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The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One

Page 5

by Ursula Sinclair

  We’d only taken a few steps before Tommy’s voice stopped me when he called my name. “Pike, we still meeting later?”

  I’d made tentative plans earlier in the week with them, but I glanced over at Eryn. “Don’t look for me man.” I had a better evening planned.

  We walked out of the studio, which was in the southwest section of Washington, DC. Not far from the waterfront.

  “Are we catching a cab or walking?” Eryn asked.

  “Neither,” I said.

  “Then how…”

  “I’m driving.”

  She chuckled. “You drive?”

  “Don’t seem so surprised, of course I do.”

  “I’m sorry. Of course, you do. It’s just that, well most musicians as well known as you are I’ve never pictured driving themselves around. I assumed you’d have a driver. Like yesterday when I saw you, Sol drove you.”

  “Yeah, his idea to stop by and pick me up. In truth, I don’t drive as much as I’d like to. Bitch to park in this town. Easier to have a driver.”

  “That’s true, not to mention your popularity and being recognized if you have to park and then walk any distance.”

  “True enough.”

  “So where to?”

  I waved my hand toward the sidewalk in front of us, where my silver Benz sat.

  “Cool car.”

  “It’s gets me where I need to go.” I opened the door for her and helped her into the plush dark gray leather interior, taking my time about it to glance at those long ass shapely legs. Damned, if I didn’t want those babies wrapped around my neck. My dick throbbed.

  I shut the door and moved around the car. Pausing a moment to adjust myself before I got in to drive us to the restaurant. We weren’t going far. I’d booked a private room for us at a place I knew we would be able to eat and talk in peace without being interrupted by fans. It’d happened too often in the last couple of years. I needed to be careful now when I was out in public. I was easily recognizable these days and my fans were not shy. I didn’t mind most of the time, hey without them I’d just be some dude who played in a bar. However, there were times, like tonight I really just wanted to be alone with a woman. I glanced over at Eryn and noticed her staring at me. I flashed her a half smile.

  “Where are we going anyway?”

  “I hope you like Thai fusion.”

  “Yes, I do. I enjoy most foods.”

  “Good. It’s not too far, a few minutes and traffic isn’t too bad at this time of night. I know it’s late but like you said. I am starving, been hours since I ate and I am a growing boy. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I could eat. And from the looks of you, I’d say you’re fully grown.”

  I winked at her. “Not quite, yet. So what did you really think of the set?”

  “I loved it! Thank you for letting me listen in. The raw power of your voice by itself is beautiful. Then with the music added to it makes it so much more enticing. Your fans are going to love it.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I just wrote that last number last night after our encounter on the street yesterday.”

  “Wow! That’s amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so, it sometimes happens for me like that. Have you been looking forward to our date tonight?” I suddenly realized I really wanted to know. Maybe for the first time, I actually gave a shit that the woman I was with wanted to be with me the man, not the rock legend. Because I sure as fuck had been looking forward to seeing her.

  One eyebrow rose as she glanced over at me. “Date? This isn’t a date, Pike. This is a business meeting. Besides, I read somewhere you did not date.”

  I must have been seriously screwed up that I liked she viewed it that way. I knew that’s what she told herself, but sure as shit this was a date. Well, technically, I didn’t really date, but I did take women out on occasion. Okay, maybe not to really nice restaurants, more like bars, nightclubs that might also serve food. A few award dinners and after parties…sure. Then always back to my place or theirs, I just never stayed or allowed them to stay the entire night. And this taking out occurred infrequently. Now that I thought about it, I could count on one hand, the times I picked up a woman, took her out to a nice restaurant, wined and dined her. Pussy was plentiful and easily come by. No need to show any further interest than that.

  I didn’t respond to Eryn’s statement. I planned on proving what I’d said to her, in spite of my piss poor track record. This was indeed a date. Eryn was the wining and dining type, even if I wasn’t.

  I wanted her. I might have to do this date business more than once with this one. Something told me, once would not be enough for me anyway. She was frigging stunning. Sexy as fuck in her attorney get up, but dressed for the evening in a little red dress, told me she thought about me today, because that damn dress had the blood draining right down to my cock from the time she walked into the studio. Because none was left in my brain. It was the only reason I could think why I didn’t get out of the car fast enough to open the door for her.

  I’d pulled up to the restaurant but there were two cars ahead of us. I hesitated, but it was long enough for the valet to come over and open my door. I did manage to get out as she stepped onto the sidewalk to take her hand.

  The only thing marring her outfit was the thin leather case she carried in her hand. Business, but as I watched her ass as she followed the maître de to our room, this sure as hell would not be all business.

  Fuck, I’d been right. All through dinner, I’d been cursed with a semi. I knew she was smart. She was a damned named partner in a law firm for fuck sake, but that she would be witty too and I found myself drawn to the way her mind worked as much as her body. Yeah, I was in uncharted waters. Another song teased the edge of my senses—her, it was about her. The possibilities, things I’ve never thought about with a woman. I smiled as I continued to listen to her talk about how she could get me out of the contract and why I needed one with Sol. She went over that one in a lot more detail than she had earlier with the two of us, even added a few things she’d mentioned in our emails.

  “Why didn’t you tell me all of this earlier at the meeting? Do you not trust Sol?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do. But it’s not a trust factor here. It’s about me representing my client to the best of my ability. Besides, my cousins and partners would kick my ass if I missed that opportunity.”

  I really like this woman. And we hadn’t even slept together…yet. “All right. I’m convinced. Did you bring the contracts? Both of them. Is that what’s in that thin case?”

  Instead of immediately replying, she grabbed the case she’d rested beside her when we’d first sat down. Pulling out two file folders, she handed those to me. “Here are both the contracts, with the changes we discussed earlier.”

  Taking them from her, I placed them near me. “I’ll have these signed and get them back to you tomorrow. One o’clock okay?”

  “Yes, that’s fine.”

  “Good, we’ll have lunch to celebrate.”

  “What? No wait. There’s no need for us to have lunch to celebrate. You can even just sign them now.”

  “I don’t think so, besides, I insist.” I’d be damned if I let her keep thinking it was all business with us.

  “I’ll have to check my schedule.”

  “Fine, you do that and text me in the morning.” I already knew she wasn’t going home with me tonight, no matter how I’d planned otherwise. No matter what my cock wanted. This was not the type of woman I was used to. Oh, no question, there was mutual attraction drawing us both in, but she wasn’t the kind to just fall into my arms. This one would take a little bit of effort. I wanted, needed the challenge. I couldn’t remember the last time a woman challenged me on any level. Yeah. Never.

  “All right.”

  “Good, now that the business portion of our evening is over. Let’s move on to the date.”

  She took a sip of her water glass. “I already told you this isn’t anything other than a bus
iness dinner.”

  It didn’t escape my notice she hadn’t ordered any wine with dinner, I didn’t either. I wanted all my wits with this one. “Do you wear sexy ass red dresses and fuck me heels to business dinners?” Hell, I had nothing to lose and so very much to gain by letting her know what I wanted from her, and it was damn sure more than to be my attorney.

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry Pike. I don’t mix business with pleasure. And I happen to like high heels. I have several pairs I even wear to the office. Yes, I want to represent you, but I don’t want to muddy the waters by entering into a…relationship out side of that…with you.”

  “I’m not talking about a relationship. I don’t do those. And I keep my business and pleasure separate. Business will be business. And pleasure…well, we can get to that. You’ve already come out with me tonight. I’m having fun with you, enjoying the company. I find you very interesting, different and I like different. So have lunch with me tomorrow. We’ve both enjoyed dinner, no denying that, so we’ve got a head start. Lunch is next. Wait, you aren’t seeing anyone are you? No significant other?” I wouldn’t care even if she were.

  “No, but I seriously thought you didn’t do dates and relationships?”

  I grinned, flashing her nothing but my pearly whites, more relieved once I understood she wasn’t involved with anyone. In truth, even if she were it was not going to stop me, never had in the past. Would’ve just been too bad for him. “I don’t. First time for everything though, so let’s hang out together. See what happens.” Damn, what the hell, but it was true. I wanted to go out with her again. I wanted. I was willing to wait to get what I wanted. I’d gotten good at being patient.

  Growing up with a dad who was more of a dysfunctional father meant I took care of myself most of the time and him. Dad loved me, I never doubted that, he just was mentally and emotionally not always tuned into me and my needs as his son. So, I was good at having to wait for the things that I wanted, getting them myself or even going without.

  For Eryn, I was willing to wait. Shit, I can’t believe I was even contemplating this. As much as she claimed we couldn’t date, instinct told me that’s what a woman like her needed, wanted. Damned if I didn’t want to try to give her what she wanted, us to ‘date’ then that’s what we would do. I was willing to give this novelty a try for a bit, after a while everyone got tired of easy pussy. I guess even me. “So, lunch tomorrow and Eryn, to be clear, it’s a date.”



  Damn, what was he doing to me? I know I should’ve been more adamant that we’d only be doing business together. Granted, we would probably see each other quite a bit, but strictly professional, at the most we could be friends. He would become like some of our other firm clients, part of the 3G family, but glancing over at him I didn’t think that was going to be the case. This was not the kind of man a woman, at least none in their right mind, could be close friends with. The temptation was too great. And lordy, did he tempt me to do all sorts of wild and wicked things to him and with him.

  I snapped back to attention at his last comment. “Wait, did you just say date?”

  “Yes, you heard me. I’d like to get to know you better, apart from business.”

  “Pike, I don’t—”

  He moved his head from side to side. “Eryn, you sure as shit know I’m attracted to you. I want to explore it.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “You cannot be serious.”

  “As a fucking lightning storm.”

  “Wow!” I wasn’t sure what to make of this. Everything, everything in me told me I couldn’t take him seriously. I didn’t dare. “And while we’re getting to know each other−”


  “Dating. Will you still be dating other women?” I bit down on my tongue. Crap. I knew better. It must have been sitting in the studio and watching him, hearing him sing. He stared right at me the entire time, I felt as though he’d been singing those words just for me. I think maybe he had been, given he’d told me he’d just written it after what happened yesterday. He was an artist and found inspiration everywhere. I couldn’t take him seriously.

  Yet…I couldn’t deny the fact my heart raced watching him and all through dinner, with each word out of his mouth to me, he struck a resounding cord. The man didn’t just have a horde of fans because he sang like a siren, but because he was seriously heart stoppingly gorgeous. I had to keep forcing myself all night not to sit there like an idiot and just stare at him, anywhere and at everything around me but him. It was those damned eyes. Those pale blues, with the dark gray center that drew me right down into them, and if I weren’t very, very careful if I looked at them too long—I might never be able to drag myself back out.

  His mouth curled up wide. “No.”

  Well, straight and to the point. One of the first rules of litigation was you never asked a question you didn’t already know the answer to. Then again, if I never asked the question I wouldn’t know the answer. A quandary. The question was could I trust him? I told him so. “The thing is I don’t know you, only your reputation and I’m not a fool. There’s always a grain of truth within the lies.”

  “Fair enough, and I’m not saying they’re all lies either. Hell, most of it is truth. Everything you’ve probably read. But know this. I haven’t had a girlfriend since I was about fifteen and even she didn’t know it.” He flashed a grin that touched his eyes causing them to sparkle like diamonds. “Have I screwed girls, hell yes, any of them more than once? Okay, three of them, but that’s it, and those were a long time ago. I don’t do relationships. I don’t date. The women I’ve been with only wanted one thing from me and me them. This has always been blatantly understood by both sides. After our mutual satisfaction, we part ways and that is that.”

  I frowned, appreciating his honesty but at the same time… “I appreciate your candor but I do, do relationships. I do date…”

  “Really? Yet, you have no boyfriend? So, when was the last time you went on a date?”

  “I’m not sure that’s really any of your business.”

  “Let’s say I’m making it my business. You question my sincerity and rightly so, no doubt and I’m answering you. The least you can do is return the favor.”

  “Mmm…fair enough, it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy building a career.”

  He nodded. “Now that we both have in common, so have I. I’ve had no time for relationships, especially with the women I meet. They want one night with a rock star or my money.”

  “And yet you want to ‘date’ me. Why?”

  He shrugged. “You’re different. You are not impressed with my status or my money. You’re beautiful, intelligent, caring and a total badass. I’m intrigued. You…I want for more than one night.”

  I smiled. Not lying, the thought flashed in my mind of me sitting on his face with his tongue buried in my pussy. My panties got wet. “You’d be lucky to have me for even one night.” I held up my hand when I saw the desire flare in his eyes. “Hold on, not saying you’ll even get the one. And yes, I do have a reputation among other lawyers, no I have no interest in your income. Other than of course, you can pay my bill. And I have my own money, thank you.”

  “See then, let’s get to know each other, hang out while I’m in town. I’ll be around for the next couple of months working on the new album before I have to go on tour again. And the tour kicks off here in DC. So give me a chance.”

  “Hang out, huh?”

  “Yes, date, spend time together like we are right now.”

  “Let’s just wait and see if we hang out together more, who knows we might find we have nothing in common.”

  I glimpsed a flash of need in his gaze before he replied, “Or, we might find that we do.”

  “If that’s the case, then what happens when you have to leave to go on tour?”

  He paused for a moment like he was really thinking about it. “I know you’re a partner in a law firm with other clients, but I want to be
your main client. I know I’m your biggest one to date. I do my homework too. I also know others will follow. Once I have my recording company up and running, then taking on clients, you’ll be handling all of that work too.”

  “You know we represent more than just rock stars.” I held up my hand when he opened his mouth as if to respond. “Even if you might be one of our biggest, with potential for even more, and not confirming that, but all of my clients are my main concern. All of their issues of equal importance.” Best to set him straight now, I called the shots not my clients. I was paid to handle their best interest and that was not by kissing their asses. People like that could go elsewhere.

  “That’s not quite what I meant. Of course, you care about your clients. We wouldn’t be doing business together if I didn’t think you’d do your best by me. What I’m saying is, when I go on tour I know you won’t be able to go with me. I understand that. Still, I’d want us to at least try to get together, see each other. I’ll fly you to me when you are available and if I have a long break, even meet you someplace half way.”

  “Let’s hold off on all of that, Pike, not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s start off as just friends first.”

  “I can do that, friends.” He took my hand, turned it over and licked my palm. “This kind.”

  Damn. Oh, so not the act of a friend. I felt his touch like a live wire running throughout my body. He was telling me no matter the parameters I set, he had no intentions of holding to them. God’s truth, I wasn’t sure I wanted him to.

  “Lunch tomorrow. One.”

  I tugged my hand out of his, reached for my new phone and pulled up my schedule. “Yes, but it’s going to have to be a quick one, no more than an hour. I’ve got a few meetings set up for the rest of the day and I’ll need to prep for the first one.”

  “Fine. I’ll meet you at your office and take care of everything.”

  Aru knew she couldn’t stay with her sister long. She didn’t want to bring trouble to Serrita’s door, but she was the only one she could trust, turn to. She couldn’t even trust her brother-in-law, Serrita’s husband. She had to return home, get back to warn the prince of what was happening, without his knowledge, in his name. Not that she was sure of any of it, but he would know if she were just jumping to conclusions. Her flight left tomorrow midday. Until she spoke to him and he put her fears to rest, she would remain uneasy.


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