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Pure Lust: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 30

by Parker, M. S.

  “And Mama has the perfect dress. It was her homecoming dress in high school. She’s still the same size eight she was back then. And after six kids. Do you believe that?” I let my drawl come through. “The dress is orange too, just like my wedding colors. Perfect for fall. Bright orange. The same orange the Volunteers wear.”

  As Claire stared at me blankly, I gave her a look of feigned surprise. “Tennessee. It’s the Volunteer State. You know that, right? Maybe we should put that on the programs.”

  Her pale face flushed with color.

  That did it. I watched as she pushed her chair back from the table, her hands curling over the edge as she stood up.

  I knew I should’ve felt bad, and I knew I still might after this was all over, but a girl could only handle so much.

  Her throat worked. I could almost hear the disgust layering her tone as she opened her mouth to lay into me.

  Before she could, the door flew open, bouncing off the wall with a clanging echo. All of us turned to stare as Cody came running in. His face was white, his eyes huge. He looked like he’d run for miles and the expression on his face had the bottom of my stomach dropping out.

  “Cody.” Claire flicked a dismissive look at him, brushing a hand through the air as if that would wipe away whatever had brought him here. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Please go.”

  I should sit down, I thought, only vaguely aware of anybody else at that point. I could only stare at Cody, waiting for the horrible news. Sit down…

  Except I was already sitting down, clutching at the arms of the chair.

  Estelle moved forward to put a hand on Claire’s arm as Cody took a deep breath.

  I covered my mouth with one hand to stifle the noise I could feel building in my throat. I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted to tell him to stop, to not say it. If he didn’t say it, it wouldn’t be real.

  “It’s Edward,” he said roughly. “Something’s happened.”

  Pure Lust Vol. 4

  Chapter 1

  Something’s happened.

  Something’s happened.

  Something’s happened...

  I kept hearing Cody’s words echoing in my head. Something. Such a mundane word. Something happened to people every day. We woke up. That was something, right? We went to work, had sex…all something.

  Why this something?

  And why to Edward?

  “Mrs. Bouvier, I’m going to have to insist that you sit down and be quiet before I have you removed from the premises,” a loud, commanding voice said, breaking the monotony of my thoughts.

  Cody groaned. “Why the hell did it have to be Edward who got taken hostage? He’s the only one who can talk her down. She’s going to get everybody killed.”

  I flinched.

  Cody yelped and I jerked my head up just in time to see Flynn lowering his hand.

  I hadn’t even seen him come in. He wasn’t looking at me though. He was staring at Cody with a look I’d never seen before.

  His voice was sharp. “You think that’s what anybody needs to hear right now?”

  “Hell, Flynn.” Cody rubbed the side of his head. Then he sighed. “No, it’s not. You didn’t need to smack me upside the head though.”

  “Why not?” Flynn lowered himself into the vacant seat across from us and folded his arms over his chest. “You’ve had more than enough fun doing it to me. Nice to be on the giving end for once.”

  Cody flipped him off. Then they both turned their gazes to their mother, their bodies radiating with the same tension that was coursing through me. And their mother wasn’t helping matters much.

  Claire Bouvier wasn’t a woman used to being denied and she was in a stand-off with one of the security guards who’d been assigned to watch over the family members who were waiting for news.

  Security guards. My throat knotted up as I tried to swallow. I rubbed my engagement ring.

  Approximately ninety minutes ago, Edward had been about to close on some deal when armed men had rushed into the bank. They’d taken everybody hostage, including Edward.

  We sat with the other families in the lounge of the business office half way down and across the street, staring through the sea of spectators. I didn’t know why I kept staring. It wasn’t like I could see anything. This was as close as they were letting us get. And that was probably a good thing. The way Claire was behaving, I could just see her storming out into the street and demanding to see the man in charge of holding her son hostage.

  That would go over well.

  A weird, strangled sound left me. I don’t know if I was near hysterical tears or laughter. Tearing my gaze away from Claire, I focused on the ceiling.

  “He’ll be okay.”

  At Flynn’s low voice, I lowered my lashes and tried to pretend I wasn’t there. I was anywhere but here. Edward and I were back at the lodge in the mountains. We were making love. He slid his hands up over my breasts and kissed me, then slid them back down and kissed me again…

  A hand closed over mine.

  Sparks shot through me and I jumped. Opening my eyes, I found myself staring at Flynn.

  He’d left his seat to kneel in front of me, his face only inches from mine. There was no lust or even a hint of desire there. Only concern.

  “He’s going to be okay,” Flynn said again, his voice gentle. “Edward has the most level head of anybody I’ve ever met. He just might be able to talk his way out of this and convince all those guys over there into giving up their guns and turning their lives around. You’ll see.”

  Convulsively, I nodded. I found myself gripping his hand so tight it hurt.

  I don’t know what I would have said, but Claire’s strident voice cut through the air again and I sucked in a breath. “Can either of you make her stop?” I asked, my voice quiet.

  “No.” Cody shook his head.

  “If I even tried to get her to settle down, she’d get ten times worse. The only voice she’d hear right now is Edward’s.” Flynn’s voice was casual, like he was discussing the lack of rain.

  “Fine.” I let go of his hand and stood up. Cody caught my arm as I stepped past him.

  “What are you doing?” He stared at me.

  “You know what? There are some jobs that it just takes a woman to do.” That said, I gently tugged free of his grip and strode over to where Claire was standing.

  Two cops stood outside the door. Two security guards mirrored their position inside while two more waited further inside. There were two more along the outer exit and yet a fifth guard who was dealing with Claire and while she looked like she was going to blow a gasket, his face was impassive. So far, he hadn’t even raised his voice.

  He needed a medal.

  I stopped behind Claire and made eye contact with the brave security guard.

  The young man went quiet and cocked his head, lifting an eyebrow.

  Claire glanced behind her. Her shoulders went rigid. “Have a seat, Gabriella. I’m dealing with this.”

  “No, you’re not,” I said quietly. I knew I didn’t need to raise my voice. In fact, I needed to stay calm at all costs.

  She turned to face me. “Excuse me?”

  Once her blue eyes were focused on me, I took another step, lowering my voice so that she was the only one who heard. I hated airing dirty laundry in public. My mama had raised me with manners, after all. It didn’t matter how much I disliked her. I was marrying her son and that meant she was family. I protected my family as much as I could.

  “You’re making yourself look like a fool. You’re distracting these men when they’re here to protect us and make sure there aren’t any other dangers. You’re demanding to be taken closer to Edward when anything unplanned will only endanger him.”

  “Oh, do be quiet.” She sniffed and made a fluttering motion with her hand, her perfectly manicured nails too close.

  I batted her hand out of my face, fighting to keep my annoyance under control.

  “You’re being a menace. They’ve already told
you that if you persist, you’ll be locked up, and what good will that do?” I hardened my voice. “Now let me tell you something. If you do one thing that endangers Edward or anybody else in that building, I will personally kick your ass.”

  She sucked in a breath, the intensity of my voice finally penetrating that thick veil of privilege that was wrapped so securely around her. “You insolent little bitch!”

  “You arrogant cow!” I cut her off, pointing toward the building. My voice was rising and it took almost all of my self-control to keep it level. “Your son, my fiancé and eighteen other people are being held in that building. One of them is a young pregnant woman and she has her two year-old son with her. Did you not hear that part? But all you can think about is the fact a Bouvier is over there and nobody treats the Bouvier family like this! But that’s not what’s important! Now let the cops do their job so they can bring Edward and everybody else out alive!”

  One of the cops came into the room just as Cody and Flynn flanked us. Cody took Claire and Flynn caught my arm.

  “Wow. That’s some pre-marital drama you two have going,” Cody said, forcing a laugh. “I guess those seating arrangements this morning didn’t go well, huh?”

  He guided Claire to one side of the seats while Flynn took me to another. He all but had to push me down into it. I was still drilling holes into Claire and she looked like she wanted to rip holes in me.

  A dozen other people were giving her the same angry look as I was though. As she noticed it, she started to calm. She huffed out a breath and crossed her legs, staring stonily ahead while Cody spoke quietly to her. Whatever he said, didn’t get a response, but she’d at least sat down and shut up, so I wasn’t going to complain.

  Flynn and I didn’t speak. I didn’t know if I could have said anything more at that point anyway. I felt more drained than before.

  My phone chimed. Numb, I pulled it out of my bag and stared at it, confused for a moment. After a moment, I realized I had a message. It was Kendra.

  I got your message. I am so sorry. Have you heard anything? Is he okay? I’m waiting down by the coffee shop at the corner, but they won’t let me come to where you are. It’s family only right now. Please text me back.

  I tried twice to answer, but my hands were shaking.

  “Here,” Flynn said softly. “Let me.”

  I didn’t think to argue as he gently tugged the phone away, taking great care not to touch me. He tapped something in and then showed me the message.

  Hi, Kendra. It’s Flynn. Cody and I are here with Gabriella. She’s pretty upset but holding up. We haven’t heard anything new. We’ll let you know when we do.

  “Is that okay?”

  “It’s fine. Thank you.” Then I folded forward over my knees and tried not to cry. How could this be happening? Why was it happening?

  “Please be okay,” I whispered. “Please…”

  “Here’s your phone.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw strong, lean fingers drop it into my purse. “I’m going to get you some water, okay?”

  I started to tell him no. I didn’t want anything. But I didn’t bother. It didn’t matter. From the corner of my eye, I saw him stand and I looked away. Somehow, I knew this was all my fault. If I hadn’t slept with Flynn, hadn’t worked with him, kissed him, let him kiss me, none of this would’ve happened. I knew it made no sense, but I thought it just the same.

  I barely heard it. The noise was faint from in here. From so far away, I almost didn’t register what it was, not at first.

  Somebody else did though.

  And through the rising screams and confusion, I started to panic.


  Chapter 2

  If I thought the time trapped waiting in that lounge was hell, then the next twenty minutes were even worse.

  There were cops and support staff on hand, assuring us that the hostages were fine, but I wouldn’t believe that, not until I saw Edward. But then we were all ushered out in the lobby, just as the doors opened and a mass of people were ushered in to the lobby from outside. All of them looked haggard and I could see the sweat stains on their clothes from where I was standing, but I only had eyes for one of them. The moment I saw the familiar figure, my heart leapt.


  Claire’s voice drowned out my shaken whisper and she ran toward him while I was still struggling to get my leaden legs to work.

  The throng of people worked against me and I couldn’t find the strength I needed to move. It was like all of the adrenaline that had been keeping me going had drained away.

  “Fucking media—” I heard somebody say.

  “Family and victims only!” Another barked.

  Somebody caught my arm and I found myself staring into the harsh visage of NYC policeman. “He’s…” I swallowed and pointed to where I’d seen Edward, but I couldn’t see him now. My head was spinning. I needed to explain who I was before this nice policeman threw me out.

  “This is Edward Bouvier’s fiancé,” Cody said, emerging from the crowd and catching my elbow.

  The cop’s reply was cut off by another loud, dramatic cry.


  Cody closed his eyes and tipped his head back, total exasperation mingling with his relief. Then he looked at the cop. “Can we get through, please?”

  The uniformed officer frowned at us, but stepped aside just in time for us to see Claire throw her arms around Edward’s neck, clinging to him. Over her shoulder, his eyes met mine. I hadn’t realized how scared I’d truly been of losing him until that moment.

  I shoved my fist against my mouth, a sob building up inside, but it escaped despite my efforts not to let it loose. I watched as he squeezed his mother gently and then shifted his gaze over my shoulder. He must’ve shared some sort of special bond with his brothers, or at least with Cody, because in the next moment, the man next to me was guiding me closer, his muscular bulk. A curious little exchange happened and I couldn’t even describe how Cody and Edward managed it. All I knew was I passed into Edward’s arms as Cody took Claire into his.

  “Mom…Mom, no. He needs to see Gabriella too…”

  “I am his mother—”

  “She’s his fiancé.”

  A sardonic voice cut in as I pressed my face to Edward’s chest, shaking so hard I might have fallen if it hadn’t been for how tightly he held me.

  Flynn continued, “If I’d come that close to kissing my ass good-bye, I’d rather be wrapped around a beautiful woman, not having my mommy looking me over for cuts and bruises. We’re all a little too old for that.”

  “Don’t be such an ass,” Cody snapped at his brother as Claire started to cry.

  Edward’s chest rose and fell on a sigh and he lowered his head, burying his face against my neck. His lips moved against my skin and I could feel him saying my name. After a few seconds, however, his body tensed and I knew he was about to play peacekeeper again. Like hell.

  I shoved back from him as the other two brothers and Claire continued their sniping. I was so over this shit.

  “Shut up!” I yelled. “He could have died and the least you three could do is act like adults.”

  One by one, their heads swung my way. Cody’s mouth snapped shut mid-word and I felt bad that I’d hurt his feelings. I really was sorry for that, but fuck it all, they were getting on my nerves. Edward didn’t need to have to play go-between after what he’d been through. Claire puckered her lips like I’d shoved a lemon in her mouth. Flynn, though, had a queer little smile on his lips. I couldn’t look at him.

  “You have no right to speak to me that way,” Claire said, her voice shaking.

  “The hell I don’t.” Hell came out sounding more like hail, I was so pissed off. Edward caught my shoulder, but I shrugged him off. “He could have died and instead of letting him have what he needs, you’re worried about what you want. You’re the most selfish piece of work I’ve ever seen.”

  Her mouth fell open, her nostrils flaring. Li
fting her chin, Claire focused on Edward. “Are you going to let her speak to me like that? I could have lost you and I need to be able to see you too…” She covered her heart with her hand as she let out a clearly fake sob.

  I’d actually felt bad for her. Edward was her son, after all. But I could see now that even her fear for his life was all about her.

  She kept going. “All I want to do is hug you, hold you. Convince myself that you are safe.”

  “Gabriella.” Edward squeezed my shoulder again, his lips warm against my temple as he kissed me. I heard the tenderness in his voice and I looked up at him. There was a mix of exasperation and gratitude in his eyes, but I saw what he wanted. He wanted me to let it go.

  “Edward.” I covered his hand and tried to express what I felt with my eyes. I needed to be there for him the same way he was for me. I wanted to protect him as much as he wanted to protect me. He deserved it.

  His face softened even more and then, slowly, he looked up at his mother. “Mom, of course I understand that you were scared. I thought of each of you, wondered if I’d see you again.” He glanced at each of his brothers, then at his mother. “I love you mother and you’ve seen that I’m fine. I need to be with my fiancé now.”

  Her face immediately turned into a cold, hard mask. When Cody tried to slip an arm around her shoulders, she shrugged him off and sniffed. “Of course. How silly of me to think you might need me.”

  “Mom, please.” Edward lifted a hand toward her, but stayed at my side.

  “No, no.” She laughed harshly. “I’m just a foolish old woman. Please don’t mind me.”

  As she sailed off into the crowd, Cody and Flynn shared a look. Then Flynn slid his gaze our way. That strange little smile of his had faded and his eyes were curiously blank now. “We’ll handle her,” he said. “You two just go.”

  “Thank you, Flynn.” Edward hesitated and then moved forward, grabbing both of his brothers in a tight hug. The sight of it made a knot form in my throat. I wished I hadn’t just snapped at Claire. Flynn and Cody had been just as scared of losing Edward as I’d been.


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