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Magical Attraction:

Page 10

by Jaliza A. Burwell

  “Dwight,” I said. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen your face.” The last time I’d seen his ugly mug was over a decade ago. Technology made communicating so much easier these days, but unfortunately, that meant we lost the face-to-face contact.

  “Cyril.” Lombardi gave me a nod. “I hope your travels were well?”

  I almost snorted at his formal act. Like he cared about my trip here. At least the idiots left me alone to enjoy the plane ride. There had been only one attempt at blowing up my plane so that was a win in my book.

  I grinned wide and we kept the chatter light. The entire time, I couldn’t take my attention away from Laila. I didn’t openly acknowledge it, but I was very much aware of her focus on me.

  I must have been her first dragon, which wasn’t a surprise. She was going to learn that when a dragon wanted something, they got it. But for now, there was business to attend to. Besides, I was sure I’d be seeing more of Dr. Porter in the future.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ~The Meeting~

  ~Dwight Lombardi Part III~

  I squeezed the bridge of my nose, a headache well on its way to turning into a jackhammer. How the hell did it even come to this? I gave my team one simple assignment, and yet, somehow, they all managed to grow a crush on Dr. Porter.

  They hadn’t said as much, but I was a hellhound. I could smell their arousal around her and hear the skip in their heartbeat whenever she touched them or said anything.

  Plus, I was in the same boat. My hellhound already liked her, and he didn’t like anyone. I was a grouch at my best when I was in that form. This last mission with Shanton’s visit and Laila taking charge appealed to my hellhound, and I was lucky that when I shifted, he didn’t try to hump her leg. She was even able to calm him down when we were ready to eat that damn pixie. The smell of her alone contained us.

  “Hey, Big Boss,” Davies said as he came into the conference room and sat down next to his partner, Venni. Exhaustion had settled into his face, the dark bags underneath his eyes revealing he hadn’t gotten much sleep lately. I wasn’t surprised, none of us had. Elliot was in the hospital after all, still in a coma.

  Once Rhett came in and shut the door, I took a moment to eye them all. I was surprised, but at the same time I wasn’t. Rhett, Venni, Davies, Alijah, and myself. Most likely Shanton, though I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. Elliot would have been here too if he was awake and healthy. After carefully watching everyone, I had realized their feelings were sincere, and they saw her more than just a possible fling.

  How did it come down to this group? Many of us didn’t do relationships or crushes. Yet, that was what was going on, even if they weren’t going to admit it.

  Fuck. I was going to make them admit it. There was too much at risk.

  “We’re all idiots,” I said.

  A couple of them opened their mouths to say something, and I shook my head.

  “Let’s not bullshit each other and just put it all out there. It’ll make everything easier,” I said, my voice sounding tired. “I spend too much time outside my company playing politics; I don’t want to play it inside.”

  They all eyed me, probably wondering what I was going on about. Deciding to just dive right in, I said, “It has come to my attention that everyone in this room has some level of affection for Dr. Porter. While he isn’t here, Elliot does as well.”

  For a moment, everyone froze, their thoughts turning toward their comrades. Davies was ready to deny it, and I raised a hand, stopping him.

  “Please don’t deny it. Most of us are supernatural creatures. We can sense this, whether it be the change in heartbeat, the sweat on your skin, or the scent you give off. Everyone cares about her in some way, and I imagine probably wants to explore those emotions. And every one of you are sincere in your emotions.”

  “There aren’t any rules about dating employees,” Venni pointed out.

  I nodded. “There isn’t. Employees are welcome to explore what they like as long as they don’t drag it into the workplace and it doesn’t affect their performance.” My voice hardened as I slipped in the warning meant for them all.

  “What are you saying?” Alijah asked.

  “I’m saying, if Laila wishes, you may explore your relationship with her, but,” I said, sharpening my voice, “this will not bleed into our work life. I don’t want to hear about anyone’s personal drama. Keep it to your fucking self.”

  They all eyed each other and the wariness in the air was suffocating.

  “That’s a lot of toes to possibly step on,” Rhett said.

  “Which is why I called this meeting,” I admitted. “If she decides to date all of us or more than one of us, talk. That’s all I’m asking.” I shifted in my seat, growing uncomfortable. I couldn’t believe I was having a personal conversation like this with my employees. “I don’t need to hear about how one of you asked her on a date and then another getting mad because he wanted that time with her. Talk to each other and talk to her. Otherwise, you’re going to scare her away.”

  Rhett spoke up. “She’s going to think that if she tries anything with us, if it goes south, she’ll have to leave the company. We don’t want that. Even if there is a break-up, make sure it isn’t a bad one.”

  “Way to plan on a break-up before it even begins,” Davies grumbled.

  “Shit happens,” I said. “And he makes a good point. Laila doesn’t date within the company. We’ve all seen it.”

  Venni snorted. “The Porter Brush Off.”

  “Is that what they’re calling it?” Davies asked.

  Venni nodded. “I think it’s a game now at this point. They ask, and she doesn’t even notice.” Venni’s expression softened as he talked about it. He was one of our quietest employees, and he kept everything close to him, never sharing more than he needed to. Even now with my senses, it was hard to tell how he really felt. I only picked up on it because he was always watching her, more so than his normal bodyguard assignments.

  “She could give us all the Porter Brush Off,” Alijah pointed out.

  The silence in the room became deafening as everyone thought about that. Laila could want nothing to do with us. We didn’t get down to the nitty gritty details, but we were all essentially planning to ask her out. That was a tall order for any woman, to have the attention of so many men. Hell, while supernaturals had multiple partners, there were only a handful of groups I knew that even reached this many people. The vampire queen bitch was one of them. She was with her guards, plus others she managed to get her hands on. Most of the males in her brood slept with her. I think the numbers were around twenty in her inner circle, not including those she has passing fancies with. It hurt to even think about how that worked. Others kept it easy with only two to four.

  I eyed Rhett, wondering what he was thinking. He stayed as far away from the vampire queen as possible. He wanted nothing to do with her despite her wanting everything he had to offer. The only thing that kept him safe was that he was a Master Slayer and powerful enough to kill her if she pushed him. I wanted to be around for that, I just wasn’t sure that’d be anytime soon, since he was too nice of a vampire.

  Rhett’s eyes met mine, and he nodded. He was okay. I raised an eyebrow, surprised about that. He’d voiced once before that he was only interested in one partner and not in sharing. Rhett scanned the group, focusing on the way Davies and Venni were exchanging glances, having their own private conversation, and on Alijah as he watched us carefully.

  Realization dawned on me. These guys were family to Rhett. He trusted them completely, enough to take care of a woman he cared for. Hope filled me, and I smiled.

  “What?” Davies asked, seeing my look.

  “Nothing,” I said. “What are your thoughts?”

  Davies glanced at Venni.

  “I’m in. She gets me. She doesn’t balk at my human side, and she trusts me with her toys. She’s patient too. Not once has she snapped at me for being too much.” He smiled. “Can’t s
ay that about anyone else in my life. I’m in.”

  “You?” I asked Venni.

  “My wolf likes her. A lot. She’s gentle with how she treats magic.”

  The others nodded in agreement. She was far gentler than she pretended not to be. She was direct, stubborn, but underneath all that she cared. Enough to get herself into trouble.

  “Alijah?” I asked, wanting his thoughts on this the most. He was a loner, spending more time looking in than being in the middle of the group. I knew he saw a lot that we missed.

  “She’s currently with Elliot in that damn chair,” he growled. “She’s been there since day one. That says a lot about her. She cares. If I’m around and I don’t see her, my tiger makes me hunt her down just to make sure she’s okay. I’m not able to walk away from her.”

  “She’s ours,” Rhett said as the others nodded.

  “Okay,” I said, making sure to meet each of them in the eye. “Okay. Now it’s a question of how to approach her.”

  “Individually is a bad idea,” Rhett said. “If she starts dating one, she’d be reluctant to try dating the rest of us. We need to be open with her from the start, let her know that we’re all interested.”

  “Doesn’t feel right to approach her when Elliot is still out for the count. It doesn’t seem fair,” Davies said.

  “We can wait until he wakes up. Gives us time to digest this,” Venni said.

  “If he does,” Davies whispered, but we all picked up what he said with our hearing.

  “He will,” I said. “He’s strong. He’ll wake up.”

  Davies nodded, and I hoped Elliot didn’t just make me a liar. This next part was all on him, but knowing what I knew about the man, he’d wake up. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “When he does, I’ll talk to him,” Rhett said. “But I know he cares for her too. We can go from there.”

  Wanting to end the weirdest meeting I’d ever had, I stood. “Good. For now, just think about it and what you want. When Elliot wakes, we’ll go from there. And remember, this is up to Laila. Not us. All we can do is state our interest and hold our breath and hope she’s interested.”

  “No duh,” Davies grumbled.

  Leaving them to it, I left, needing to check up on Elliot again. Laila wasn’t the only one spending too much time in his room. I hated that humans were always the ones to take the brunt of the damage.

  I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to ease some the tension that had built up during the meeting. As I waited for the elevator to go down, I had to wonder what was going to happen in the future, not just with Laila, but with this company as well. Dynamics were shifting. I wasn’t sure how yet, but they were changing. I needed to be ready for it.

  Author’s Note

  So what did you think of this novella? Short, I know, but it was an interesting experience to delve into the minds of each of the guys. Please think about taking the time to leave a review. They’ll help me as a writer and other readers to determine if the book is something they’d be interested in. Your review means the world to me.

  If you’d like to hear news from me, please be sure to subscribe to my newsletter.

  Coming Soon

  Magical Seclusion (February 2019)

  Biomystic Security Book Three

  Dr. Laila Porter is ready to jump into her relationship with her men. They butted into her life, made their intentions known, and she’s more than willing to take them up on it. As they find a balance in their budding relationship, emotions run high, and Laila questions if it’ll last. Instead of facing these unfamiliar emotions, she throws herself into her current project, a toy with both wonderful and dangerous possibilities.

  While the guys prove that they are all in, a new dangerous plot slowly circles Biomystic Security, and this time, they aren’t so sure it’s something they will be able to get out of. Especially if this new danger threatens what they’re fighting for: Laila Porter.

  From the Author

  Biomystic Security Series

  Magical Intentions

  Magical Temptations

  Magical Attraction

  Magical Seclusion (Coming Soon)

  Magical Redemption (Coming Soon)

  Stalker Links



  Jaliza’s Magical Misfits








  Jaliza A. Burwell

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