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Apocalypse Coming

Page 7

by William Dunaway

  Suddenly, Abel jumped through the front window, running full speed to the man with the brick. Before Blake could even get the word “NO” out of his mouth, Abel took a high leap and landed on the man, mouth first, right on the man’s crotch. The man screamed and started hitting Abel with his fists, which caused Abel to start violently shake the man’s crotch with his teeth. The man screamed even louder.

  Another man pulled out a handgun, gangster style, holding the gun sideways facing the ground. He shot, missing Abel but almost hitting his friend in the head.

  Blake and I both raised our weapons, putting our sights right on the man’s chest. Blake yelled at the top of his voice, “Drop it, you son of a bitch.”

  The man turned the gun on Blake and pulled the trigger. The bullet skimmed off the top of the cab. Blake and I both shot the man directly in the chest two times each.

  The crowd ran off screaming and yelling. Even the ones in the shopping center parking lot ran around the buildings.

  Blake yelled “Abel, out!” and Abel immediately let go of the man but stood there growling. The man’s pants was saturated with blood. He was crying like a schoolboy.

  Blake stood guard while I ran over to the ambulance. Kim jumped up, with her gun in her hand, ran over to me and threw her arms around me while crying. I didn’t have a dry face either.

  While we were hugging, the paramedics went right back to working on the elderly lady. Suddenly they stopped. One of the paramedics said. “She’s gone.” The husband of the woman seemed to know already as he was just leaning against the fender of the ambulance completely silent, staring at the ground.

  “He’s in shock!” the other paramedics stated and immediately leaned over to treat him.

  The other paramedic ran over to check on the two men. One glance at the guy that took a shot at Blake was enough to tell the paramedic that he was gone. The pressure of four 5.56 rounds hitting him at the same time went through his chest, and the pressure just exploded his back open.

  He moved over to the man with the bloody crotch and started cutting away the pants. Needless to say, that the man wouldn’t be having sex for a very long time.

  I approached the paramedic, “I guess you better call the police on your radio. We haven’t been able to make any calls with our cell phones.”

  The paramedic kept working, “You’re not going to get a cop here in the near future. All of them are at Harold’s Sporting Goods. There are 5 area ambulances there and can’t get in because of the ongoing shootout that’s going on.”

  I hadn’t noticed before due to all the noise, but I could now hear distant gunshots in the direction of the store.

  “Well, do you want us to leave you our names?”

  “What the hell for? As far as I’m concerned, this all happened in a riot.”

  Blake and I helped the paramedic’s load the patients and their equipment, and then the paramedic that was driving said, “Well, we’re out of here.”

  Blake, Kim, and I just looked at each other, feeling kind of guilty about not reporting it to the police but then turned to walk away.

  Suddenly, we heard the ambulance door open, and the paramedic calling out, “Hey, hold on!”

  We all turned around, and he walked up to us and said, “Thank you,” while shaking hands with each one of us.

  Blake insisted that he drive Kim’s car so that we could ride together. So, I walked up to Blake, “Thank you!” and shook his hand.

  “For what, driving her car?”

  “No, for risking your neck.” Kim walked up and gave him a big hug and told him, “Thank You!”

  As we were walking away, I put my arm around Kim, pulling her tight up against me, then stopped and said, “The next time I tell you not to go to work, you’re not going to work,” I then smiled and gave her a kiss.

  Blake led the way in Kim’s car, just in case it stalled. Halfway home, he slammed on the brakes, jumped out of the car, and bent over and started throwing up.

  Kim asked, “Wow, he’s sick, and he still came with you?”

  I knew what it was. “No, I know what it is. He was riding alone and thinking about what just happened. Stay here, let me talk to him.”

  I walked up to him as he hurled one more time. I started gagging myself.

  It’s odd. I can look at a dead body and a pile of guts and it doesn’t bother me but someone vomiting, I can’t handle.

  He stood, wiping his mouth, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I was thinking about everything, and it just hit me. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Man, I’m the one that needs to say he’s sorry. I called you for help. You wouldn’t have gone through all of that if it wasn’t for me.

  As far as being embarrassed, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ve “been there and done that.” Just remember. I shot that guy also. He would have killed both of us and probably not thought twice about it.”

  He looked at me shaking his head, “Mentally, I don’t have a problem pulling the trigger on scum like that. But the reality of actually doing it and seeing his backside blown out, kind of hits you.”

  “I know man. You’ll be alright. Just look at it this way. You and Abel possibly saved my life. Maybe even Kim’s, the ambulance crew, and the old man. If I would’ve gone up there alone, who knows what would have happened? I guarantee it wouldn’t have turned out very good. I owe you, Blake.”

  He looked me right in the eyes with a phony stern look, “That’s right, you owe me….” Then with a laugh, “Seriously, Thanks! I’m alright now; let’s get going.”

  When I got back into the truck, Kim asked, “Is he alright?”

  “Yeah, he will be now. It's good it happened on the way home, instead of while lying in bed tonight. He just needed to face the reality of it all. He’ll be fine now.”

  Chapter Six

  Because you have rejected this message, relied on oppression and depended on deceit, this sin will become for you like a wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant.

  Captain Evans and Davis were called for what they thought was the final briefing on the implementation of the breach of the Hubert Law Building. As they entered the room, standing with Major McDaniel’s, was Chief Harry Robbins and a Missouri National Guard officer.

  The major began, “Captain Davis, Captain Evans, this is Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Smith, commander of the 175th Military Police Battalion out of Columbia.

  First of all, the Colonel has brought 178 military police, which 75 of them along with 14 Highway Patrolman, are now relieving all our KCMO and county uniforms at all exiting intersections. They’ll also provide roving patrols on the edge of the perimeter. The rest of his personnel are distributed throughout the city, assigned to other city departments.

  He’s also brought a detachment of Combat Engineers to build a temporary detainment center. This will be utilized strictly for processing and detainment of any protesters that are involved in violent behavior.

  For a bit of bad news, I’ve received orders from the governor’s office that the Highway Patrol won’t be used for any confrontation with the protestors. The governor stated that there are strong political issues involved.

  Colonel, if you have anything to add, just jump right in.”

  “Thank you, Major. Originally, we planned to bring the entire battalion, which would’ve been 493 personnel. But, due to the outbreak nationwide and in Missouri, we had to also send our people to Jefferson City, St. Louis, and leave a detachment in Columbia. Other battalions have had to do the same. I must also tell you that we’re under the same orders as the Highway Patrol. We’re not to use our men in any confrontation with any rioters, excuse me, protesters,” the colonel said sheepishly.

  Obviously, the governor’s office had instructed him to call the rioters, protesters, as they felt that was the politically correct thing to do.

  Chief Robbins interrupted, “Excuse me gentlemen but just what political issues are you talking about? Our city is bei
ng ransacked and burned down. I don’t believe politics should be the issue here.”

  The Colonel obviously embarrassed said, “I’m sorry Chief, I agree with you, but I have my orders. Besides support, the only thing I can officially do is offer you air reconnaissance.

  Off the record, I believe the governor is getting pressure from the White House. Earlier, during a press conference, the president said that even though he abhorred the violence being committed and urged restraint, he understood the frustration of organizations like Socialists United.

  Again, strictly off the record, the governor is in route and plans to meet with your mayor. He should arrive within the hour. Since we don’t have any authority over your department and can’t stop any such action, I’d suggest that any breaching action should take place before that meeting concludes.”

  They all grinned.

  “Thank you, Colonel. Gentlemen, I think this briefing is concluded. Captain Davis, I think you have some work to do.”

  “YES SIR!”

  Hubert Law Building

  Jerome was just laying down to go to sleep on a sofa that was in the office that he was using. As he was drifting off, he was thinking, “That was one fine piece of ass. I’m going to have to try these young girls more often.”

  Just as he was fading into sleep, someone started pounding on the office door.

  “Jerome! Jerome!” he could hear someone yelling.

  “Motherfucker! What is it?”

  The door opened. It was Rodney, his top lieutenant. “Jerome, we have helicopters flying over!”

  “Did you wake me for that? We have had police and news helicopters flying over all day.”

  “No man, these are Army helicopters. Two just flew over us, and one just landed in the parking lot of the police department.”

  “Army huh…. are you sure?” Without waiting for an answer, he jumped up and ran to the lobby, looking out the front glass. He could see his sentries pointing up as another helicopter flew directly over the building.

  He immediately grabbed his cell phone and called one of his lookouts that was overlooking the police station. “What do you got?”

  “We’ve got National Guard moving in. Trucks full of them. They seem to be going to different locations on the interstate. We also saw three helicopters. Two flying over us and one landing in their parking lot. We saw five soldiers getting out of it and going into the station.”

  “Are any of the trucks coming into the area?”

  “No, they seem to be going to all the exits that the cops have been at.”

  “Good! Let me know if you see any other movement.”

  He made five other calls, to observers he had positioned in different locations.

  Jerome walked back into his office with Rodney right on his heels.

  As soon as Rodney shut the door, Jerome declared, “I don’t think they’re coming in. They’re acting just like they did at Ferguson. I think they’re just here as support. I counted on this, but let’s not take any chances though. Get them all up and double the amount on the entrances. Oh! And send Simpson in here.”

  Rodney raised an eyebrow but said “You got it.” and immediately left the office.

  A.H. Simpson was their resident demolition expert. Nobody knew for sure what the A.H. stood for. Since serving in the Army, he had always gone by his last name, and he would call everyone else he had to deal with by their last name.

  He was with EOD, Explosive Ordinance Disposal, during the Iraq war. He got arrested for suspicion of killing some Iraqi kids, just because they sold him some bad CDs. During his court-martial, he hired a civilian attorney, and he wasn’t convicted of murder, due to lack of any hard evidence. He was guilty as hell though. If it weren't for some technicalities that his attorney came up with, he would be serving a life sentence at Leavenworth. Instead, he received a dishonorable discharge for some less serious charges and served only six months.

  After he got out, he drifted for a while. Then got a contract from Jerome, to bomb a police station in Atlanta. He did such a good job, Jerome recruited him to his team, even though Simpson was the only outsider he allowed in his inner circle. They didn’t like each other, but the money was good, and Jerome needed him. Behind Simpson’s back, Jerome would say that the A.H. stood for “asshole.”

  Simpson walked into Jerome’s office, not even taking the time to knock on the door. Jerome was talking to Rodney and pointing locations out on a city map. He jumped a bit when the door opened.

  “Did you want to see me, Jackson?”

  Jerome who could barely understand him as he always had a lit cigar in his mouth and he hated the smell of them was irritated that he didn’t knock, growled, “Do you mind putting that thing out while you’re talking to me?”

  Simpson pulled the cigar out of his mouth, looked at it and then stuck it back in his mouth, “Yeah, I do. What do you need?”

  Jerome felt like grabbing his handgun and putting a bullet into Simpson but instead choose to ignore it, at least for now.

  “I need a distraction set up on the other side of downtown. Something big that you can set off from here. Can you handle that?”

  “Sure. When do you need it?”

  “I need it set up within the hour.”

  “No problem, anything else?”

  Jerome just shook his head no, and Simpson turned around and left the room.

  Rodney asked, “Why do you put up with that motherfucker?”

  Jerome was still staring at the door with hatred in his eyes, “Because he’s the best demolition expert that I’ve ever seen. Plus, he has a source of explosives for any job we can give him. But one of these days…….”


  Riots had spread to almost every metropolitan city throughout the country. Los Angeles was in chaos. Due to all the gunfire, firefighters were unable to get to many of the fires, and they spread so bad, that complete neighborhoods were burning down. If you flew over the downtown area, there was so much smoke and destruction; it looked like a scene from a disaster movie. The freeway system was bumper to bumper traffic and barely moving, as many were trying to evacuate.

  All the Hollywood mansions were being robbed and looted. Many were on fire. There was already an extreme water shortage in California due to the ongoing drought. Plus, a major water main had broken, but repairs couldn’t be made due to all the violence that was going on around the site. The water company had no choice but to shut down that section and the fire trucks had no water source, except the small amount that some of the trucks carried.

  With all the wildfires already burning in California, the fear had been that one of these wildfires would move into a town or city. Now, there were fires in the cities that were spreading out towards the countryside.

  In New York, a large group of rioters stormed Wall Street. Several hundred police officers were holding off the mob that was trying to take over the New York Stock Exchange. All trading had stopped.

  The stock market had slowly been recovering from the crash that happened after the San Francisco earthquakes. Now, due to the outbreaks of riots, the market was crashing again. The market had to stop trading every day.

  Before the earthquakes, the market was at a little over 18,000. Currently, the market had fallen all the way to 6000.

  The US Stock Exchange crashing caused world markets to crash. The Asian Market, which had already been having serious adjustments, due to the Chinese economy, fell the farthest and the fastest, causing the Chinese Economy to collapse. The Chinese government tried to make corrections devaluating their currency after the US market had crashed, but there was no hope.

  Demonstrations and riots broke out in the streets of Beijing. The Chinese Government wasn’t going to tolerate this behavior and sent in their military. Many were being shot in the streets.

  Due to the chaos going on in America and the world markets crashing, most of the foreign countries such as China, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Germany, and France started dumping US Tre
asury Bonds. This caused the US economy to fall into a major depression.

  The US Debt had grown to over 20 trillion dollars, due to all the new social programs that had been put in place by the president’s influence over the last seven years. Many had been put into place by executive orders by the president.

  The Federal Reserve Bank was buying all the Treasury Bonds they could by printing dollars that had nothing backing them as the US had been off the gold standard for years.

  Finally, the President used his influence to have the US Dollar devalued.

  The IMF, International Monetary Authority, and World Bank declared that the US Dollar would no longer be used as the World Reserve Currency. Under direct pressure from Germany, that unofficially ran the European Union; the IMF declared that the Euro would be used.

  At the same time, the CRA’s, simply put, Credit Rating Agency, lowered the United States credit rating from AAA to A and that was being generous.

  Johnson Farm

  Mike who had finally got off from working a 24-hour shift, drove to the farm to sleep as his house was in Grandview. He did stop at his house going a back way, to get his two dogs, his guns and ammunition he owned and of course, his clothes.

  Due to the fact that, the next two days were supposed to be his days off, even though he knew he’d be called back in eventually, he slept for 10 hours straight.

  Me being a news junkie, I barely moved from the television, watching news of the riots all over the country. I had also been watching the market prices online. We didn’t invest in the stock market, but I had been buying silver bullion for the last few years. We would buy about 52 ounces a year.

  As the market started to crash, gold and silver prices fell with it because it was considered, just a commodity. But just as soon as the market started taking a serious tumble, silver and gold took off. Gold rose $150.00 overnight, and silver had jumped $15.00.

  I woke Mike up and declared to him and Kim, “Come on! We’re going to Wal-Mart,”

  I explained what was going on with the market and told them what my instinct was telling me.


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