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The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One

Page 13

by Ursula Sinclair

  Sol placed his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah man, I know. Okay, okay. Just do her right that’s all I’m saying. She’s not the kind of woman to screw off. She can actually screw you right back.”

  I grinned. “Yeah. That’s part of the charm.” My answer had nothing to do with what Sol was talking about.

  The rest of the night went by pretty fast. Dad caught a couple of Stripped Bass and had already cleaned and filleted them. So, I fried them up and we had that with some coleslaw he had me pick up on the way home. It had been a long ass day for me and I was whipped. But Dad was in rare form tonight and wanted to talk. We sat out on the deck watching the moon illuminate the water.

  After Eryn yawned for the third time, I kissed her. “It’s late, almost eleven. I think someone needs to be put to bed.”

  “Yeah, I think so too,” my dad agreed with me.

  I’d intended to go up with Eryn when she stood up but Dad placed a hand on mine staying me. “Go on,” I said to her. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  She’d just closed the French doors to the deck when my dad began to talk, “She’s a really nice lady, Pike. Not your usual style. This one has class. I like her.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Dad. I like her too. A lot.”

  “I can tell. Which is why, there’s something you need to know.”

  There was something in his tone that had me sitting down again. “What is it, Dad?”

  “I wasn’t sure, and did a little checking today.” Dad sighed. “You were so young. You know your mama, she died in prison.”

  “Yes Dad, I know all this. I know she was serving a ten year sentence and got cancer and died when I was about four. I know she went to prison for being an accomplice in an armed robbery. I know that’s how you met, that you miss her and so do I. Miss not knowing her.”

  My father did something he hadn’t done for a long time. He reached over and kissed my forehead. That kinda scared me. “Dad? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know how else to say this. But when you introduced me to Eryn earlier. Well, I recognized her name. And the fact that she’s a lawyer was just a little too much of a coincidence. I did a little research on the internet to be sure.”


  “Son, your mother—your mother’s charge had been pled down to accessory to armed robbery because she made a deal with the prosecutor. She’d first been charged with accessory to murder.”

  “What the fuck?”

  He sighed. “Your mom, she was young barely eighteen. She had this boyfriend at the time. Bad news. She picked him up one night and he left her in the car to go to the store. He walked into the place and a few minutes later, she heard gunshots and the boy comes running out of the place. Get’s in the car, tells her to move over, so he can drive and she did. He had a gun in his hand. Well, she screamed at him, began hitting on him to stop the car and let her out. He didn’t but he did slap her around, took her home and told her to keep her mouth shut. She did until the cops came around.”

  “Fuck sake. Why did you never tell me before?”

  “There was no real reason to.”

  “And now there fucking is?”

  “Someone who knew your mother saw her and the car. Gave her name to the cops. They took her in and charged her, but when she cooperated, they eased her sentence. She still got the shaft, had a public defender. The reason you need to know all this now is the man who was shot that night, who died that night. John…his last name was Gunn.”

  All I could do was stand there and shake my head. Without a word, I made my way to the bedroom.

  Standing there staring at a sleeping Eryn, my thoughts were conflicted. She lay there naked, trusting, waiting for me. It took awhile before I got into bed with her. I began to disrobe, needing to take her into my arms. Hold her. The irony wasn’t lost on me; I didn’t do sleepovers—ever. Yet, here we were and I wasn’t ready to give them up. Give her up. I smiled as she curled right up against me, like she knew I was there but she didn’t wake up. I stroked her hair. Still reeling from what my dad told me tonight.

  Once he found out the name of the man who’d been murdered, he did more checking. Erin Gunn had been a lawyer at the family law firm. The same family Eryn was a part of. Damn, I wondered if he was one of her uncles. Some fucked up shit. That’s when another though hit me, who exactly was her father? Yesterday, her uncle had talked about her mother, no mention of her dad.

  She chose that moment to push back against me, my cock throbbed and my thoughts scattered. I raised her leg and slid in between her thighs, rocking back and forth. My girl was already wet for me. I don’t know exactly when I made the decision, but I made it. I couldn’t tell her. I couldn’t chance it. I needed more information first. More time.

  Whatever was going on between us was still too new, too fragile. I was selfish enough to want to do nothing that could jeopardize whatever this was. Besides, it wasn’t like we were getting married, spending the rest of our lives together. None of that shit. We just enjoyed each other’s company, a lot, and I wanted to continue in her company. And yet…

  No matter what, I knew if she ever found out the truth of my birth, I would lose her and I wouldn’t risk that. Not now…not ever.




  “Right here baby.”

  His tight body pressed into me. I pushed back against him, suddenly not quite so tired or sleepy anymore. He raised my leg up and gently eased his hard cock inside me. I was already wet and ready for him. I sighed. What was it about Pike that just the thought of him and I wanted him? Seriously, was I turning into some kind of sex fiend where he was concerned? I couldn’t get enough of him.

  Grabbing my leg to help anchor myself, I opened wider for him. He reached around my hip and placed his hand at my nub, putting pressure against it as his cock pulsed inside me, filling me with his flesh. My core clenched, my sex muscles responded and I coated his dick as well as his hand in my cum. Pike began pumping in and out of me faster. I couldn’t seem to stop but that was okay. “Yes baby, take me harder.”

  And dude listened to my request. He did just that, slamming against my ass, then with a loud groan I felt his body shudder behind me, and heat, such lovely thick liquid heat like lava pouring into me. He took me into the fire and then through to the other side.

  Eventually, we both stopped trembling, I let go of my leg putting it down on the mattress. My entire body was a wet noodle, and Pike lay beside me.

  He rolled to his back and he placed his hand on my waist. “I could get used to this,” he said breathing hard.

  “So could I.”

  “Then we’re in agreement.”

  I hadn’t realized, I’d actually voiced my thought out loud. Too late to take it back now, especially, since it was true. I enjoyed sex between us too much. Maybe because it might be more than just good sex. All right, grade A, not to be experienced with anyone else kind. I was in the middle of shit creek without a paddle and sinking fast. “I really like your dad,” I told him. I wanted to get away from my train of thought or emotion.

  “Yeah, he likes you too.”

  I knew his mom died when he was born, so he never knew her, but I wondered if his dad ever talked to him about her the way my mom talked to me about my dad. I was curious and for a lawyer, knowledge was power. I needed as much knowledge about this man as I could get before getting in any deeper with him. I was already in far enough. “It must have been rough on him raising a baby by himself,” I prompted. “And he never remarried.”

  At first, when he didn’t immediately reply, I thought he’d fallen asleep or I’d hit a sensitive spot with him. Then his words came out a little hesitant, “We got by, but no. He loved my mom.”

  I nodded. “I can relate. We have that in common you know.” I don’t usually talk to outsiders about my mom or dad, but I felt comfortable with Pike, I really did feel that might have been one of the things drawing me to him. Both of us orphans in a se


  “You grew up without a mom, I grew up without a dad. I never knew him either, he died before I was born. But my mom never remarried.”

  His body seemed to tense a little behind me before he answered, “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, so am I. For both of us.”

  Then he did something incredibly sweet. He leaned over and kissed my temple. “I’ve got you now. Good night, baby. Sleep.” He placed his arm over my waist and pulled me closer to him.

  I had never really been a cuddler. Yes, I’d had lovers, even spent the night a few times, but only because I was too tired or the guy was to move. But the cuddling after sex part I had no interest in. For some reason with Pike, yeah, I could get used to it. I nestled into his embrace and went back sleep.

  I got off the phone with Babs’ husband and wiped my eyes. They still hadn’t been able to get her remains. Not for a couple of days. The police were still running forensics on the body trying to determine the exact type of explosive used. So, they weren’t going to be able to put her to rest until next week. The family was shaken up, but there was a lot of support. I promised to stop by later that evening. I made a mental note to let Pike know.

  I’d been working from the office he set me up in for the last few hours, taking care of open cases and handling client control. The police cleared the offices from nine below, so people in the building could return to work. But part of the tenth and eleventh floors, where the bulk of the damage was remained off limits. My people were working around it. They had a few days off, including the weekend, so today was the first day back and everything seemed to be running smoothly. I couldn’t believe once my actual office was renovated, Babs would not be there to greet me. I hoped the cops caught the sonofabitch who did this. Uncle David also put our cousin, Ross on it. If the police didn’t come up with answers, I knew Ross would.

  I couldn’t do anything for Babs and the firm would take care of her family financially, but I could damn well make sure her murderer was brought to justice. It should have been me. It could have been my family mourning me. Pike mourning me. Never having a chance for us to be together, get to know each other.

  I decided to bring him with me on Sunday when I had brunch with my mom. I knew she wanted to meet him. I’d spoken to her already for the day and she again, pretty much insisted I bring him with me. She wasn’t too crazy about me staying with him, and wanted to meet him before she could be at ease. I think it helped when I told her his dad was there too. She told me to bring him along too. My mom loved to cook and the more the merrier. I made no promises, but I would ask them.

  I’m glad I told him some of my family history, but not all of it. I wanted to, but we still had a ways to go in our relationship. It’s not easy saying to someone, hey yeah, never knew my father because some shit for brains blew his out while holding up a small mom and pop store for all of fifty bucks. My father died over fifty dollars. Cost the state millions in fees and appeals and until four years ago a few months after my twentieth birthday, they finally killed the bastard by lethal injection. I wasn’t there but my mother and all my uncles were.

  I glanced up and there he was, immediately brandishing my morbid thoughts. Who could have such gloomy thoughts when six two of toned flesh with a dazzling smile stood in front of them. He had on another dark gray t-shirt. I’d seen about ten of them in his drawers, because of course…I snooped. This one had writing on it, Sexy When Wet. I had to grin at that, because he certainly was. Unlike some musicians, he didn’t sport a lot of tattoos, so no hand sleeve of them. Just the Celtic knots around his bicep, one around his ankle and in scrolled letters across his back the word MOM. Knowing his history, I got that.

  “You about done for the day?” he asked.

  “Pretty much. Why? What’s up?”

  “Got a call from Simons. I told him I’d call him back, so we could both hear whatever he had to say.”

  That sobered me right up. “Did they catch whoever did this?”

  He shook his head. “Not sure. Let’s find out shall we?” He sat at the edge of the desk and made the call, putting it on speaker.


  “Detective, it’s Pike. I’ve got Eryn here with me.”

  “Yes, hi detective. Do you have anything good to tell us?”

  “Yes and no.” The man sighed.

  “I don’t understand, what’s going on?”

  “We visited the embassy of Hasla, myself and my partner, Detective Shack who’s working this case with me. We still weren’t able to speak to Aru’s sister, but this time we were able to meet Serrita’s husband, Ambassador Bose.”

  “I take it he wasn’t very helpful,” Pike guessed.

  “Hardly. He refused our request to speak to his wife. He claimed she’d already given her statement to the police and there was nothing more to add. She didn’t know the man who’d come in and robbed the store or shot her sister. We showed him pictures of the man from your video recording, as well as from the security camera in the store that was robbed, along with the deliveryman in your building. He claimed he didn’t know the person or persons either and had never seen him before. We asked him for a list of all embassy personal who were entitled to diplomatic immunity and part of his staff.”

  I chuckled. “I bet that didn’t go over to well.”

  “You could say that. Anyway, that’s pretty much all we got out of the good ambassador. But we checked the records the state department keeps and we didn’t find a match. That said, this person could still be attached to the embassy. They have their own private planes and a different set of rules when entering and departing the county, so this man that we need to have a chat with could still be part of his staff. I’ve got a unit watching the embassy and the ambassador’s residence which is attached to the building.”

  “A stake out,” Pike said grinning.

  “Yeah, we’re also pulling surveillance cameras in the area to see if we can see this guy coming or going from the area.”

  “But even if you can prove he’s associated with the embassy, what can you do? Doesn’t he have diplomatic immunity?” Pike asked. “Isn’t all that would happen would be that he’d be thrown out of the U.S?”

  “Possible. His home country could get him out of the US and claim they’d take care of it in their own country, refuse to cooperate over jurisdiction. You may as well know, I also got a call from the White House asking that we tread very carefully here. There’s some sort of delicate negotiations going on and the last thing they want DC police doing is screwing up an international treaty.”

  “Detective, you know who my family is, right? You find evidence this guy is attached to the embassy and let me know. We have calls we can make to the Senate and the White House too.”

  “I might have to hold you to that Ms. Gunn.”

  “Please do, and keep us updated.” I disconnected the call.

  “Wow! I’m scared of you,” Pike said. “And you’re sexy as fuck, too!”

  “Hold that thought.” I got out my own phone and called my cousin. “Hey, Ross. I just spoke to Detective Simons…yes the one on the case.” I repeated for him what the detective told us. But he seemed to already know it. He also had information the detective didn’t have. Confirmation the man was indeed part of the embassy staff, but not one who seemed to have contact with any US government officials. Now, it was just a matter of catching him when he left the embassy. They needed to capture him outside the embassy in order to bring him in. Ross also had two of his best people watching the place.



  Holy shit! The helicopter hovered over the property in Great Falls, giving us a great aerial view of it. I couldn’t believe this long ass driveway about two city blocks long, leading to one of the estates in Great Falls. This was Eryn’s home. The house she’d grown up in. I knew she came from a wealthy family, but damn. The house had to be at least ten thousand square feet on about five acres of land. I coul
d see the pool but no tennis court. We continued past the circular driveway at the front of the house toward the back. Just beyond the pool area what looked like a full-length basketball court and also a landing pad.

  When Eryn had first told me her mother wanted to meet me, my first response was I didn’t meet mothers. But those were other women and none of them were Eryn. Yet, I still didn’t want to meet her mother. Not much scared me, but this unknown woman did. That chill I’d felt when Eryn told me about her father grew colder down my spine. I could find no way out of it, and I still wasn’t sure of what I suspected.

  My dad had also been invited, and he’d accepted when Eryn asked. He stared at me before agreeing.

  I did wait until we were alone before asking him why he agreed to come.

  “I hope to God I’m wrong about the connection. But if I’m not, I—I need to be there. For you. I haven’t been present much in your life when you really needed me to be. To be a father to you. But I’ll be damned if I let you face this shit by yourself. Your mom and I already paid for her decisions, so you don’t have to. Eryn means something to you. I can see it in the way you look at each other.” He smiled. “It reminds me a little of your mom and me.”

  I raked my hand through my hair. “I’m not sure what exactly she means to me, Dad. But yes, there’s something there. And thank you. Thank you for coming with me. And you did just fine raising me. You put a roof over my head and loved me. That’s more than most. As far as your sins. Forgiven.”

  My dad hugged me and kissed my forehead then. Something he’d done now twice in as many days but hadn’t done in years.


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