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Anarchy (Alfonzo)

Page 14

by Frank, S. W.

  “Nico I still need you. Don’t go. ”

  The statement settled it. He was going to be a little late. He had her on the bed, entered her body, took her with such depravity he lost track of how many times she climaxed because he was having multiple explosive orgasms as well. Finally, when the blood rushed through his body and sanity returned he issued a warning, “Selange, don’t say things you don’t mean.”

  Alfonzo loved this woman more than life. Nico was only a substitute in her husband’s absence and nothing more!

  His heart wept at having to end the dream. He glanced at her face and blew hard. Selange wasn’t experienced in the art of deception. Good women usually aren’t, and the guilt could prove to be her undoing. Ultimately, she’d feel compelled to confess her transgression and find herself in deep trouble. A man can be broken by betrayal, he knew this because in the real world, male egos were long and saving face trumped shame. He did not believe Alfonzo would hurt her, but no one knows what a man will do in matters of the heart. Crimes of passion among men in their business were premeditated acts, disguised as accidents. Adulterous wives, their lovers and even a harmless flirt disappeared.

  Hit-man, assassin, enforcer, contractor, pick whatever name sounds nicer. Nico was a killer and possessed intimate knowledge of these things. With this woman, such a tragic fate would infiltrate his conscience and in turn he’d violently kill the man who spoke the order. The young brother in his heart, Luzo’s son and descendant of the great Sergio Giacanti, whose blood Italy still mourns. Alfonzo.

  “This is a secret we take to our graves.” He said but wanted to say more. Like, a moral conscience will always whisper truth, it cannot do any other. When she hesitated and the pause widened, he asked, “Do you love Alfonzo?”


  “Then don’t go battling your conscience, you won’t win. Confessing will cause you to lose him; he won’t forgive you Selange. Don’t destroy what you have for this. Promise, you’ll keep quiet, no swear to me.” No regrets, he told himself as he stared into her soft eyes, no regrets.

  There appeared the adorable quake of her luscious mouth and a nod. “I swear.”

  “Good.” He gave her a kiss and went to shower. The crazy truth is, he could no longer be in her presence, not anymore after this. She would look at him in intimacy and others would suspect. Selange must learn to cloak her emotions, her facial expressions revealed too much. A very dangerous thing in his world!


  Giuseppe’s Italian leather shoes touched the old wooden pier, painted white to disguise its state of disrepair. He boarded Alberti’s luxury yacht with his daughter’s name in shiny black along the starboard side of the nautical vessel. There were men guarding the pier. They watched who came and went. There were also crews stationed in small boats, protecting the aquatic perimeter, marksmen atop warehouse roofs, sniper rifles cocked and loaded for this clandestine meeting.

  The guests were already assembled, including his dapper young cousin Alfonzo with the Serano twins protectively at his side like ferocious pitbulls. Don Dellegio and his Capo were seated at the rather roomy table, followed by The Maldonado Clan, Sammy ‘Two Fingers’ Bastone from Vegas and Brettoli Nicosi. Lastly, Don Gregorio Pali and his Capo, Mickey ‘Shotgun’ Angelo from Florida rounded out the administrative branch.

  When Giuseppe entered with his Capo and top Lieutenant they all rose from their seats in deference.

  “Please, sit everyone.” Giuseppe waved at them then took a reserved seat near Alfonzo. “Cugino, how are my wife and children?” He joked.

  “I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen you with any.”

  The men all smiled at the easy camaraderie and relaxed, waiting for the meeting to be called to order.

  Alberti did the honors, “Welcome, everyone. Ciao Don Giuseppe for traveling so far.

  Giuseppe nodded reaching for the tanker of coffee set out on the shiny wood table.

  “You were all summoned here because you have remained close allies of Don Dichenzo and,” he stretched his arm to Alfonzo, “Don Alfonzo, as you know he has rejoined out family and has begun to reestablish his presence in the states and abroad.-But this is not the only reason you are here, we have learned that Dominick Fiorello has shown great insult to our rules. He and six of the Families have branched outside and have profited from the sale of a killer drug. Not marijuana, opiates and the like. No, he feeds this rat poison to young flourishing youth for what purpose we do not know. This is not the greatest offense…”

  Nico’s stoic posture revealed nothing as he listened to the long oratory. Alberti’s pontifications were ceremonial gibberish when this should be a straight to the point sit-down. Who stands with Don Alfonzo, who does not?

  He noticed Alfonzo’s clean-shaven face and bright blue eyes, wondering where his thoughts roamed. Nico tried to focus but the phantom sensation of making love to Selange caused him to shift uncharacteristically in his seat to squash an impending hard-on. Alfonzo noticed Nico fidgeting, yet his mouth did not open, instead his eyes squint into slits and his jaw clenched in tension.

  “…. So please Don Alfonzo, what is the phase of this plan Alberti hints at, eh?” Sammy, ‘Two Fingers’, enquired.

  Alfonzo leaned forward, eyeballing each man in equal increments of time, “We have locations of the manufacturing plants run by Dichenzo and his buddies. We wipe out his supply and distribution network, leaving him with no disposable income. Secondly, his Lieutenant Boris, is the man seen acting on Dichenzo’s behalf. We make an example of him, give the other families a minute to rethink their positions and exist cohesively with us civilized men, if they choose not to. We set limits.”

  “What about Dichenzo?” Dellegio spoke up.

  “What about him?”

  “We’re just going to let him operate business as usual?”

  “Dominick is my responsibility.”

  Giuseppe entered their conversation, “Cugino, I must have a say in this matter with Dichenzo.”

  Alfonzo slid back in his chair, “And what’s your say?”

  “He must pay at my hand for his treachery.”

  “We’ll split him down the middle then, is that fair?”

  The guys laughed, but they did not understand the cousins were serious, until Giuseppe smirked. “We will use an electric hacksaw. I will have it ready.”

  The laughter stopped. Death by hacksaw wasn’t pretty. It was down-right barbaric. Only Vincent appreciated the humor in it. His victims underwent far worse torture. He wanted in, “What type of example are we making of Boris?”

  “The Butcher method, send a piece of him to every family associated with Dichenzo and we make them choose.”

  “Sounds fun.”

  Nico sat quietly, his thoughts drifting again. His brow wrinkled. He felt Alfonzo’s gaze. “What’s wrong with you and what the fuck happened to your mouth?”

  Selange had left an indelible mark on his soul and apparently his body. “Bit my damn lip eating too fast.”

  Alfonzo accepted the lie.

  “When are we going to do this?” Giuseppe broke in.

  “Today, at dusk.” Alfonzo said, returning to important business.

  “Today, so soon?” Brettoli questioned.

  “Everyone we need is here. Is there a problem?” Alfonzo asked while watching the men for duplicity.

  Everyone’s eyes were on Brettoli, “No…no…it is only my granddaughter’s birthday but I can see her tomorrow with my gift.”

  Nico locked eyes with Alberti, knowingly.

  Alberti reached beside him for a basket, “Please everyone, shut off your cell phones and place them in here. It is not we do not trust any of you, it is a precaution.”

  Cell phones were shut down and dropped inside the basket and taken away to be locked in one of the state rooms.

  Alfonzo checked his watch, twenty-five more minutes and he’d disclose the rest of the plan. Food arrived and the men helped themselves to an assortment of dishes
, catered from a local Italian restaurant. As they ate, Alfonzo watched the sun beginning to dim. He stood to stretch his legs, glanced the time then addressed the guys, “Alright, Vin bring in the items.”

  Vincent disappeared and returned carrying a large rubber container. He sat it down and removed the lid, “Okay ladies and gentleman, suit up.”

  Inside were jumpsuits and non-porous gloves. Alfonzo grinned. He was getting a kick out of grown-ass men complaining about work clothes not fitting like a bunch of women. He slipped into one of the suits without a problem.

  “Time’s up, ladies, gotta go!” He announced.


  Emilio gladly loaded the suitcases in the back of the SUV, then got behind the steering wheel, fastened his seatbelt and turned to his passenger. “Put on your seatbelt and stop texting for a minute, will you?”

  “I’m tweeting.”

  “Same thing.” He was relieved when Alfonzo called this morning and released him from baby-sitting duty. He was taking Jess to his boss’ home. He had enough of rollers, blow-dryers, panties hanging over the shower curtain and dumb reality TV shows where dumb grown-ups partied and drunk themselves into an even dumber stupor. He noticed a trend, stupidity, fights and sex, got ratings. No wonder the current generation were dumb-violent-promiscuous nut-jobs. Cable and social networks were fucking them up. Most of them refused to read a book!

  He started the engine the minute her seatbelt clicked and tore off down the road, making her ass bounce up and down on purpose.

  “Hey, it’s not funny E!” She shouted.

  She was too lazy to pronounce his full name, now he was E. He hit another bump and her head collided with the roof and she looked pissed, “What’s wrong with you?”

  He laughed at her expense. She left make-up products on his sink, took liberties with his boxers…his boxers, refused to cook, whined and every chance she got tried to jump his bones. He figured she deserved payback, E-style!

  When she bounced up and landed down in her seat, she folded her arms across her chest and refused to speak to him.

  “Oh such a baby!”

  “It’s not funny, I did my hair.”

  He smiled; actually she looked really pretty with it tousled. “You’re not going to a fashion shoot.”

  She became quiet and several minutes later asked, “Why are you being mean to me, do you really hate me?”

  He scoffed, “Hate you, no. I think you’re a liar, that’s all.” Another bump was coming. He aimed directly for it and they both bounced out of their seats and Jessica laughed when he slammed his head.

  “Ouch!” He exclaimed rubbing the top of his hair.

  “How you like your own medicine?”

  He grinned, “Okay, laugh.”

  “I want to understand why you keep calling me a liar, can you explain yourself?”

  “You said you didn’t know anything about drugs, yet you had them. You were scheduled to check out last Saturday, said you would, but you stayed in Miami. Should I keep going?”

  “Cut me slack. I fibbed once and you’re making it a felony offense. You’re being unreasonable about this whole thing.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. You’re using the situation to not talk about us.”

  He exhaled with a whistle, “Whoa, Jess. Your best friends are dead from a drug overdose, isn’t that a big deal?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t give them drugs, or buy them drugs or feed them drugs, so I don’t see why you’re mad at me?”

  “Let me try to make it simple. You gave them the money which bought the drugs. See the link?”

  “Don’t be an ass. Haven’t you ever loaned money to a friend before and do you police what they do with it?”

  His mouth tugged down. She had a valid point. “Okay, maybe I didn’t see it that way.”

  “Maybe, you need to start trying to view things from another perspective more often because you’re highly judgmental for a former car thief!”

  “Whoa, where is this coming from?”

  “A place of anger.”

  He smiled, “You’re angry at me?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Why?” He asked driving slower.

  “Because, you send mixed messages. You used me and I’m angry!”

  “I used you?”

  “Hell yes!”

  He found it funny and simply chuckled. She was the one hitting on him. They hooked up because she wanted to, well, he did too, but she instigated it.

  “Jess, you expect too much from people.”

  “We’re not talking about people, plural. This is about you, singular. I expected you’d fess up and say hey I want you. Let’s see where this goes and if it doesn’t work, then we tried. Instead, you bolt and hide behind lame excuses.”

  A few cars sped by and he elevated his speed to stay with the flow of traffic. “They weren’t excuses.”

  “Okay, then be honest. Do you like me?”

  His eyes bulged, “Yeah.”

  “Did you like fucking me and tell the truth since you hate liars?”

  “Yes, yes I did,” he answered reluctantly.

  “Can you see us as a couple?”

  This felt like truth or dare. He stayed honest. “Yes.”

  “Then why are you pushing me away?”

  “Because I don’t want to be disappointed if it doesn’t work out, then it’ll be uncomfortable for both of us.”

  “What if I tell you, I’m afraid of the same thing, but I’m willing to dive in because what if it turns out wonderful?”

  “Jess you were in my apartment for a couple of days and I wanted to evict you immediately.”

  “Because you were angry. When we were in Miami, we went out, had fun, you liked me then. See the link?”

  He snickered, “That’s true.”

  “Okay. Here’s my proposition.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it.”

  “When things settle down. We hang-out. Do fun stuff. See where it goes.”

  “Not a bad proposition.”

  “One more thing.”


  “Since we’re not in a hurry, why don’t we go back to your place you know?”

  “You have a one track mind.”

  She scooted over and caressed his ear, “I didn’t lie when I said I love you.”

  “I know you didn’t.” He paused, “When is your birthday?”

  “October third.”

  “How about I officially take you out for your twenty-first?”

  “I have to wait months?”

  “If you’re serious about us, then we do it right. Twenty-first birthday, I’ll step to your cousin like a man instead of sneaking and shit and we take it from there.”

  “Does that mean we don’t hook up with anybody else?”

  He scoffed, “If you’re with somebody by then, then it is what it is. We’ll remain friends.”

  “Okay. Fourteen weeks, my birthday. I can wait that long for you.”

  He smiled. Maybe she could but he wasn’t going to abstain from sex that long. Condoms baby!


  Two dark vans drove up to an old warehouse, not far from the pier. Nico climbed out the truck and opened the padlocked doors to the receiving dock then waved the vans inside. Once they were in he locked the doors from the inside and waited for everyone to emerge.

  Alfonzo came to him, “Lead the way.”

  Nico led them through the wide space to a backroom and unlocked the door. The room was black. He hit a switch and light flooded across the spacious area, once belonging to a meatpacking company. He heard his twin brother Vincent chuckle in amusement. Their father was nicknamed ‘The Butcher,’ his specialty, slaughtering men. This place held equipment similar to those used by their father, courtesy of Nico. He even provided an electric chainsaw and plastic bins for the body parts.

  In a corner, chained to the floor like beasts, their eyes and mouths duct taped were two men in their expensi
ve suits. They mumbled loudly, unaware of the faces of their visitors until Nico strolled over and ripped the duct tape off taking skin with it. Neither screamed, although Nico was sure it hurt like hell.

  He took a few steps back and waited.

  “Fucking bastard!” Dominick spat at him.

  Nico’s foot collided with the man’s jaw and he quickly shut up.

  Alfonzo walked up, “You didn’t think I was going to be nice after what the fuck you did, did you?”

  “What did I do to you, spic?”

  This time it was Alfonzo’s fist impacting with Dominick’s face. The nasal bone fractured and the man screamed, “Sonovabitch!”

  Alfonzo took the pointed part of his boot and kicked the shackled man in the throat, “You just won’t shut up. Maybe that’ll convince you!”

  Dominick gurgled and stayed quiet.

  Alfonzo turned to the guys, “This is an example of what happens when anyone tries to lay a hand on me or anyone in my family!”

  Everyone was quiet. They got the message.

  Giuseppe walked over to the chainsaw and yanked the cord. The motor hummed loudly and he gestured for two of his crew and they rushed forward to hold Dominick down. The man twisted and squirmed. Giuseppe got in position and winked at his cousin.

  “Half and half –even.” Alfonzo reminded him.

  Dominick pleaded for his life as the serrated blade hovered over his stomach. Giuseppe clamped his mouth shut and carved straight across Dominick’s belt. Blood splattered everywhere.

  The body lay in half. “I get the torso.”

  Vincent was laughing, “You two are worse than me and Nico. He came forward and peered at the mutilated body, “He’s been cut down to size, I’d say.”

  Nico smirked. His brother’s jokes came at the strangest moments.

  Alfonzo directed Vincent to take the heart. “Oh yeah and cut off the fingers, I need those also.”

  The man chained nearby squirmed, Alfonzo suspected he shit his pants judging by the foul odor rafting through the room. As Vincent was hard at work, Alfonzo used the opportunity to talk shop. “Okay, anyone having second thoughts about where their loyalties are?”


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