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Neon Nights

Page 20

by by: Anthony mayfield

  "Ding Dong.' Thayer and Terron turned and looked at the door. 'Quick, Thayer said, go into the bedroom.' Tenon bolted up and hastily ran to the bedroom. He stepped in Ora's room. 'What are you doing . . . ' she began. 'Shhhh be quiet, listen, he said, I know BA-El has been treating you kind of bad just like he's been treating me. So what I wanted to know is if you want to split with me?" "Why should I?' she asked. 'Well, for one good reason I've got 14 million of BA-El's money in the bank downtown.' 'How do I know you're not lying?" He looked at her for a minuet in disbelief. 'You want proof? All right, here's proof." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a receipt for the 14 million dollars which he had deposited in his name. Ora said, 'How do I know you're not trying to trick me?' Again Tenon looked disappointedly at her. 'Hey, he said, I'm not lying to you. Either you'll trust me, or you can stay with Thayer.' 'No, no, not that. I trust you." she hurriedly said.

  "All right, this is what I'm going to do to show you that I'm real. I'm going to trust you. Do you have any identification with your name and picture on it?" "Yeah, Thayer had us to make them when we were in New Jersey. Why do you ask?" 'Get it for me." he said. She reached in her purse and pulled it out and handed it to him. 'Good. This will work fine." 'What are you going to do with it?' 'Thayer has a copier and a fax machine in his basement office right?' "Yeah, as far as I know, so what about it?' she asked. 'So, I'm going to slip down there and have the money transferred to a Swiss bank. I'll make a copy of your picture and fax it to the Swiss bank. Then they will be able to put your name on the account and it will be a joint account. Now do you trust me?" 'Yes." she whispered.

  'Tenon, Ora, Sicily, get in here!" Thayer bellowed. "Come on, let's go.' Tenon said to Ora. 'What about the phone call? How will you get in the basement?' 'Don't worry, I'll think of something. Right now we've got to go and see what he wants.'

  When they made it to the living room Connley was there. 'It was just this fool." Thayer said pointing at Connley. He peered out the door. The cab was parked in front of the house. He turned and grabbed Connley in the collar. 'Fool, are you trying to get us killed? Don't you know someone will recognize that taxi? Get back in it and drive around back. Park it in that storage shed. It's big enough to hide it in there." With that, Thayer opened the door and shoved Connley out.

  'Welcome back.' The commercials had ended and the news was back on. '000H." 'What's wrong with you?' Thayer asked Terron. "Man, my stomach is acting up. I need to use the bathroom. I think I'll use the one in the basement so I don't foul up the air in here. If you know what I mean.' 'Yes, stupid, we know what you mean, you don't have to advertise it, just go.' Terron turned, smiled and walked toward the basement steps. He could hear the volume of the television go up us as he hurried down the stairs.

  'Our next story involves allegations that Mayor Matthews is a reputed drug dealer. Our reporter, Lois Kent, has that story, Lois.' She began by updating viewers on the Mayoral race and Thayer Diamond. Afterwards, she showed the interview that she had conducted with Thayer, Ora, and Sisela. By the time Terron had reentered the room, Lois was asking Ora, 'According to your testimony, you had all that anyone could dream of, why did you betray him?" 'Uhh, uhh, well, it was because he wanted me to sleep with his wife.' "His wife? You mean that she is a lesbian?' 'I don't know, all I know is that he wanted me to do it. And I didn't want to.' 'I don't mean to be rude here Ora, but you're a prostitute. One who has admitted going both ways. Was that request so outlandish when you consider all that you had to lose?' 'Well, no, but . . . It makes it seem like something underhanded is going on." Thayer interrupted, 'What she meant was . . . . " 'I'm sorry Mr. Diamond, we're out of time.'

  Angry, Thayer threw the remote control at the television set. On impact it shattered into pieces that narrowly missed Connley as he came through the front door. 'What the. . ." Connley said. 'What's going on in here?" he asked. "Shut up and sit down!' Thayer com­manded. Connley walked over to the couch and plopped down. 'Everything has gone awry, Thayer said. First, I find out that Johnny Angel isn't dead, Vice gets killed, and now I'm a suspect in a murder case." And, to top it all off, my carefully arranged story about Mayor Matthews is not as credible now thanks to you.' Thayer said, as he looked at Ora. He strolled over and stood directly in front of her. She refused to look up at him. 'Well, what have you to say for yourself?' he angrily bellowed. 'Couldn't you have said something other than he wanted you to sleep with his wife? Huh!?" Ora began, 'I, I I. . ." "You, you,

  what?' Thayer interrupted. I ought to send you back to the strongman right now you stupid little tramp.'

  He drew back and punched her. The blow landed on her forehead. In a matter of seconds, there was a sound of agony, a flow of blood, and a knot that began to rise on Ora's head. 'Shut up.' Thayer yelled as he drew back to strike her again. Terron jumped up and grabbed his fist. Thayer flung him off. "You want some?' he asked. 'No, that's not it Thayer, I don't want the neighbors to hear you and call the police, that's all.' Terron answered. 'Yeah, right.' Thayer sarcastically said. 'Get up, sit down, and shut up while I try to figure these things out.' Terron slowly eased to his feet and sat down next to Ora and tried to comfort her. 'Let's see, we can't get Marla and we don't know where Johnny Angel is but if we snatch Nancy, we can flush Johnny out, kill him and Nancy and then get out of town. After that, we can go to another city and start over again." 'How come we just can't pull out now?' Connley asked. 'Because you fool, our chief objective in even coming here was to kill Johnny Angel and we're not leaving until he's dead. That's why. Any more questions?' No one said a word. 'All right, here's what we'll do. We'll go by Nancy's house, grab her and head to the cult shop. I'll alert Jake so that he'll have everyone ready to battle.' 'What about them?" Connley said while pointing to Ora and Sisela. 'Oh, yeah that's right. Here's what we'll do, Connley, you stay here with them until Terron and I get back." "Hey, why do I have to go?' Terron questioned. Thayer pulled out a knife and pounced on Terron. 'You don't have to go you can go to hell if you prefer. He pressed the tip of the knife against his neck until a fine trickled of blood ran across the blade.' 'Well?" Thayer asked, what's it going to be?" "I'm going with you, BA-EL" he mumbled. 'I thought so.' Connley laughed, 'Don't worry, Terron, I'll take good care of your girlfriend." Terron started after him and Thayer stopped him. 'Save it, we don't have time, Thayer said, we've got to snatch Nancy before something else develops; Let's go."

  Terron gave Connley a long hard stare and said, 'I'll be back, you know.' 'Yeah, and when you get back maybe we can discuss the fourteen million that you pilfered from Thayer.' 'What 14 million?" Thayer asked. 'Thayer, I don't know what he's talking about; he's lying.' "Oh yeah, If I'm lying Thayer, ask him why he only deposited one hundred million in your name when there were 115 men each with a million dollars, at the meeting.' Thayer thought for a moment. 'That's right. Why you double crossing little thief.' 'It was a mistake, Thayer, honest.' Tenon pleadingly said. 'Yeah, you're right about that, it was a mistake and when we get back you'll pay dearly for it. Now let's go.'

  Olar, having heard the whole thing flitted about Terron's ear and whispered, 'You've got to make sure Thayer doesn't get back.' "Yeah.' Tenon thought. Once inside the Mercedes,

  Thayer phoned Jake Quinnery and told him what was happening and to be prepared. "Yes my lord, we will be ready.' Jake answered. "All right, Thayer said to Terron, let's snatch that accusing busy body.'

  Chapter 22

  At the house, Olar and Quanna were sitting around watching the others. Sisela got up. 'Hey, where are you going?' Connley asked her. 'To my room. I want to lie down.' "All right. Go on.' She proceeded before he could say anything more. Ora got up to leave too. 'And where do you think you're going?' he asked. 'I'm going to my room too.' "You don't have a room here. Besides, I've got something else for you to do.' He grabbed her and pulled her to the floor. She struggled and fought off his attack. 'Whop.' "Ooph." He drove his knee into her stomach and knocked the wind from her. She quit fighting and he tore off her clothes. He wa
s readying himself to rape her when, 'Stab." Sisela plunged a pair of scissors into his neck. He fell to the floor beside Ora, dead. 'Are you all right?" Sicily asked. Dazed, Ora answered, 'Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." Ora sat up and Sisela embraced her. 'Look, she said, we've got to get out of here before Thayer gets back. But I don't know where we can go.' Ora said, 'There is fourteen million in my and Terron's name. It's in Switzerland. We can go there.' 'When did all of that happen?' Sisela asked. 'Just today. Terron is planning on killing Thayer and he asked me if I'd go away with him. I told him I would, but that I wanted my name on the account first. So, when he went to use the bathroom in the basement, he faxed the information and my picture to the Swiss bank. The only thing though is we'll need enough money to get there.' 'BA-El, or whatever his name is may have some money downstairs. You get dressed, I'll go look.' Sisela said.

  Quanna jumped. 'BA-El!" she shouted. She began thinking, 'That's where I've seen these goons before, they're from hell. Olar what the. . . ' She turned but he was gone. She figured she'd better hightail it back to hell and let the strongman know what Olar was up to. When she arrived everyone was in an uproar. She pushed her way through the throng and landed at the foot of Satan’s makeshift throng. 'There she is!' Olar screamed. 'Grab her!" the strongman commanded. A swarm of demons smothered her. 'N000. Wait! It was Olar not me.' 'Bring her to me.' Satan ordered.

  The demons dragged her to the strongman and hurled her at his feet. Trembling, she said, 'My lord, Olar lied. It was he who invited me to work on one of the women. Had I known that you had sent the women or that BA-El was involved, I never would have interfered." 'You see, master, I told you she would say that.' Olar quipped. 'I'll get you for this Olar. I'll pull your tongue out and stick it up your nose.' she said. "Oh yeah, well, . . . .' 'Silence.' Satan yelled. 'How dare you Quanna, come and stand before me and lie. Olar already told us everything. You could have at least begged for mercy.'

  Afraid and desperately trying to spare herself from the abyss, Quanna reasoned that if she admitted quilt the strongman would severely beat and tear her, however, it would be better than the abyss and it would afford her an opportunity for revenge against Olar. 'You're right my lord, I confess. Please show mercy to your impudent servant." 'That's better, ratan said. On your feet and come here." She got up and approached him. Without provocation he reached up and snatched her from the spot she was standing on. Before she could utter a sound he drove a talon into the top of her head and squeesed the life from her body. It ooosed out from the hole in her head. When there was no more he hurled the limp body against the wall. Everyone could hear the faint wails of Quanna as she spiraled to the great abyss.

  'You have done quite well, Olar, Satan said, keep up the good work.' Olar smirked, turned and flew towards the earth's atmosphere. Satan nodded at a gargantuan demon who had been standing off to the side. The demon bowed his head, took one step backward and was gone.

  Thayer and Terron went to Johnny's house first to make sure that he wasn't there. Then over to Nancy and Michael's house. Terron broke out a window pane in the back of Nancy's house and he and Thayer slipped inside. No one was home. The stumbled through the house, found a seat near the front door and waited for Nancy to show. A half and hour later, a car drove up. Thayer peered out the window. 'They're here. It's her and her husband. Get ready the husband is coming in first,' he told Terron. Terron hid behind the door. When it opened and Michael walked in, Terron whacked him across the neck and Michael passed out. Nancy wasn't far behind when she saw him fall. 'Michael, honey are you all right?" she asked playfully. She was still on top of the world about Marla's recovery. She stepped over the threshold and kneeled down beside Michael. Just then, Terron reached down and grabbed her. She struggled, Thayer pulled out a gun and told her to be quiet and still or he would kill Michael. She stopped struggling. 'Who are you?' she demanded. "I'm the one who partied with your sister,' he said, as he flipped on the light. 'You!' she gasped. He smiled. 'Yes, it's me.' Michael stirred and began to moan. 'Help him up, Thayer told Nancy. She bend down and helped him sit up. 'Wow what happened, babe?" She looked up and he followed her gaze toward Thayer. Thayer smiled and waved. 'What's this all about?" Michael asked. 'You'll know in due time.' 'He's the one who killed Jim and raped and beat Marla." "Yeah, she was pretty good too. I wonder what you're like?" Thayer said while looking at Nancy and licking his lips.

  Michael tried to get up and Terron knocked him back down. 'Calm down little man, Thayer said. We don't have time for fun and games this is strictly business. We're taking

  your wife with us, here, he tossed Michael a piece of paper with an address on it. Give this to Johnny Angel. Tell him that if he want's me he can find me there.' Michael attempted to get up again, this time Thayer hit him across the ear with the butt of a gun and Michael passed out. Nancy reached for him and Thayer hit her in the back of the head; She collapsed.

  Terron picked her up, threw her across his shoulder and hobbled to the car. He dumped Nancy into the trunk, and they got into the car and sped off. Moments later, Johnny pulled up. He noticed that Michael's front door was open and the light was on so he went to visit. He found Michael sprawled on the floor. Quickly, he laid his hands on him and began praying. Michael roused. Johnny asked him what had happened. He thought for a moment, 'Nancy, he's got Nancy." 'Who's got Nancy?' Johnny answered. 'Thayer." 'Thayer was here?' "Yes," Michael said. 'Did you recognize him?" "Yeah, he's the mayoral candidate." 'Did he say anything?" 'He told me to give you this address and to tell you you could find him there.' Johnny took it. 'Good!' he said. Michael tried to get up. 'Let's go," he said. Dizzy, he sagged back to the floor. 'I'm afraid you're going to have to sit this one out." Johnny said. He went to the phone and called an ambulance for Michael. 'Well, is there anything I can do to help?' 'Yes, Pray,' Johnny said. With that, Johnny dashed out of the house.

  The holy spirit moved on Michael and he began to pray. After a minuet, he was persuaded to call other saints and have them pray in the spirit with him. He told each one to call someone else and for them to tell them to call someone else even if they had to call someone who lived out of town. Soon there was a growing bevy of prayers being offered up. As more and more Christians prayed, angels of the most high God descended on St. Louis and encompassed it round about.

  In the spirit world two of the angels were talking. One said, 'Something spectacular is about to happen.' 'Why do you say that?" the other replied. 'Just look around you. Look how the sky is lit up from the glow of so many angels. Whenever the saints pray and the Lord sends so many angels that the night lights up, that's a neon night. mat's a night when miracles can happen, that's a night that the enemy will be utterly crushed.' he said.

  As more and more angels appeared, the second angel asked, 'Are there very many neon nights?" The first one smiled and said, 'This is your first call to this kind of duty isn't it?" 'Yes.' he replied. The first angel threw his arm around the second one and said, 'There used to be neon nights all of the time but because of the wickedness of the people's hearts, neon nights became infrequent. Now, however, for the last days the Father is pouring out his

  spirit and I am told there will be many more such nights. Come, my friend, the night is neon let us partake of this victorious moment.'

  Johnny and his angels had made it to the occult shop. Everything was quiet but they knew that this was the place . They could feel the evil that lurked inside of the shop. Nonetheless, that evil feeling was overcome by the love of God as they felt a surge of power from the angels in the spirit world who were encamped about them, and from the saint's prayers.

  Johnny said a little prayer before going in, "Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done in this matter. Amen.' "Amen.' the others sounded. "Well, let's do it." he said. They started for the building. "Is everyone fully armed?' Johnny asked. 'Yes.' they answered. Smiling, Johnny said, 'He well equips his army both spiritually and physically.'

  Each of them had the latest in weaponry
and they were fully dressed in bullet proof clothing. The doors to the shop had been left ajar, 'an obvious, open invitation," one of the angels said.

  Just before they entered, the spirit of the Lord spoke so that each of them could hear him. He said, "Watch and do as I instruct each of you for the victory is yours and the battle is the Lord's." With that they eased into the building. The first floor of the building was empty. A light shone from a distant corridor which led to some stairs.

  There was a lifesize male skeleton in a corner leading to the hall. It had a frozen, twisted, grimace on it's face, which was due to the satanic worshipers having cut the flesh from the skeleton while the man was still alive. The spirit spoke and told Johnny to grab it. Without hesitation, Johnny snatched the skeleton. When they reached the top of the stairs, again the holy spirit spoke, 'toss it down the stairs.' Johnny looked back at the others, 'This is it.' he said. Ready yourselves and should we separate, may the Lord watch between you and me until we meet again.' With that, he gave the skeleton a nudge and it went tumbling down the stairs. Instantly bullets rang out, seemingly millions of them from machine gun fire.

  In that instant, the battle of heaven and hell was waged. Johnny pulled out a device the size of a golf ball, and like a golf ball, it had dimples-one thousand of them. Thus, it was called 'One thousand assassins.' He activated the device and threw it down the stairs. It was the latest thing in high tech weapons. It worked on a heat and motion principal and shot death lazars at anything that moved or emitted heat. In a matter of moments they could hear


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