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The CEO's Surprise Family

Page 12

by Teresa Carpenter

  “Time for presents,” Velveth announced.

  Lexi got her gifts and Jazi tore through them. She insisted on opening the baby doll and hugged it to her. Lexi tucked the clothes away and promised Jazi they’d play with the blocks later. She pointed at the big pink box. Jethro brought it over.

  Lexi bent over Jazi and helped her remove the lid.

  “Bow!” Jazi exclaimed.

  OMG. He’d got her a fish.

  * * *

  Later that evening in the arcade Lexi chuckled at Jazi’s antics. Frustrated by the fact the skeet ball kept rolling back, she climbed up on the ball alley and walked it up to drop it in the hole. Then she came back for the next one.

  Lexi glanced around to see if they were about to be busted and spied Jethro propping up a column about ten feet away. She waved him over, but he shook his head.

  Oh, for heaven’s sake. She tended to Jazi, helping her by tossing in a couple of balls, then she gathered her up.

  But when Lexi turned around, Jethro was gone.

  * * *

  Lexi came slowly awake. She pushed back the covers and went to the bathroom. Since she was up, she grabbed her robe off the armchair and decided to check on Jazi. They’d been with Jethro ten days now and thankfully there’d been no screaming fits. But Jazi still tended to wander at night.

  Sometimes she made her way into Lexi’s room and crawled into bed with her. But Lexi had found her in the living room, the media room and, one unforgettable time, under her bed.

  Sure enough Jazi’s covers were mussed and the girl was missing.

  Lexi went looking, and the more she searched the more unnerved she became. She couldn’t find her anywhere, not even under her bed. Nothing.

  Fear beating through her she headed down the hall. Time to wake up Jethro. It was only when she got close to his door and found it open that she realized Jazi had sought out her father. She slept on her back, arms flung out and he slept on his side half curled around her, one bare shoulder exposed so his hand could rest on her lower leg.

  Father and daughter sleeping so peacefully together.

  Seeing them together like this made Lexi question her whole plan.

  And her distress shifted in a whole new direction. Was she being selfish in wanting to provide a loving family for Jazi when her real family was right here? This was her father. She’d taken to him from their very first meeting. She ran to him whenever he got home. And he always handled her with such gentleness.

  He should have taken more time to think before he agreed to Lexi’s proposition.

  He said he didn’t know anything about raising a child, but he cared. He might feel out of his depth raising a little girl, but there was no denying he cared about Jazi. Lexi wouldn’t be here if he didn’t.

  Her gut clenched as her heartbeat went wild. Because the Lord knew she wasn’t any better qualified. All she had in her favor was love.

  But she also knew with Jethro’s affection and a good nanny Jazi would be set.

  But he had promised, and Lexi had her vow to Alliyah to honor. Even if she could bring herself to give Jazi up, she owed Alliyah more than she could ever give back. Raising Jazi into a woman her mother would be proud of was the only way left to show gratitude to the woman who’d saved her soul.

  Lexi began to back out of the room.

  “You should take her back to bed.” A husky male voice broke the silence.

  Lexi froze, mortified to be caught hovering in his room. Had she given herself away, made a distressed sound to awaken him?

  No other choice but to brazen it through.

  She went to the bed and gathered Jazi into her arms. Avoiding his gaze, she said, “I’m sorry she bothered you.”

  “It’s still a new place for her. She’ll settle in. It’s been several days since her last visit.”

  The rasp in his voice touched her on a visceral level so she almost missed the message in the words.

  “You mean this isn’t the first time?”

  “No. The first time I found her curled up outside my door.” He raised up on his elbow and the covers dropped to the bed revealing his muscular chest. Thank goodness for the darkness. “After that I left the door ajar. This is the second time she’s climbed into bed with me.”

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, cuddling the girl close. So the nights Lexi thought she’d slept through, she’d been with Jethro.

  “You too?”

  “Yes. And I’ve found her in other places in the suite. I was happy she’d slept a few nights in her own bed, but I guess she was with you. Maybe I should just let her sleep with me.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t think that’s a good habit to start. She’s just learning her environment on her own terms. She’ll settle down.”

  “Okay.” Time stretched out and Lexi realized she was staring, admiring the way the dim light curved over his muscles. Heat rushed to her cheeks. What an odd night. “Well,” she cleared the rasp from her throat, “good night.”

  “Hey, Lexi?” He stopped her flight from the room.

  “Yes.” She paused one foot out the door.

  “I have an early meeting—” he ran a hand through his already ruffled hair,“—but I wanted to ask if you’ll be my concubine tonight?”

  She blinked. Concubine?

  “There’s this charity thing tonight, and—”

  “You need a date.” She broke in when her brain caught up with the conversation.

  “Yes. As we are living together—”

  “Of course I’ll go with you.” Anything to get out of this room and away from the sight of him all sleep rumpled and wrapped in nothing more than a sheet. Sexy much? More than she could handle at three in the morning. “What should I wear?”

  “It’s a costume deal. I’ll have my assistant send you the details.”

  “Okay. But just so you know, I don’t put out on the third nondate.” Holding Jazi close, she fled from the room.


  THE INFORMATION CAME along with costumes. The note said the charity event for diabetes started at eight in Pinnacle’s high-stakes casino, Sky Tower. The four top executives of Pinnacle would be attending as characters from the game. They’d be battle chiefs and their dates: concubines.

  Battle chiefs were like chieftains, their status gained by the number of their kills, and concubines were their lethal mistresses.

  Fun. Lexi dug into the first garment bag and found Jethro’s battle chief costume, a cross between a modern-day biker and an Old West gunslinger. OMG, with his austere persona and dark good looks he’d look like he walked right out of the game. In fact, the fab four were going to be smokin’ hot tonight.

  The concubine costume, on the other hand, lacked...a lot, including material. She’d look like a Goth Tinkerbell in the dark green strapless number. And she’d be lucky if the hemline covered the essentials. As a dancer, Lexi was used to skimpy—this dress might work in a video game where it was painted on, but she preferred not to flash the world.

  Especially while accompanying Jethro.

  Luckily, she knew just what to do.

  * * *

  Jethro pulled on the leather duster that completed his costume and shrugged it into place. The air-conditioning better be cranked up in the Sky Tower or he’d be sweating inside an hour.

  At least the black jeans and tee underneath were comfortable. If he didn’t count the ammo strapped over his chest or the guns on his hips. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to stay long.

  “Hi, lover. I’m ready.”

  He swung around. And about swallowed his tongue.

  Lexi stood propped against the doorjamb squeezed into a green number that clung to every soft curve. She wore black thigh-high boots, black stockings and a knife strapped to her thigh. A
leather jacket was hooked over one pale, bare shoulder.

  Her beautiful features shimmered under an incandescent makeup, making her eyes huge and her lips a kissable cherry red. All of it framed by an intricate upswept do that ended in a fall of curls over her left shoulder.

  So sexy he took a step toward her.

  “Lexi.” He pulled himself to a stop. “You look stunning.”

  The compliment earned him a delighted grin. “And you look like a bad boy.”

  “Then I’d say we’re ready to go.” He relaxed into the leather feeling less of a fraud. He could be a bad boy when necessary. He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

  She hooked her hand around his elbow. Heck, with her by his side people probably wouldn’t even notice him. They’d be too busy eying her.

  Instead of going down and across to the other elevators, he swiped his key card and hit the button for the top floor. The doors opened into a luxurious lounge refitted to a banquet room complete with dance floor. Dim lighting provided discretion while a domed glass ceiling and walls displayed the best view in Las Vegas.

  Music from the party grew louder as Jethro led Lexi past the bar to the casino. As requested they were early so the casino was empty except for the band and waitstaff.

  The ten-thousand-dollar tickets gained the attendee access to the casino where there was an open bar and five food stations, each with a different international theme. Later there’d be dancing and a raffle. The extravagant gifts included a week’s stay at any Pinnacle resort.

  A rep from the charity spotted him and came running over. “Mr. Calder, good evening, sir. I’m Clark. Thank you so much for your participation in tonight’s event. May I say you both look spectacular?”

  Taking that as a rhetorical question, Jethro waited for the plump gentleman in the Mongol costume to direct them where to go.

  “Thank you.” Lexi spoke into the silence. “We’re looking forward to the event. I hope you meet your goal tonight.”

  “Oh, my.” The man clasped his clipboard to his threadbare tunic. “Haven’t you heard? We sold out. Every ticket. And OMG, we got so many calls asking for exceptions. This is going to be the event of the year. And it’s all thanks to Pinnacle.”

  “Glad we could help.” Not liking the way the man’s gaze lingered on Lexi, Jethro drew her closer to his side. “Where do you need us?”

  “Yes, of course. This way please. The doors will open momentarily. We’d like for the executives to greet the guests as they enter. Mr. Hawke is already here.”

  “Jethro.” Jackson greeted him by pounding his back. “Best gala ever.”

  “I’m sure you think so.” Jackson’s outfit resembled Jethro’s except he wore khakis and had a sword strapped over his leather duster. “Grace, you look lovely. You bring an elegance to the concubine they could never duplicate in the game.”

  “Thanks,” the tall black-haired woman sheathed in a silver concubine dress responded. “That’s because I had them add four inches.”

  Lexi laughed. “Smart.”

  “You must be the mysterious Lexi. I’m Grace, Jackson’s fiancée.”

  “More temporary than mysterious. It’s nice to meet you.” Lexi shook her hand.

  “Oh, how sweet of you. He hasn’t mentioned me has he?” Grace sent Jethro a chiding sidelong look. “He’s been very closedmouthed about you and Jasmine.”

  “And that’s not going to change tonight.” A pinch on his side revealed Lexi’s displeasure. He ignored her. “Here come Clay and Ryan.”

  Both men had beautiful women on their arms, the concubine dresses clinging to ripe curves. Quick introductions were made and then the doors were opened allowing in the swarm of guests. The next hour flew by. The costumes were varied and inventive, the guests engaged and friendly.

  And the soft scent of tropical blooms reminded him of the woman by his side.

  When the line began to thin, she leaned close and whispered, “I’m starved.”

  “Me too. Let’s ditch this. We’ve done our duty.”

  Across the way Ryan tilted his head indicating they were cutting out too.

  Jethro followed the group to the Italian station. Lagging back a bit he leaned down to Lexi. “We have a reserved table so we’ll join the others to eat, but I expect you to respect my privacy.”

  She patted his arm. “Yeah, I got the message. Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.”

  Funny, he actually trusted her. And because he did, dinner turned out to be fun. He had to block two attempts by Grace to get Lexi alone, but he relaxed after Grace groused that he needn’t bother, Lexi wasn’t dishing any dirt.

  Clark appeared at the table asking for the executives to pose for a group picture.

  Jethro stood along with his friends and reached for his jacket. “At least the air is flowing up here.”

  “You’re welcome.” Clay shrugged into his duster. “I called housekeeping as soon as I put this thing on tonight. Told them to crank up the AC.”

  Jackson clapped him on the shoulder. “We can always rely on you to handle the details regarding our comfort.”

  “Damn straight.”

  The photographer was set up near an internal 3-D wall depicting the ruins of a city. He arranged them—some standing, some crouching in the ruins—and began taking pictures. Behind him people gathered, taking photos with their phones. They must be a sight—this was not a group easily impressed. Jethro saw Lexi with her phone out and shook his head.

  “Enough.” He broke pose to a round of groans. Jackson enjoyed this stuff, let him stay and work the crowd.

  Grabbing Lexi’s hand, Jethro pushed through the throng of people headed for the lounge.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I thought you might like to dance.” This night was not ending before he held her in his arms. One dance and he’d be ready to leave.

  The band just started a moody ballad as he reached the lounge. He ditched the duster then took her hand and drew her onto the dance floor. Pulling her close, he moved into a smooth waltz.

  After a moment her head went back and she grinned up at him. “You’re very good.”

  “Such surprise.” He twirled her, led her through two steps and twirled her again.

  She laughed her delight. “Try shock. I never had you pegged as a dancer.”

  “Tsk-tsk. That’s shoddy research, Ms. Malone. I quite enjoy the occasional dance.”

  She wiggled well—defined eyebrows at him. “Meaning you like holding a beautiful woman in your arms to music.”

  His turn to laugh. “You’ve got me there.”

  The music changed to a slightly faster tune. He flawlessly shifted to a fox-trot. All grace, Lexi kept pace with him step for step. One more dance wouldn’t hurt.

  “When Mr. Harman was alive, Mama Harman was a ballroom dancer. It’s a well-kept secret between the four of us that she taught us how to dance. She insisted we’d be happy she did. She was right.”

  Another secret revealed. This woman was entirely too easy to share with. Perhaps it was the way she spoke to him, as an equal, even teasing him sometimes when so many were intimidated by him.

  “Besides being a closet dancer, what else do you do for fun?”


  “Yes, fun. You know, for recreation.”

  “I know what fun is, Ms. Malone.” He lowered her into a dip.

  “Do you? You seemed confused.”

  Not confused, surprised. People rarely concerned themselves with his amusements. “I like to read. I do some climbing, some sailing.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Please tell me you don’t climb alone.”

  How was it she could read him so easily? A better question might be why did she care?

  “I’m touched you care. But y
ou needn’t worry. I have a few climbing buddies. We keep each other safe.”

  “You’re very insular, aren’t you?” The music slowed again, and she looped her arms around his neck and swayed against him.

  “I enjoy my own company.” His hands went to her waist, so small he almost spanned it with his fingers.

  “Right, it’s quite safe isn’t it?” she challenged softly.

  “I’m a numbers man, Ms. Malone. I believe in playing it safe.”

  “Do you suppose you’ll ever call me Lexi again?”

  “Not likely.”

  “Why not?” Her lush cherry-red lips pursed in a pout.

  Temptation pulled at him to lean down and taste the sweetness he knew matched the fruity color she’d painted those pretty lips. Instead he stepped back, ending the dance.

  “It’s safer this way.”

  * * *

  “Hey, Lex.” Jessica hailed her from the practice room doorway. “I’m sorry, but I have to bail on you. Toothache. My dentist has an opening so I grabbed it.”

  “No problem, Jess.” Lexi walked toward the tall blonde. She knew Jessica from the Golden Cuff. She’d left to go to the Pinnacle just before Alliyah’s accident.

  Lexi had been thrilled when Jessica had asked her to help her choreograph an audition number for an upcoming show. It allowed her to dip her toe back into dancing during daylight hours. It was a little bittersweet to start out, because she was used to being the performer, but watching Jessica master the piece filled her with satisfaction and pride.

  “Best to take care of it or you’ll feel it when you’re dancing.”

  “Yeah, I found that out. Listen, I gave up my time in the practice room, but I’m sure the girls would be happy to share with you. I’ve had three people ask if you’re taking on additional clients.”

  “Clients?” Lexi laughed. “You’re my friend. I’m only taking your money because you insisted.”

  “And you’re worth more than I’m paying.” Jessica checked her watch. “I’ve got to go, but we’re definitely on for Thursday. Oh, and I almost forgot—Veronica asked if you’d stop by her office.”


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