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The Dukedom: Royal Intimacies: Book Four

Page 11

by Dagny Aldan

  Ahmed smiled at her, nodding encouragingly. Isabel swallowed her nerves down and bent her head to kiss his chest. She started at his collarbone, swiping her tongue over the smooth skin, then making her way down to kiss his nipple. Ahmed hummed softly, his hands on her shoulders, but he did not push her down. Feeling a little more confident, Isabel stuck her tongue out and flattened it over his nipple, which hardened against it. Moving to the other one, Isabel peered up again, spying a faint grin on his lips. She gave his nipple careful attention as her hands pushed his trousers down, smoothing over his hips and thighs.

  Ahmed inhaled softly and buried his fingers in her hair, pulling her up and kissing her, his movements slow and easy, his tongue brushing hers. Isabel hummed softly, then whimpered as her thighs rubbed together.

  “Shhh,” Ahmed murmured against her mouth before kissing her again. Isabel risked putting her arms around him and when he continued to kiss her, she pressed closer, feeling needy. Ahmed licked her lower lip as he broke the kiss,

  “The water will get cold,” he said, stepping out of his trousers. Isabel bent down to pick them up along with his shirt and she folded them carefully before carrying them out to his bedroom. When she returned, Ahmed was already in the bath, leaning against the rim with his head tilted back. Isabel looked around for a wash cloth and when she had found one, she went to kneel next to him. She dipped the washcloth into the water, wrung it out and started to wash his chest. Ahmed started in surprise and she froze, but he smiled at her and nodded.

  “You read my mind.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, Isabel massaged his chest with the washcloth, her eyes drawn to the trickles of water as they ran down his chest. Through the nearly clear water she could see his cock resting between his legs, surrounded by dark hair. She swallowed against a dry mouth and tried to focus on her work, washing every part of the man she could reach. She took her time and found herself almost enthralled by the feeling of his skin under her hands.

  “Have you ever bathed a master before?” asked Ahmed after a while.

  “No Grand Duke,” she replied, looked him in the face and finding him watching her through his long eyelashes. “I… can’t say that I’ve ever had a master before.”

  “What about Lena? Was she not your mistress?”

  “She was!” Isabel yelped, “But I mean… It was different.”

  Ahmed narrowed his eyes and reached up, burying his fingers in her hair again so they were almost nose to nose.

  “Different how?”

  Isabel gulped and tried to explain herself.

  “I just… it was not that I didn’t obey her, I just… that felt like training. For this. But now feels more like… like it’s a real thing. I mean, being here with you feels… honest.”

  Ahmed hummed thoughtfully, his eyes searching her face. Then he smiled,

  “Honesty is important Isabel. You need to be comfortable with it if you are to make a good ruler.”

  “I always try to be honest, Grand Duke.”

  “Even to yourself?” asked Ahmed. “About the choices you have made? The life you have led?”

  The question felt heavy and meaningful. Isabel bit her lip,

  “I… I think so.”

  “You think so, but you don’t know.” It was not a question.

  “I… um…” Isabel felt a wave of anxiety that she could not give him the answer he wanted. Ahmed chuckled and kissed her temple,

  “Ah Isabel, I will teach you to be honest with yourself, don’t worry.”

  It sounded like a threat as much as a promise. Isabel nodded, well aware her nerves were showing. Ahmed took the washcloth out of her hand, set it aside and pulled her hand down to wrap around his cock, guiding her into stroking him slowly. When Isabel looked down to watch what she was doing, he tugged on her hair and made her look at him again, staring him straight in the eyes as he grew hard in her hand.

  Isabel developed a rhythm, twisting her hand at the tip every third pull, watching the way his pupils dilated and his cheeks darkened. He started to grunt and moan softly, hips working minutely into her hand. Isabel felt a smile start to form on her lips, enjoying the satisfaction of his pleasure. Ahmed’s eyes started to flutter shut, he clearly wanted to keep looking at her, but he could not resist the urge to give into the pleasure. Pleasure she was giving him. It was a rush to her that she could do that to this man.

  “Hmmm, fuck…” Ahmed murmured, catching her hand and stilling it. “Enough.”

  “But you haven’t-”

  “I won’t waste my cum in the bath,” he told her sternly, “Not when it should be in you, my conquest.”

  Oh, they were doing this again. Isabel lowered her eyes and turned her face away as if embarrassed, though she was mostly thrilled. Ahmed stood up and the water tumbled down his body with a splash. Isabel got to her feet and grabbed a towel, hurrying around to start drying him off. Ahmed knocked the towel aside and pulled her against him, kissing her hard. Isabel threw her arms around him, the heat between her legs stirring again.

  Ahmed pushed her head back and sucked a spot on her neck, drawing out a low moan. He walked her backwards into the bedroom, running his hands over her body, barely skimming one place before moving on. Isabel dug her fingers into his shoulder blades, sensing his passion would override his need for slavish etiquette. She wanted him to make her feel good after the horrible experience with Boran, she wanted to feel good enough to warrant him making her feel good.

  Ahmed pushed her back onto the bed and lay atop her, not caring that he was still dripping from the bath. He grabbed her wrists and held them against the mattress above her head, pressing kisses everywhere he could reach on her face and neck. This felt very different to their first time, which had been a show. This felt more real, like it meant something to him. Isabel wanted more of that, she wanted this to matter to him, because it already meant something to her, something dark and intense, deep inside her.

  Ahmed fumbled with something above her head while still pinning her wrists, and she felt soft, smooth leather encase them. He had tied her to the headboard. Isabel moaned against his mouth, lifting her hips as his hard cock rubbed against her hip.

  “Please,” she whispered, not sure what she was asking for.

  “Don’t get greedy, conquest,” he chided, getting to his knees and sitting back on his heels. Isabel nodded quickly, wanting him close again. Ahemd hummed thoughtfully and took hold of her ankle, lifting it up and pressing his lips to it. Then he wrapped a leather cuff around it, doing the same to the other. Then he pushed her legs apart and back, securing the cuffs to the headboard with a short chain. He tugged on her hips until her arms and legs were straightened as much as possible without being too uncomfortable.

  Isabel squirmed a little as Ahmed removed the chastity belt and touched his thumbs to her labia, pulling them apart to expose her clit.

  “Lena trained you in the art of orgasm control, didn’t she conquest?”

  “Yes Grand Duke, she did.” Isabel wished he would touch her clit, it was already swelling just from his stare.

  “What about the reverse?”

  Isabel frowned in confusion.

  “The reverse, Grand Duke?”

  Ahmed’s expression shifted from thoughtful to wicked in an instant.

  “Can you orgasm on command?”

  “Is that even possible?” she asked in amazement.

  “If the slave is well trained,” said Ahmed, taking his hand away from her. Isabel was not sure she liked the way he said ‘trained’. Now what was she going to be ordered to do? Ahmed climbed off the bed, rummaged in a drawer and then came back. He set something small down next to him, and wrapped his hand around the inside of her thigh, digging into the welts.

  “Ah!” Isabel could not stop her full body flinch. The welts hurt, burning and stinging now she was immobile.

  “Poor little conquest,” purred Ahmed, “This transition has been so hard for you, hasn’t it? You must feel so helpless and adri

  Isabel closed her eyes tight to avoid his sharp gaze, squirming against the sheets as he continued to fondle her abused flesh. She was on the verge of asking him to stop when he let go. Something smooth and firm touched her clit, surrounding it, and Isabel’s eyes flew open as there was a soft click and the thing began to vibrate. Ahmed let the vibrator go as she whimpered loudly, legs twitching against the restraints. Low rumbles of pleasure began to flutter from her clit out through her pelvis.

  Isabel pressed her lips together, but Ahmed pried them apart with a quick swipe of his thumb.

  “No, no conquest, I want to hear you. I want to hear every orgasm I wring out of your body. I want to hear you beg for more, and beg for mercy.” He looked down between her legs, at the small vibrator clipped to her clit that was buzzing lightly, and grinned. “You’re already wet, my conquest, but by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be soaking.”

  Every time he called her ‘conquest’, an odd shiver passed through Isabel that felt both exhilarating and ominous. Her head was starting to ache from the conflict and she arched her back in the hope that he would turn her brain off. He seemed to understand as the vibrator started to buzz faster and she whimpered in surprise.

  “Don’t fight it,” said Ahmed quietly. “You look so good in your natural state, legs open and nipples hard.” He toyed with the aforementioned nubs, drawing out more embarrassing noises from Isabel’s throat. The vibrator was sending deep sensations through her, and it was made worse when Ahmed made the plug start vibrating too. Isabel’s mouth fell open and she strained against the cuffs, seeking more and struggling to keep up with what was happening to her now.

  Ahmed continued to talk in a low, rumbling voice, telling how she looked to him, describing in detail what her pussy was doing until her face was aflame. Soon Isabel’s mind had narrowed to the sensations of her body and the constant rumble of Ahmed’s voice. A small part of her brain recognised what he was doing, he was training her to think of his voice and the arousal as one and the same. Maybe it would eventually mean that the sound of his voice would arouse her on its own.

  “Grand Duke,” she gasped, trying to hold off her orgasm.

  “Come, now,” said Ahmed with a squeeze of her nipples. Isabel moaned as her orgasm fell over her, silencing her mind completely and leaving her feeling content. Who cared about Boran and how he viewed her? Ahmed found her attractive, and he was the one who mattered.

  As she came down from her climax, she became aware that Ahmed was still talking to her.

  “-so lovely, I want to fuck you all day and all night. You’ll never want anyone the way you want me, and I’ll prove it to you.”

  Isabel shivered, blinking up at him as she realised the vibrators were still going. They had changed from steady vibrations to pulses, rising and falling, and Ahmed pressed himself against her side, resting his cheek on her outstretched arm.

  “You’re going to orgasm again Isabel. Just listen to the sound of my voice and when I say so, you will come.”

  Isabel groaned, flexing her fingers as she rocked her hips helplessly. She did not think she could do it again so soon, but Ahmed stroked her skin wherever he could reach, still telling her how he wanted her, what he wanted to do to her, toying with the plug in her ass until she was trying to rock onto it and her pussy felt terribly empty. The orgasm was creeping up on her again, she was once more only aware of her body, sore and over sensitive, and Ahmed’s voice. She pressed her fevered brow to her upper arm, gripping the chain on her wrist cuffs so she could roll her hips harder. The whimpers and cries he was pulling out of her were so constant she was sure she had not taken a breath for hours.

  “Grand Duke!” she cried, toes curling desperately to hold off her orgasm until he gave permission.

  “Come, now,” said Ahmed, and Isabel sobbed as almost at once her body was overcome. It was intense, almost painful, but it felt so good. Yet she had hardly caught her breath before Ahmed was starting the process again, talking and talking until her head was buzzing with his voice.

  This time though he added his own fingers to the assault on her sex, fucking her pussy with three of them with hard, sharp motions that her walls clenched over and over. Everything was over sensitised, it hurt as much as it pleased and Isabel’s cries grew louder and more distressed.

  “Come, now.”

  The third orgasm hit her like a bulldozer and she sobbed, alternating between holding her body tense and still and thrashing on the bed against her restraints. Ahmed did not break his fingers’ rhythm, or the tone of his voice as he kept talking, now pressing his lips to her ear. Ignoring her wordless pleas for mercy, he repeated the words over and over again as he worked in tandem with the vibrator and the plug, driving her on and on until,

  “Come, now.”

  “Gaa-haahaaa!” Isabel had no control over her body anymore, she could not even articulate the words to beg for mercy. Every bit of her was electrified, she could not stop thrashing or sobbing, her hands splayed helplessly above her head. He was going to kill her, her heart was racing, she could not breathe, if she came again she would die, she was sure of it. Surely she was out of orgasms, surely she couldn’t come again.

  “Last one Isabel, come on, give it to me,” Ahmed crooned sweetly even as his fingers buried inside her in an unrelenting assault. Her walls could not clench fast enough around them, there was nothing she could do to stop him from driving her to another climax. Isabel sobbed and begged incoherently, terrified beyond words but desperate to obey.

  “On my count Isabel. One… Two… Three –Come, now!”

  “Ahaaaaa-ah-ah-ah-AGH!” Isabel’s voice reached a pitch she had never heard before as she convulsed with pleasure, with pain, with a thousand explosions in every nerve she had. Isabel’s breath caught and she was sure she was about to suffocate, she blacked out-

  When Isabel came back to herself it took her a long time to realise that the vibrations had stopped. The two toys were gone, and Ahmed had pulled his fingers out of her quivering pussy. Her whole body was twitching helplessly, as Ahmed gently removed the cuffs from her ankles and eased her legs down. Isabel sobbed, everything was too much now, even Ahmed’s gentle touch on the back of her knee sent quakes through her core.

  “Shhh,” Ahmed murmured, smiling down at her. “You’re ok. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

  Isabel had no choice but to trust him, because she could not move. Ahmed gently freed her arms and set them down at her sides. He crawled over her and kissed her mouth,

  “You did so well my conquest, so well. I’m so proud of you.”

  Instantly, Isabel knew she would do this again, would do it a thousand times, even if it really killed her, to hear those words again.

  Ahmed rolled her onto her side. Isabel shuddered, feeling cold now.

  “Easy, easy,” Ahmed murmured, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her back against his chest, “I’ve got you. Just lie still and take my reward. You’ve earned it.”

  Isabel sighed, too worn out to tense at all when Ahmed guided his cock to her asshole. Between her pussy slick and the lubricant from the toy, he was able to slide in easily. Isabel closed her eyes, already drifting to sleep as Ahmed palmed her breasts and rocked slowly inside her. His lips nipped at the back of her neck, but he was in no rush, it was almost like being rocked to sleep.

  Still he continued to talk, now murmuring into her skin so she could only half hear him.

  “I have waited so long for you Isabel. You have no idea the things I’ve dreamt of doing to you. You belong to me Isabel, and you always have. I can’t wait until you understand that.”

  Dimly Isabel thought that this was a strange thing to say, but she was too tired and overwhelmed to acknowledge this. Instead she smiled, pressing back a little into him and sighing with satisfaction as Ahmed grunted, tightened his hold on her and came. The heat of his seed in her ass was perversely messy and satisfying at the same time, and this was her last thought before she fell asleep.<
br />
  Chapter Fifteen -Luke

  In the Dukedom, breakfast was served at 8:30 am, but Luke had gotten up at 7 because he could not lie in bed any longer. Boran’s report last night had deeply disturbed him and he needed to talk to Ahmed. He nudged Sander awake and ordered him to help Luke dress. As they did so, Luke regarded his slave,


  “Yes Duke Luke?” Sander replied, looking up from where he was tying Luke’s shoes.

  “I’d like you to come with me to Grand Duke Ahmed’s rooms. I believe slave Isabel is still with him and I’d like you to pay attention to her state of mind and behaviour. You’ll have to wear the noise cancelling headphones as I want to have a conversation with the Grand Duke.”

  “Yes Duke Luke. Should I be looking for anything?”

  “See if she’s distressed or anything else, you know her better.”

  Sander frowned slightly, but nodded. Luke sealed him back into his chastity device, then they made their way up to Ahmed’s rooms. Luke knocked and when Ahmed called them in, he nodded at Sander to put on the headphones, then they entered.

  Ahmed was sitting in his fabulous leather armchair by the window, shirtless but wearing his trousers, reading a hardcover book. Ahmed loved his collection of real books, something that had fallen out of fashion in the wake of the environmental disasters and warfare. Luke had bought his friend quite a few of the books in his collection. Luke’s eyes were drawn very quickly from his friend to the bed, where Isabel lay sleeping. Despite all the ways Luke had punished and pleasured many slaves, he did not think he had ever seen such a debauched image.


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