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Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Love, K. J.

  I’m a nervous wreck. My hands are shaking and my palms are sweaty. I have this large lump in my throat that just won’t go away. I’m feeling, a mixture of excitement and fear. Excited to see him again and the fear of not only being caught, but of also being alone with him. My emotions are all over the place. How can one person make you feel so many different things?

  “This is what we are going to do. One of the downstairs bathroom windows is at ground level. It’s easy to get in and out of. Don’t ask me how I know this.”

  Well, that was exactly what was getting ready to come out of my mouth, but seeing as I would have a hard time speaking anyway, I choose to remain quiet and listen to her.

  “I’m not going to wait up for you, so I’ll leave the window unlocked. That way, when you come back you can get back in by yourself.”

  All I can do is shake my head. I need some water but I don’t dare go out of the room and risk waking anyone up.

  “Okay. Are you ready?”

  I swallow hard and shake my head yes. I’ve changed into jean shorts and a bright pink V-neck baby doll T-shirt with some flip flops. My hair is curled into soft curls. It’s gathered and partially held up with a barrette. I didn’t think a dress would be a good choice since I’m crawling in and out of a window. I roll my eyes at myself. This is such a romantic first date, don’t you think?

  “What are you rolling your eyes at?” Tessa asks, looking at me strangely.

  I shake my head and laugh. “Nothing. I was just thinking this is so romantic.”

  “I know. I think it’s great!”

  I look at her like she has lost her mind. “Tessa, this is so far from romantic. I was being sarcastic.”

  “Well, I think it’s romantic.”

  “Okay. Whatever. Can we go? I’m sure he is getting impatient.”

  “Girl, by the way he looks at you, I’d be willing to bet he’d wait all night for you.”

  At that thought, I can't help but smile. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up, but I really hope he does like me.

  “Whatever you say. Just go before I chicken out and decide sneaking out to meet him is the worst idea I’ve ever had.”

  She slowly opens, her bedroom door and the house is dark. We make our way down the stairs. We have to stop a few times because some of the stairs creak when we step on them. Tessa turns around and puts her finger up to her lips. Yeah, like I’m going to make any noise. I motion to her by raising my arm and hand up to sign that I need a drink. My mouth is so dry I can barely swallow. She gives me a look that says, “Really?” I shrug and shake my head yes.

  When we get to the bottom step she motions that she is going to the kitchen and for me to continue to the bathroom and wait. I go into the small bathroom that you can barely turn around in. It’s a half bath which means it only has a toilet and a sink. Then I see the small window.

  She has got to be kidding. She expects me to crawl through that window. The thing is placed high on the wall almost to the ceiling and it’s not very big. It is level with the ground outside the window, but I’m going to have to figure out how to climb up to the window to get out. There’s nothing in here to stand on.

  I jump at the sound of the bathroom door opening. I slap Tessa as soon as she gets close enough to me.

  “What the crap?” She asks.

  “You scared me!” I shout, whisper. “May I ask, how do you expect me to get up to that window to crawl out?”

  “I’m going to lift you.”

  What! I’m going to break my neck and then we are going to have to explain why I was trying to crawl out the window.

  “This isn’t going to work.” I shake my head and look at her and then at the window. She hands me a glass of water. “Thank you.”

  “It will work. Just trust me.”

  Trust her, she says. Getting back in will be easy. I can just fall back in and hope I don’t break something or make a bunch of noise to wake everyone up. I drink the water and hand the glass back to her.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” I take a deep breath and let it out.

  Tessa walks over to me. She kneels down in front of the window and cups her hands and holds them down low with the palms up. I widen my eyes and look at her. She looks up at me and nods her head toward her hands. Looking at the window again, I decide to go for it. Placing my foot in her hands, I reach up to grab the window sill with both hands. Pulling myself up at the same time that Tessa pushes me up, I try to balance myself while unlocking the window. Trying to hold on with one hand, I use the other to attempt to push the window up and open. It doesn’t budge.

  “It’s not coming open.” I grunt and look down at Tessa.

  “It will. It hasn’t been opened in a long time. Try it again.”

  Letting out a frustrated breath, I turn back toward the window. Losing my balance, causing me to fall, I catch myself just before I crash to the floor. Unable to help it, I'm laughing and Tessa is shushing me like crazy. This is so stupid.

  Looking back up at the window, I did get it cracked open a little. At least it should be easier this time. We repeat the whole process and this time I get the window completely open. I’m partially out the window when Tessa bends down and places my feet on her shoulders and helps to boost me the rest of the way out.

  I crawl out onto the ground and turn to lean back in the window. Tessa is looking up at me.

  “Have fun. I’ll place some pillows, down here for you so you won’t get hurt coming back in. Be careful.”

  I shake my head yes. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go before he leaves.”

  I smile. “I thought you said he’d wait all night.”

  “Just go.” She says, laughing.

  Lowering the window down, I turn to face the street. Seeing his truck, I smile because he's still there. The anxious feeling in my gut is even worse now. I’m actually shaking. Should I do this? Maybe I should just crawl back into the window and forget it. Somebody is going to get hurt no matter what I do. I look back at the window and Tessa is gone. We discussed this and I decided this is what I wanted and I’m not going to back out now. Slowly, I make my way toward the red truck. I can see him now. His dark hair messy and sexy in that just got out of bed way. Just seeing him from afar reminds me why I decided to do this.



  Following Kayla and Tessa back to Tessa's moms, I drove around a few times before I came back and parked. Looking around, I've been sitting here for a while. My eyes keep going toward the house, waiting anxiously for her to come out. By not knowing how she's getting out, I don't know which direction she'll be coming from.

  I turn the ignition on and turn the radio down. As I listen, I hear the words to Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now by Jefferson Starship. I think how ironic. It’s an older song, however, the words hit close to home.

  Lookin' in your eyes… I see a paradise…. This world that I found…. Is too good to be true

  That’s exactly how I feel. God, let it be real.

  I'm so glad I found you…. I'm not gonna lose you…. Whatever it takes…. I will stay here with you….

  I’m lost in the song when I look up and see this beautiful girl walking toward my truck. She takes my breath away as she walks into the glow of the street light. She’s changed her clothes and is wearing jean shorts and a pink top that compliments her skin perfectly. She is glowing.

  Jumping out of the truck, I run around to open the door for her. Needing to touch her in some way, I reach up and touch her face, then gently kiss her cheek. She blushes and lowers her head. No matter how many times she does it, I'll never get tired of seeing her blush. Holding my hand out, I help her into the truck.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She raises her eyes to meet mine and it’s like a jolt straight to my heart. I compose myself as she says, “Thank you.”

  Closing her door, I run around to climb into the driver's seat. “I’m so glad you agreed to this. I thought we’d
go to that dance club I was telling you about last night.”

  She bites her lip and gets a concerned look on her face. I can’t figure out if she is wishing she hadn’t decided to come or if she doesn’t want to go to the club.

  “What’s wrong? If you don’t want to go we don’t have to.”

  Honestly, I don't care where we go, I just want to be with her. Starting the truck, I'm hoping like crazy that she doesn't change her mind and want to go back to the house.

  “How old do you have to be to get into the club?”

  Damn. Why hadn’t I thought of that? She’s right. We can’t go to the club. She isn’t actually eighteen yet.

  “You have to be eighteen. That’s okay. We can do something else.” I’m thinking hard. There’s not a lot to do after midnight unless you’re in a club. I know one place we can go and be alone.

  “I have an idea, although I need to make a stop first.” She nods her head and I turn the truck to go in the direction of my cousin’s girlfriend’s place. Thankfully, it’s not far.

  I pull up to the apartment. “Sit tight and I’ll be right back. Lock the doors and don’t open them until I get back.” She looks worried. I need to put her at ease. “I’m just going up to this apartment to talk to my cousin. It won’t take but a minute and this is a very safe place. I would just feel better if you lock the doors. There’s nothing to worry about.” Her face relaxes and she shakes her head yes. I wait for her to lock the doors before I walk away from the truck.

  She’s not talking at all and that has me worried. I knock on the door and look back over my shoulder at the truck. Scott comes to the door.

  “What are you doing here, Blake?”

  Chapter 11Blake

  “Scott, I need a favor. I was wondering if you’re staying with Bridgette tonight.”

  “Yeah, I always do on the weekends. You know that.”

  “Well, I’ve got this girl I was going to take to the club, but turns out she isn’t old enough to get in. I was hoping I could get your key to your apartment. She snuck out and I’m not really ready to take her back home.”

  “I’ll give you my key Blake, but do you know what you’re doing?”

  Do I? Yes, I do. “I know exactly what I’m doing.” I don’t have anything planned I just want to spend as much time with her as possible.


  He walks back into the apartment, leaving the door open. I hear him talking to Bridgette. He comes back with his key and hands it to me.

  “Good luck man. I hope you’re right about this.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not like that man. She’s different.”

  He gives me a look like he doesn’t believe me. Am I really that bad? Why does everyone keep giving me that look where this girl is concerned?

  “Bye, Blake.”

  He closes the door. I turn and walk back to the truck. I hope she doesn’t freak out about this. When I get up to the truck she unlocks the doors and I get in.

  I ask. “Are you okay?” She looks at me as if she is trying to figure out what I am up to.

  “I’m fine. Did you find what you were looking for?”

  Thinking about that question before I answer, it was a loaded question. Letting my eyes scan her face, I cover every inch. Committing it to memory.

  “I found so much more than what I was looking for.”

  Letting my words sink in, I start the truck and head to my cousin's apartment. I’m hoping that he hasn’t left it a mess. Bridgette is pretty good about cleaning it for him. So hopefully it won’t be too bad.

  After I pull into the apartment complex, I park and turn to face her. She’s looking around trying to figure out where we are. “My cousin has an apartment here. I thought we could go in and talk for a while. If you don’t want to, that is fine too. We can sit in the truck, it doesn’t matter to me. I will even take you back to Tessa’s mom’s house if that is what you want.”

  She takes a deep breath and looks around and then she reaches out and touches my hand. I take in a breath and try to smile at her. The contact is too much. It’s that electrical current that is always flowing between us. It’s an unsettling feeling, yet somehow, it’s like coming home. When the two of us are together nothing else matters, everything is right in the world.

  “Blake, I want to spend time with you. I don’t care where we are.”

  I smile; a smile that I know has to look goofy. It doesn’t matter though, because she just made me so happy. I walk around and open her door.

  “I can’t promise you it won’t be a mess.” She laughs.

  “Really. It’s okay.”

  We go in and I tell her to have a seat on the couch. “Do you want something to drink? He usually has soft drinks and beer.”

  “A soft drink is fine.”

  Even though I know she said she wants to be here, I can tell she is nervous. I grab two can drinks and go back to sit next to her.

  “Thank you.”

  She takes the drink and takes a few sips. This feels really awkward. I have to figure out how to get both of us to relax. “You want to listen to some music?”

  “That would be great.”

  She’s smiling so she likes music. Another thing that is good to know. I turn the radio on and turn it down low, just to give us some background music. I sit down next to her again.

  “So tell me some things about yourself.” I’m hoping to learn as much about her as I can.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything.” Absolutely everything. “Anything you are willing to share with me.”

  “Okay. Let’s see. I love music.” She smiles.

  “I kinda figured that one out.” I laugh and she laughs with me.

  Okay, things are getting better. I reach up and move a piece of hair out of her eyes that always seems to fall out of her barrettes. She’s startled by the contact but then leans into my hand.

  “I love to sing. I was adopted, but my parents split up. That’s a long story that I’m still trying to figure out myself. My grandparents raised me. I’m now living with Tessa and her dad and step-mom.”

  Wow! I wasn’t expecting that. “So you don’t live with either of your parents or your grandparents?”

  “No. Long story for another time. I love English and poetry and writing. I’m big on romance novels. I’m a hopeless romantic.”

  All great information to know. She reads romance novels, which probably means I will need to step up my game for sure.

  “What about you? Tell me about yourself. Who is Blake McGinnis?”

  I laugh. “Nobody special. I assure you.” Normally, I love to talk about myself, but I’d rather hear about her right now.

  “That’s not fair. If I have to share, so do you.”

  Smirking at her, I roll my eyes, which makes her giggle. Girls that giggle always grated on my nerves, but that was so sweet. She is different.

  “I work for a construction company. I’m working my way up. I love to build things with my hands. It’s such a great feeling when a home is finished and you can see all the hard work you have put into it.”

  She raises her eyebrows that seemed to impress her. Good. I want to do that more.

  “That’s your career. What about for fun?”

  “I play softball with my church. I was hoping you’d come and see me play while you’re here.”

  She reaches out and touches my arm. She looks excited. Her face is beaming.

  “I’d love to come and watch you. That’s exciting. What position do you play?”

  Okay. That’s a little more excitement than I thought she’d have. “I play shortstop and second base. It just depends.”

  “I can’t wait to see you play. I just can’t stop this feeling of wanting to spend every minute I can with you. It scares me and I’m afraid of getting hurt, but I just can’t seem to help myself.”

  I know exactly how she feels. “I feel the same way Kayla. It is crazy, isn’t it? You are all I’ve been able to think
about since I first saw you.”

  Her eyes lower to my lips, I lick them and I see her swallow hard. She wants me to kiss her. Do I risk it? That’s not why I brought her here. It could be really hard to control this.



  The air in the room has changed. Just us admitting to each other that we both have these feelings, which we can’t explain, but know that they are strong. It has changed this casual get to know each other talk, into something much more passionate. I swallow and wait for what she is about to say.

  “I really want you to kiss me now.”

  Closing my eyes, I thank my lucky stars for this moment. Leaning in, I gently kiss her lips. Running my hands around to the back of her and up to the base of her head, I hold her lips close to mine. Deciding to take my cues from her, I wait for her to give me the go ahead. There's no way I'm going to mess this up. She opens her mouth and I take that as a go ahead to continue. I’m not sure it’s the best idea, but I can’t help myself and she obviously feels the same way.

  I’m lost in the feel of her hands, that are now in my hair and the way her soft lips are pressed against mine. It’s sending chills through my body. Knowing this was going too far, I need to stop this. The feelings I have for Kayla are far beyond curiosity and pushing into unknown territory, I couldn't let this continue. As I pull back to try and break the kiss, she moans in protest, pulling me closer. Bringing her onto my lap, I cradle her to my chest, gently rubbing her hair.

  “Kayla, baby, we really should stop. If we continue this, I think it’s going to be hard for either one of us to stop it.”

  “Blake, I’ve never felt like this before. I leave in less than a week.”

  She stops and I can feel her slightly tremble. I hold her tighter. Then she speaks again.

  “My feelings for you are too strong to ignore and not having them again scares me more than giving in to them.”

  I understand what she is saying and I’d be lying if I said I don’t want the same thing. “Baby, are you sure about this? This isn’t why we are here. I never would have dreamed of bringing…”


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