131, 212

  anti-German protests (1977) 523

  mentioned by RAF 125, 131, 179, 183, 212, 213, 226

  SAWIO skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 481, 482, 484, 505, 608

  Über den bewaffneten Kampf in Westeuropa. See Regarding the Armed Struggle in West Europe

  Uganda 440

  Ulbricht, Walther 551

  Ulmer, Helmut 577

  undogmatic left 43, 200, 435, 456, 534–535, 538–540. See also Sozialistisches Büro

  See also Jusos

  See also spontis

  attitude towards antinuclear movement 450

  antisemitism 198, 440

  and guerilla 201, 326–327, 388, 442–443, 459, 535, 538, 540, 591

  United Nations 401, 431, 478, 498

  United Nations Charter 176

  United Peoples Liberation Army 360

  United States. See also Marshall Plan

  See also CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)

  See also military bases, U.S.

  anticommunism 197

  economy 129, 142, 149, 209

  and FRG 11, 308, 379, 413–415, 424, 426, 427, 431, 467, 497, 501

  Gulf War 620

  imperialism 12, 31, 131, 207, 209, 212, 232, 414, 426, 439

  mentioned by RAF 302, 359, 367, 501

  mentioned by SAWIO 503

  postwar occupation 4, 4–5, 309, 322, 415, 425

  radical left 508

  support for Israel 192

  women’s movement 42

  University of Homburg/Sarre 319, 411

  Urbach, Peter 41, 53, 577, 583, 584

  U.S. Military Intelligence 601

  van der Lubbe, Marinus 120–121

  Varon, Jeremy 33

  Verfassungsschutz 38, 116, 425, 591

  attempt to bribe Croissant’s secretary 473, 603

  Berufsverbot 116

  bugs RAF cells 596, 597

  Celle hole (1978) 528

  “firefight” with Proll and Grashof (1971) 60

  on Kinkel Initiative 621

  on Meinhof 386

  mentioned by RAF 134, 154, 400, 415, 421, 425

  on RAF women 535

  works with Verena Becker 614, 615

  Verfassungsschutzgesetz 229

  Viehmann, Klaus 52

  Viet Cong, mentioned by RAF 90, 174, 218, 219

  Vietnam 480, 484, 505

  Vietnam War 35, 166, 581, 601. See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on U.S. Army V Corps (1972)

  See also RAF (Red Army Faction): attack on USAREUR in Heidelberg (1972)

  See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition): anti-Vietnam war

  antiwar movement mentioned by RAF 90, 91

  mentioned by RAF 89, 206, 207, 214, 232, 414, 430

  Viett, Inge 527, 577, 614, 628

  arrested (1990) 620

  escapes from prison (1976) 602

  in the GDR 614

  released (1997) 625

  release demanded 440

  trial (1992) 622

  on women’s movement 536

  Vigier, Jean-Pierre 382

  Violleau, Francis 614

  Vogel, Andreas 242, 577

  Vogel, Bernhard 619

  Vogel, Hans-Jochen 231, 265

  Voigt, Günther 54, 85

  Wackernagel, Christof 527, 577

  captured (1977) 527–528, 609

  trial (1980) 613

  Wagenbach, Klaus 64, 460–461, 577

  Wagner, Rolf Clemens 527, 577, 600, 612, 627

  Boock’s Lies (1988) 527

  captured (1978, Yugoslavia) 529, 610, 611

  captured (1979) 613

  prison 624

  released (2003) 626

  split in the RAF 623

  trial (1985) 617

  trial (1993) 624

  Walser, Martin 265

  Wannersdorfer, Claudia 617, 618, 621

  Wassermann (Braunschweig Court of Appeals) 378

  Watson, George 197–199, 544

  Weber, Jürgen 441

  Wegener, Ulrich 193

  Wehner, Herbert 148

  Weinrich, Johannes 339, 482, 561, 577

  Weissbecker, Tommy 123, 577, 587

  death mentioned by RAF 124, 175, 183, 233

  killed by police (1972) 114, 589

  and RAF 587

  Weiss, Peter 597

  Weizsäcker, Richard von 621, 624

  Die Welt 129, 533, 553

  Wessel, Ulrich 334, 577, 597

  West Berlin 29–30, 46

  draft dodgers 30, 115

  West Berlin Senate. See Berlin Senate West Berlin Supreme Court 262, 595

  West Berlin Technical University 257

  West Berlin Women’s Center 445, 446

  Westmoreland, William 81

  Weyer, Willy 103, 104, 139

  Wieland Kommune 581

  Wischnewski, Hans Jürgen 480, 484, 485, 578, 607, 608

  mentioned by RAF 232, 501

  Wisniewski, Stefan 578, 627

  Buback assassination 614, 627

  captured (1978) 529, 610

  death of Holger Meins 262

  released (1999) 626

  on SAWIO skyjacking (1977, Mogadishu) 482, 485

  Schleyer kidnapping 627

  trial (1981) 614, 623

  Witter, Hermann 241, 319, 411, 578

  Wolf, Markus 4

  Women Against Imperialist War 536

  Women’s liberation movement 390, 437, 444–448, 529–530, 535–536

  abortion right struggle 445–447, 535

  attitude towards antinuclear movement 450

  in APO 42, 53, 444, 582–583

  facing repression 535

  attitude towards the RAF 537–538

  Women’s Vacation House (Gaiganz) 535

  Woodward, Ronald 165

  working class 7–10, 29, 93, 94. See also strikes

  See also labor aristocracy

  in APO 37, 44

  displaced persons 8–9

  mentioned by RAF 126, 143–146, 149, 309

  women 8

  Wunder 373

  Wurster, Georg 470, 578, 604

  Yom Kippur war (1973) 199

  youth culture (1950s-60s) 24–25, 30–31

  youth culture (1960s-70s) 25–26, 31, 44, 51

  Yugoslavia 529, 610, 611

  ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) 139, 140, 146

  Zeis, Peter 241, 341, 419, 578

  Zentralblatt für Neorochirurgie 412

  Zerschlagt die Wohlstandsinseln der iii. Welt 143

  Ziegler, Geert 263

  Zimmerman, Eduard 103

  Zimmerman, Ernst 617

  Zimmermann (CSU) 533

  Zimmermann, Friedrich 87

  Zimmermann (journalist) 379

  Zitzlaff, Inge Wienke 386, 388, 389, 558, 578

  Zoebe, Gerhard 70

  Zühlke, Undine 258

  Zundel, Ernst 63


  André Moncourt is the pseudonym of a writer with his political roots in the movements of the seventies and eighties.

  J. Smith is the pseudonym of an activist who has been involved in the radical left for over twenty years.

  Both feel very lucky to have had a chance to tell this story.


  This title heads for the introductory sections of this book, as well as the text in sidebars, is set in Avenir, a geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1988. The title heads for RAF documents have been set in ITC American Typewriter Std.

  The textface chosen for the body of this book is Sabon, a Garamond face designed by Jan Tschichold in 1964.

  As a young typographer in the 1920s, Tschichold was a fan of the Bauhaus style, and had quite the collection of posters from the Soviet Union. For these sins he was arrested by the gestapo in 1933 and all copies of his books were banned “for the protection of the
German people.” Unlike so many others, he managed to be released, and fled to Switzerland, where he lived for the rest of his life.


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  Produced by Gordon Carr for the BBC

  PM Press 2008

  UPC 760137482093

  DVD 60 minutes

  Extra: “The Persons Unknown”

  (1980, 22 minutes)

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  $ 19.95

  Produced in 1973, this documentary covers the roots of the Angry Brigade in the revolutionary ferment of the 1960s, folowing their armed campaign and the police investigation. Extensively researched—among both the libertarian opposition and the police—this remains the essential study of Britain’s first urban guerilla group.

  Let Freedom Ring

  A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners

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  Foreword by Nobel Peace Laureate

  Adolfo Perez Esquivel

  PM Press • Kersplebedeb 2008

  ISBN 978-1-60486-035-1

  912 pages paperback

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  Represented here—in over one hundred documents from the past 20 years—are prisoners from the movements that have most challenged the U.S. empire from within: Black Panthers and other Black liberation fighters, Puerto Rican independentistas, Indigenous sovereignty activists, white anti-imperialists, environmental and animal rights militants, Arab and Muslim activists, war resisters, and others.

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  Narrated by Mumia Abu-Jamal

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  introduction by Dr. Terry Kupers, MD, MSP

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  Prison Round Trip

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  preface by Bill Dunne

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  New Afrikan anarchist

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  with contributions by Sundiata Acoli, David Gilbert, J. Sakai, Meg Starr, and others

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  Kuwasi Balagoon was a defendant in the notorious Panther 21 frame-up; after acquittal he joined the underground Black Liberation Army. A guerilla fighter, an anarchist, and a proponent of New Afrikan independence, he died in prison of AIDS related complications in 1986. This is the most complete collection of his writings ever assembled.

  We were so terribly consistent…

  A Conversation about the History of the RAF

  * * *

  Stefan Wisniewski interviewed by taz

  introduction by André Moncourt and J. Smith

  Kersplebedeb 2009

  ISBN 1-894946-08-1

  44 page pamphlet

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  Stefan Wisniewski joined the Red Army Faction shortly after the death of a RAF prisoner in 1974. By 1977, he was participating in a campaign of assassination and kidnapping that would shake Germany to its core. In this candid interview, conducted in 1997, he looks back on his generation’s revolt and the RAF, while honestly grappling with the errors the guerilla committed during its struggle against imperialism.


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