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Harlequin Romantic Suspense March 2016 Box Set

Page 13

by Carla Cassidy

  “I might have mentioned something to her last night,” he replied. “Your chariot awaits.” He gestured to Juniper, who stood saddled and ready.

  “Oh, Dusty, I’ve never been on a horse before.”

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Juniper is a sweet mount and all you have to do is ride behind me and hang on.”

  She released the familiar breathy laugh that was filled with more excitement than fear, the same laugh that always fired more than a little bit of desire in him. “The fact that I’m willing to get on the back of that beast should show you how much I really do trust you.”

  He flashed her a grin and then mounted and leaned down toward her and took her by the forearm. “All you have to do is step on my boot in the stirrup and then swing your other leg up and over and plant yourself in the saddle behind me.”

  She got it right on the first try and laughed with her success. “See, you’re a natural,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms tight around his waist. “Aren’t you a man of many surprises,” she said.

  “The surprises have only just begun.” He took off at a slow pace across the yard, grateful for the bright moonlight that spilled down from overhead. What he wanted was for her to feel like a princess for the night...for her to feel like his princess.

  He didn’t want to talk about old murders or present potential threats. He wanted one night to hopefully take her away from everything but him.

  Above the scent of pasture that a light breeze carried, her fragrance of wildflowers and vanilla filled his head and fired a heady rush of adrenaline inside him. Her body pressed warmly against his back and desire simmered inside him. He had no expectations for the night. All he wanted to do was take her mind off anything negative and maybe sneak in a kiss or two.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” she said, her breath a sweet torment against the side of his neck.

  “A beautiful night, a beautiful girl...what else could a man ask for?”

  “Maybe a cold bottle of beer?” she quipped.

  He laughed, loving the fact that she sounded completely relaxed and in the moment. “Actually, I have something better than beer, but you have to wait until we get settled.”

  The farther they got from the house, the brighter the stars appeared in the sky. Mother Nature was cooperating, with a cloudless night and a pleasant temperature.

  He finally came to a halt in a grassy area of pasture where the cows hadn’t grazed this year. There were no trees or outbuildings to hinder the view of the perfect Oklahoma night sky.

  “This is our final destination.” He was almost reluctant for the ride to come to an end. He liked the feel of her body molded against his and her arms tight around his waist.

  He helped her down from the saddle and then dismounted and moved to the saddlebags. The first thing he pulled out was a folded soft blanket. “Just stand still and let me take care of everything,” he instructed her.

  “Far be it for me to protest,” she replied.

  He took a moment just to look at her. She wore a light pink button-up blouse and denim shorts, and the moonlight danced in her hair and across her features. Her beauty swelled emotion in his chest. The fact that she didn’t seem aware of just how pretty she was only added to her attractiveness.

  He hurriedly spread out the blanket and as she sat down he pulled from the saddlebags the other items he’d brought for the night’s enjoyment.

  He joined her on the blanket. “We have champagne and fresh strawberries, both plain ones and some that are dipped in dark chocolate.” He unrolled two delicate fluted glasses from a towel.

  “You’ve gone to so much trouble,” she exclaimed.

  It was well worth it, he thought as he saw the glow of pleasure in her eyes. He popped the cork on the champagne and poured them each a glass. He dropped a strawberry into her glass and then handed it to her. “That’s the way I understand they do things in the big cities.”

  She smiled at him. “I wouldn’t know. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.” She took a sip of the drink. “Thank you, Dusty for all of this.”

  “Don’t thank me,” he protested. “I had an ulterior motive of wanting to have you completely to myself for a little while.”

  They drank two glasses of the champagne and then stretched out on their backs to look up at the stars. “I didn’t know the night sky was so beautiful until I moved here,” she said.

  “They say everything is bigger in Texas, but I think Oklahoma has the prettiest stars in the whole wide world,” he replied. He pointed up. “Do you see the Big Dipper?”

  “Hmm, and there’s the little one,” she replied.

  For the next half an hour he pointed out the various constellations in the sky. Then he rolled over on his side next to her and toyed with a strand of her hair, grateful that tonight it was loose rather than caught up in a ponytail.

  “If you had three wishes on stars that you knew would come true, what would they be?” he asked.

  “Not counting wishing that Dillon gets to the bottom of everything?”

  “Not counting that,” Dusty replied. “I don’t even want you thinking about any of that tonight.”

  She stared upward as if already making the wishes he’d asked her about. “My first wish would be that Cooper is always happy and healthy.”

  He wasn’t surprised that her first thought would be for her son. That was part of what he admired about her. “And what would be your second wish?”

  “Probably what everyone love and be loved.”

  “And your last wish?”

  She turned her head and looked at him. “That you would feed me one of those chocolate-covered strawberries and then kiss me until I can’t think anymore.”

  * * *

  She almost giggled at how fast he sat up and tore open the container holding the dipped strawberries. She knew what she’d asked for. She didn’t care a whit about the strawberry—what she wanted was passion...his passion and her own. What she wanted more than anything at this moment was Dusty.

  She’d wanted him from the moment she’d climbed up behind him on the horse, when she’d wrapped her arms around him and felt the heat of his body so close to hers. Her desire had been stirred when she’d smelled the familiar scent of him...a fragrance that not only made her feel safe and secure, but also more than a little hot and bothered.

  Despite the fear that bubbled up inside her at all hours of the day and night, she hadn’t forgotten the fiery desire he’d stirred in her that evening they had dinner at the café. It had simmered inside her since that night.

  He plucked a single strawberry from the container and then leaned over her with the plump fruit between his fingertips. His gaze bored into hers as he lowered it to her lips.

  Shamelessly she drew into her mouth not only the strawberry but the tips of his fingers, as well. She’d barely chewed and swallowed the treat when his mouth crashed down on hers.

  The sweet of the chocolate strawberry combined with the fire of his kiss instantly dizzied her senses. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, tighter against her as the kiss deepened.

  They’d indulged in a game of foreplay for the last week and now she wanted more of him than she’d ever had before. She wanted him to make love to her right now, right here on the blanket under the stars.

  He lay half on top of her while they continued to kiss. The only sound she heard was the faint rush of the breeze, his low moan and her own quickened breaths as their tongues twirled together in a frenzied dance.

  He placed a hand on her stomach, the heat of his palm burning through the thin cotton material of her blouse. He moved his mouth to the side of her neck where his lips nibbled.

  “Dusty, I want you to make love to me.”

  He froze and then sl
owly lifted his head to look down at her. There was hot desire in his eyes, but there was also hesitancy. She reached up and placed her palm on the side of his cheek. “The back room of the café was the wrong place, but it’s definitely right here and now.”

  In response he sat up and pulled his white T-shirt over his head and cast it aside. She began to unbutton her blouse but stopped as he placed his hands over hers.

  “Let me,” he whispered. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed of doing this.”

  His fingers worked to slowly open her top, and as he exposed each inch of skin he bent over to kiss it. By the time he had the blouse completely undone, she couldn’t wait to get out of it and her bra and feel his skin against hers.

  He didn’t stop with her blouse and bra. He unfastened the snap at the top of her shorts and at the same time she kicked off her sandals. When she wore only her panties, he rolled away from her and pulled off his boots and socks and then took off his jeans, leaving him clad only in a pair of dark boxers.

  He gathered her back into his arms, and she released a moan of pleasure. He was warm and muscled. How she loved the way he felt against her.

  He kissed her again and at the same time his hand covered one of her breasts. Her nipple hardened in response. Everything was right...the moment, the man and the heady emotions that roared through her.

  His mouth moved from her lips to her breasts, where he kissed and sucked each turgid tip. Stroking her hands down his back, she felt as if she was truly making love for the very first time in her life.

  He continued to caress her, his tenderness, his gentle touch making her feel more beautiful, more cherished than she’d ever felt before.

  There was no awkward fumbling, no clumsiness—rather, they moved together with an ease, as if they’d been lovers for years. When he pulled a condom from his jeans pocket she was grateful that he’d thought about protection and had anticipated what might happen between them tonight.

  Her breath caught in her throat as his hand slipped beneath the waistband of her panties and down to the apex of her thighs.

  “Oh, yes,” she gasped as his fingers danced against the sensitive flesh. She reached down and grasped his hard erection through his boxers.

  What had begun as a slow exploration of each other became frantic...urgent. He pulled her panties off and then removed his boxers.

  His fingers once again touched her intimately and she arched her hips up and dug her heels into the blanket. Her climax took her by surprise, crashing through her with an intensity that left her gasping.

  “You’re so beautiful, Trisha. I want you so badly.” He positioned himself between her legs and kissed her as he slid into her.

  She curled her legs around his buttocks, wanting him deep...deeper inside her. He filled her completely. It was a connection of mind, body and soul.

  He pulled back slightly and then thrust, creating new glorious sensations. He quickened his rhythm and she matched it by thrusting her hips upward.

  Fast and feverish, they moved together until with a deep groan he stiffened as he found his release.

  He rolled to the side of her and stroked a finger across her lower lip. She smiled and sighed with contentment. If the stars had appeared bright before, they now appeared utterly splendid.

  “How about another chocolate strawberry?” he asked with amusement. “It worked really well for me just a little while ago.”

  She laughed and gave him a playful smack on his chest. “I’ve got a secret to tell you—you didn’t even need those strawberries.”

  “And I’ve got a secret to tell you... I’m falling hard for you, Trisha.” His eyes glowed silver as he held her gaze.

  “I’m falling, too, Dusty,” she admitted. “I wouldn’t have let this happen between us if I wasn’t.”

  For several long moments they gazed at each other, any further words between them unnecessary. He moved his hand slowly down her cheek, as if his fingers were memorizing the shape of her face.

  “Have I told you how beautiful I think you are?” he finally said.

  “Maybe once or twice, but feel free to tell me again,” she replied.

  He smiled. “You’re so beautiful you take my breath away. Everything about you takes my breath away.”

  “I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like we’ve known each other forever,” she said. “It all feels so natural, so easy with you.”

  “It isn’t crazy. I feel the same way,” he replied.

  He rolled over on his back and she turned on her side to face him. “I never asked you—if you could have three wishes come true, what would they be?”

  “I’d wish that Cooper would always be happy and healthy,” he said and her heart swelled even bigger.

  “That’s so nice. And your second wish?” she asked.

  “That you would never know fear again for the rest of your life.” He turned over to face her. “And my third wish would be that we could make love again and again.” He grinned at her.

  “You’re such a man,” she replied with a laugh.

  He sighed and once again reached to toy with a strand of her hair. “I’d love to stay out here all night and sleep with you in my arms under the stars.”

  She smiled with a touch of regret. “It’s a nice thought, but the truth is I should probably get back to the house.” Reluctantly she sat up and reached for her panties.

  He got to his feet and when he stepped back from her she noticed the glint of a gun on the blanket right next to his boots. It was a stark reality check after the beauty of their lovemaking. She didn’t mention it to him and when he was dressed the gun had disappeared once again. He apparently hadn’t meant for her to see it.

  As they rode across the moonlit pasture to the house, she leaned her cheek against his back and thought again about the gun. The fact that he was armed and obviously didn’t want her to know about it only made her feelings for him deepen.

  He’d sworn that he would protect her and Cooper, and the weapon only told her that he meant exactly what he said. She could depend on him. It had been so very long since she’d been able to depend on anyone.

  Juniper’s rhythmic walk coupled with the emotional wonder of making love had her drowsy with impending sleep by the time they halted at the house.

  Dusty eased her down from the saddle and then dismounted and walked with her to the back door. “I hate to tell you goodbye,” he said, pulling her close.

  “Me, too.” She leaned into him as he stroked her hair.

  He tipped her chin up and gave her a gentle kiss. “Get some sleep, Trisha. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She stepped back from him. “Dusty, thank you for everything.”

  His dimpled grin flashed. “Trust me, the pleasure was all mine. Sweet dreams.”

  She went inside and locked the door, but stood and watched as he remounted Juniper and headed for the stable in the distance. He was everything she’d ever wanted, everything she’d been afraid to fantasize might be possible in her life.

  Tonight they’d taken a firm step forward, a step that could easily lead to a future of happiness and love. All they both had to do was stay alive.


  Another three days had passed, and on Tuesday evening Trisha and Dusty sat in lawn chairs just outside the back door while Cooper played with his cowboy figures in the dirt.

  They’d spent every evening together and each and every minute that they shared only confirmed to her that he was the man she and Cooper wanted in their lives.

  But on this night it was her immediate future that weighed heavily on her mind. “I need to get back to work at the café,” she said.

  Dusty looked at her in surprise. “Why? Has Cassie said something to you about it?”

  “No, she’s been nothing but suppor
tive and friendly. But I’m not used to depending on anyone, and I can’t just sit around here for an indefinitely long time without tending to my finances. It might be inconvenient, but it’s a reality.”

  Dusty frowned. “What about Cooper?”

  “I’m sure Juanita would be happy to watch him at her house. The only reason I had her come to the motel to babysit was that I thought it would be more convenient for her to watch him where he had his own bed for napping and all of his toys available to him.”

  “I like the idea of you being safe right here,” he said.

  “I like that, too, but it’s already been almost two weeks and Dillon hasn’t come up with any answers. How long am I supposed to just put everything on hold? Daisy certainly can’t keep my job open for me forever and I don’t expect her to.”

  “Is the job really that important to you?”

  “Absolutely,” she replied. “Oh, I know most people don’t aspire to be a waitress, but I love what I do. I enjoy interacting with people at the café and serving them food that makes them happy. Was it what I dreamed of being when I was young...? No, but it’s definitely who I am now.”

  He raised an eyebrow and looked at her with curiosity. “And what did you dream of being when you were young?”

  “A rock star, but that didn’t work out, and don’t change the subject,” she retorted.

  He grinned and then raked a hand through his hair. “There’s only one way I would want you to go back to work and that’s if I take you and pick you up each day. I’m sure you’d be safe inside the café among the other people, but I wouldn’t want you driving yourself.”

  She released a sigh of frustration. The last thing she wanted was to add to Dusty’s workload. But she needed to feel as if she was being productive, that she was in control of something in her life. She needed to get back to work.

  Besides, the past couple of days Cooper had asked about when he would be able to see Juanita again. The older woman had been a regular part of his life since he was a baby, and it was obvious that he missed seeing her. She was like the doting grandmother he’d never had.


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