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Neon Nights

Page 12

by by: Anthony mayfield

  requested should be ready now, master. Shall we venture back to the computer room?' 'By all means.' Thayer answered.

  The computer had spewed out all of the information that it had on what Thayer requested. It lay in a small heap, nicely printed, on the table top. Thayer picked it up and looked at it over. The name Cecil Carrington snagged his attention. He thought for a moment as he tried to recall where he'd encountered the name. Remembering, he faced Quinnery and asked, 'This Cecil Carrington, do you know anything about him personally.?' 'Nothing more than he deals drugs in the area and that he's supposed to be on the run. Why do you ask?' 'Because I see in this report that he heads drug and prostitution rings in New Jersey. Do you think that he'd be receptive to a deal?" 'I really don't know, lord. As I said earlier, I hardly know anything at all about the man. However, I do know that he isn't one of ours. I mean he hasn't committed himself to satan. At the moment, he just does things that are beneficial to our cause because he derives great pleasure, wealth, or both from those things, not because he glorifies satan as we do.' "Are there any members in his organization who are disciples of lucifer?' "We can try to find out.' Quinnery said.

  He turned and began pushing buttons on the computer. A few minutes later, the printer came to life and began printing what it had found. 'Here it is, lord,' Quinnery said while handing the paper to Thayer. There was a picture accompanied by information on a Charles Walls. 'According to this, Thayer began, Charles Walls is a loyal member of a satanic cult in New Jersey, and he happens to be second in command of the Carrington operation. This is almost to good to be true. Jake, get on the phone and contact this Charles Walls. Tell him who I am, what I am, and that I shall be in New Jersey shortly to conduct some business with him very shortly.' 'Yes, BA-El.'

  Immediately, Quinnery did as he was told. Everything was arranged according to Thayer's specifications. Afterwards, 'Thayer and the others went back up stairs. Terron picked up a few interesting torture items for his collection before departing. 'This just might come in handy one day.' He said, grinning mischievously. Quinnery thanked them for the visit, told them to come back anytime, and handed Thayer one of his business cards. 'Call me if there's anything that I can do for you, lord.' He told Thayer. Thayer took the card from him in a professional, business like manner. It was noticeably larger than most other business cards. It had Quinnery's name, address, and phone number printed in large, raised, golden letters. Underneath his name the caption read, 'When you're ready to make some real money, call me, Jake Quinnery, the stockbroker with the golden touch.' Thayer smiled, slid the card in his pocket and got into t he van. Quinnery stood at the door watching until they disappeared from his sight.

  Chapter 10

  Olar was elated to have the women in the group. He figured that if anything could be used to stir up confusion or trouble, it was a woman. He was hovering over them, just checking them out, when he noticed that Ora seemed to be slightly jealous of Sisela. 'All she need was a few choice suggestions and she would be ready to kill if it became necessary, ' he thought. The problem though, jealously was not his bag. He needed a pro. 'Swish, zip.' He exited through a wall, then the floor, and headed for hell to see if he could find some help.

  There was an awards ceremony going on and , lucky for him, one of the recipient of an award was Quanna, a jealousy demon. She was being honored for delivering her 1000th client to hell within a six month period. It seemed that as a result of her influence she had made a man so jealous that he finally killed his wife and himself sending them both to hell and giving her her 1000th victim. After receiving the award, she was casually floating around talking with others who praised and encouraged her. 'Psst. Quanna. ' She looked up and saw Olar standing behind a mound of mold becoming for her to come. She glided over to him, expecting him to adore her for her accomplishments. 'Yes Olar. What is it?" 'Listen, Quanna you can deflate that hairy chest of yours, I'm not here to stroke your ego. I need your help." 'You need my help, she said raising her voice. Why should I help a nobody like you?' 'Shhh keep your voice down fool. Actually, I'm trying to help you.' 'Really, she said sarcastically." 'Yeah, really. Listen, how would you like to pick up number 1001 within a short period of time?" 'Keep talking, I'm listening, " she answered. 'Somehow, I knew you would. he said. 'I'm working on a case see and there is this woman who is open to your influences. She's already exhibiting jealousy tendances toward her friend. All I need you to do is help her out a little bit. I could do it but I'm working on someone else in the group. Besides, I know you're the best.' She gloated and asked,' Oh, Olar, do you really think so?' 'Yeah, right' he said sarcastically. So, will you help me?" "Yeah. I'll help you. " 'Oh, you haven't seen or heard any news of BA-EL lately have you?' 'No. Should I have heard something?' 'Not at all , I just haven't seen him around lately.' 'You know BA-EL he's probably in China or in some other far away place." she said. 'Yeah, you're right.' 'Good, he thought, she doesn't know anything about BA-EL going to earth, that means she doesn't know anything about the women either. He snickered at the thought of getting revenge on BA-EL. 'Well, he said while pulling her arm, come on, let's go.' 'Wait, you're hurting my arm. Besides I have to say goodbye to everyone." 'Listen, Quanna, there is no time for that either you're coming with me right now, or I'll have to find

  someone else.' 'Oh, all right Olar, she said brooding, let's go.' Soon they were back in the hotel room with Ora and Sisela. Thayer and the others still had not returned.

  Olar and Quanna sat down on the couch beside the women. 'Which one is it?' Quanna asked. 'Her, he answered while pointing to Ora. 'Humph, both of them are homely compared to me, ' she said. 'It's true, Olar attested without even the slightest hint that he was lying. 'Obviously she's been consumed by the jealousy poison that she spreads," he thought.

  In a word, Quanna at best was hideous. She was five feet tall , 180 pounds of pure unadulterated ugly. The upper part of her head was narrow while her jaws were huge, boxed, and protruding. Her right eye was oval and the left one was oblong. It looked more like a slit than an eye, and when she closed it you couldn't even tell it was there. Her lips were fat and spongy, the bottom one drooped due to the enormous, red mole that grew on it's center. Sitting next to her Olar thought that something was missing. 'Humph, what is it?" Oh yeah, the insects.' In hell, there was an ever abiding swarm of flies, gnats and fleas about Quanna's head and chest. You could easily spot her because the insects were so numbered that from a distance they formed what appeared to be cloud.

  Her wired haired chest was flat and covered with rubbery, nipple like appendages that jutted out. She had short stubby arms that rested on the sides of her rotund middle. Dangling from the center of her belly was an eight inch, diseased, inverted navel. Whenever she became excited an acidic fluid, which flowed from large glands underneath her armpits, released a pungent odor. It was so gut wrenching that if other demons were nearby, they began to vomit uncontrollably. The vomit would bring other demons who would devour their fellow demon's lost. The frenzies would continue until Quanna either calmed down or left.

  'It's getting late, Ora said. I guess we,d better start to get ready before they get back.' 'I guess,' Sicily responded. 'Staring in the mirror Ora was captivated by her voulumptious new body but Sicily despised hers. She preferred her old body. Before, she had long blond hair that ran down her back. She had worn wire rimmed glasses, was petit in size and somewhat adjrodenous. Now, however, she had round, medium sized, perky breasts, curves, and a shapely bottom. Her hair was short and sassy. She no longer needed glasses and her eyes were green instead of brown. She had a narrow, little nose, thin lips, and a sprinkling of freckles. She abhorred everything about her new self but she thought, 'it's far better to be in this body that on the dark side of hell.'

  The women had showered and were standing in their undergarments preparing to dress. Ora looked over at Sisela and noticed the firmness of her body whereas hers though larger, and more robust seemed less desirable. This annoyed Ora just a bit; nonetheless, it
was just enough for Quanna to notice and zero in on it. In an instant she had her arm around Ora's shoulder whispering. "Humph. Who does she think she is anyway? Look at the way she's primping, the little slut.' 'Yeah,' Ora agreed. Unaware of what was going on in Ora's mind, Sisela continued to dress. She pulled out a large trunk that had been given to her when she returned to earth. Opening the trunk, Sisela found it filled with elegant clothing, costly jewelry, seductive perfumes, lotions, and underwear. She forgot herself for a moment as she rummaged throughout the treasure chest.

  Seeing all of the lavish clothing and accessories come from Sisela's chest, Ora forgot her jealousy and rushed to open her chest. Her's was filled with casual trendy clothes. There were a few nice suits but nothing even came close to comparing with Sisela's lot. Ora looked dejectedly over at Sisela. A sneered scowl appeared on her face as she fixed her mouth to complain. Quanna stood over Ora supplying her with all the choice words to say. Sisela was standing in the mirror holding a dress against her body trying to determine if she liked it or not. Ora walked up to her and snatched the dress from her hands. 'Hey, Sisela said, that's mine!" "So, what of it? Why is it that you get the best of everything and all I get is clothes that make me look like a cheap hooker. Why is that, huh?' "I don't know. I didn't pick these clothes.' 'Yeah, right.' 'Listen, if you're unhappy with your wardrobe, you can wear anything you want out of mine.' Disarmed momentarily neither Quanna nor Ora knew how to respond. 'Aw, who needs your clothes. When I get through satisfying them they'll give me anything that I want.' Sisela, nervously said,'Yeah, you're right.'

  Quanna and Olar laughed gleefully at the turn of events. 'Well, what do you think?'Olar asked. 'I think that I'll have number '1001 very soon. She's so open to my suggestions that I could have her committing murder within days.' 'Excellent.' exclaimed Olar. Now, I will summoned you when it's appropriate for you to uhh shall we say minister unto her.' He cackled at his dry humor. 'What do you mean summon me?' she asked. I don't have to leave. I can stay here until the job is done.' 'That won't be necessary. I don't want to jeopardize the work I've done on others.' 'How will your work be jeopardized? They can't see me. We can work together. Hey, you're not trying to bamboozle me are you?' 'Oh, no, no of course not. I only thought that you might want to work on someone else at the same time, that's all.' 'That ain't how I work. I take them one at a time. So if I can't stick around, I'll just have to take my talents elsewhere."

  Olar was silent for a moment as he tried to think things out. 'Maybe she won't recognize Thayer as BA-EL. Besides, he couldn't let her go back to hell now. She'd blab her mouth and ruin everything.' 'Well, what's it going to be Olar. I don't have all day to fool with a fool. Either I'm in this until they enter hell, or I'm not in it at all. 'Oh no , he muttered. 'What did you say? she demanded. Stammering he answered,' All right Quanna as you said, until the day they enter the gates of hell." 'Good. Now I'll get back to work." She glided across the room and stood beside Ora to monitor her every move and expression. She was waiting patiently for the right clue so that she could begin to sow seeds of corruption.

  Olar had drifted into the sky. His mind was consumed with Quanna's words, 'until they enter hell." He hadn't considered that; if she were to arrive in hell with Ora, Sisela, or one of the others, the strongman would punish her severely and surely she'd indite him. Which meant both would be vanquished to the abyss. Even though Quanna would accuse him, she would be equally as guilty despite her ignorance. Olar was really in a pickle. 'Think,' he said to himself. 'That's it,' he said snapping his fingers. 'There is no other way. Once Quanna has completed her assignment, just before anyone departs from their body, I'll vanquish Quanna. It must be done.' He let out a loud shrill laugh that sounded like air escaping from a small hole in a large balloon. Holding his stomach, he rolled over and over laughing until it hurt.

  Chapter 11

  'Gentlemen, may I have your attention please." Thayer was saying. The huge conference room was about with young, middle aged, and elder rich men. They were smiling, chatting with one another, renewing old acquaintance and establishing new ones. Everyone stopped for a moment and gave their undivided attention to Thayer. 'Good morning. My name is Thayer Diamond. I'm your host. Via Jake Quinnery, I was told that you would be interested in the proposal I am about to make. I understand that Jake has assisted all of you in one capacity or another, to either make millions or save millions. And with that in mind, even though he's not with us today, I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Jake Quinnery, a financial genius. To Jake.' Everyone hoisted their glass and yelled in unison, 'To Jake.' They drank heartily, laughed, and slapped each other on the back. They were about to get carried away when; tink, tink, tink, Thayer began tapping on his glass with a spoon. 'Gentlemen, let us come to order. You have noticed that your names have been written on cards and placed on the table. At this time, I'd like for you to find your name and take your seat.

  They scuttled about found their names and struggled to pull the great oak and leather chairs from beneath the massive , ornate table. There were fifteen extra men. They had been invited by one of the others whose name appeared on the list. 'Excellent. Thayer exclaimed. I'm happy to see extras wanting to take advantage of a sure thing.' He turned to the waiters who were positioned throughout the room and asked one of them to bring some paper to make additional name cards. Afterwards, he dismissed all of the waiters from the room and had them to close the doors. Once they departed he began.

  'Judging from the brief cases that each of you have, I assume that you have brought the required amount in order to be a part of this meeting. However, if there is anyone here who does not have on their person $1,000,000.00 or more in cash, you are free to go. Do so now.' The room was quiet with the exception of a cough here or someone clearing their throat there. But, no one moved. Thayer clapped his hands together. 'Magnificent. Everyone has the money. Now, would each of you take out the money and place it on the table for my colleague,Vice, to collect.'

  'You're moving kind of fast here aren't you?' One of the men said. 'Quite frankly, yes. I have another engagement and I really must get this over with.' Thayer answered. Someone else spoke up. 'That's well and good, but you haven't even told us what our money will be invested in.' Thayer pulled out the information that he had obtained on each of the men. He looked at the name in front of the man and quickly found the corresponding in-

  formation. 'Ah, yes. Mr. Miller. Unlike the illegal gambling dens that you have invested in to make millions, this opportunity is for you to invest $1,000,000.00 so that you can keep the rest.' 'What!' shouted another. 'Now see here Mr. Diamond. He said while standing, maybe you don't know who I am, So I'll tell you this much; if you mess with me or my money I'll send you to hell, and fast, boy.' Thayer looked at him unimpressed. 'Sit down Mr. Hercularo, I've already been. Red with anger Mr. Hercularo grabbed his briefcase and turned to walk out. 'I'll not tell you again Mr. Hercularo, Thayer sternly said. You can either sit down under your own power, or lie down under mine. He looked back to see a nine millimeter gun in Thayer's hand trained on his head. Without a word, he eased back into his chair. 'I thought you'd see things my way, Thayer smugly replied.'

  A man sitting middle ways along the table raised his hand. Thayer acknowledged him. 'Yes, what is it Mr. Nestee?' he asked while looking at the name card. 'Listen, Mr. Diamond, or whoever you are. I haven't involved myself with any transactions with Mr. Quinnery. I only recently met the man. So, perhaps I should excuse myself so that you can carry on.' He began to rise from his seat. By now Thayer had found the information that he had on Mr. Nestee. 'Hold on, he said, not so fast Mr. Patrick Nestee. It's true that you have no dealing with Mr.Quinnery, nonetheless, I'm sure that the government would be interested in knowing that you earned millions from illegal oil drilling and then you used portions of the money to finance a coup in the country where the drilling took place'

  'That's a lie,' he shouted. I didn't know they were going to use the money for that. They told me it was for somethi
ng else. It's not my fault. Besides, that was over 20 years ago. A lot has happened since then. I'm saved. I'm a christian now, and everything that I've done wrong in my past I've been forgiven for.' 'First of all Mr. Nestee, I care more about a bloody sow's gut than I do about your salvation. Furthermore, what man has forgiven you for and what God has forgiven you for are two different things entirely. Obviously, you fear man and prison more than God, otherwise you'd boldly proclaim your innocence to the proper authorities. But since you haven't, it's crystal clear that you live in fear of being discovered and though you've uttered trite confessions from you parched, thin lips, you never really spoke it out of your heart. You merely covered it up with word knowledge. Consequently, we can still control you. Secrets, especially ungodly ones are the ruin of every man, Mr. Nestee. Now sit down and shut up so that we can continue.'

  Mr. Nestee gave Thayer a long hard look. Thayer burst into laughter. 'What's the matter Patrick, you don't like the way things are going? Ha. ha. ha. You got that 'the father let me down' feeling. So what are you going to do now, huh, fool.' You christians are purely amazing. Don't you know that there are rules and spiritual laws that you must abide by to

  get the results you want? Of course, you don't, if you did you wouldn't be here and we'd be arch enemies. Instead, we're about to become partners. Isn't that right?' Mr. Nestee never answered. He stood with his unbroken stare still locked on Thayer. Thayer returned the stare. Frightened, Mr. Nestee took a step backwards and nearly tumbled over his chair. 'Sit down, Mr. Nestee, or I'll show you personally, who I really am." He grinned a caustic smile that caused the hairs on Mr. Nestee's back to stand at attention. He grabbed for his chair and clumsily plopped down. 'rd really like to entertain all of your questions, Thayer said, I actually find them quite amusing. However, due to a lack of time, and other commitments, I must ask you to politely give me the money you so graciously brought with you, and pass your briefcases down to this end of the table.'


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