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Fated Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 3)

Page 16

by Victoria Johns

  Fuck, no. Time for my next call.

  “Oli, how goes the reuniting of loves young dream?” Sonny jokes on answering.

  “Good, I’ve convinced her I’m not a total twat.”

  “Jesus Christ, Chris owes me money. I’m calling in my winnings, I fucking won!”

  “Shut up fucker, I’ve got a serious question. How did you or your mom cope when your sisters went away to college? I think Lottie is going to struggle to be away from Carter.”

  “Skype dumbass.”

  “Excellent, now that, I can make happen.”

  “Any update I can give Flo and the girls on how the missing member of the mischief makers is getting on?”

  “She’s fine, hopefully she’ll be home in the next couple of days.”

  Sonny starts laughing down the phone line to me, “That won’t be good enough.”

  “Tough shit, I’m outta here, later man.” I say laughing just as hard, ending the call, relishing the interrogation I’ve just handed him for providing piss useless information.

  The last thing I do before I head for a shower is simple, I search for the nearest shopping mall on my laptop and make plans to get there when it opens. I can’t wait to see the surprise on Lottie’s face.

  Chapter Twenty

  I got up early to call the sheriff and confirm I’d be heading back into town within the week. He didn’t need me for things to proceed, but it was a matter of courtesy apparently, to keep the princess informed when members of the town’s royalty had possibly been murdered.

  This meant I had to make as much of my time with Carter and Annie as possible, because I knew I had to go back and leaving them was going to rip me apart. I was struggling to understand how I could split my time between my home and my new family, I loved being able to say that, my family.

  A big worry on my mind was Oli, how could I make this work if I was going to be away as much as I felt I needed to be? My head pounded and my heart hurt just thinking that I’d finally got my chance with him and I may have to give it up. Actually, in real honesty, fucking pass him by for the sake of building a relationship with my brother.

  Carter had been at Kindergarten all day and Annie was seriously busy and I mean permanently on the go. I made myself busy doing the laundry with Lacey who I was learning was a good, dependable young woman in the making. She had a heart felt story and had been with Annie for a few years, kind of an unofficial fostering. Lacey’s parents were drug addicts, clean for a bit and messed up for the rest. Somewhere in that cycle Sophie had found her dumpster diving for food at the spa and brought her home. After a few attempts of her going back home, it clearly wasn’t working and a much younger Lacey found herself knocking on Annie’s door more often than not. During a clean spell off the drugs, Annie managed to get her parents to agree to Lacey staying at Sunnyside. It worked because her parents knew where she was, she was safe and Lacey still had a relationship with them when she felt inclined to. There was no pressure and above all else she got the love and attention she needed at the Fray’s. “What are you going to do with your life Lacey? You’re a bright, beautiful girl,” I asked being nosey, she was the closest of them all to Carter and Annie and I needed to make sure I had her in my corner.

  “I’m going to take qualifications in social care when I graduate and help Annie. She tires easily these days and isn’t getting any younger.”

  Her answer shocked and impressed me, “That’s a great idea, you’re fab with the kids, is everything OK with Annie?”

  “I think so, she’s tired, she doesn’t always ask for the help she needs and with Sophie gone and being Carter’s guardian, I don’t see how things will get any easier as she gets older. It was always her plan to slow down and hand stuff over to Sophie, she only used to work at the spa to earn a bit of extra cash and well… meet your dad. Unfortunately that’s no longer an option.”

  Shit. I didn’t know this, I’ve been here all this time and not taken any time to get to really understand the effort that goes into this place behind the scenes. It’s more than just looking after the kids, cooking and playing with them, it’s a huge business operation that can’t run itself.

  “Please don’t tell her I told you Lottie, she really worries about Carter and the rest of us. I just think it’s time someone started to think about her.”

  “You’re absolutely right.

  I couldn’t pin Annie down that afternoon and before I knew it, I was running out of time to get ready for my first official date with Oli. I was nervous and I shouldn’t have been, we’d known each other forever and for God’s sake, we’d had sex! I hadn’t brought any Lottie style outfits with me, so I nipped to one of the boutiques across the road and bought a 1950’s style rocker dress, perfect if we went for a walk in the park and a little bit special for a restaurant.

  The knock at the door an hour later was opened enthusiastically by Carter, “Whoa, what’s with all the boxes?” he shouted.

  “I’ve got a little something for you pal,” Oli replied with Carter jumping up at his side like a welcome home pet. He was beside himself with excitement because boxed meant surprises. I followed them both as Carter dragged Oli into the family room at top speed and at this point I was just as intrigued as him.

  “OK buddy, listen up, at some point over the next couple of days Lottie needs to head home to Hawkstown.”

  I was not expecting that to be his opening line, what the fuck! I’d had no time to prepare him or Annie for this. Carter looked distraught at this news and I was on the verge of losing my shit and promising him the earth just to put that beautiful smile back on his face.

  “I know little guy, but she’ll be back, I’ll be back too, but until we can sort out the details I’ve had an idea, I know Lottie doesn’t want to be away from you either, but she needs to do some really important things with your dad’s house and businesses.” Carter’s chin starts to wobble and the vice like grip he’s got on GI Joe is intense, I began taking deep breaths and staring at the wall trying to get through it, “Stick with me baby,” I hear him whisper to me and then he starts to open the boxes.

  “OK. You know what this is Carter?”

  “Duh, it’s a laptop.”

  “I see there’s no out smarting you kiddo, OK then, all you have to do is open it up, press this button and then type your name in that box. Can you do that for me?” Even though he’s only six, modern education means he’s clearly tech savvy, proudly Carter types his name and waits for the magic to happen. Oli then climbed off the bed, opened the door and shouted, “Now,” within thirty seconds the laptop balanced on Carter’s knees began to ring.

  “Hit that answer button there little guy,” Oli prompted and as soon as he did, it stopped ringing and a video screen filled with Annie’s chin and chest appeared.

  “Hello, this is Annie in the kitchen,” she shouted loud and proud, clearly not understanding that she didn’t need to shout because she was three inches from the built in microphone.

  “Granny! Where is your face and what are you doing?” His face was priceless and it was clear he was amazed that this magic was really happening.

  “I’m skyping young man. Isn’t it marvelous? I’m going to go, but first…,” Annie paused and stepped out of the way as Lacey appeared in the screen, “Dude, get a load of this,” she shouted and started pulling stupid faces, causing Carter to giggle and pull his own facial features into crazy positions.

  “OK Carter, you can practice skyping later, but for now, click on that button so we can finish our talk.” Carter did as he was asked, and Oli continued, “This is here for when you want to see Lottie, or for when you want to see or talk to me. You can call us every night if you want and say goodnight and Lottie will be able to hear all about the trouble you and GI Joe have caused.”


  “Sure thing. When we need a guy chat, just click on my face, it’ll call me and I’ll answer.”

  “Brilliant!” Carter seems a lot more at ease with me leavin
g, I can’t believe Oli has done this for us.

  “I know it won’t be the same as actually seeing Lottie, but it will help until she can visit again.” I can’t believe he went away and came up with a solution to make something I was dreading, easier on both of us. “Just a couple more surprises and then I’m going to take your sister out for dinner, we’re going on a date,” he whispers.

  “A date with a girl, gross!”

  “You move the mouse and click on this button and you can watch any Disney movie you want and to do that you’ll probably need these,” Oli hands him a pair of headphones and shows him how to plug them in. “You click on this here and you can read a book or listen to a story and this button here is really special. If you’re feeling sad or lonely and even calling Lottie or me isn’t helping make you feel better, you just click on this button and let it work it’s magic.”

  Carter becomes really eager, mentioning magic is like teasing a kid with candy, “Can I do it now?”

  “Be careful though, it’s powerful stuff,” Oli warns in a whisper and Carter takes a deep breath and double clicks the mouse pointer. His eyes go wide and he looks back at Oli and then at me and then becomes glued to the laptop screen. Unable to resist any longer, I lean in for a peek to see a slideshow moving across the screen. Photos of Carter, his mom and my dad all flip and move in formation. There are shots of the three of them together, along with some pictures of me, shots of Annie and other kids from the home. Mainly though they are of Sophie, my dad and me. Carter is silent and in awe of everything he’s seeing and I’m barely retaining my composure watching him work through them. “I’ll leave you two for a moment and go check on Annie, she’s probably having a lie down after her stress Skype 101 lesson,” but before Oli can leave, Carter slides the laptop to one side and flings his arms round his legs.

  “Thanks Oli,” he whispers, with the kind of genuine thanks that can only be given by a child, seeing my brother wrestle with Oli’s thighs to give the biggest hug possible, causes my heart to stutter and threaten to explode. Watching Oli return that hug, finally does me in and I have to turn away to collect my emotions. After giving me a nod, he leaves me with Carter to do the easy bit of soaking up the pleasure of such an amazing gift, something that he knew would make the conversation I had to have and dreading, more bearable.

  “I’m sorry I have to go home, but this will mean we can still see one another and talk, are you Ok with that?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t want you to go, but I’m the man of the house and Joe and I will look after things.”

  “When I first met you, I wondered if you were a superhero, I wasn’t sure, but now I am. You are most definitely my hero because you’re so brave,” I whisper emotionally, kissing his forehead. “I’d best go on my date, I’ll pop by and tuck you in later.”

  “Lottie, you know if you’re sad and lonely you can Skype me too.”

  “You’ll be the first person I’ll call.” Carter seems pleased with my answer and I feel as if some of the weight I’ve been bearing has shifted. The thoughtfulness that Oli has shown me and my brother is a side of him I only dreamed I would ever get to know.

  One day I’ll make it up to him, but right now, the butterflies crashing inside my stomach nervously remind me it’s date time.

  Chapter Twenty One



  Well I thought it was a good idea, but clearly, what the fuck do I know. I think I have to be satisfied that Carter appreciated my efforts if nothing else and I should be pleased that I’ve made things easier for him when Lottie has to leave. When she came downstairs she didn’t look upset, she didn’t look… anything. I thought I was fucking helping, not overstepping some stupid boundary line she’d created that I didn’t know anything about.

  We left Sunnyside buildings without her really saying a pissing word and by that I mean, not a word to me. Even when Annie and Lacey were smiling about my brilliant idea, she was still distant. Lottie managed to get what appeared to be an unexcited, “Yeah,” out when they told us to have a nice time and then she dragged me out for our date.

  As soon as we got outside I tried to apply the brakes and figure out what the fuck was going on I was only going to get one shot at this date shit and fucking it up without understanding how or why was not acceptable, “Hey, slow down. What’s going on?”

  “We need to talk,” she wrestled out of her stony face.

  Stopping on the spot, I was dumbfounded, she couldn’t have changed her mind already, “OK, what’s the matter?”

  “Not… here, can we be late to our dinner reservation? I need to get some things off my… chest, out of my system.”

  “Shit, follow me.” Leading her back to my motel room was the best option for this, I wouldn’t get the truth out of her in a room at Annie’s the walls were too thin for an argument. No sooner had I closed the door and thrown the key card at the side board, did Lottie launch herself at me.

  I did not see that coming.

  I managed to get a hand to her ass as she threw her legs around my middle and latched her lips onto mine. When she started clawing her fingers through my hair I figured I should probably understand what the hell was going on. “Baby, slow down, what the fuck, I’m confused.”

  “Never has anyone done something so thoughtful and special for me,” she panted out between slavering my lips with more kisses.

  When was I going to learn that new Lottie was full of surprises and it seemed I did not have the first clue on how to read her, let alone understand what was going on in her pretty head. “So I did good?” I asked, unsure of well, everything and we still hadn’t moved from behind the door.

  “Oh you sure did and if I didn’t have a dinner date, I’d show you just how good.”

  I stopped her from kissing me and saw the seriousness in her words being confirmed by lusty large eye pupils. I then remembered that her pretty ass and tight pussy were resting just above my now very interested cock. “We can be late,” I smiled and threw her at the bed. Lottie backed away immediately until she was up against the headboard and wall and watched me stalk towards her. I was struggling with how to play this, I knew Lottie’s wild side would get in sync with me barking orders at her, but I also wanted to savor this moment and make it last, make it count towards a new beginning. Last time was fast and frenzied and we both deserved something more, my head was telling me one thing, but my cock was quickly overruling it.

  Fuck it, time to freestyle and see what she wants. “Take off the dress Lottie,” I began and heard her take a massive inhale of air. Without fucking hesitating she grabbed the hem of her dress by the bottom and whipped it up over her head. With that done, she shifted back to the headboard sitting in just a pair of silky French panties, at least I think that’s what they were, they were those useless floaty things that looked like stitched up tissue paper. “Take them off, they’re in my way.”

  She got to her knees and proceeded to push them down her thighs, leaving me drooling over her perky tits with hard nipples, just begging to be bitten and an almost clean shaven pussy.

  Nice, very nice.

  Lottie went to sit back down, but hell no, that wasn’t happening, “Stay kneeling, just like that,” she nervously puts a hand out to steady herself and get back in position. Never letting my eyes leave hers, I unbuttoned my shirt and shrugged it out and then slowly undid the belt, button and Zipper on my pants. I knew she wanted to watch what I was doing, but I maintained eye contact and forced the gaze of total control.

  “I’ve thought of something you can do to show me I did good,” I whisper to her, taking my painfully hard cock in my fist and letting my pants fall to the floor. Lottie began to breathe deeply and I could see her chest rising and falling quickly. I looked back in her eyes to check she wasn’t uncertain or nervous and satisfied myself that she wanted this and everything about her body was screaming pure want and desire. Stepping forward to the edge of the bed and murmuring, “Open that mouth baby,” was enough for
her to refocus and train her eyes on her mouth’s target, my cock. I was wrong if I thought she was just a timid girl, she was that and so much more. Lottie Groves was a girl who needed to feel safe enough to be set free to enjoy herself.

  I was going to give her that.

  I remained still at first, letting her set the pace, whilst restraining my need to slam my cock into the back of her throat. Clenching my teeth and breathing through my nose, I started to stroke down her face, neck and shoulders until my fingers reached her nipples where I pinched and teased them. I felt her groan around my dick and had to close my eyes in concentration to prevent me emptying my load in her mouth.

  “Shit Lottie, you need to stop, right now,” I plead, but she carries on and ignores me. Making a snap decision to get her attention, I grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her relentless mouth off me, with a pop. Looking down at her to see her lips swollen, cheeks flushed and chin covered in saliva cements my opinion of her, she likes to play, she wants to play rough and this is the real Lottie that she’s been trying to find.

  Leaning down and ramming my tongue in her mouth, I devour her completely because I’m still controlling her movements by a fistful of hair, “Baby, I’m gonna fuck you now. I’ll try and take my time but I can’t promise it. Seeing you like this is overwhelming me and the biggest fucking turn on I’ve ever seen, lie back for me.” Once again she complies and before my body takes over and rams itself in her, I give her clit a swipe with my tongue mumbling, “I’d fucking suck you dry if I wasn’t so desperate to put my cock in you.”

  Unable to wait any longer, I hear Lottie whisper, “Please fuck me,” and it was the green light I needed. My cock, still wet from her exquisite blow job, was welcomed by her pussy with no argument and once there I began to pump slowly while teasing her with my fingers. I am absolutely determined to make this last, I want to watch her cum and see how her body reacts, what her face looks like.

  After a few minutes she begins breathing heavy and thrashing round the bed, I inwardly curse, she’s making this hard and I’m on the verge of losing it again because the sight of her pinching her own nipples starts to challenge my determination. I can feel her insides start to contract and suck my dick in deeper, with her orgasm in full flow, I set about taking my turn.


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