Book Read Free

Restrained and Willing

Page 13

by Tiffany Bryan

  With a little luck and good old-fashioned determination, she would.

  They stopped by a comfortable-looking lounge chair that could easily fit the both of them sandwiched between two small faux-stone wrought iron tables.

  Pierce flung the towels he’d draped over his arm before they’d left the house over the back of the chair and set the hand towel, lubricant and small butt plug he’d brought on one of the tables.

  “Let’s take a quick dip and, if you want, a soak in the hot tub before we kick back for a bit.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Her entire body melted at the suggestion. She’d thought for sure he’d go right for inserting the toy.

  She watched as he wasted no time in shucking his jeans. Damn, but the man was built. Right down to his big luscious dick, standing high and hard against his tight stomach, completely covering his navel.

  She hadn’t realized she’d licked her lips until he clasped her chin to get her attention.

  “Do that again and we’ll forgo the pool and go straight to what I’ve been dying to do ever since I saw your tight ass wiggle its way up the steps in front of me the day I helped you move. I’d rather you be nice and tranquil first, but if you’d prefer…”

  “A dip in the pool would be nice.”

  He chuckled at her rapid-fire response.

  A short reprieve. She appreciated that he was giving her a little more time to wrap her mind around what was coming. She didn’t know why that should surprise her. There were so many other times he’d deferred to her preferences. Even asked what music she liked on the ride here. Most men would’ve turned on whatever station they normally listened to without a thought about what anyone else liked. Fortunately, they both seemed to like classical, rap and everything in between. A button pusher from the get-go, she’d stop on any station without a commercial. When Pierce stated he took care of his women, he wasn’t just paying lip service. Which in no way meant he was a yes-man.

  He slid his hand beneath her hair to clasp the back of her neck to bring her closer and took her mouth.

  A soft caressing kiss. Gentle. Drawn out. A joining of lips he seemed reluctant to end. He broke away, tortuously slow. Their combined breaths rolling over each other’s lips, an intimate extension of the sensual joining of their mouths.

  “Come on, sexy. Better get into the water before I change my mind.” He clasped her hand and walked to the end of the pool. She should’ve known from the wicked glint in his eyes what he intended, but before she could process the need to run, he swept her up and tossed her.

  She hit the water in a limb-whirling ungraceful splat. Broke the surface sputtering, swiping wet hair out of her eyes. “Hey!”

  His deep chuckle was cut short when he sliced the water in a perfect dive, surfaced five feet beyond where she stood, angled toward the backside of the pool and what was obviously a very long lap lane.

  Unable to drum up enough irritation to bitch about the dunking, she watched his magnificent body, his fluid, powerful movements as he ate up the distance to the opposite side of the pool. Nope, she’d bite her tongue and enjoy the glimpse of his firm naked butt when it occasionally broke the surface. But she was sooo getting even later.

  When he was halfway to the other side, she grinned, and pushing off the wall, took off after him.

  Pierce hit the far end of the lagoon, probably breaking an Olympic speed record or two. Air billowing through his lungs, he flipped, hooked his elbows on the grassy ledge and floated on his back.

  He’d needed to expend some sexually charged energy. Divert his aching need to stick his dick into the water witch making her way toward him, with the sweetest pussy he’d ever had the pleasure of sticking his tongue in. Like everything else she’d ever undertaken, it seemed his little brat excelled in swimming as well, her strokes graceful, kicks well-timed. Like him, she put her heart and soul into every undertaking, no matter how insignificant. That was why he knew, deep down, she’d outperform any other woman he’d been with.

  His heart shifted into third gear.

  His apprehension didn’t stem from her inexhaustible determination to be the best, but that she’d ultimately end up being the delectable, softly rounded stick by which he’d measure all his future relationships.

  Amazingly enough, the possibility didn’t scare his dick into remission. The closer she got, the harder it got, making his efforts to swim off his escalating need to fuck Heather as useless as twenty free pounds of bacon to a vegan.

  She glided in next to him, waded closer and ran her tongue up his wet cheek before playfully raking her teeth over his beard-roughened chin. Ending with a nip to the cleft.

  He forced his body to remain relaxed, even though every muscle in his being clenched.

  “That was great.” She rolled to assume the same position he was maintaining. “Between the early morning car ride and,” she darted a sly look in his direction, “the extracurricular activities since we got here, I hadn’t realized how much my muscles needed a good stretch.”

  At the word stretch, his cock jerked against his stomach. Fuck it. It was inevitable. He was, more times than not, going to sport a hard-on for the next two weeks. No use fighting it.

  “Oh, don’t worry, babe. You’ll be doing plenty of stretching while we’re here.”

  The slight hitch in her breath indicated she’d caught the sexual innuendo. The lack of a protest was a go-ahead all clear as far as he was concerned. The first thing he intended to stretch was that tight puckered circle between her ass cheeks. Then later this evening, he’d make use of some of the hidden equipment in the family room.

  They didn’t spend an overly long time in the pool, but Heather enjoyed every second as they swam in companionable silence with an occasional back float when they talked and laughed over shared memories of their youth. Looking back, there was plenty to laugh about. Especially when he expounded on what a nosy pain in the ass she’d been for him and her brothers. Seeing it from a teenaged guy’s point of view, she could hardly disagree, even as she roared with laughter at his past hormonal frustrations.

  A short time later, they moved to the hot tub. Nestled in the farthest right corner of the enclosure, surrounded by fronds, ferns, a beautiful blend of other tropical plants and the sound of trickling water cascading down the waterfall feature, the soothing environment lent a comfortable intimate atmosphere to their continued chat. That and the fact Pierce was sitting on a ledge with her in his lap.

  “Maybe I was a pain in the ass.”

  “Maybe!” Pierce’s brow hiked nearly to his hairline.

  “But that was what made me so loveable.” She smirked and fluttered her eyelashes.

  “And more than deserving of the nickname brat!” He tapped her nose with his index finger. “Speaking of which, how come you never complained when we called you that? Even now.”

  She shrugged, wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, her legs tighter around his waist, enjoying the feel of his thick long cock nestled against her stomach, the base aligned with her clit. She caught her lower lip between her teeth, debating whether or not to tell him. She took courage by the hand, looked him straight in the eyes, took a deep breath and said, “Because, you were the first one to call me that. And not once in the years I’ve known you have I ever heard you say that to anyone else. Not even when surrounded by all my spoiled, bratty cousins when you came to our maniacal family reunions. Especially Aunt Regina’s four daughters.”

  “Not maniacal, fun. And I love your family. Including all your unique aunts and uncles.”

  What about me? Do you love me? Realizing her arms and legs were slowly moving into the constricting realm, she forced herself to ease up when what she really wanted to do was squeeze some sense into him. Shake him. Knock him over that thick skull of his until he realized the one person he needed most in this world was currently snuggled on his monstrous hard-on with her willing pussy pressed against his groin.

  Okay. She needed a switch to a different mindset. He appa
rently wanted to keep it light, so she would too. At least for now. Easygoing and accommodating as he was, ten tons of dynamite couldn’t force him to do anything he was dead set against. She’d known him for a long, long time, saw too many women in the past try to force him into admitting he loved them. Hence the word past. Heather wasn’t about to be lumped into that broken-hearted sisterhood.

  “Ready to get out?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m more than ready for you to get in.” She tossed in a little wiggle for enticement.

  His hands latched on to her waist and lifted. Buoyancy on his side, she easily rose several inches.

  “Killjoy,” she mewed, and giving him her best puppy dog eyes, pouted.


  He raised her high enough for her to unfold her legs and span his. Which put her pointy tits right in front of his face. No problemo. She could work with that. Her hands braced on his wide shoulders, she leaned forward.

  She expected a toying lick. A gentle suck, maybe. What she got was her nipple trapped firmly between his teeth. He applied enough steady pressure to make her squirm. Bit down in tormenting increments.

  As the pressure increased, so did the mounting heat between her legs. In the back of her mind, she kept expecting to hear a scream break from her throat. A lusty groan broke free instead.

  He bit harder.

  She took a breath and, pushing the slight pain to the back of her mind, concentrated totally on the mounting enjoyment.

  “Spread your legs a bit more.” The low firm command breezed over her tender nipple.

  The moment she did, he rotated his torso and partially swept several large tropical leaves aside, coming away with a small bottle of clear liquid. Before the leaves snapped back into place, she caught a wink of foil, a flash of color and a couple inches of flagstone shelf. Condoms for sure and perhaps a sex toy. What else or how large the shelf was she couldn’t say.

  Always be prepared. Apparently he and her brothers had retained something from their Boy Scout days.

  Not a bad thing to come away with, since nothing put a temporary damper on a hot and heavy round of sex like having to stop mid-pleasure to search for a needed item.

  A tongue slowly rimming her navel burst her thought bubble.

  She drifted closer, wilted into the pleasure of Pierce’s sensual teasing and sifted her fingers through the thick damp hair of his bent head as he sucked up the small amount of water that lingered in the tiny concave crevice.

  He lapped upward, gathering wet droplets as he went, laved the plump underside of her breast.

  She heard a soft click, a muffled spurt. Sensed more than felt him work the lubricant between his hands.

  He sucked and nibbled nearly every inch of her breast. The only touch to her nipple the occasional rasp of his stubbled cheek as he moved his head to the side of her breast and sucked hard in one spot. Her knees weakened.

  “You’re going to give me a hickey.” It was a breathy, half-ass accusation.

  He temporarily broke the suction to whisper, “The first of many.” He reattached in the exact same spot for a pulling suck before settling into a firm suctioning rhythm guaranteed to bring blood to the surface of her skin.

  “I’m not sure you should.” She forgot what she was about to say when a hand engulfed her free breast. Pumped. Squeezed. An occasional twist of his wrist as her flesh became slick with lubricant. After a few seconds, he switched to a light fingertips only toying, interspersed with a titillating feathering scrape of his short-cut fingernails.

  The whole while he kept up the persistent light sucking.

  By the time his other hand joined in the fun, spreading warmth across her lower stomach as he lightly rubbed, the occasional chirp of a bird from the woods, the trickle of the waterfall behind her faded into the distance. A far second to the steam of the hot tub drifting up over her body as if it were an invisible lover’s caress, ramping up the feel of Pierce’s very real ones.

  She closed her eyes. Swayed slightly.

  “Mmmm. I could let you do this all night.”

  He tweaked the nipple of the breast he was toying with, worrying it between his thumb and forefinger. He unsealed his lips from the other and kissed the spot he’d paid such loving attention to. “I have other plans for tonight.”

  His murmured warning barely registered as he bit down on one nipple, pinched the other and drove his fingers far up inside her and rode his thumb up and over her clit in one long slick drag.

  An unexpected orgasm ripped through Heather’s body.

  She threw her head back and screamed. Clenched her fingers deep into Pierce’s scalp.

  “Oh… Oh… Ohmigod.”

  He pumped and drilled her clenching pussy. Worked her tender nipples until she thought she’d faint.

  Her orgasm surged, fanning out to every last one of her nerve endings.

  She gasped for breath. “No. No.” Even to her ears the protest sounded pitifully lacking. She wanted to come down, needed to come down. Didn’t know how much more of the fierce sensation firing through her body she could handle.

  She opened her mouth to tell him just that when he firmly raked his thumb over her clit again and launched her back into the outer limits of space.

  “Relaxed?” Pierce asked the boneless woman cradled in his arms as he carried her toward the double lounger.

  “Mmmm. No.”

  “No?” He couldn’t keep the surprise from his voice.

  “Half dead,” she murmured, snuggling against his chest.

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, getting a faint whiff of chlorine. He veered off toward a small walled-off area at the back of the house.

  “I thought we were going to stay out here awhile?”

  “We are. I want to rinse some of the chlorine off first.”

  “Does it involve standing?”

  “I’ll see what I can manage.” He squeezed her to him, noting the drowsiness in her voice and how damn good, and right, she felt in his arms.

  A niggling suspicion reared its ugly head. Perhaps an underlying reason he’d never been able to commit to any other woman. He shut the thought down faster than a castle gate with a broken chain.

  In the shower enclosure, he used his elbow to tap a couple buttons on the control panel to set the spray on gentle and adjust the temperature. A few unhurried turns later had them rinsed off without once letting Heather’s feet hit the ground. A single elbow tap to the main shutoff switch and he continued to his original destination.

  He gently laid her down on her back.

  “I can’t remember ever feeling this satisfied. As if I could just close my eyes…”

  “Don’t drift off yet, sweetheart. There’s something I need to do and then you can have your nap.”

  “As long as it doesn’t take too much effort.” She executed a sexy kittenish stretch that made a tempting display of her lush breasts and left one leg slightly bent, giving him a glimpse of the heaven between her trim thighs.

  Even though he knew the entire move was executed without artifice, his dick went to immediate attention. She didn’t seem the least bit self-consciousness. He loved that she felt so comfortable around him. If he could, he’d keep her naked forever. Even as his practical mind said impossible, his lust-driven side screamed there was no reason he couldn’t make that little fantasy a reality for the duration of their time here.

  But those thoughts were for later. Now he just needed her to remain totally at ease a few more minutes so he could prepare her for the next stage of his plan, then they could both stretch out and take a bit of the sexual edge off for the next hour or so. Rejuvenate for the evening’s fun.

  He plucked one of the towels from the back of the lounger and spread it out next to her. “Roll over onto your stomach.”

  Even drifting between sleep and wakefulness, Heather knew what was coming. She thought she’d feel more anxious. As usual, once again, Pierce had worked his magic. She felt cossetted, pampered. Da
re she even think it? Loved.

  Through half-lidded eyes, she saw him reach into a little pouch hanging on the side of the lounger, but couldn’t tell what he’d retrieved.

  Something else related to anal preparation?

  Prepared as she was, a frisson of wariness tried to worm its way past her lassitude.

  Like so many times before, Pierce didn’t do as she expected. Instead of parting her ass cheeks like she’d anticipated, she felt the light brush of his fingers as he parted the back of her damp hair and moved the sections out to the side, away from her body. A few moments later, the strong smell of coconut filled the air and then she felt his warm oiled hands work the scented liquid into her neck, across her shoulders, using an experienced stroke, not too hard, not too gentle. Incredibly, sensually flawless.

  Was there anything this man couldn’t do to make a woman feel worshipped in a way that, if not exactly perfect, was damn near to it? It was no mystery why women flocked to him with the single-mindedness of migrating birds.

  Set free of outside stressors beneath his very strong capable hands, her mind drifted to Pierce’s past.

  When his mother walked out of their lives, everyone, including Pierce, thought his relationship with his father would change. That the old bastard would start thinking of someone besides himself, but that was far from the case. The dickhead didn’t have a loving bone in his self-centered body. The only time Pierce gained parental attention was when he’d done something that didn’t live up to his father’s gold-standard expectations, and on those occasions, discipline was meted out in a harsh, degrading fashion. Never in the physical sense, but it was cold-hearted and demeaning all the same.

  Thank God for their cook, Doris. A more loving, nurturing woman you’d be hard-pressed to find. No children of her own, she’d attempted to become Pierce’s mother figure.

  So was it any wonder her nurturing nature had been passed on to him, strongly evident in the way he reverently went about sexually disciplining his women? Or the fact he’d chose this particular sexual path?


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