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Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3)

Page 7

by Shanade White

  When his hands went to her hair and he found it secured tightly in a bun, he pulled the pins out and let it fall to her shoulders in a wave of long black curls. Threading his hands in the mass of curls he tipped her head back and deepened the kiss, she was pinned under his hard body, only slightly aware of the counter biting into her back.

  Donovan swept her up into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed, then joined her. Taking her face in his hands, he said. “I want you, but only if you want me too. I’ll stop now if you want me too, but I can’t promise to stop later.”

  Elizabeth considered his words for only a second before replying. “I want you too, but this is wrong on so many levels.”

  Donovan came up on one elbow and looked down at her, his other hand had begun to gently stroke her face, the intense look in his eyes making goosebumps erupt on her heated skin. “If we had met under different circumstances, would this have been wrong?”

  “No.” She said, her body beginning to hum as his hand worked its way lower.

  “Then forget about the rest of it and just think about you and me. Think about this.” He said, kissing her gently on the lips, reminding her how wonderful it felt to be in his arms. “There’s something here Elizabeth. I know you can feel it too.”

  “Donovan, it scares me how much I like you.” She said very quietly.

  “I won’t hurt you I promise, I’m just a vulnerable as you are. I don’t sleep with women I don’t care about and I care about you. Give us a chance.” He said, his eyes telling her the same thing.

  Elizabeth’s heart began to race faster at those words, if there’d been any resistance before, it all melted as she looked into his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, she reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. He let her get it fully unbuttoned then shrugged out of it and let it fall onto the floor. She ran her hands over his hard chest, liking the feel of the course hair that met her fingers as she explored.

  With a growl in his throat, Donovan rolled them over until Elizabeth was on top of him, then pulled her head down and kissed her. His hands roamed up and down her back, then lower to grab her butt with both hands and pulled her hard against his erection. She squirmed against him, his erection filling her mind with things to come.

  Grabbing each of her legs, he pulled her up to straddle him, then reached for the buttons on her shirt. As he undid each button, her desire increased, her breasts tingling in anticipation of what was to come. Her nipple hardened as the cool air brushed her shoulders, Donovan’s already heavy breathing became even heavier as he peeled the shirt off her shoulders and unhooked her bra.

  Donovan’s eyes held such intensity that Elizabeth wanted to cover herself. She’d never been this exposed to any man, her other sexual encounter having been in the dark, usually in a tent in some far off place. But before she could bring her arms up across her chest, Donovan pulled her down to him and took one of the stiff peaks in his mouth.

  She grabbed his head as his mouth and tongue sent pleasure washing though her in a rush that took her breath away. The feel of his hot mouth on her breast was only a taste of what she knew was to come, but she never wanted him to stop. She could feel his erection between her legs, a promise of what was to come.

  When he’d finished with one breast he switched to the other, his hands finding their way to the waist band of her pants. He pulled them down over her hips, then slid his hands inside cupping her butt with both hands, pushing her higher onto his erection. Her body responded by releasing a hot gush of moisture, soaking her panties.

  Just when she was sure she couldn’t take much more teasing, he rolled her onto her back and found her mouth with his. The feel of his bare skin on hers was more intoxicating than the path his hand was tracing down her back. When his hands found her pants this time, he began to push them down her legs, then he sat up and pulled them off in one smooth movement.

  His eyes roamed from the tip of her toes up to meet her eyes, the look of pure desire she saw there erased any shyness she might have had. Sitting up she reached for his belt and unbuckled it and slid it out of his jeans, then unbutton them, and helped him pull them off. She took him in her hand and stroked him, loving the look of pure pleasure that washed over his face.

  He pulled her hand away and placed a kiss on the palm, then laid her down on the bed. She started to put her arms around him, but he stopped her by putting his hand on her stomach, his hand hot on her bare skin. As his hand began to move slowly down her body to the juncture of her thighs, she felt her body beginning to respond to his touch.

  She parted her legs for him as his finger found her clit and began to rub the swollen bud. The feeling was so intense, she closed her eyes and arched her back, her legs opening wider for him. With each stroke of his finger she felt the pleasure coiling deep inside her, building until she thought she would scream with the sensations.

  She moaned his name quietly and he answered her by taking one of her swollen nipples in his mouth and driving his finger deep inside her. Her hips came up to meet each stroke of his finger, until she was sure her orgasm was just seconds away. But before she could reach her peak, he moved between her legs, his penis brushing the swollen flesh as he positioned himself to enter her.

  She opened her eyes and looked directly into his and he entered her in one strong thrust. The world seemed to explode into fragments as their bodies were joined for the first time. Elizabeth had never experienced the feeling of two people essentially becoming one, but now she understood what it meant to be joined to someone in such a way. In that one moment, she’d ceased to be just Elizabeth and was now part of something bigger.

  Donovan must have felt it too because he didn’t move for a long minute, seeming to relish just being buried so deeply inside of her. He never broke eye contact as he began to move inside her, long slow strokes that made her squirm under him, wanting more. Finally, as her pleasure begin to build again, he increased his pace. Sliding his throbbing penis into and out of her in strong sure strokes.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and held onto his shoulders as wave after wave of pleasure soared though her body. They were lost in each other’s eyes as Elizabeth’s orgasm washed over her causing her to raise her hips and pull him further inside her. Donovan thrust himself deep inside her once more, then spilled himself inside her, trembling with the force of his orgasm.

  He collapsed on top of her, his breathing ragged, then slid off to one side and gathered her against him. Neither spoke for a long time as they recovered from what they had both experienced. Elizabeth was in a stupor of pleasure, her eyes drifting shut. Donovan too was spent and feeling sleepy, sitting up slightly he pulled the covers over them.

  “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll sleep here tonight.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of letting you go now.” She said, snuggling closer to him.

  With her head on his chest she fell asleep listening to his heart beat, cocooned in a world that only contained Donovan. When she awoke several hours later, still wrapped in Donovan’s arms, she realized that they’d left every light in the house on, including the one in the bedroom. Slipping out of bed, she put on her robe and went out into the house to turn off the lights.

  When she got back into the bedroom, Donovan was awake and looking sexy in her bed. She switched off the light and slipped out of her robe and joined him in bed again. Snuggling up to him, his arm wrapped firmly around her, she marveled at how a fight had turned into something so wonderful.

  Donovan hadn’t spoken a word as she settled herself next to him, but once she was settled, he tipped her head up and kissed her gently on the lips. She was coming to appreciate those kisses and realized that they contained more emotion that the hot demanding kisses he was also capable of.

  “We left all the lights on, I had to turn them off.” She said.

  “I guess we were a little distracted.” He said, his hand stroking her thigh.

  “Just a little.” She said. “But distrac
tion can be a good thing sometimes.”

  “It might just be possible that I need a little more distraction.” He said, his hand moving from her thigh to rest between her legs.

  “What kind of distraction were you thinking of this time, after all you are my guest, it’s my job to keep you happy.”

  “Hmm, maybe something along these lines.” He said, rolling on top of her and burying himself inside her.

  She gasped with pleasure and opened her legs to him. “I think I can handle a little more distraction as well, when you put it that way.”


  The next morning Elizabeth woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. She rolled over, not sure for a minute if last night had actually happened. But seeing the imprint of Donovan’s head in the pillow next to her, assured her it hadn’t been a dream. She fought off a brief moment of panic when she realized what they had done last night.

  Still not quite ready to face him yet, she stared at the ceiling, thinking about how much her life had changed since she met Donovan Terrell. What had started out to be a crusade to save the sick people in town had turned into a love affair. An affair that seemed to be completely out of her control. That was the only way she could describe her behavior last night, behavior that was so out of character she didn’t know how to feel about it.

  She’d always been the type of person who had complete control of her emotions, as well as her actions. But last night she’d yelled at Donovan when all he probably needed was some understanding. Then she’d let him make love to her all night long, creating a confusing tangle of emotions in her mind this morning. She still had to keep a professional perspective, but that was almost impossible with Donovan making her feel like he did.

  She didn’t even want to think about what might happen if she discovered that he or someone in his family were involved in this. From what she’d gathered during their conversations there was not only his two brothers, but three cousins who were the owners of the company. He’d talked the most about Daphne, the oldest of his cousins, but she didn’t know anything about the other two. Donovan hadn’t even considered one of them, but in his shoes, she wouldn’t have either.

  It might be difficult, but she would have to ask him about the possibility, her first priority had to be the town, not her love life. Donovan’s innocence seemed increasing likely the longer she spent with him and it had nothing to do with last night. If he’d been involved it seemed unlikely that he would be pursuing the problem as aggressively as he was. Unless, he was just trying to distract her while Charles covered their involvement up.

  Another thing in Donovan’s favor was the fact that whoever had done this, had done a very sloppy job of it. If Donovan had been behind the waste dumping, he would have done a better job of making sure it was contained. Still, she couldn’t completely eliminate him from the list of suspects.

  That’s what made last night even more confusing. If she was sleeping with a man who would dump toxic waste into one of the most pristine areas of Colorado, that said something about her judgment. She’d always thought she was a good judge of character, but like most people she’d been wrong before.

  She got out of bed, finally able to face the day, she’d just have to concentrate on the case. Donovan and their attraction would just have to take second seat to what was really important. Until this was finished, she’d just have to control herself, no more sleeping with Donovan. Once they’d solved this, then they could see what there was between them. It was the only intelligent thing to do.

  All those lofty thoughts disappeared, however, when she walked into the kitchen and saw Donovan standing by the stove dressed only in his pajama pants. It was chilly in the house, compliments of a cold front that was promising snow, but he seemed unaware of the cold. She watched the tight cords of muscles in his back as he flipped something on the stove. She felt those first stirrings of desire and thought back to her promise to herself.

  This was going to be harder than she thought, especially when Donovan looked as good as he did standing there at her stove. She took a deep breath and said. “Good morning. Looks like I overslept again.”

  “Well, we didn’t get much sleep last night, but I woke up starving. I thought we might want a little more than just cereal this morning.” He said, turning from the stove, his eyes roaming up and down her body.

  Fighting the need to cross the room and throw herself into his arms, instead she went to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup. She sat down at the table, hoping to put some distance between them. It wouldn’t take much for her to forget her determination to see the case through and avoid an entanglement with Donovan. If fact she was already tempted.

  Donovan was a little surprised at her cool greeting this morning, he’d expected her to greet him with at least a kiss, but she seemed to have reverted back to her professional persona. He’d thought that they’d made a connection last night, but maybe he’d been wrong. Elizabeth didn’t seem like the type of woman who took what they did last night lightly, but he’d been wrong before.

  He made them both a plate and took them to the table, he sat down across from her and looked at her for a second before asking. “What’s wrong? Are you sorry about last night?” He asked, taking a bite of his breakfast.

  “No, I’m not sorry. I just...well, I don’t know exactly how to explain it without making you mad.” She said, pushing the food around on her plate.

  “Sometimes the best thing is just to face it head on. Speak your mind.” He said, knowing what was coming.

  “Okay, just remember you asked. Donovan, you say that you’re not involved, and I will admit that it does look unlikely that you are, but I don’t know that for sure.” She said, realizing that it felt good to voice her concerns.

  Donovan was silent for a moment, considering her words. She watched him, wondering if he was angry. Finally he said, “If I were in your place, I would be feeling the same way, but I would also keep an open mind. I guess that’s all I can really ask of you. But, remember that actions speak louder than words.”

  “What about your family, they have the same access that you do. One of them could be involved and I’m sure Charles isn’t investigating them as well.”

  “Actually, I’m glad you brought that up. I did have Charles do the same investigation into all of them as well. So far nothing had turned up, but we have to make sure we look at everyone.”

  “Oh, well I guess that’s good. But what would stop Charles from hiding anything bad he found? These people are your family, you might want to protect them.” She said, feeling like she might be pushing it.

  “Family or not, whoever did this needs to be caught. I’ve spent my entire professional life cleaning up the mess my family made all those years ago, I’m not about to let anyone get away with destroying all my hard work. If you knew my family you would understand that none of them would be involved in this. Honestly, we have more money than any of us could spend in a life time and that’s always the motivation for something like this.”

  Elizabeth cringed a little at his anger, but refused to back down. Finally, Donovan broke the silence. “I have an idea, why don’t you come up to the ranch and meet the family. Most of them live right there on the property. I think once you’ve met them, you’ll understand that none of them could possibly be involved.”

  Elizabeth hadn’t expected that suggestion and was momentarily speechless. Going up to the Terrell ranch might be a little bit like going into the lion’s den, but then again if she could just convince herself that Donovan wasn’t involved then things would certainly be easier.

  “I guess that would be okay. But what are you going to tell them about us?”

  “I don’t know, I guess that all depends on whether or not there is something to tell them.”

  “How about if we just keep it on a professional level, that way there’s less to explain.” She said, getting up from the table to put her dish in the sink.

  It wasn’t the exact answer he was hoping
for, but at least she didn’t say that there was nothing between them. He couldn’t blame her, they’d met because she though that his company was polluting the ground water in Pleasant Valley. Not the greatest way to start a relationship, in fact her resistance made her even more attractive to him.

  Not because he wanted what he couldn’t have, but because she was clearly thinking this through, he probably would have lost some respect for her if she’d given in without some proof of his innocence. But there was no way he was going to give her up now that he’d found her. Besides her obvious intelligence, she made him feel like no other woman ever had.

  He was definitely beginning to understand what his bothers had been trying to explain to him, the night of Sebastian’s wedding, when he’d suggested having his bride sign a prenuptial agreement. He could clearly remember Sebastian’s words that night, he’d said, 'when you find the right woman you’ll know. It’s like you’ve been underwater and then suddenly you’ve surfaced. It can be both wonderful and scary, but you’ll know'.

  Sometime during the night last night, he’d understood those words better than he could ever imagine he would. He and Elizabeth had fallen asleep tangled in each other arms, but at some point she’d rolled away and he’d woken up and pulled her back into his arms. She sighed in her sleep and it had all been clear to him. This was the perfect woman for him, even though he barely knew her, she was the one.

  “We can tell them what ever makes you feel the most comfortable.” He said, coming up behind her at the sink and wrapping his arms around her.

  She unconsciously leaned back into him, the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her making her feel reassured somehow. But then she remembered her promise. “One more thing, I think it would be best if we didn’t sleep together until...well for a while.”

  “I promised to give you as much space as you need, but I can’t promise not to make love to you if you let me. I’m a good man, but resisting you might just prove my downfall.” He said, turning her around to look at him. When their eyes met, Elizabeth could feel her desire rise to the surface again.


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