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Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3)

Page 5

by Shanade White

  Putting her hand on his arm, she smiled up at him. “It’s late, we need some sleep. Let’s call it a night. Tomorrow you’ll get a good look at the town and the problem. We need to concentrate on getting to the bottom of this not feeling guilty.”

  Taking advantage of the contact, he pulled her into his arms. “Bed sounds like a good idea. Yours or mine.” He said, grinning.

  “Both.” She said, grinning back.

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” He said, taking her hand and walking her to her bedroom door. “Good night, sleep well.”

  “I will, you too.” She said, turning to go into her room, but before she could, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. This time there was no gentleness in the kiss, it was all hunger and passion. When he released her, she barely managed to stumble into her room, his laughter following her.

  “See you in the morning, Elizabeth.” He said over his shoulder before disappearing into his room.

  She shut her door and leaned on it, her fingers coming to her lips where she could still feel his kiss. Her entire body was humming with desire, the need so acute she thought about opening the door and calling him back into her room, but something stopped her.

  This was all happening too fast, what if he was just coming on to her to keep her on his side? She felt fairly sure that he had nothing to do with the pollution, but she didn’t know that for sure. She’d just met him a few days ago, even as attractive as he was, she still felt the need to use caution. Getting involved with Donovan could be a huge mistake, after this was over, if he was innocent, he’d be returning to his old life in the city.

  She couldn’t imagine how she could ever fit into that life, and there was no doubt that his life was there. With a sigh, she got into bed those thoughts competing with the desire Donovan’s kisses had awakened. She laid in bed for a long time, tossing and turning, unable to still the feelings racing though her body.

  Finally giving up she got out of bed, put on her slippers and headed to the kitchen. It was a clear night and the moon was full, she stopped in the living room on the way to look out the huge bay window she’d had installed when she moved in. Sitting down on the built in seat, she pulled her legs up and stared out the window.

  This couldn’t continue, thoughts of Donovan had intruded so far into the mind she couldn’t seem to think of anything else. Every time she tried to clear them, she remembered how good he looked in his jeans, or the wonderful way he smelled. She could swear that she could smell him now.

  As if her thoughts had conjured him up, there he was standing in the doorway, watching her. Her heart did the usual thing when she saw him, dressed only in his pajama bottoms, his feet bare. He came into the room and joined her at the window, he seemed even bigger poised over her where she sat.

  She wanted to get up, get some control over the situation, but she couldn’t seem to move. “I guess you couldn’t sleep either.” He said, still looking out the window.

  “Maybe it’s the full moon, they say it makes people do strange things.” She said, her voice very quiet.

  “I don’t think it’s the full moon and what I’m feeling... it’s the least bit strange. Tell me you don’t feel it too.” He said, pulling her to her feet.

  She was suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was only wearing a long tee shirt and her summer robe, which was made of a thin silk. “Donovan, I don’t....” She trailed off not able to lie to him, she knew she should but couldn’t find the words.

  “Elizabeth, ever since I met you I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I’ve been thinking about you almost nonstop and not just because of what’s going on. I wish we’d met under different circumstances then maybe you would be able to admit that you feel the attraction too.” He said, the moonlight illuminating his rugged features.

  “You have to forgive me for being suspicious, but it’s hard for me to believe that you’re attracted to me. You can have any woman you want. Why would you want me? I’m nothing like the women you usually date, I can’t even compete.” She said, not breaking eye contact, but crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Don’t tell me you're one of those women who believe that because you’re not a size 3, you’re not attractive. Some men would prefer a woman who is real, not surgically altered or all the other tricks that women use to become thin.” He said, a challenge in his voice.

  “No, I’ve very well aware that there are plenty of men who would prefer a fuller figured woman. I’ve met a few myself, but from everything I saw on the internet, you seem to prefer the skinny blondes.” She said, challenging him right back.

  “I found out quite a while ago, that those women are not for me, but they seem to find me. Everyone seems to think that being single is a bad thing, including my family, I’ve been on more blind dates than I care to count. That doesn’t mean that I like those women, if fact I find those dates not only tedious, but an exercise in futility.” He said, and for a second she thought he was going to stick his tongue out at her.

  They stood there, arms crossed, and stared at each other for a few minutes, Elizabeth weighing his words against what she had read on the internet. The man standing in front of her was not quite the same man she’d come to know through her research, but then again she probably wasn’t the same person the internet portrayed her to be either.

  Maybe he was being truthful, after all there was certainly a spark between them. It was shimmering in the air around them now, a need they both felt, as if they were being drawn together. He’d admitted that he felt it as well, but it was one thing to sleep with someone she was dating, it was even more complicated with Donovan. Combining business and pleasure was never a good idea.

  She opened her mouth to tell him that, but before she could, he’d pulled her into his arms. He pulled her close then whispered in her ear. “Just keep an open mind, I won’t push you to do anything you don’t want to, but I’m also not going to give up.”

  Elizabeth could smell him and that alone was enough to increase her heart rate, the gentle whisper in her ear had sent goosebumps down her spine, awakening every nerve in her body. She sucked in a deep breath and before she could let it out, his mouth found hers in a burning kiss.

  She felt her body respond, desire and pleasure spreading though her body in an alarming rush. Her knees went weak forcing her to lean into Donovan, which pressed his hard muscular body against hers. With a sigh, she gave in to the demands of her body and wrapped her arms around him.

  He swung her up and into his arms and walked over to the couch, never stopping the onslaught of his mouth on hers. He sat down on the couch with Elizabeth in his lap and slid her robe off her shoulders. He continued to kiss her, gently nipping her lips with his teeth, then soothing the spot with his tongue. She was making small sounds in her throat, aware that Donovan’s touch had the power to take her to heights she’d never experienced before.

  She broke the kiss, wanting to smell the spot on his neck where she could see his pulse. She buried her nose in his neck, then kissed and licked the spot until Donovan was growling, he recaptured her mouth in a demanding display of desire. His hand which had been roaming over her body found her breast under her tee shirt and Elizabeth’s world exploded in a wave of sensation like nothing she’d ever felt.

  Her panties were instantly wet and she could feel his erection against her hip, she reached down and gently stroked it though his pajama pants, prompting him to find her nipple with his finger and thumb and gently pinch the hard peak. Unable to breath, her body straining for more, Elizabeth broke the kiss and threw her head back in pleasure.

  Donovan began to nibble on her neck, sending shivers of desire through her and causing her to go limp in his lap. Donovan stripped off her tee shirt, leaving her only in her panties. As soon as her breasts were exposed, his mouth found one and she nearly shot off the couch, the feeling so intense she cried out.

  Sensing her need, Donovan slid his hand into her panties and rested it there, letti
ng the warmth between her legs grow as she sought his touch, squirming and spreading her legs. She should have been embarrassed to be so openly giving herself to him, but it felt so right, she couldn’t help herself. She wanted him to touch her, more than she’d wanted any man to touch her before.

  Donovan’s mouth left her breast and she whimpered in frustration. His hand never moved from where it was resting in her panties, but his eyes met hers and the raw desire was clear in their blue depths. Shifting his hand just a little, he smiled when she gasped with anticipation.

  “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He said, waiting for her to reply.

  “Donovan, if you don’t touch me now, I think I might die.” She said, her words barely a whisper, spreading her legs just a little bit more.

  That was all the invitation he needed, capturing her mouth again, he slid his finger between her slick folds and found her clit. He began to stroke her, his finger sliding across the hard nib, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her body. Elizabeth was panting, unable to breathe as the pleasure rushed through her.

  She could feel her orgasm building, shocked that Donovan could bring her to the peak with just his mouth and fingers. In one smooth move, he captured one of her breasts in his mouth and thrust his finger deep inside her. She spread her legs wider as his finger slid in and out of her, his mouth working magic on her breast.

  As her body began to contract with wave after wave of pleasure, Donovan used his thumb to stroke her hard nib, while his finger continued to drive her higher and higher. Then with a final thrust, he took her over the edge, the world spinning as she spun out of control.

  As her body came down from the heights, she was suddenly embarrassed. She buried her head in his chest and listened to his heart beating. His heart rate was almost as fast as hers. Pulling her close he whispered in her hair. “Don’t be embarrassed, that was wonderful.”

  “I’m not normally like this.” She said, still not able to meet his eyes.

  He pulled her head up and looked into her eyes. “That’s a good thing, I like the fact that I can make you feel that way. But for now, I think we should get some sleep.”

  “I meant....” She tried to say, but he silenced her with a kiss. Then helped her stand on still wobbly legs, wrapped her robe around her and picked up her tee shirt.

  He left her at her door, then went into his room, taking her shirt with him. In a daze she found her bed and was asleep in minutes, thoughts of Donovan filling her mind. But instead of the worry those thoughts had caused before, this time they put her into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 5

  When the winter sunshine finally came pouring into her room, she awoke with a start realizing that she’d over slept. Coming fully awake immediately, she jumped out of bed and realized that she had slept in only her panties. It only took a few seconds for the memories of last night to surface fully. Suddenly embarrassed, she grabbed her robe off the floor where she’d dropped it last night and quickly put it on.

  The smell of coffee came wafting into her nostrils when she cracked the bedroom door open to see where Donovan was. Relieved to see that his room was empty, she made a dash for the bathroom, then shut the door and locked it. It was going to be hard enough to face Donovan this morning, but a shower and some clothes would certainly make it easier.

  Showered and ready for the day she joined him in the kitchen, he was still dressed in his pajama pants and she felt that flutter of desire when she saw him. “Good morning.” She said, making a bee line for the coffee pot.

  “Good morning.”

  “Thanks for making coffee. I didn’t mean to sleep so late.”

  “Well, I thought you might need it. From what you said, today will be a long day.” He said, getting up and refilling his cup.

  “Yes, it will be. Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not really necessary, we have my test results.” She said, joining him at the table.

  “At first it was just me being stubborn, but after we talked last night, I realized that I need to see what’s happening myself. The best hope of figuring out a way to help them, is for me to see the situation for myself. I get the feeling that money is what they all need now. Am I right?”

  “As much as I hate to admit it, most of them could use some financial help.’

  “The money isn’t the problem, it’s the method of getting it to them that worries me. I can’t just start handing out money, someone would catch on to that quickly.”

  “That would blow our investigation, just someone recognizing you will, but if it’s important to you, we’ll continue on with the plan as is. Have you heard anything from Charles or Dustin?”

  “No, but I don’t really expect to hear much for a few more days. Nothing about his investigation is going to happen fast, as much as I would like to have it over fast, I think we’re in for the long haul. Hope you don’t mind having me around for a while.”

  His words brought a blush to her cheeks, she could feel the heat as it rose from her neck. To hide her embarrassment she jumped up from the table and began sorting through the refrigerator. Deciding to ignore that last remark, she said. “I’ve got lots of fresh fruit for breakfast or eggs. Do you like eggs?”

  Donovan got up from the table, crossed the room to stand behind her. When she pulled her head out of the refrigerator and stood up, she was so close to him she could smell him. Her heart did its usual pitter patter and a flutter of desire spread so swiftly she took a deep breath.

  “I like eggs, but I like you even more. Especially the way you taste.” He said, pulling her into his arms and lowering his mouth to hers.

  She’d expected one of those demanding kisses she remembered so well, but instead he kissed her gently but thoroughly. Her heart hammering, her body instantly responding, she kissed him back, her embarrassment suddenly gone.

  “That’s better.” He said, looking into her eyes. “I meant everything I said last night. I like you Elizabeth and I really want to get to know you better, but don’t think that I’ve forgotten what it felt like to have you in my arms last night.”

  “Oh, Donovan. It’s just all so confusing. We haven’t know each other that long and we have all this other stuff happening. How can you be sure it’s not just the situation?”

  “Because I trust my instincts, just like you do. Listen to what your heart is telling you and you’ll be just as sure as I am.”

  “I wish I could, but you’ll just have to be patient with me. I like you too, but it’s such a big feeling I don’t trust it. There’s no such thing as love at first sight, even you should be able to admit that.” She said, shifting in his arms, clearly wanting him to let her go.

  “I have to disagree with that statement, you haven’t met my brothers yet but they’ve both fell in love fast and hard. Why should we be any different?” He said, letting her go.

  “I don’t know about them, but I do know that we have a busy day today.” Elizabeth didn’t even want to think about love, she was having a hard enough time wrapping her mind around the lust she was feeling.

  “I’m going to go shower now, but just promise me you’ll keep an open mind. Love's not that hard when you find the right person to love.”

  Watching him walk out of the kitchen, she considered just how far apart lust and love really were. She’d thought she knew the difference but now, she just wasn’t sure, maybe they were more entwined than she thought. After all, love involved attraction, and she was certainly attracted to Donovan, but there had to be more than that.

  There had to be respect and trust, without those chemistry was all that was left. She wasn’t sure she felt those other things for Donovan, but she would be spending a lot of time with him over the next few weeks. Maybe those emotions would grow, one thing she promised herself, she wasn’t going to sleep with him until she was sure of her feelings.

  It would be devastating to let herself fall in love with Donovan, only to find that it was just a fling for him. He wasn’t hidin
g his attraction to her, but he seemed more concerned with getting her in bed than getting to know her. That alone should have been enough to send her running from him, but remembering how he’d made her feel last night, only made her want more.

  As she fixed them both breakfast, she decided that this was a situation that had no clear answer, she’d just have to try and do her best not to put herself in a situation like she had last night. No late night walks around the house in only her robe and tee shirt, if they had an encounter like they had last night, she’d never be able to stop.

  She was just putting the plates on the table, when Donovan came back in the kitchen, his dark hair slicked back, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. “Breakfast is ready, you’ll want to eat this. We’re going to be offered coffee and sweets every place we go so some healthy food might help.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. I don’t usually eat breakfast but this looks good.” He said, tucking into the food on his plate. “Where to first?”

  “I thought we’d start with the Anderson’s. He’s worked for the resort since it opened and she used to teach at the school. They’ve both had some health problems from the water, but last time I talked to them, they were both showing some improvement.”

  “That’s as good a place as any to start. Have you contacted Professor Mitchell, I would really like to know what he has to say about this.”

  “I sent him an email last night, it will probably be a few days before he’ll have time to sort through the information I sent him, but he said that he’d get back to us as soon as possible. He must be getting tired of the rainforest, he volunteered to come over and help us.”

  “Wow, that’s a bit extreme. Should I be jealous?” Donovan asked, with a wink.

  “My relationship with Professor Mitchell is purely professional, we only went out on a few dates.” She said, getting up to put their dishes in the sink.


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