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Let It Be Me

Page 20

by Barbara Speak

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  "Don't tell me what I want to hear, Ari, I can't do much more of this."

  "It's decided. I'm yours if you still want me."

  He grabbed ahold of my back and pulled me down to kiss me with everything he had before he said, "Tell me you love me again now that I can believe you."

  "You didn't believe me before?"

  "Just say it again for me."

  I grabbed his cheeks and looked him straight in the eye before I rubbed my nose against his giving him Eskimo kisses. "I love you, Canyon Michaels."

  "Those are the sweetest words a cowboy could ever hear."

  "A cowboy? What about a bull rider?"

  "Those words are something totally different. I'll have to teach you all about that when we're in the bedroom."

  We both laughed and it felt so good to know there was some happiness left after all that pain.

  "I was thinking and did some stuff that might make you mad. Now don't tell me no or yell at me until you hear me out, okay?"

  "What did you do, Ari?"

  "I turn eighteen on Friday."

  His face fell. I knew I had never told him the date so he couldn't blame himself.

  "Don't feel bad you didn't know. Now listen. That means all of the money will be wired into my account from my dad's trust fund, insurance, and everything my grandparents left me. I have had it lined up to be deposited immediately so I could get out of here as soon as possible but it doesn't look like the funds will be available until Monday. Either way, I was also Googling some information about your issue with your uncle. I've talked to an attorney that would like to speak with you. He understands his money is coming and is willing to take this case under those terms. He's expecting your call tomorrow."

  "Why would you do all of that for me knowing you might leave?"

  "I thought about it every way possible. I wanted to take care of you and the mess that was created because of me to begin with. If you'd never met me, John wouldn't be here to represent your uncle. Then when Kale showed up I thought about it the other way. If I left maybe John wouldn't stay on the case because it would make no sense to try and hurt me if I was already gone. Either way I always wanted to protect you, Canyon."

  "I never needed your protection, Ari. I have only needed you."

  Chapter 23

  The next morning I woke up to the alarm on my phone. After patting the bed beside me I quickly realized that I was alone. I missed Canyon's arms immediately so I settled for second best. I rolled over to hug his pillow when I noticed a piece of paper. I picked it up and rolled onto my back as I began to read, instantly smiling.

  You have no idea how much I wanted to stay in this bed with you in my arms but duty calls whether I like it or not. Don't you dare leave this house without coming out to the barn and giving me a kiss. I love you, darlin’, with everything I've got. By the way, your breakfast is downstairs on the table.

  I laughed thinking about how funny it was that he read my mind long before I even had the thought. For the first time that I could remember, I wasn't worried about anything happening before I allowed myself to be happy. Instead, I felt safe knowing within days I would have my money and life would work itself out. It's okay to look at the bright side sometimes and it was all I wanted to focus on.

  I went downstairs only to find a plate of my favorite eggs, along with sliced fresh fruit, resting at the center of the table. I smiled again knowing he'd been shopping and picked this up for me. After eating I decided I was going to make a detour to the barn first.

  The sun was just rising over the mountain tops causing me to pause for the moment and take it all in. This wasn't the place I once thought it would be, for the first time I realized I wanted to be able to call Montana home.

  "Hey there, gorgeous, whatcha doing?"

  I smiled so big my molars probably showed. "Coming to see you."

  I watched him walk toward me with his standard baseball hat turned backwards, a yellow t-shirt that hugged his body perfectly, jeans that fit him just right and his usual black work boots, but that megawatt smile put his sexiness over the top.

  We met at the bottom of the stairs right before I jumped into his arms.

  "Good morning, handsome."

  "Good morning to you too, beautiful."

  "So, what's your plan for the day? You’re going to call the lawyer, right?"

  "Listen to you checking up on me. If I didn't know any better I would think you actually cared." I knocked his hat to the ground before I kissed his perfect lips. "Hey, that's my favorite hat!"

  "The next time I'm at Bass Pro I'll grab you ten more."

  "You better. You keep knocking my hat off you’re going to need to get a job."

  "I work here, remember?"

  "One that pays."

  He gave my lips a quick peck before he set me down. Just then two of the puppies ran out from under the porch and started dancing around our feet, scaring the crap out of me.

  "When did they get that old?" I said sarcastically. It seemed like yesterday they were barely walking straight.

  "You’re telling me. I can't keep them penned up anymore. They cry all day wanting to be let out."

  "Are they going to be okay running around the horses and stuff?"

  "They have to learn somehow I guess."

  I bent down and scooped one of them up and raised it to look in its eyes. "You be careful. Those horses will kick you."

  "I don't think he understood a word you just said."

  I shot Canyon a dirty look before setting the puppy back down on the ground. "At least I can say I tried." I saw something move out if the corner of my eye and noticed Magnus was tied to the outer fence. "Are you going to work him this morning?” I didn't wait for his answer before I started walking over to pet him.

  "No, he's actually getting picked up in an hour."

  I whipped my head around thinking I clearly heard him wrong. "What do you mean picked up? To go where?"

  I continued walking until I got to Magnus and as soon as my chest was close enough for him to reach, he bumped me with his head.

  "I know boy, the ears. Always the ears."

  I began rubbing him in his favorite spot when Canyon appeared on his other side.

  "Remember I told you a while back about that jockey? He's going to take him for the next few weeks to work with him."

  My arms wrapped around Magnuses' thick neck as I squeezed, giving him the biggest hug I could.

  "I'm going to miss you so much, buddy. It won't be the same around here without you. Who's going to let me ride them like you do?"

  "There's always, Winston. Or you could have Bud? I need to start working Lala and Percy more anyway."

  "It still won't be the same."

  "Damn, darlin’, you’re making me a little jealous. I can't have you lovin’ a damn horse more than me."

  "Sorry, my heart has already been stolen by this black beauty. You'll just have to be okay with second best."

  Canyon ran around Magnus startling him but he paid no mind. I was over his shoulder getting spanked whether I liked it or not. We both were cracking up laughing until well after he put me down.

  "So when are you going to call that attorney?"

  "I promised I would, didn't I? Now stop already."

  "Why aren't you as excited as I am?"

  He looked back at the barn before he turned to answer me. "Honestly? I guess I just don't want to get my hopes up. I pray there is something he can do, don't get me wrong. I've just worked my ass off for the last two years. You have no idea what those horses mean to me. The idea of him just coming in and claiming it all for himself kills me, you know? He didn't do anything to deserve a dime."

  I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest, feeling his heart beat a mile a minute. He was scared. I could feel it.

  "This is all going to work out. I have faith."

  He kissed the top of my head before saying, "I'm really glad I have you."

  "You should be. I'm pretty special."

  He laughed and pushed me away. "Cocky much?"

  "Just keeping you on your toes."

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

  "Believe me, I know what I have."

  An hour later I was on my way to school. We only had four days left of classes and then the graduation ceremony was planned for the following Friday.

  The parking lot when I pulled in was practically empty from all the students skipping. It was as if they had already got their diploma and felt no need to be there. By the end of the day I agreed and wondered why I even bothered showing up.

  Mrs. Hemswith asked me to stay after and help get the caps and gowns sorted due to the fact the committee never bothered to come to school. I didn't have any desire to be in that building for another minute but I ended up staying out of guilt. We didn't walk out to the parking lot until almost seven o'clock that night.

  Driving to Canyon's house from school I was anxious, my nerves were shot to crap, and to be honest I was scared to death. All day I couldn't focus on anything other than what the attorney said and if he was going to be able to fix this. He was Canyon's last hope and if he couldn't help him I dreaded the condition of the man I was on my way to find.

  I pulled into Canyon's driveway and waited to see if he was going to come around the corner and greet me. He never did. I had no idea what to expect when I walked around the back of the house but what I found was only something I can describe to you as the best moment of my life.

  Under the wood pergola that was lit up by tiny white lights stood a perfectly dressed man holding what had to be at least three dozen long stemmed red roses. He was dressed in a black suit that fit him like a glove, clean shaven with his hair gelled having no hat to speak of.

  He clicked a remote in his hand and music started pouring from speakers I never knew existed. The song was something I never would have pictured him choosing. Nothing about this moment could ever lose out against the best dream a girl could have.

  I walked toward him listening to Adele sing “One and Only”. I know every word to this song by heart. I didn't need to pay attention to the words this time to know what it was about. He wanted to be my one, my only, forever and needed me to let him.

  As I got closer, he set the flowers down on the table next to him before he held out his hand to take mine. I attempted to ask him a question but he pressed his finger to my lips before he pulled me close.

  He brought his mouth to my ear and whispered softly, "May I have this dance?"

  When he pulled back enough to look in my eyes he got my answer. He never let go of my hand but instead rested it against his chest as he began to rock us back and forth.

  I used my other hand to run my fingers through his hair while I continued to stare into eyes that completely captured my soul. I could have stayed in that moment for the rest of my life.

  The song ended with Canyon pushing me back just far enough that he could dip me. When he brought me back up we were nose to nose. Softly his lips met with mine tipping this perfect moment over the scale into epic proportion.

  "This is amazing, Canyon."

  "Anything for you."

  We continued to dance for the next three songs before he clicked the remote turning down the volume down.

  "Are you hungry? I made dinner."

  He led me over to the table perfectly laid out with covered dishes.

  "I'm starving." He pulled my chair out for me before I watched him unveil smoked pork chops, a baked potato and grilled asparagus. "This looks delicious."

  He picked up the roses and placed them in a glass vase before sitting down across from me.

  "I hope you enjoy it."

  The first bite melted in my mouth. "How could I not? Anything you make is incredible."

  We both got quiet but only because we were too busy eating to talk. When I couldn't fit anything more in my stomach, I covered my plate with my napkin and rested back on my chair.

  "I still can't believe you did all this. Oh, and that song choice was interesting by the way. I mean, I love Adele, but I'm slightly confused."

  "That was the whole point of doing this. I never want you to be confused again. I want you to be mine, Ari, for as long as I can breathe I want you to be mine."

  Kale came to mind. I know he should have been the last person I thought of in that moment but it's not what you think. All I wanted was to finally be happy and that day couldn't come until I talked to Kale.

  "I'm yours, Canyon, and this is by far the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me."

  "Well, I always do like to put my best foot forward. That way when it only goes downhill from here you have a memory to hold on to."

  I picked up my napkin and threw it at him. "So are you going to tell me what the attorney has to say?"

  "You're never going to believe it when I tell you."

  "Just tell me, I'm dying over here."

  "He said that if my uncle, being a proprietor, wanted to pay me for all of the time I have invested along with the cost of running the utilities, farm equipment, feed... well, you get the point. So he sent John something saying we are counter-suing for seventy thousand dollars."

  "What does that mean? Your uncle pays you and he still holds control?"

  "He doesn't have the money, Ari. Seventy thousand dollars is a lot of money and he doesn't have a pot to piss in. He signed the company over at five o’clock tonight, darlin’. It's all mine!"

  My chair flew back as I jumped up from it and lunged at Canyon—throwing him off balance— and both of us went crashing to the ground.

  "Oh my God! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

  He started laughing. "I'm fine. Glad to see you're as happy as I am but you could have given me a little warning."

  "I'm just so happy for you. This is the best news ever!"

  I grabbed his face and kissed him. "You have to be on cloud nine right now. I mean, no more worrying. "I sat up and looked around. “It’s all yours."

  Canyon stood up and offered me his hand to pull me to my feet. "I would love to share it with you if you're staying. I don't want you anywhere near that house, Ari. John's a monster and I don't trust him, especially after this news."

  "I can't leave Shelby, Canyon."

  "We won't. She's coming tomorrow, right?"

  "Like she would miss watching you ride."

  "Then we take this one day at a time."

  I helped him clean up before we ended up cuddling on the couch. "You can't be comfortable."

  "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "You're still in a suit. Wouldn't you feel better wearing sweats or something?"

  "You don't prefer me this way?"

  "I like you any way you come."

  "Really? You finally admit it?"

  "Admit what?"

  "That first day. You were checking me out, weren't you?"

  "I don't know what you are talking about."

  He climbed over me to stand in the middle of the room and started with taking of his suit jacket. I crawled over to the arm of the couch making sure I was comfortable for the show that was about to take place.

  "What are you doing?"

  One button after another was undone until he was placing the shirt on the side chair over his jacket. Slowly he pulled his undershirt from his pants and lifted it over every ripple and bulge until it was over his head and thrown at my face. "Does this help you remember?"

  He walked back toward me looking hotter than any man on the planet. I tucked my legs under me and began to bounce in excitement. I wouldn't answer him but my body language clearly screamed my approval.

  "What are you thinking right now, Ari?" I bit my bottom lip while looking right into him eyes. "Tell me…"

  "Okay! OKAY! I thought you looked good."

  "Just good?"

  "Don't beg for compliments, it's not sexy."

  He pushed my down on the couch and crawled on top of me. "I don't beg."r />
  "You were begging."

  "You're the one who's going to be begging."

  "For what?"

  "You'll see."

  He kissed my forehead and then moved off of me.

  "Hey, where are you going?"

  "I'm just gonna sit over here."


  "No reason."

  He was giving me a look that spoke to me clearly. How long can you last?

  I grabbed for the remote control and turned on the TV. After searching the entire menu I came to realize I couldn't focus on anything other than the lack of Canyon's shirt and how freaking good he looked sitting across from me. Eventually, I turned the TV off and sat back to look right at him.

  "Is there a problem, Ari?"

  That's when the idea struck me. Two could play this game and after his reaction the night before, I knew my breasts were his downfall. I moved my hands slowly to my lap as to not to give away my plan.

  "Nope. No problem at all."

  I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and began to drag it up over my stomach but stalled mid-reveal of my bra. I watched him suck in a breath and then swallow hard as I lifted it just enough that with one slight tug my breasts were free for him to see. I didn't hesitate after that, pulling it over my head and throwing it on the end table next to me.

  "Is it hot in here or just me?"

  I began fanning myself as if it were one hundred degrees in that room and by the beads of sweat on Canyon's forehead he probably believed it to be true.

  "You don't play fair."

  "All is fair in love and war."

  I held strong wondering how long it was going to take until he broke. His hands were gripped firmly on the arms of the chair he sat in but he never got up.

  It was time to up the ante.

  I sat forward enough that my cleavage would be all he could focus on while I reached around my back to undo the two eye hooks. Within seconds I was free from the support and let my shoulder straps fall to my elbows.

  I reached back around and cupped my breasts leaving them only slightly covered by the white lace bra I had been wearing.

  "That's not going to work."

  Slowly, I let what remained of my coverage fall to my lap leaving me completely exposed. Canyon opened his mouth to speak but chose instead to lunge across the room at me. I giggled as he pressed me down onto the couch and immediately started kissing me. He broke from my lips and then delicately spread them across my face starting at my forehead, the tip of my nose and then went on to continue with my neck, my chest and my shoulders, finally ending up over my breasts.


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