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Restrained and Willing

Page 16

by Tiffany Bryan

  Night was descending, the fading sunlight streaming through the windows and stained glass panels, lending a soft orange glow to the muted lighting in the room that lent a rich warm radiance to the cherry paneling. They were the only features in the room she noticed before her gaze became fixated on the man standing in the center of the room, all broad shoulders, hard muscle and serious intent. A sculpted god encased in hugging black leather from trim waist to ankles.

  “Come.” Pierce held out his hand.

  The thought of refusing never entered Heather’s mind as she took the steps that put her directly in front of him and slipped her hand into his firm, encompassing grip.

  He kissed the back of her hand, dropped it and framed her face between his palms.

  “Since this is your first discipline session, I won’t be excessively harsh, nor will I be overly gentle. More to see what you can handle. How you and your body react.”

  Heather ran her tongue over her lips, elated when his gaze followed the movement. “Okay.”

  He brushed the shorter sides of her hair behind her shoulders, pressed his lips lightly to hers. The tenderness of the gesture nearly took her to her knees. “If it becomes too much, you’re to tell me immediately.”

  “I will.” She nodded for good measure.

  “One other thing. I’m going to blindfold you.”

  Blindfold her? That was a surprise. Should she ask why? Merely accept the fact?

  “Turn.” A steady hand on her hip guided her.

  “I’m covering your eyes so your sole focus will be on the discipline without any outside stimuli. That way I’ll know every reaction you have is pure. Related only to what you’re experiencing at the moment.”

  “Thank you for explaining. I wasn’t sure I should ask.” She glanced back over her shoulder, gave him a tentative smile.

  He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “It’s okay to ask. Over time, it won’t be necessary. You’ll instinctively know what’s expected.”

  Another reference to a future relationship for them. Her heart gave a little bounce for joy as she wondered if he even realized what he’d implied.

  “For now, if you don’t ask and I feel you need to know something, I’ll explain.” He guided her around to the back of the large black chair she’d sat in earlier, which had been moved away from the fireplace, leaving a good amount of free space behind it. He bent and drew out what amounted to a small step from the base. “Step up, drape yourself over the back and place your hands on the seat cushion.”

  She positioned herself and realized the small step conveniently put her pussy at level with his cock.

  “Perfect.” He went to the front, slid his hands down the sides of the seat and came up with two wrist restraints and Velcro-ed the thick leather bands to her wrists. After checking to make sure the bonds weren’t too tight, he withdrew the blindfold he’d apparently had tucked into the back waistband of his tight pants and covered her eyes.

  Her world went midnight.

  Her breathing sounded overly loud in her ears. Reality? Or a product of the heightening of her other senses? Whatever the reason, the audible rough sound of her respirations had nothing to do with apprehension. A shiver blanketed her body.

  “Cold?” The question came from behind her, confirming the feeling he’d moved.

  “Not in the least.”

  He drew a light caress down the middle of her back, over one ass cheek and down her thighs. “I’m going to remove the plug from your ass before we begin.” His large warm palms encompassed both her bottom cheeks and he began a kneading motion that made her want to purr and arch her back.

  Without conscious thought, she widened her stance, glorying in her exposed position. She wanted this. Wanted him to have access to every part of her, visually and physically.

  “Beautiful. I love your lack of reserve. A rare quality in someone new to relinquishing power. It will make your training so much easier and we can move ahead faster.”

  He cupped her exposed sex, slid upward in a slow open-palmed motion, his middle finger sinking between her aching pussy lips. The stimulation brought her up on tiptoes. She wanted…needed more. Eager to have his fingers buried deep inside her, she canted her hips back in a request for deeper contact.

  The request was ignored.

  Her moan of disappointment turned to a light gasp when she felt pressure against the plug wedged deep in her ass.

  He didn’t immediately pull it out. Apparently bent on teasing her, he spread her left ass cheek to the side, gripped the base of the plug, and with an easy rotation and light surging motion, proceeded to drive her crazy with need.

  “Please, Pierce. I need…”

  “I know exactly what you need, love. You want me to shove my fingers up inside your pink, moist pussy. Fill both your needy openings and bring you to orgasm.”

  “Yes. Yes. That’s exactly what I want.” She knew she sounded breathless. Desperate. She didn’t care. She pushed her ass back in encouragement.

  “Unfortunately, you’re not going to get it. Your punishment won’t be linked with reward. This time is about showing you what you gave up by disappointing me.”

  “So not fair.”

  A flat palm landed sharply across her ass.

  She yelped.

  “Not a sound. Unless it’s to tell me you’ve reached your limit.”

  She gritted her teeth, bracing for the next blow. It didn’t come immediately. Instead, he worked the butt plug again, pulling it to the verge of extraction and then plunging deep again.

  She tried to resist wiggling, she really did, but couldn’t help wanting to intensify the feeling, bringing her closer and closer to the verge of orgasm.

  She relaxed into the sensual movement. Sweet Jesus. A couple more pumps and—

  He yanked the plug out. Laid a stinging slap onto her ass.

  A soft scream pushed past her lips as her sphincter muscles spread wide and then clenched in protest.

  She received another smack on the opposite cheek as a not so subtle reminder for silence.

  Heat spread through her ass, up her back and fanned out to a duller, more manageable sensation.

  Three more smacks followed in quick succession.

  She jerked against the wrist restraints, compressed her lips together.

  “Hmmm. Coloring up nicely.” He rubbed over the abused surface for several long moments as if admiring his handiwork.

  Afforded a short break, she assessed her feelings. Yes, it hurt, but with each fall of his hand, the pain dissipated to pleasure quicker.

  Four more. Harder. Spaced out longer.

  Her knees weakened. Her sex throbbed. In an unconscious move, she hiked her butt up.

  He chuckled. “Like that, do you?”

  She took it as a direct question. “I do. Lord help me, I do. I wasn’t sure I would.”

  “I’m glad. But I doubt you love it as much as I do. I wish you could see how beautiful it looks.” He placed a kiss on each cheek. “Next time, we’ll set up mirrors so you can.”

  The next blows were harder yet, bringing her nearer to relief. Almost there. One more would put her over.

  He stopped.

  Damn him! It was as if he knew. Hell, he probably did. He was an expert, after all.

  He kept up a steady pace. Fast. Slow. Pain. Whole-body pleasure.

  Never enough to throw her into completion.

  Her entire body was shaking. Had it not been for the back of the chair, she’d have sunk to the floor.

  He blanketed her.

  The warmth of his body, the hard ridge of his cock brushing against her sore backside sent a thrill down to her core. She wasn’t the only one on edge. Though there was little comfort in the thought since he said there’d be no pleasure for her.

  “You look so enchantingly aroused. Do you know your pussy is glistening? Swollen. Almost as bright red as your magnificent ass.”

  She groaned.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Sorry, love. That will ear
n you a few more. Unfortunate, as I thought we were finished.”

  His hand continued to fall until she thought she’d scream with want. A tiny gasp earned her three more extremely well-placed cracks.

  Her ass was on fire, her limbs the consistency of overcooked asparagus and her breaths puffed past dry lips by the time he announced her punishment was at an end.

  Only he was lying. The spanking wasn’t the punishment. His denial of pleasure was the punishment. One she wouldn’t soon forget. She was so damn turned-on, one flick of her clit would send her over the edge.

  The same hands that dished out the reprimand now skated over her body in a soothing rub. Over her burning ass. Up her thighs and then journeyed back up her back to massage her shoulders.

  His tender ministrations took away some of the heat, but not the need to come. She wanted that more than anything.

  “Let’s get you loose.” He came around and undid the restraints. Rubbed her wrists.

  They were probably slightly bruised from all the tension she’d placed on them. She wanted the blindfold off so badly she almost reached up to remove the hindering scrap of fabric, catching herself at the last minute.

  “You did well. Better than well. I hadn’t expected you to take so much your first time. I’m proud of you.” He lifted her chin. Pulled off the blindfold.

  She only had a moment to blink as her eyes tried to adjust before his lips claimed hers in a sensual kiss she felt to her aching toes. Aching because of all the hardcore curling she’d done.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She sighed, long and heavy. “Is that a trick question?”


  “Well, my ass feels as if a volcano erupted on it and I’ve never been more frustrated in my life. How okay is that?”

  He laughed, then smashed their lips together for several blissful seconds. “Sassy as ever, brat. That puts my mind at ease.”


  He tapped her under the chin and returned to his position behind her. “Can you stand?”


  “Whoa. Easy.” He caught her quickly beneath the arms when her legs gave out.

  He swooped her up against his chest. “To bed with you.”

  Pierce glanced regretfully at the wooden panels with the decorative Xs on them as he carried her toward the staircase. He’d planned on strapping her down and teasing her unmercifully, but decided that might be a little much for day one. Besides, she was on the brink and he thought that might be more torture than she could take.

  Hell, more torture than he could take. He knew once he had frontal access to her puffy pussy lips and the delicious wet heat that lay beyond, he’d cave and give her the pleasure they both so desperately wanted.

  In the bedroom, he executed a slow body-contact glide until her feet touched the floor, careful to support her the entire way. Once she was steady, he turned her to face away from him.

  He reached around her, whipped the comforter entirely off, pulled the sheet back and gently said, “Facedown on the bed.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. She practically melted onto the soft sheets.

  “Go ahead and get comfortable while I get a washcloth.”

  She moaned.

  “No touching yourself and no grinding your hips.”

  “I swear he has eyes in the back of his head.” He barely caught her muffled murmur as he entered the bathroom.

  As sore and frustrated as she was, now was probably not a good time for Heather to hear him laugh. But he sure as hell wanted to.

  She was such a gem. Feisty and ultra-feminine all rolled into one curvaceous sexy package. A woman he could fall in love with. If he believed in love. Which he didn’t. At least that’s what he told himself as he ran cool water over a washcloth, wrung it out with more force than was necessary and headed back to the beautiful, vulnerable female sprawled dead center in the middle of his oversized bed.

  He shook his head. How one small woman could fill up so much space was beyond him.

  He sat down next to her and applied the wet cloth directly to her beautifully abused backside.

  A sigh of appreciation blew past her slightly parted, very kissable lips. “Awesome.”

  He lifted the cloth and kissed each butt cheek. “My exact thought.”

  The statement was met with a soft laugh. She rolled her head to face him, opened her eyes and smiled.

  The small gesture lit her entire face and tugged at some long-forgotten heartstrings. Shit. Pierce once again had a scary feeling he wasn’t going to be anxious to cut her loose any time soon.

  Pushing that thought to the far reaches of his mind, he concentrated on the task of eliminating some of the heat from her ass. When he felt it sufficient enough, he tossed the cloth toward the bathroom door. Partially dried, the damp rag didn’t make it much past the threshold.

  “All done?” Her disappointment came through loud and clear. “That was just phase one.” He reached into the nightstand drawer and withdrew a tube and squirted a zigzag trail over the entire back of her body.

  She squirmed beneath the application. “That tickles.”

  “That’s because you’re highly sensitive and very ticklish.” He started at her shoulders and neck, rubbing the massage oil in.

  “Damn, that feels wonderful. I hadn’t realized how tense I was.”

  “Just relax and let me take care of you.”

  “No argument here.”

  And she didn’t say another word as he worked her entire body with firm strokes until he reached her ass and lightened his touch. By the time he was done with her toes, he wanted to start back up and do it all again with his tongue.

  He forced himself up and off the bed and looked at her face.

  She was sound asleep.

  Shaking his head, he went to wash his hands. Along the way he picked the washcloth off the floor, tossed it over the side of the tub and ran water over another one which he applied to his spiked cock. “Shit,” he softly hissed. That was cold but didn’t do much good. He passed on a freezing shower, doubting it would help either. Besides, he was anxious to get back to Heather.

  Before he got into bed, he turned the ceiling fan on low, knowing she’d appreciate the cool air, and slid in beside her. When he positioned her so she was half lying over him, her head tucked against his shoulder, she mumbled something incoherent, then drifted right back off to sleep.

  He lay awake for a while, absorbing her light weight, her unique fragrance and toying with the damp ends of her hair. He brought a section to his nose, filled his lungs with the light, lingering scent of honeysuckle.

  He fell asleep rubbing her back and thinking the first thing they were doing in the morning was taking a shower, where he had every intention of fucking her Ivy League brains out.

  Maybe not all. Maybe only half. He’d fuck the other half when he had her strapped and completely vulnerable to him on one of the St. Andrew’s Crosses hidden behind the paneling in the family room.

  Chapter Twelve

  Morning came with a bang.


  Pinned against the shower tiles, her hands above her head, anchored by Pierce’s much-larger, stronger ones, Heather was blissfully heading for her second orgasm and the man showed no signs of slowing down. Climax-starved from yesterday’s spanking lesson, she was thanking her lucky stars she was in love with such a virile guy.

  The first climax had come fast on the heels of turning on the water, he was that anxious to be inside her and she wasn’t about to complain one bit even if the water had been a bit cold at the onset. A temporary inconvenience since things had heated up pretty damn fast. A circumstance that had little to do with the water temperature.

  He’d hoisted her up, ordered her to wrap her legs around his waist and hang the hell on a split second before he reached under her leg and jammed two of his long fingers up inside her to test her readiness. Oh boy, had she been ready. The next thing to be stuffed up her was his beauti
ful thick dick.

  Neither one of them had lasted long.

  Both of them out of breath, sucking up nearly all the oxygen in the misty shower, his forehead pressed to hers, Pierce had tapped some buttons on the multi-spray panel to make the water cooler and turned on the rain head.

  Under the soft, cooler spray, he’d meticulously soaped her from head to toe, not missing a single millimeter in between.

  She’d never had such a licentious washing in her life. Better yet, she couldn’t wait to return the favor. But since this was his week to lead, she relaxed and enjoyed every wondrous second of being pampered nearly to death.

  A tap on her thigh brought her back to the present. She darted a glance over her shoulder.

  “You’re so tight and wet. I could stay in your warm cunt all day. Spread your legs a little bit more.”

  “You do realize I played sports. Didn’t cheerlead for them. I probably would’ve never made the girlie team anyway as the splits were something I did not excel at.”

  That little snorting laugh men do passed his lips in a rush of air. “Babe, you’ll be able to lead the damn cheering team by the time I’m through with you. You’ll be that limber.”

  The whole time he spoke, he never missed a stroke of the deep pounding rhythm he’d set. The man could certainly multi-task with the best of them.

  “And you could probably captain the basketball team,” she countered.

  “How so? I played football.” The deep-green pools separated by his slightly crooked nose teemed with curiosity.

  She grinned. “You’ve taken the…slam-dunk…to a whole new level.”

  “Smartass.” He released one of her hands long enough to smack her hip.

  “Hey!” It was a tossup whether to be ticked off at him or giggle. Given the great mood she was in after the megawatt orgasm he’d given her earlier, the giggling won out. “I’d like to remind you that you did promise me some take-charge time,” she said with a bit of a smirk.


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