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Captured Moonlight

Page 18

by Erin Kelly

  “Me too,” Sophie said.

  “It’s been nice to have another woman around. One that isn’t a seventeen and a half year old know-it-all.” Sophie and Val chuckled at that.

  They stood there and watched the men at work for another quiet moment when Val motioned for her to follow. “Come with me. You’re not leaving us after all you did without a souvenir.”

  Perplexed but curious, Sophie trailed after her as Val went into the RV. Inside Evie, Haley, and Connor were up, much to her surprise, and sat waiting at the kitchen table. The three children all had wide, excited grins and scandalously snickered together. Val stood near her kids as she spoke, “Before we were infected, we rode back and forth across the country as our own little club. What started as a hobby among friends became so much more. We became a pack, but before that we were family.”

  She paused for a moment, this time for dramatic effect, and then nodded to Evie, who giggled in excitement and held up a leather jacket that she’d hidden under the table in her lap.

  Sophie’s jaw dropped open in surprise as she handed it to her. It was a beautiful black leather jacket, well cared for and soft to the touch. Embroidered on the back was the same wolf skull insignia framed by the Valhalla Knights text. “This is for me?” She glanced to each of them in wonder as she held it up.

  Val nodded. “You helped bring our family back together. You’ve more than earned your place in our pack, Sophie. And if you do happen to change your mind, and come ride with us someday, well… I’m sure we can think up a Norse nickname for you too.” She gave a playful wink as Sophie beamed. “Well, I guess it’s time to round up the men and make tracks. The sooner we put this place behind us, the better I will feel.” She looked to her children. “Now the three of you get on back to bed. Evie, I’m going to let you drive tomorrow so don’t be up all night on your phone.”

  “Okay Mom,” Evie stopped to hug Sophie on the way back to her bunk, then murmured excitedly, “I can’t wait to be back in range of a decent connection!”

  Haley and Connor both hugged her as well, then kissed their mother good night and headed to bed. Val ruffled their blond hair and said, “I’ll be right in there to tuck you all in.” She turned to Sophie now that they were alone and caught the longing look in her eyes. “You’ll be okay. Just remember that before you became a werewolf, you were a mother. Trust your instincts, and trust yourself. Your wolf will know what you know in your heart to be true. Your son will never, ever be in any danger from your wolf.”

  Sophie’s eyes filled with tears and she clutched the leather jacket to her chest. “Thank you, Valkyrie.”

  Val went over and gave her a tight hug, then pat her on the shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “This particular jacket was originally meant for Evie when she was old enough, but she agreed that we can get another one made for her when the time comes. You’ve more than earned your cut these past few days.” Then she added excitedly, “Well, what are you waiting for? Try it on! Let’s see how it fits.”

  Sophie pulled on the leather jacket and ran her fingers over the smooth black leather sleeves. She smiled as it dawned on her that this jacket was hers, the first piece of clothing she had worn in a long while that truly belonged to her. It was a little big and loose on her in some areas, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. “It’s perfect.”


  Sophie stepped outside in her new leather jacket and was greeted by the rest of the pack and an exuberant round of applause, punctuated by a couple appreciative howls and whistles from Freki and Korban. She smiled brightly at her gathered friends and gave a playful bow. Freki gave her a thumbs up and Korban walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her. “Leather looks good on you,” he mischievously grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  She slid her arms around him, her fingers played along the back of his neck and his golden eyes brightened as she moved in close. “I love you.” Every word made her feel lighter and happier than before. “Ready to go back?”

  He tensed a little but relief filled his eyes and he nodded. “Yeah. Now more than ever. I think I’ve had my fill of fresh air and wide open spaces.” He chuckled darkly then shook his head. “Not really as recently, but you know what I mean.”

  “Making jokes about it already. Isn’t it a bit too soon?” She hugged him tightly, buried her face into his neck and pressed a kiss along his scar. “We’ve made it. We’re actually going home.”

  “I can’t wait,” he squeezed her back before they moved back into the RV as the engines started, and soon they were on the move.


  Blaze ended up changing his mind and joined them on the road after all. His only request was to make a quick errand so he could get his passport and a few personal belongings that he’d stashed away. It didn’t take him long to retrieve what he needed and they soon were driving down a long, winding dirt road. As the RV brushed past long branches and grown in grass they all remained on high alert. Everyone breathed a lot easier once the bumpy dirt gave way to smooth asphalt and they were on solid road at last.

  Sophie sat next to Korban on the kitchen bench and rested her head on his shoulder as they rode along. He kept his arm around her and let his own chin rest on the top of her head. Steven had opted to go sleep in the master bed in the back while Val and Odin took the helm and drove. The rumble of the engine was echoed by Geri’s pickup that followed with most of their bikes and the louder purr of two motorcycles ridden by Hati and Skoll. As exhausted as he was, Hati seemed eager to ride with his brother again. Freki had sat across from them in the RV for a while, until the bumps along the road became too much and he finally went into the back to lay down in one of the empty bunks. His soft snoring reverberated along with the engines. Every now and again Sophie would find herself taking a head count, just to make sure the gang was all there. She was pretty certain that she wasn’t the only one guilty of this, because every now and then she found Val glancing over her shoulder as she checked on them too.

  They were quiet for a long time as they sat together. Blaze dozed off as he leaned back against the booth corner. As tired as they were, neither Korban nor Sophie could sleep. She felt Korban tremble every once in a while and held him tighter. They had freed him and the other men from this nightmare, but it would take some time before they would truly feel safe again. The few minutes she had spent with that sociopath Davey still made her skin crawl. She couldn’t even begin to fathom what they’d gone through, trapped all that time in a true monster’s lair.

  When he trembled again Sophie lifted her head to meet his gaze. Those warm amber eyes were filled with worry. “What’s wrong?” she asked him gently and rubbed his back with her hand.

  He calmed under her touch and took in a shuddering breath. “I should be thinking about what happens when we get back, but I keep going back to what happened back there. Not just with Davey but with me. What I did.”

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion. “What you did?”

  “I mean, the way I could influence the others to do things, and not just that,” he gazed down at the table. “I was able to see things, when I stared into their eyes. I saw… I saw horrible memories from Davey’s past, like some strange… out of body experience. Like I was there reliving everything he experienced, even the smells, the… feelings he had, as twisted as they were.” He paused a moment and seemed to inwardly steady himself before he continued, “I could see Spike, er, Steven’s memories too, but those were more like watching a home movie or some kind of documentary. I learned a lot about him; saw how he was a good guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like Blaze, Hati, and me.”

  Sophie listened and continued to gently rub small circles along his tense back muscles. He took another deep breath and relaxed, pressed back into her touch. “I keep thinking about it, and it scares me. Almost more than anything else that has happened.”

  “What about it scares you, love?” She softly asked.

  He thought about it for a moment,
and then lifted his gaze to hers once more. “I’m afraid of having power over someone else. No one should be forced to do something against their own free will. That kind of power… it shouldn’t exist. I’m scared because Davey had the same power too. I don’t want to end up like him. I know I’m not a cannibal with some whacked out fantasy fight club, but I’m terrified that I’ll lose control of my power, or maybe I’ve accidentally used it before, or somehow, maybe, worst of all… I’ve used it on you.”

  Sophie gave him a serious look and leaned in, pressed her soft lips to the rough stubble that had grown in along his chin. “My love, you will never, ever be anything remotely close to that monster.”

  She cupped his cheek with the palm of her hand and swiped a tear away with the pad of her thumb as it trailed down. “The fact that you are so worried about everyone else when you’ve just discovered this incredible ability that you have… it’s just one of the many reasons why I love you. And one of the many reasons why I know you’d never abuse your power like Davey did.” She smiled to him. “And you should know me well enough by now to know I don’t do anything that I don’t want to do. I love you, Korban. I love you. That isn’t your power influencing me. It never has been. That night when we first made love, you told me you loved me, remember?”

  He nodded and his lower lip trembled and she leaned in, captured it and kissed him. Her arms wrapped around him again and she held him close even when she parted from their sweet kiss. “I’m sorry I couldn’t say those words back to you that night. I wasn’t ready because a lot of people I loved had broken my heart. I never doubted the truth in your words. I just thought that I would have more time to say it back. My head got in the way of my heart then, but I won’t waste my chance to say it to you now, or ever again. I love you. I love you, Korban.” She kissed him again, her lips hungrily pressed to his.

  He returned her kiss, and for a few blissful moments they were lost in each other. When she pulled away he smiled, all the worries he had seemed to vanish from her reassuring words and kisses. “I love you so much. I don’t know how you do it. How do you always seem to know exactly what to say to make me feel better?”

  “It’s my special power,” Sophie ran her fingers through his hair as she winked.

  He chuckled lightly and pulled her in close again. Their lips met again, then again, and they lost several more wonderful minutes together.


  It was a little after three in the morning when their caravan pulled up to the garage. Korban practically had his face pressed against the window as he read the sign, over and over again. Cyrus Autos was still where they’d left her, though she had her own set of scars now too. Metal rigging was wrapped around the garage for support, and bright orange and yellow signs cautioned that the site was under construction. A huge plastic tarp covered one of the car port entrances. For a moment Korban wondered if RJ and Alex were even able to stay there while it was being repaired, but then a light clicked on in one of the upstairs windows and his heart sang. They were home!

  Sophie was saying her good byes to the others, exchanging phone numbers and hugs. Korban politely said his good byes but found himself alone with Hati and Blaze. Steven had said his good byes long before, and they agreed not to interrupt his sleep. Hati gave him a hug and murmured a quick farewell, then hurried back to his bike, as though he didn’t want anyone see him cry. “See you around, my friend,” Korban said with a smile and watched him head back to his bike, leaving him alone yet again with Blaze.

  “I’m not sure I can ever repay you for all you did for me, for freeing us all from that hell, and helping me put to rest. But if you should ever find yourself across the pond, know you’re always welcome. The world can be a dark and scary place, but at least we’ve got friends to light the way.” He pulled a business card from his pocket and slipped it into Korban’s hand as he gave him a firm handshake. “That’s my personal number; I don’t give that out very often. If you should ever need help, know you’ve got an ally in me. It’s nice to know that not all Yankee werewolves are barmy lunatics.”

  Korban only grinned and chuckled. “Wow, did I hear right? Was that a joke? There’s hope for you yet, Blaze,” he paused and read the business card and corrected himself, “rather, Nigel… ‘Blazer’?”

  “It’s Blazier, but Blaze is just fine, Lobo,” Blaze smirked to him, and then clapped him on the shoulder. “Cheers, mate.”

  “Cheers,” Korban nodded back, then watched as he headed back into the RV.

  Sophie walked over beside him and they waved as the caravan pulled away and drove off into the night; towards the airport to drop off Blaze, who was taking the next flight out, and then to the open road. Sophie slid her hand into his and as their friends rounded the corner and headed out of sight she turned to look up at the sign. “I’ve missed this place so much.”

  “Me too,” Korban felt anxious to see his two best friends- his brothers- again.

  They walked around the corner and found the side entrance repaired, a new door in place of the old one. The area smelled of fresh paint, wood, plaster, and faintly of lingering smoke and burnt oil. They followed the cleared path through the garage to the steps on the inside. There were still some scorch marks along some areas and the area was littered with piles of plywood, sheets of plastic and paint buckets. But no matter what, it was home.

  They reached the inside door to the apartment and before Korban could knock, the door opened and Alex greeted them. He blinked in disbelief for a moment, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then his face erupted into a huge grin. “Korban? Sophie? It’s really you?”

  Korban felt a lump form in his throat. There were moments not that long ago that he worried he would never see Alex again. And now he stood there, his arm still in a sling, but that same bright smile had returned in full force. Like his patched up garage he would be okay. Korban swallowed the emotional lump down and cracked, “You expecting someone else at this hour? The garage must be doing pretty well if you can afford a call girl at this hour.”

  Alex laughed then wrapped his good arm around him in fierce hug, before he let him go to do the same to Sophie. As he moved in to hug her he realized what he was about to do and stopped himself. Sophie only smiled to him. “It’s fine now, Alex,” she insisted then wrapped him into a hug. “I’ve missed you too.”

  Elated, Alex cheered into the apartment, “RJ! Lobo’s back! Sophie and Lobo are home!”

  A surprised, “What?!”came from the back bedroom, followed by some bumps and thumps, and RJ came racing out in his pajama bottoms, still tying his robe around him as he rushed up the hall. His face brightened as Alex stepped aside and ushered them in. “Dammit, Korban!” RJ had tears in his eyes and he wrapped him into a powerful but welcoming hug. “You had us both scared! Where the hell have you two been?”

  “That’s a really, really long and complicated story,” Korban gripped RJ tightly and fought back tears of his own. “Think we can put on some coffee first?”

  RJ nodded, and held him for another moment before he glanced to Sophie who nodded, and he put an arm around her too. “I’m so glad you’re both all right. And human again too! The last we heard, Sergeant McKinnon was looking everywhere for you two as Wolven.” He hesitated a moment, the unspoken worry returned to his eyes and his expression sobered. “We’re supposed to report in the moment we hear anything from you two, but… to hell with it. We’ll go to the station tomorrow after you’ve rested. You both look like you could use a hot meal and a shower. No offense.”

  Korban chuckled and shook his head. “None taken. A shower sounds pretty damn good right about now.”

  Alex burst into tears and put his good arm around them again, and for a moment the four of them ended up huddled in a group hug. Alex sniffled loudly and pulled back, scrubbed his puffy eyes with his good arm. “Curse these man tears! I didn’t think I’d see either of you as human again after what they told us!”

  It was so ridiculous, so perfectly Alex that Korban found him
self fighting back happy tears of his own again. He cuffed him into another hug and ruffled his hair. “I missed you too buddy.”

  RJ soon had a pot of coffee brewing and a pan of bacon and eggs sizzling on the stove as they gathered around the kitchen table. When Sophie put her hand in his and squeezed it he was certain that this was his own slice of heaven. “I’m glad you two are here,” Korban said. “I was afraid that… because we ran off, that they’d throw you in jail because of me.”

  RJ flipped the eggs and bacon using only the skillet with a chef-like flip and then turned his head in his direction with a grim smile. “Oh, believe me, they wanted to. Sergeant McKinnon actually stood up for me as a character witness, but it was my principal who saved me in the end. Talked them out of taking away one of his best teachers right before finals. Commissioner DeRusso ended up agreeing to let me out on house arrest. At least I scored a neat new accessory for all the trouble,” he lifted his pant leg and revealed a shiny, black ankle monitor that had a slowly blinking light on it.

  Korban and Sophie exchanged a glance, looking guilty, but he shrugged and smirked. “Hey, what can I say? If anything it’s helped me through the end of the school year. Gave me a little street cred and impressed some of my tough guys. Now that they think I’m a real gangster they’ve been behaving more in my class.” He then added pointedly after a pause, “It’s okay. I’m fine. Believe me. Especially now that we know you’re both safe, sound, and home again.”

  He plated up their late night snack- more like an early breakfast at this hour- and served them all steaming mugs of coffee with extra cream and sugar. After they got a few bites down RJ reluctantly asked, “Where were you guys? Most of Syracuse was on the lookout for you. The news alerted everyone that two Wolven were on the loose. They even had a press conference and everything. Not to mention the reward that your husband posted.”

  “Lucas offered a reward?” Sophie sounded surprised at first then frowned anxiously at the news.


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