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Fated Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 3)

Page 9

by Victoria Johns

  “Fucking hell. You’re so pretty Lottie,” he whispers at me, like he’s amazed I’m really stood virtually naked in front of him. As his words take root and the air hits my nipples I feel brave and invigorated.

  “I want you Rick.”

  “Not half as much as I want you,” and he chuckles whilst looking down at the hard outline that has grown in the front of his pants.

  I reach forward to kiss him when he grips my waist and encourages me to hop up onto the bar. The height advantage and position I now have, means he can take my breasts in his hands and suck my nipples into his mouth. I roughly run my hands through his hair and demand his urgency to feast and continue.

  His hands are travelling up my legs and parting my thighs as he gets higher, “I need to know what your pussy feels like Lottie, is that OK?”

  “Stop asking. Less talking. More... just... God more,” I need him to stop being nice and be... the guy.

  Rick eases my back to the bar and I begin frantically pushing his pants down with my toes as he teasingly pulls at the side of my thong, taking them off my legs. It’s not long before they’re gone and I feel his naked body cover me. The warmth of him and the cold of the wooden bar are such a crazy contrast to my senses that it reminds me I am alive, I am alive to feel and enjoy.


  “Go away, we’re closed,” shouts Rick.


  “I said...”

  “Open up, I’m looking for Charlotte Groves,” shouts back the voice from the other side of the door before Rick can finish telling them to go away again.

  “Shit,” I groan with realization.

  “Do you know who that voice belongs to?”

  “Unfortunately, yeah, my... um, It’s Oliver Hart.”

  “Don’t make me ask again. Open the motherfucking door,” Oli bellows.

  “Just open the door before he wakes your mom.”

  Rick roughly pulls his pants back on and if the expression on his face is anything to go by, I’d wager money that he’s unimpressed and angry at being interrupted. I too make a hasty dash to locate my discarded nightgown and unfortunately, it’s wet, in our excitement one of the beer bottles must have been knocked over onto it. I shrug it on, just in time to see a still very aroused and erect Rick leading Oli through the bar towards me.

  I look up at him when I hear the words, “What the fuck,” but Oli isn’t looking at me, as much as he’s taking in Rick’s state of undress, my wet see through nightgown and the ripped scrap of material he’s managed to catch with the toe of his shoes. My fucking thong.

  If I thought Rick’s facial expression was angry at being disturbed, it’s nothing compared to the completely fierce rage that’s showing on Oli’s and emanating from his whole body in waves.

  This isn’t going to end well, it isn’t going to end well at all.

  Chapter Ten



  “What do you want?” she asks me, acting like I’ve got some fucking nerve for intruding. I have no idea how I am going to speak without going off the deep end in fact there is a fair chance I could end up in a jail cell if this fucking guy even blinks at me the wrong way.

  “I was worried about you,” I manage, “I got a call saying you’d been to the will reading alone.” My hands are stuffed into the pockets of my pants because if I bring them out I’m going to have to hit something really fucking hard to release the fury I feel.

  “Of course I did. They were my parents. I am done needing other people.”

  OK. So she’s still in that, I’m done with you/I don’t need you mood, which isn’t helping me calm down. “I told you I’d be there for you.”

  “Yeah, you were a little busy when I left or have you forgotten your girlfriend’s visit?”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I finally snap back, giving her a hint to my current frame of mind.

  “As lovely as this is,” the fucker stood with wood in his trousers says to me, “It’s late, why are you here? What do you want with Lottie?” He looks towards her, waiting for an explanation and guidance on how to proceed with my untimely visit. What a fucking pussy.

  “Sorry Rick. Rick this is Oliver Hart. His family were friends with my parents’.”

  “I know who he is Lottie, I want to know why he’s banging on my mom’s door at this hour, barking orders to be let in.”

  “You know Oli?”

  Of course he fucking does, he’s seen me at the spa, with other women.

  “Yeah,” he says crossing his arms over his chest, “Some of his other friends are regulars at the spa too.” The motherfucker even has the audacity to smirk at me as he answers her.

  “Not important Lottie,” I tell her, “Why are you here? People are worried that you’ve decided to just take off after meeting my uncle today.” I’m trying to be calm and rational, but seeing her stood in a wet nightgown isn’t helping my mood, I can literally see what shade of pink her nipples are.

  “People... so it’s just people?” she replies shaking her head. Fuck, what have I said now? “Well I’m OK. There. You can go and report back to people.”

  “Would you mind giving us a moment alone Rick?” I ask.

  “Fuck no. I’m not leaving her with you unless that’s what she wants, and even then it’s still a solid no.”

  Yeah, this twat is really starting to try my patience.

  “Lottie we need to talk about the will and what it means for us.”

  “No we don’t. You’ve obviously known more about my parents, Mr Carter Groves and my life than you let on. You’ve had chance after chance to share and you didn’t. Anyway, how did you find me?” I raise my eyebrows indicating she’s being naive and silly if she can’t figure that out for herself. “Did he track my fucking phone again?” she rages in front of me.

  “Hey no need to get all pissy at him, like I said, we were worried.”

  Another voice sounds from the back of the bar, “As touching as this is, it’s late, my son and his friend have both said they’re not interested in your late night disturbance. So, I’m asking you to leave, politely. If I have to ask again, I’ll be doing so via the police.” I recognize this woman, she’s the feisty old bird that used to kick Chris out when he came here on the hunt for pussy, his manners back then weren’t what they are now.

  “Mom go back upstairs, I’ve got this.” Rick tells her.

  “No son. I know his kind, he’s dripping in money and you won’t come out of this on top if this gets out of hand.” Lottie steps closer to him, she looks scared for him and as much as I really want to punch this dick, I don’t want to put her in the middle of any more drama.

  “There’s no need for that. I apologize for disturbing you, I’ll leave. Lottie, I’m staying up the road in the motel and we do need to talk. I don’t have the answers you want but think we should look for them together. This affects both of us. I’ll call again in the morning.” Neither Lottie nor Rick the fuck stick answer me. Turning and walking in the opposite direction to her is causing me fucking pain, it doesn’t feel right. I cannot believe my sensible side, the rational part of me has convinced the monster within that leaving her here is for the best.

  I slam the door shut after I storm through it and hear the locking bolts click into place, making my blood boil again. Thinking of what I interrupted, of what they could have been doing when I arrived is making me reconsider leaving. I want nothing more than to go back in there and beat him to death.

  I get to Sonny’s jeep and climb inside the passenger seat expelling air and frustrated energy, “FUCK!” I roar at them.

  “I was convinced she’d be there,” says Flo who refused to tell Sonny and I where we might find her unless we brought her along.

  “She was there,” I reply rubbing my palms roughly over my face.

  “What? Well why are you back here then?” she asks me. I spin around sharply and give her a glare that would make most men quake in their boots, but Flo.... no, she co
ntinues to stare back at me puzzled.

  Sonny starts sniggering in the seat beside me, “The big guy got blown out of the water.”

  “Shut the fuck up Sonny.”

  “Fucking hell, she did. She really has dumped your ass,” he shouts breaking in to a full blown fit of laughter. “Is this where I get to say, I told you so? Because I have to admit it’s worth it just to see the look on your face.”

  “Sonny that’s not nice or important right now,” Flo berates him, “How was she? I mean she must have so many questions after this afternoon.”

  “Trust me, she was way too busy with other activities to be thinking about this afternoon’s news,” I mumble.

  “No fucking way, she wasn’t?” chuckles Sonny, catching on immediately.

  “Let’s just say I think we got there at the right time.”

  Sonny shakes his head and starts the engine, whilst Flo looks at the floor in prudish embarrassment.

  “We’ll check into the motel down the road and try again in the morning,” Sonny suggests, still suitably amused at the nights proceedings.

  My cell phone starts ringing and the on screen display tells me it’s Jonas, “Hey man,” I answer.

  “OK. 5652 Sunnyside buildings is a listed business property and registered as part of Paul Groves’ financial holdings.”


  “Weirdly, it’s got a residential care licence approved against the whole building.”

  “Residential care?” I query.

  “Yeah, although like me, I assume you’re now thinking about old people?”

  “Well... yeah.”

  “Well don’t, think kids. The manager in charge and main resident is Mrs Annie Fray. Aged 62.”

  “So no listing for this Carter Groves.”

  “Not at that address right now, no. A different search has however brought up something against that name.”


  “A birth certificate. A Mr Carter Groves was born in Thornton General Hospital six years ago.”

  “I don’t understand and its late man, what the fuck are you telling me?”

  “Carter Groves, son of Sophie Fray, aged twenty two and the father is listed as...” I know before he even tells me, “... Mr Paul Groves.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  “Exactly, it seems that Lottie has a half brother. It gets better, Sophie Fray has also popped up on the radar too. It would seem she’s the Jane Doe Lottie found bleeding out on her doorstep.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I know mate, I’ll see if I can dig anything else up, but I’m thinking you got some serious situation handling in your future. Later.” Jonas clicks off the phone at his end and after what feels like an eternity, I lower my own cell phone from my ear.

  I can hear both Sonny and Flo asking what’s wrong, but I can’t get the words out.

  Lottie’s dad had a kid.

  Lottie has a brother she doesn’t know anything about and just like Lottie, that kid is also now an orphan.

  How the fucking hell am I going to break this to her?

  Scratch that.

  How the fucking hell am I going to tell her without it completely breaking her apart and why has her dad left me in charge of this kids finances?

  Chapter Eleven

  Rick and I did not pick up where we left off last night.

  Rick and I did have an uncomfortable conversation about my friendship with Oli and whether I was another friend like the others he’s had at the spa.

  For the second time that night and much to her annoyance, Sally had to come downstairs and break up an argument. I don’t even know why I was arguing with him. It’s not like Oli and I are actually anything and for that matter, neither are me and Rick. I’m most definitely a single woman and free to do as I please.

  Rick had already left for his shift at the spa when I came to leave. I gave Sally a hug and thanked her for offering me an escape, before breaking into an apology about her disrupted night. Sally was fine, although did say that getting involved with her son whilst my life was in turmoil was probably something I didn’t need. She was right, so I left things open and told her I’d be in touch and hoped to see her soon. I may not be emotionally available, but I am selfish enough to want to keep them in my life as friends. They were people I could be myself around, they were in short supply and I needed as many of those as possible.

  When I finally made it to my car, Oli was there leaning up against it. I had no idea how long he’d been there, but it was clear he wasn’t going to be pushed aside again like he was last night. There were times I could remember dreaming about him being this persistent in my life, but things have changed and I feel like I can barely tolerate him. “Someone should explain how hints work. Last night was me hinting that I don’t need you and don’t want pretend things in my life anymore.” I snap, placing my overnight bag in the trunk of my car.

  I see Oli shake his head and draw in a lungful of oxygen, “I’m not here for that. I’m here for you and as much as you might want to pretend you’re OK after yesterday, I know better.”

  Part of this is right. I’m not OK, but I’m not pretending either, I’m distracted and drawing on inner strength to deal with the bucket of crap my life has become. “Thanks for your concern, I’ll be fine. Wait... where’s your Escalade?”

  “I don’t have it. You’re taking me home.”

  Hours... in a car with him... Shit, no. “I don’t think so Oli, train station or bus station? Pick your preference and I’ll drop you off.”

  He starts laughing, “Nice try,” and walks towards me. “I meant it when I said I needed to talk Lottie and it seems a few hours in a car will give us that chance.”

  Rage takes over me, “Nothing to talk about,” I scream, “We’re done.”

  Oli grabs my arms to stop my tirade, “I know that’s over, but we need to talk about the will.” He’s breathing heavily, hoping to find some kind of divine intervention when he looks straight into my eyes and says, “It’s fucking important Lottie.”

  I concede, but only because I don’t know how to get rid of him right now.

  “Keys, Lottie.”

  “No. I’m driving.”

  “I don’t think so, if I’m in a car it isn’t as a passenger. Keys,” he repeats and I slap them in his palm with all my strength and then stomp to the passenger seat grumbling about him being an ass hole. The more annoyed I get, the more he seems to find it hilarious. Well if he wants to talk, he needs to make the first move.

  A little bit later I feel the car pull to a stop and realize we’ve stopped in the same spot I did yesterday. Across the road from Carter Groves’ building. “What are we doing here?”

  “Talking,” he says gently.

  “Do you know him? Carter Groves?”

  “No Lottie and before we get into the trust fund thing, I have no idea why your dad involved me either.”

  “I don’t understand. I’m...” I stop talking, afraid to voice my thoughts. He doesn’t deserve to hear all of my turmoil and inner feelings. Oli Hart hasn’t earned that level of respect with me and if anyone should know about feelings being a weakness, it’s him.

  “You’re what?”

  “I’m... How? How can there be another Groves that I don’t know about?” Before Oli can supply me with the answer, the door to 5652 Sunnyside Buildings opens and the same older woman in an apron comes out followed by two teenage boys. She ruffles their hair and they, in turn, take her in their arms, hugging her affectionately.

  “That lady, may or may not be Mrs Annie Fray. She’s the listed building manager and primary carer for Sunnyside.”

  I flip my head from looking at her, to looking at him. He knows who she is. “What! You said you didn’t know.”

  “I don’t. I got Jonas to do his secret squirrel stuff.”

  The woman is real, there is someone associated to that building with all the answers and she’s real. Fear of the unknown is replaced by curiosity and before Oli can stop
me, I’m out of the car, dodging other cars, to get to her before she goes inside.

  “Lottie! Fuck, Wait,” I hear him shout from the car as his attempts to cross the road have not been as successful as mine.

  “Excuse me, “I shout, just as she’s retreating back through the door. “Excuse me, Mrs Fray? Mrs Annie Fray?” The older woman turns round and goes wide eyed when she spots me. “Could I talk to you Mrs Fray?”

  “Lottie, seriously, we need to leave and come back,” I hear from behind me, as he finally catches up with me.

  “It’s you,” she whispers, “You’re so pretty and look just like him.”

  “Sorry, I look just like who?”

  “Lottie, I mean it, let’s go,” Oli warns.

  “No,” I snap, “Someone needs me to tell me what’s going on. Right now.” As I finish my sentence a small boy hits the back of Annie Fray’s legs.

  Those eyes, their mine.

  That hair color, that’s mine too.

  But the face, the face is different yet familiar. It’s my dad’s, only it’s looking back at me from the face of a small boy who looks about five.

  “Carter honey, look. I told you she’d come and visit us soon. Say hello to Charlotte. This is your big sister.”



  I firmly believe that if I hadn’t got hold of Lottie or been stood directly behind her, I would have been picking her up off the fucking floor. This has not gone how I expected. What on earth was I thinking bringing her here?

  Lottie’s face is pale, but her exterior is pure Groves. Class, manners and reputation. If it wasn’t for the shaking hands I keep catching a glimpse of, then I’d be as fooled as Annie is right now.

  “Please come in. You’ll have to excuse the mess I’m just finishing the lunch sitting and things are still a bit hectic. The children have been a brilliant help since I lost my Sophie, but they’re still just kids. A simple task like washing dishes isn’t fun for them and they leave me with just as much mess,” she chuckles. The boy has got a firm grip on the bottom of her apron with one hand and a naked GI Joe in the other.


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