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Deadly Secrets (Forever and a Night Book 3)

Page 25

by Lana Campbell

  It amazed her that he didn’t even have to touch her intimately to make her come. Through the life mate bond they shared—a psychic connection which allowed each to experience the other’s emotions and feelings at once—the oddly natural and visceral act of drinking from one another became sex, as potent, raw, and powerful as the real thing.

  But he definitely had more physical ideas in store for her. He flipped up her pink baby-doll nightie and went to suckling her breasts. One, then the other, back and forth intermittently pinching a nipple with his fingers until Chelsie verged on exploding.

  “Asa, please,” she murmured then began massaging his firm butt cheeks.

  He got the message loud and clear, positioned himself at her center, and entered her in one swift thrust.

  Chelsie gasped with pleasure at the sweet invasion and arched her hips upward to eagerly meet each delicious stroke. She wove her fingers in his hair and pulled gently until he got the message and began to kiss her wildly. She couldn’t get enough. She never wanted to stop kissing this gorgeous man. She couldn’t get enough of lovemaking. She couldn’t get enough of him!

  Their combined cresting came on so fast, it took her breath away. What made it beyond wonderful was feeling Asa’s pleasure meshed with her own when their minds merged as one like this. Sometimes, it was so powerful they blacked out from the intensity. Chelsie began seeing sparkly dots before her eyes, and she knew this was going to be one of those times, because along with her own wild pleasure and heightened sensations, she could feel Asa’s heart thundering in tandem with hers. She could feel the muscles of his back ripple and tense as he came to the brink of climax. When it hit, feelings, emotions, all that they each were individually, wound together like tight strands of a thick rope, meaning nothing either experienced could be separate. It was as if it all happened to one being. Chelsie cried out as waves of their combined pleasure crashed into her soul with tsunami-like force.

  Her next conscious memory was waking to find her backside spooned against Asa’s front, and he nibbled on her neck—more specifically that sensitive spot right between the neck and shoulder. She shivered with delight and giggled. “That tickles, Asa.”

  He chuckled wickedly. “I know, but isn’t it a kick-ass way to stimulate you back into awareness?”

  He had a point. Chelsie sat up and smiled at him. “I love you, Asa.”

  “And I adore you, beautiful lady.” He reached up and caressed her cheek, his face alight with love, the same emotion fisted her heart.

  “What do you say we eat breakfast?”

  “Sounds good, as long as I can have you again for dessert.”

  Chelsie rolled her eyes. “You’re insatiable, you know it?”

  “You bring it out in me.” He cupped a hand behind her head and drew her in for another long, lusty kiss.

  Chelsie and Asa never got around to eating breakfast. They didn’t get around to sightseeing New Orleans either, because they never made it out of bed. Chelsie didn’t mind. God had blessed her with a man who couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Life was grand.

  Feral Desires

  If you enjoyed Deadly Secrets, you’re going to love Lana’s next book in the series. Coming in 2018: book four in the Forever and a Night series, Feral Desires. Read on for a sneak preview.

  Chapter 1

  Dr. Noah Langston was a recluse. Not by design as much as by habit. He had no one to blame but himself for this fact. As a busy OB/GYN for vampires, he’d made his practice his world, his God.

  His partner, Dr. Christian La Mond—also a vampire OB/GYN but happily life mated—couldn’t seem to understand his life was comfortable. Certainly, it would be nice to have a life mate. Noah was a two-hundred-sixty-three-year-old unmated vampire. He just assumed he’d been bypassed by God to find his one true mate. For years he’d searched, but as time passed, he’d simply given up. It would be nice if Christian and others who sought to set him up in vampire social situations would give it a rest and let him grow old peacefully.

  But tonight, he’d agreed to go Christian’s sister-in-law’s art gallery for a premier of her new works. So here he was at the famous Danielle Chauvenski’s art gallery, decked out in a pristine tux for the event, which Christian had promised would include a number of eligible vampire females. He’d never had much luck finding dates in situations such as this, but perhaps tonight would be a good distraction from the mundane lifestyle he led.

  The eggshell walls of Danielle Chauvenski’s gallery were lined with all sizes of her works, the colors of the paintings ranging from muted pastels in some, to brilliant, bold primary colors in others. All were very impressionistic. Not really his cup of tea. For the sake of politeness, maybe he’d fork over a sizable sum and purchase one of the pieces.

  The place was packed. Hundreds of people, all dressed in elegant evening attire, milled about the ostentatious room, talking, drinking, scanning the artist’s works. Servers filtered about the crowd bearing trays with glasses of wine and champagne, as well as various appetizers. He sniffed at a nearby one, which was being offered by a young server girl to an elderly couple. With his heightened sense of smell, he could tell it was some sort of shrimp pastry with cumin and cilantro. He felt his stomach rumble, then recalled he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. He approached the girl, who instantly extended her tray.

  As he chewed, he studied the members of the crowd, who were mostly human, but his kind’s most sensitive sense—smell—picked up on a number of vampires. Across the room, he spied Nathan and Mia Davenport talking to their daughter, Danielle, and her life mate, Dominic Chauvenski. Asa and his life mate, Chelsie, who both worked at their Denver V clinic, were with them. They smiled and waved as they made their way through the crowd toward him.

  Noah met them halfway and extended his hand to Asa, who instantly grabbed it and gave him one of his sturdy Texas handshakes.

  The big man’s emerald-green eyes flashed with merriment. “Christian told me you might be here tonight. Glad you came, but I’m a bit surprised to see you out for an evening of socializing.”

  “Well, Christian sort of twisted my arm. I’m surprised to see you both here. Did you fly in from Denver for this?”

  It was Chelsie who answered. “Yes. This event is huge for Dannie. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I don’t know how much you know about her, but after Kane was born, she didn’t paint for a while. These last couple of years, she’s been making up for lost time.”

  Noah nodded his understanding. He’d known Chelsie’s younger sister had another vampire child several years ago, because Christian was her OB. “How old is the boy now?”

  A young male server paused at their circle with a tray of champagne. Noah handed off two glasses to Asa and Chelsie, then grabbed one for himself. He took a sip. It was a nice, crisp brut. It had been awhile, but he suspected it to be Dom Perignon, given the Davenport fortune backing this event.

  Asa downed half his glass then said, “Kane’s ten. Can you believe it?”

  Noah’s eyes widened at that news. Time truly was escaping him. The birth of that child seemed so recent to him, he would have thought him still a toddler.

  His thoughts were interrupted when he scented Christian and his life mate, Tiffany. He turned his head, his gaze fixing on them as they made their way across the room to join their little gathering.

  Christian was grinning as he approached, looking as sharp as Asa in his own tux. The two men, like all males of their kind, were larger and taller than the average human. Asa was a bit taller than Christian. They looked similar. Both had rugged, tanned features and blond hair. Christian’s was long and tied back into a ponytail. Asa’s was short and styled in a very modern way. They even spoke in the same thick Texas drawl.

  Their life mates had gone all out for the event too. Chelsie’s dress was a sleeveless burgundy affair, Tiffany’s a full length teal one with skinny straps. She actually looked very nice. This was only the second or third time he’d seen her wearing some
thing besides jeans and cowboy boots.

  The sisters bore a striking resemblance: long auburn hair with gold highlights, amber eyes, and tanned features that were fetching.

  “So what do you think, Noah?” Christian asked then nodded at one of the paintings displayed on the wall not far from them. “See anything you like yet?”

  He turned and glanced around. “I haven’t even had time to look. You know I think her works are lovely, but I’m not so sure how one would fit in my home.”

  “Ah, yes,” Christian mused, tapping his chin. “Any of Dannie’s work would clash wildly with your Vlad the Impaler theme.” He shot his wife a wink and she started chuckling, as did Asa and Chelsie.

  He frowned at the lot of them but had nothing to retort because, sadly, his home was exceedingly dreary. His practice kept him so busy, he wasn’t there much to care.

  “Hey. I have an idea,” Chelsie began, smiling at her sister. “Maybe we should introduce Noah to Beth.”

  Beth? he wondered. Then it dawned on him as to whom they referred: their youngest sister, Elizabeth Davenport. But she was just a child.

  Christian obviously noticed his confusion and explained. “Elizabeth is an interior designer. A couple months ago she opened her own studio in her home.”

  Little Beth? That cute girl with raven locks, huge violet eyes, and a face like a little cherub had graduated college? Dear God, he had literally been living in a time warp. “I had no idea. The last time I saw the child was at Asa and Chelsie’s wedding.”

  Chelsie laughed. “Noah, that was before you started working here at the New York V clinic over twelve years ago. She grew up.”

  “Oh, there she is now!” Tiffany exclaimed, then began to wave.

  Noah followed her line of sight to the other side of the large gallery room, his gaze and scent riveting on the most breathtaking female of their kind he’d ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. She had hair the color of a raven’s wings, and it cascaded in perfect ringlets down her back, almost to her waist. A second later, he noticed her scent them. She turned her head and locked gazes with Tiffany, flashed a brilliant smile, then began to approach.

  It was little Elizabeth!

  Chelsie was right. She had definitely grown up, and she was breathtaking. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a red cocktail dress that hit her mid-thigh. The matching high heel sandals she wore had bands of red leather wrapped around her feet and fastened somehow around her ankles. She was very tall—and all legs. The little scrap of a dress she wore accentuated many of her other assets as well.

  Christian and Asa didn’t seem to notice the sight she made when she finally joined their group. Why would they? They were both mated, and she was their sister-in-law. However, most every other male in the place noticed her, and their gazes fastened on her with varying arrays of heated intrigue as she made her way across the room.

  “Hey, little sis. How’s it going?” Tiffany asked.

  “Wonderful, and what a turn out for Dannie, huh?” She began to greet the rest of her family members.

  Noah knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help himself. Her scent was absolutely riveting, spicy and floral, and it had nothing to do with her perfume, because each vampire had his or her own unique scent. Hers literally sang to him—a confounding fact because he was around females of their kind every day. However, rarely unmated ones.

  When introductions came around to him, Tiffany said, “This is Dr. Noah Langston. He’s Christian, Asa, and Chelsie’s partner.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Langston.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine. You’re welcome to call me Noah.”

  She beamed at him. “Noah then. I insist you call me Beth.”

  Chelsie said to Beth, “We were all just talking about Noah’s home needing some of your expertise. I know you’re still actively searching for clients.”

  “I wouldn’t mind at all. What did you have in mind?” She smiled sweetly at him.

  “I’m really not certain.”

  Christian huffed. “He needs an overhaul, Beth. I’ve only been there once, but I can tell you it makes a dungeon look inviting.”

  “I haven’t,” Tiffany said then added grinning wickedly, “but knowing Noah, he probably does have a dungeon there where he stores small children for his evening snacks.”

  He shot the life mated couple a thanks-a-lot look.

  Elizabeth giggled again. “Oh, it can’t be that bad. Shame on you guys. You’re giving Noah such a hard time. One’s home should be a retreat and a place of tranquility. Something I have a feeling you don’t get much of around my sister.” She shot Tiffany an impish grin. “She has a very wicked tongue.”

  Noah snorted. “Believe me, I know it’s razor-edged capabilities quite well.”

  Everyone laughed. Elizabeth replied coyly, “I’ll let you in on a little secret, Noah. She only gives people she likes a hard time.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Then God have mercy on anyone she doesn’t like.”

  Tiffany pursed her lips at him then said, “Yeah well, ‘like’ is a strong word, but Noah and I have an understanding.”

  “What’s that?” Beth asked.

  “I understand Noah is a stuck-up old codger with a bad English accent, and he understands that I understand that.” She chucked devilishly. The rest of them laughed as well.

  “Poor Noah. Are they always picking on you like this?” Beth asked in a sympathetic tone, her wide violet eyes blinking at him with both concern and mirth. Before he could answer, she stepped forward and looped her arm around his. “Let’s get you away from these meanies. Take a stroll with me and tell me about your place.”

  She was leading him away before anyone came up with a reply, and he was grateful for the reprieve. He was used to their teasing and knew none of them meant it in a harmful fashion. It was typical for mated ones of their kind to tease an unmated male.

  They hadn’t gone far when he scented an unfamiliar vampire male behind them. He instantly stopped and turned. He could tell the man was mated.

  Every vampire had a different scent, as did humans, but with mated vampires it was slightly different due to what occurred during the mating bond. The man was glaring at the two of them. Noah found it so offensive, he started to take a step toward him, but Elizabeth regained his arm and pulled him back.

  “That’s my bodyguard, Craig,” she explained. “He’s been with me since I was a teenager. He’s always trailing me, except when I’m in a family setting.”

  Noah sighed with relief and gave the man a knowing nod. Obviously, he hadn’t noticed him before because his attention had been riveted on her. Of course it made sense. She was the only biological daughter of real estate mogul Nathan Davenport. The vampire was famous for his wealth and was always on TV or featured in some newspaper or tabloid. How he kept what he was from the world, Noah didn’t know, but he obviously wanted to shield his daughter from nosy media, and other unsavory things that might disturb her. What better way to do it than hire a mature vampire to enchant away pesky people?

  They started walking again, and Elizabeth said, “Tell me about your home. The style, age, or just anything you’ve ever thought about doing with it.”

  Noah sighed. “Christian was right. It really is dungeon-like. I’m never there, nor have I had time to contemplate a remodel. It’s a three-story Queen Anne style.”

  “With a turret?” she asked, hope in her tone.


  “Excellent!” She bounced up on her tiptoes and managed to skip a couple steps.

  How she managed the moves in those high heels Noah didn’t know, but she certainly was a bundle of high energy and so full of youth. He envied her vivaciousness.

  “I can’t wait to see your place, Noah. It has to be magnificent.”

  “It’s anything but magnificent, Beth. When I bought it, the place needed much, and I just let time get away from me. Now I just think it needs a wrecking ball.”

p; She offered him a promising smile then said, “You are very much in luck, Noah. I have a deep love for restoring historical buildings. I would love to see your home, and I would never judge you for its disrepair. My job is to take a home from such a state and turn it into a place of one’s own style and beauty where a person can take reprieve from the world and find peace.”

  She was gazing at him in such a sweet, excited way, it made his heart lurch in his chest. He pulled on every emotional resource he had not to expose his attraction for her again. He’d never had such an intense physical reaction to a female of his kind as he had with this girl tonight. It must be loneliness talking. What could he possibly have in common with this child?

  “I hope I don’t seem like I’m pressing you to do this. I didn’t hear the first part of your conversation with Chelsie and the others about your home. If you have no interest—”

  “Oh, no, I do,” he quickly assured her, taking one of her hands in his. “But you’re right, I am a bit embarrassed about the state I’ve allowed the place to get into.”

  She nodded and squeezed his hand. “I suspected as much. No worries. Until I take a look at it, I can’t give you any time or price estimates, but I promise you I’ll work with you every step of the way to make it your dream home.”

  His house was truly dreary, and he’d needed this sort of restoration for some time now. Money was no object, and the way her pretty violet eyes shined with such hopefulness, he found it nearly impossible to tell her no.

  “I’d love for you to take a look at it, Elizabeth. At your convenience, of course.”

  Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Will one evening next week work for you?” She pulled a business card out of the little black evening bag she’d been clutching and handed it to him.

  “Next week will be fine.”

  “Awesome. Call me as soon as you can, and we’ll set up a time.”


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