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Neon Nights

Page 5

by by: Anthony mayfield

  shall have your weak sword in my trophy case along with all of the souls I've won for hell." He raised the tip of the sword above Yimna's throat. Porneo's mouth was wide open in anticipation and glee; his tongue dangled over his scabbed lip and dripped spittle onto Yimna's face. Yimna could feel a surge of strength return to his body as he heard Nimmeon and thousands of saints around the world praying for him. He reached up, grabbed Porneo's tongue and ripped it from his mouth. 'Ahhhh.' Porneo dropped his sword and covered his mouth trying desperately to quell the spurting blood. Yimna quickly rolled Port= over, snatched his sword, and plunged it deep into Porneo's chest. Blood gurgled from the puncture, ran across Porneo's body and snaked its way into the marsh.

  Sensing a breakthrough, the saints and Nimmeon ceased to pray. Yimna pulled his sword from Porneo's chest, picked up Porneo's sword, and flew toward heaven to report to the captain of the Angels. The closer he got to heaven, God's radiance and love penetrated his wounds and healed him. Standing before the captain, he said, 'Whew, that was a close call.' 'Not really, the captain replied, it only seems that way while you're in the midst of the battle. We are confident that we are always victorious no matter what the circumstances.' Yimna presented the sword to the captain and happily confessed, 'Porneo has been vanquished. He can no longer trouble God's children.' Taking the sword from his hands, the captain responded, 'It is true that the Porneo you did battle with has been vanquished, he can not tell of Nimmeon neither can he influence Nancy any longer, however, there are thousands of other Porneos all waiting to destroy any and all who would invite them in. Nonetheless, the world is rid of one and Nimmeon's mission is saved, at least for the moment. Well done Yimna, well done!'

  Chapter 5

  Terron was frantically pacing the floor while Thayer, Vice, and Connley played a card game. He was irritable, cranky, and overall in a rotten mood. He fell down on one knee at Thayer's side; his hands were open and in a pleading motion, he asked, 'Thayer, I just don't understand why we just can't kill Johnny Angel and get the hell on out of here.' Concentrating more on the card game than on Terron, Thayer mumbled, 'That's exactly why.' Even more agitated now, Terron asked, 'Thayer, why must you talk in riddles. What's exactly why?' 'The last statement you made is exactly why we haven't killed Johnny Angel.' Growing hotter by the second, Terron shouted, 'The last thing I said was, why can't we kill him and get the hell out of here!!!!' 'That's exactly why.' Thayer again responded. 'Arrgh. You are driving me crazy Thayer.' 'Well hang on, we're almost there.'

  Connley and Vice began to laugh at Thayer's last comment, soon Thayer joined in. Terron exploded. He jumped up and flipped the card table over. The air filled with cards, drinks, cigarettes, money, and paper. Vice and Connley toppled over; Thayer caught himself and narrowly escaped a nasty spill. Connley and Vice jumped to their feel and prepared to charge Terron. Connley was first, Terron caught him around his waist and slammed him to the floor. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Vice. 'Hold it, Vice. This is fun, but I'm not in a playing mood. Now, Thayer, what I want are some answers. Talk to me or I'll send us all back to hell in one, two, three, four seconds.' He pointed the gun at each of them and then at himself. Thayer was seething. He wanted to blow Terron's fool head off but he kept his anger under wrap because he didn't want to worsen the situation; besides, he needed Terron. Obviously, no one could do what he does any better, and to send another terror demon from hell would be futile since all of them were alike in temperament.

  'Terron, put down that gun. If you send us back, fool, you'll have to contend with the strongman and you know what happened to the last one in that predicament.' 'That ain't gonna get it today, Thayer. I'll deal with the strongman when I get back. Right now, I'm dealing with you. Now, for the very last time, talk to me.' 'Alright, alright. Perhaps I was a little hasty and curt with my remarks.' He started to rise, Terron readied the gun. 'Easy, Terron, I'm just getting up, you mind?' 'Not at all, just keep talking.' Thayer began to pick up the table and chairs; he motioned for Vice and Connley to help. While Vice and Connley were picking up all that had been scattered over the floor, Thayer sat in a chair and talked to Terron. 'Now let's go over it one more time.' 'Yeah, let's.' 'You, said, 'why can't we simply kill Johnny Angel and get the hell out of here', right?' 'Yeah, that's right." 'Then I said, that's exactly why. Right?' 'Bingo.' 'What I meant was, if we kill Johnny Angel just to go back to hell, then we will literally get the hell out of here.'

  'Huh?' 'Listen Terron, we are pure, uncut hell embodied. Why should we do a job and then cut out when we can do so much good, or shall I say evil, for our side while we are here on earth? What I plan to do is to kill Johnny Angel and set myself up to run against the mayor of Briarpatch. Imagine the potential we would have once we are in control. Think of it Tenon.' Thayer leaned forward, used his hands for emphasis, and spoke in an octave or two lower, all to get Terron to see the picture.

  He had learned from previous experiences that people tend to believe something that's whispered, and Terron was no different. 'Tenon, you can have all of the booze and broads that you can handle. Why should we just influence people as spirits, when we have the opportunity to manipulate them while we're in bodies as we enjoy the sinful activity right along with them?' Smiling, Terron answered, 'Hmmm, you're right. Ok, so what's our next move?' By now, Connley and Vice had the table and chairs back in place. All of the cards had been retrieved, the glasses were back on the table, and the spilled whiskey had been wiped up with one of the hotel towels. After finishing the clean up detail, Vice and Connley stood off to the side of the room, careful not to make any rash movements that might cause Terron to become trigger happy. Calmly, Thayer said, 'Why don't you put away the gun and allow them to sit down so that we can discuss everything?' 'Yeah, alright.' They can sit down. Connley and Vice gingerly approached the table, eased the chairs out, and slowly sat down. Terron pulled out a chair and sat with them. Still holding the gun, he gave them all a good look to determine if he noticed any hostility in their facial expressions. Seeing none, and realizing that the heat of the moment had dissipated, he put away the gun. 'Ok, talk.' Terron said.

  Thayer slid his chair underneath the table. He was sitting directly across from Terron and as he began to talk, he positioned his foot directly behind one of the legs of Terron's chair. Without warning, he hooked his foot around the chair leg and yanked it. Terron fell back­wards. Before he hit the floor, Thayer shouted, 'Get him.' Vice, Connley, and Thayer pounced and quickly subdued Tenon. His hands and feet were bound with belts and he was then tied down to a chair with sheets that had been shred. Thayer composed himself, casually walked around Tenon and said, 'We have a problem here. Our mission is jeop­ardized because you, he turned and looked at Tenon and pointed a stiff finger in his face, refuse to obey the authority that you have been placed under. You're out to make a name for yourself despite everything and everyone else. It's the same spirit that thrust our lord from his heavenly domain to his earthly kingdom. It made him lord of all the earth; however, since heaven and earth are already ruled, there isn't any other place for the great ruler that you desire to become Tenon. So you see, your acts of rebellion won't gain you lordship in

  heaven, hell, or on earth. Furthermore, your rebellion, like all rebellion, justifies

  punishment. I won't send you back because we need you, to get another would delay us longer than I'd like. Therefore, you must be taught a lesson. It's sad, but true; we only learn obedience through sufferings.'

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. 'Let's see, what can I do to you that will cause you to think before you foolishly rebel against me? Hmmm. What would you do to someone else in this predicament, Terron?' It was a rhetorical question, he didn't expect or receive an answer. Snapping his finger, he said, 'I've got it! Hold his head steady.' Vice and Connley sprung into action. One grabbed Terron's head, the other wrapped his arms around the back of the chair and Terron's torso to prevent him from wiggling. Thayer bent over an
d looked directly into Terron's eyes. 'From now until we return to hell, I want each and every breath that you take to remind you of three things. 1. Of this moment. 2. That I am totally and completely in charge and 3. To think about the consequences of your actions before you commit them.' With that, he took a long drag on the cigarette, quickly withdrew it from his mouth, and shoved it as far as it would go into Terron's nostril. Terron let out a long, piercing shriek. He began to twitch and convulse violently. 'Let him go.' Thayer commanded. They released him and jumped back. He shook his head from side to side in fast, whiplash motions until the cigarette dislodged from his nostril. Extinguished, it sailed about five feet from where Terron was sitting. A runny mixture of blood, mucus, and fluids streamed from his nose. He had stopped screaming and was sitting limply in the chair. 'Untie him,' Thayer barked. Again, Connley and Vice sprung into action. Just as they were removing the last belt, Terron, filled with anger, bolted into action. He drew back his feet and kicked Vice, knocking him to the floor. Grabbing Connley, he flipped him over his shoulder and then made a mad dash for his gun which had been placed on the dresser. Vice grabbed his foot and he fell short of reaching the dresser. Vice and Connley were about to pounce on him again when Thayer said, 'No don't stop him. If he wants the gun, let him have it.' Tenon scrambled to his feet and snatched the gun from its resting place and pointed it at them. He was sweating the breathing heavily. 'Go on, do it Tenon,' Thayer instigated. ' And when you do, in an instant we will be back in hell standing before the strongman, and then we and countless others will delight in the partici­pation of ripping you limb from limb before casting you into the deep, black abyss to await the enemy's return. After that, we shall return to earth to complete our mission. You may delay it, but you can't stop it.' They stood with fixed stares on each other, no one dared to move. Thayer shouted, 'Well, what are you waiting for, do it!' Tenon aimed the pistol at Thayer and began to slowly squeeze the trigger.

  Olar, having been there all the time, leaned over and whispered into Terron's ear, 'Don't do it. There's a better way to get absolute revenge without risking retaliation from the strongman. Remember, what Thayer said, 'Think,' besides, even if you should waste them here and now, who says that you have to kill yourself too? You can get rid of them and stay right here on earth; by the time they get new bodies and return, you'll be long gone. Be it far better to get him back in a way that he will lose face and position in hell, right?' 'Yeah that's right,' Terron thought. A broad smile spread across his face as he lowered the gun. The others began to smile too. 'So, you're able to put this behind you, learn from your disobedience, and realign yourself with winners, huh?' Thayer asked. 'Yeah, count me in.' 'And you are no longer deluged with whose in command, right?' 'You are, Thayer.' "At least for the present time.' Olar whispered to Terron. Terron burst out into laughter as did the others.

  'Knock, knock, knock. House security, open up in there.' Terron tossed his gun under the bed and quickly sat at the table with Vice and Connley. Thayer answered the door. 'Yes, what's the problem?' 'We've gotten reports of screams and loud voices coming from this room. Is there a problem?" 'No. See for yourself.' Thayer swung the door open and the guard stepped into the room. Vice, Terron, and Connley were holding cards in their hands as if a game were in progress. The guard noticed the trickle of blood coming from Terron's nose and saw drops of blood on the carpet, turning back to Thayer he asked, 'What happened to him?' Before Thayer could answer, Tenon spoke out. 'Him can answer for himself. My foot got caught in the carpet, I stumbled and drove my nose into the edge of the table.' The guard winced as he pictured Terron's nose hitting the edge of the table. 'That has to hurt something awful. Do you want to see a doctor?' he asked. 'No it's not that bad. Besides I hardly feel anything, this liquid novocaine kills the pain. He held up a glass of whisky.' Everybody laughed. The guard smiled and turned to leave. Looking back into the room he said, 'Well, I guess everything's in order here. If you need us for anything just give us a call, and please, keep the noise down just a little bit. There are other guests here too, you know.' 'Yes we know. We'll keep it down.' Thayer said. He thanked the man and gently closed the door.

  Facing the others, who were still laughing, he said 'Alright, enough. If nothing else, one thing this little ruckus did accomplish is letting us know that we can't waste any more time. We've got work to do.' He sat down with them. 'It's time to discuss our plans. They must be fool proof if we are to succeed in eliminating Johnny Angel and, at the same time, positioning ourselves to dominate Briarpatch and it's neighboring communities. Tenon, we've already had two disruptive outbursts from you, one more and I will personally cut your

  heart out irregardless to how long it will delay our objectives. Do you understand that?' "I told you, I'm with you. You won't have any more trouble out of me BA-El.' Thayer smiled. The name BA-El coming from Terron's lips pleased him; in his mind, it represented a definite sign of Terron's willingness to obey. 'Good. We're glad you've come to your senses, however, remember that my name here on earth is Thayer Diamond. Now, about our plans. Through consecration and prayer, I have received an infallible plan from Satan himself. Because of the time, I can't tell you everything.' 'Yeah, right, Terron thought. It's more like because of your wanting to hold back information so that you can maintain control more so than the time.' Thayer continued, 'I need and expect total obedience; don't ask questions or try to reason, just do whatever it is that I tell you to do and, in time, you will un­derstand everything. Is that clear?' They all nodded yes. 'Good.'

  'Now then, before we concern ourselves with mayor Kenny Matthews or Johnny Angel, I need of something from the dark side. During my prayer time with Lucifer, he gave me specific instructions as to what to do in order to receive that which I need from hell. Tenon, I want you and Vice to return to the very spot where those two men were slain and build another altar. Afterwards, find something alive or someone alive, preferably the latter, so that it or they can be used for a sacrifice unto our lord. Connley, I want you to get on the phone to this list of men.' He handed him a sheet of paper. Glancing at the long list of names, Connley complained, "There's over a hundred names and numbers on this page.' 'So.' 'So, you want me to call all of these people by myself?' 'No, I don't.' Connley breathed a sigh of relief and sank back into his chair. 'I don't want you to,' Thayer continued, 'I expect you to.' Connley shot him a look that expressed the anger and dislike that he had for Thayer at that moment. Tenon, finding it all very amusing, laughed. Connley bristled, 'What's so funny, Tenon?' 'Nothing man.' he said still laughing. 'How about I give you something to laugh for.' He stood up over Tenon. .'You know man, you've been walking around ever since we got here with a chip on your shoulder crying about this and that, and I'm sick and tired of your whining and I'm sick and tired of you.' Tenon stood up too. 'So what are you going to do about it?' 'Nothing, Thayer answered. 'Neither one of you is going to do anything to the other. Now sit down and shut up, both of you.' Tenon snickered some more as they sat down. 'That's enough, Tenon.' Thayer said in a threatening way. Abruptly, Tenon stopped laughing. Thayer focused his attention back on Connley. 'When you reach these men, you are to tell them that we have a fool proof, money making venture for them to participate in. Instruct each of them to bring no less than one million dollars in cash to the meeting. Have them to meet us tomorrow promptly at 1 p.m. at the Hilltop Hotel in the main conference room. Tell them that Jake Quinnery gave you their names. Mention the other men's names to further encourage them to come, in other words,

  do what you do best, con them. Use any and all of the information on this sheet any way you see fit, just get them to the meeting. When you finish doing that, call this realtor,' he handed him a sheet of paper with a name on it and a picture of a house, 'about the house in Briarpatch. Tell him to meet me there at 4 p.m. tomorrow. And, finally, call the newspaper and announce my candidacy for mayor of Briarpatch. Does everyone understand what they are supposed to do?' Everyone nodded. 'Oh, Terron, after you and Vice build the alt
ar and find a sacrifice, come back and get us. Now get going.'

  Chapter 6

  Johnny Angel had no sooner walked through the door when the phone rang. 'Hello.' 'Hi Johnny, it's me Nancy. You left out of here in such a hurry, I was worried sick over you. I've been waiting at the window all this time for you to return.' Is Michael home?' Johnny asked. I want to come over.' Nancy breathed a sigh of relief. 'Oh, Johnny, I thought you didn't want me. We can't do anything now though, Michael is in the bedroom asleep. I'm surprised you can't hear him snoring.' she added sarcastically. 'Wait a minuet, he'll be out at least 45 minutes to an hour. We could have a quickie at your place!" 'No, that's not what I had in mind. Listen, when Michael wakes up, tell him I'd like to take the two of you out to your favorite restaurant. That is, if it's open today.' 'Yes, it should be open today. I don't understand Johnny. I thought...' He interrupted her, "I know you don't understand now, but you will by and by I promise you. Just play along with me ok?' She smiled as she considered that he wanted to wine and dine her right underneath Michael's nose without arousing any suspicion. 'Alright Johnny.' she said in a dreamy kind of way. 'Now don't forget to call me as soon as he wakes up.' he reminded her. 'I won't forget Johnny.' 'Ok, I'll talk to you later. Bye.' 'Bye Johnny.'


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