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Some Like It Geek: A Really Big Set of Romances

Page 84

by Box Set

  So they needed to stay in. He figured Katie would be cool with just hanging at his place, but there was no food at his place. Unless you counted a jar of mayonnaise and stale, leftover pizza. Shit, this was going to be a challenge–

  “Oh wow.” Katie had as they pulled around the side of Calvert Tower and past the discreet entrance to Lux. “What’s all that?”

  Aaron glanced out the driver side window. A small group of elegantly dressed people in masks were slipping past the velvet rope into Lux.

  “Masquerade night,” he said, pulling into the underground garage to the private parking spot area for the penthouse. “Lux does it once a month. Adds a layer of intrigue to the sex-play that some people enjoy.”

  “What do they do?”

  “The usual stuff. But there’s a different vibe on masquerade night for sure. Everyone wears masks all night, no exceptions. There’s no photography or video ever at Lux of course, but with the masks, it’s even more anonymous. So it’s, well it’s liberating.”

  “You can be whoever you want.”

  “Yeah that’s certainly one way to look at it.” Aaron nodded. “I’d forgotten it was tonight. I’ve been a few times. It’s a nice event. Great food and–” He stopped talking when he heard her inhale sharply. Aaron turned the car off and turned to Katie. “Everything okay?”

  “Can we go?” she asked, her voice breathless and her eyes shining with excitement. “I really want to go.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The front of Aaron’s pants almost burst their seams when he heard her words, saw the naughty gleam in her eye when she’d asked him to take her to a sex party.

  How had he gotten so lucky? How was it possible that this fun, smart, gorgeous and deliciously curious creature was sitting in his Jag right now, staring up at him with doe eyes and begging him to take her to a sex club so they could act out their fantasies together?

  “Jesus Christ,” he hissed the words and adjusted his aching cock.

  Katie’s eyes flicked to his crotch, and she smirked. “Is that a yes?”

  “Anything you want, beautiful,” said Aaron stroking one finger under her chin. “Yes we can go. They’ve got food there, and my refrigerator doesn’t, so it’s a good idea for that alone. But–”

  “What?” Those does eyes stared at him, dark and beautiful and full of anticipation.

  “Well, we also need to find you something to wear, and if we’re going to do this, we should have a conversation first--boundaries, safe words, all that stuff.”

  Katie grinned and unfastened her seatbelt. “Aiko lives in this building. She’ll have something I can borrow. And yes, a conversation.” She leaned forward and kissed him sweetly on the lips. “Over dinner.” She kissed him again, a little harder this time. “I want to hear all about the nasty things you want to do to me.”

  “Fuck.” He groaned the word, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and crashed his lips over hers. Thrusting his tongue between her lips he kissed her deeply, possessively, took her hand, and placed it over his cock. “Feel that?” he said. “What you do to me? I want to do it all to you. Whatever you’ll let me. Whatever makes you feel good.”

  She squeezed his cock and brushed her lips softly over his. “You make me feel good, Aaron. You do.”

  “You need a dress for what now?” Aiko stood in the doorway of her Calvert Tower apartment and smirked at Katie.

  “Aik, c’mon.” Katie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t bust my balls, just help me out.”

  “Stop being an ass.” It was Tessa’s voice, coming from behind the door. “Let her in, I’d love to dress her.”

  “Tessa?” Katie said as she stepped into the apartment. “Wow, what are you–”

  “Aik’s letting me keep some things here,” said Tessa. “Long story. I’ll tell you later.” She waved Katie over to where she stood in a corner of Aiko’s living room. She was surrounded by four chrome racks that were crammed to the limit with dozens of outfits and dresses. “I’ve actually recently started making custom masks for the masquerade event.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Nope, and I think I have the perfect thing for you.” Tessa rummaged through the dresses on one rack, lifted out a dress, turned and held it up to Katie. “Corseted waist, one shoulder draped neckline, deep red velvet. It’s–”

  “I love it.” Katie ran her hands reverently over the fabric. “I absolutely love it.”

  “Then it’s yours for the night.” Tessa bent down, grabbed something out of a box and handed it to Katie. “That’s the mask that goes with it.”

  “Same velvet as the dress?” she asked Tessa.


  Katie examined the mask. It would cover her eyes only, not the bottom half of her face. While that left her free to kiss Aaron as she liked, was it enough to make her feel secure? Anonymous?

  “Come on you kinky little monster, let’s get you all dolled up.”

  Katie undressed quickly, looked at her underwear in Aiko’s bathroom mirror and panicked for a second. The panties were sexy enough – black lace thong with a cute little bow–but there was no way she could wear a bra with this dress. She’d have to ditch it. Stuffing the bra in her purse, she opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

  “You’re a genius Tessa,” said Aiko as she admired her friend. “That’s stunning on her.”

  “Hair up this time?” Tessa asked hopefully when she caught Katie’s eye. “If it’s up, then he gets to take it down.” Tessa winked and Katie cheeks flushed.

  “Hell, why not?” Katie stepped back into the bathroom and watched in the mirror as Tessa fussed over her, adding a deep red color to her lips, arranging her hair in a sexy messy updo and finally adding the mask.

  Exiting to the bedroom Katie appraised herself in Aiko’s full length mirror.

  Her eyes looked huge. Fringed by long lashes, they were dark, sexy and mysterious. Her lips were a lush red that matched the color of the dress and deepened the allure of the ensemble.

  “Damn,” Aiko blew a low appreciative whistle. “You do not look like the KitKat that walked in here twenty minutes ago,” said Aiko. “I barely recognize you.”

  Katie had to agree--she almost didn’t recognize herself.

  She looked liked a seductress, a women dressed for a date with the devil.

  A woman ready to sin.

  It was perfect.

  Aaron had showered while Katie was down at Aiko’s. He put on a fresh shirt, a nice suit and tie, brushed off the masquerade mask he’d worn to Lux before, and put it on while riding the elevator down to collect her.

  When he’d seen her, standing in Aiko’s doorway, he thought he was a teenager again, at risk of coming in his pants merely at the thought of touching a woman.

  This woman.

  She made him nervous.

  Thirty-Four years old, head of a multi-billion dollar company and he was nervous?


  Because the woman sitting across the table from him was really pretty, and she smelled good, and he wanted to touch her boobies again.


  She smiled at him and lifted her wine glass to her lips.

  Those lips. Blood red and oh so pillowy.

  “My steak is perfect,” Aaron said, using his fork to gesture to his meal. “Yours?”

  “It’s very good, yes.” Katie set down her wine glass and glanced around the upholstered private booth in Lux’s dining lounge.

  Aaron watched her.

  Dark eyes and creamy skin, she looked exquisite in red velvet. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on it, feel the soft fabric bunching up over her thighs as he undressed her.


  She was killing him.

  The mask was amazing. Completely tantalizing. It turned every glance into a mystery, every smile into game, and the woman inside it a puzzle he had to solve.

  “This is so cozy,” said Katie, as if she sensed his gaze on her. “Intimate.”

  “There’s only te
n of these VIP booths,” said Aaron. “Since I’m an investor in the club they keep one reserved for me.” He reached to the end of the table and pushed a button on a panel set into the wood surface. “This is my favorite part.”

  Curtains that had framed the open end of the booth closed silently, cocooning them in damask and leather.

  “Private,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “And look, if I push this button…” A small flat screen television dropped down from the ceiling and settled at eye level at the other end of the booth. “Lux TV,” he said. “Whatever your fetish, they’ve got you covered.”

  “Rule 34,” Katie said with a giggle.

  “Rule 34.” Aaron nodded and pushed his plate back. “So. What’s yours? What are you hoping to get out of tonight?”

  Katie was playing with the flat screen, squinting at the kink menu and flipping around the channels.

  “Well um, safe word…how about radiator?”


  “Yeah, it’s not something I’m likely to say by accident.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Boundaries…hmmm.” Katie pursed her lips, her gaze still fixed to the flat screen. She changed channels, tilted her head, and scrunched up her nose, then changed channels again. “Well I don’t know what we’re doing yet exactly, so I’m not sure about boundaries. I–”

  She stopped shorted and her lips parted softly. Her cheeks pinked, and Aaron could see her chest rising and falling rapidly as her breathing increased.

  He followed her gaze to the screen.

  Oh. She’d found his favorite channel.

  “That’s the um…” Katie swallowed and licked her lips. “That’s like what we did. In HyperLyfe, the CMN–”

  “Clothed male, nude female,” Aaron finished for her. “Yeah, well CMNF is pretty basic.” He tilted his head at the screen. “There’s a bit more going on up there.”

  “Yeah.” Her voice was soft and Aaron saw her hand fluttering over her throat.

  He rose and scooted into the booth next to her. Slipping one arm around her waist, he caught the hand she had at her throat and drew it to his lips for a kiss, all the while watching the screen with her.

  It was a room full of men, all in suits, all wearing masks. At the center of the room was a woman in an elegant dress, also masked. The men circled her. Staring. Hungry.

  A man came up behind the woman and unzipped her dress. One strap fell down.

  Another man approached and gently pulled down the top of her dress until the woman’s heavy, naked breasts bobbed free. Behind him, another man came forward. He fondled the woman’s nipples casually as he walked around her, then grabbed her arms and yanked her tightly against his chest so that her back arched and her breasts jutted.

  She lifted her face to his and he kissed her passionately. The woman melted visibly and when the man’s hands reached for her waist, she did not protest. He pushed the dress to her feet, baring the rest of her naked body to the room.

  The men circled closer.

  Two large men flanked the woman. At the same time they each slipped a hand beneath her knees and lifted her legs, spreading her thighs wide so that her sex was open and exposed.

  Katie shivered in Aaron’s arms, her fingers biting hard into his thigh. She inhaled sharply, and he saw her lips tremble.

  On the screen, yet another man came forward. He stood between the woman’s thighs, unzipped his suit pants and pulled out his cock. A few strokes down the length and he was planting his feet, sliding the head of his cock over the woman’s wet pussy as the crowd of men pushed closer to watch. The men that held her body roamed their free hands over her skin, pinching her nipples and flicking her clit as they explored. The man between the woman’s thighs stilled, grabbed the woman’s hips, then thrust forward, the sound of their flesh meeting smacking audibly as he fucked her hard.

  “Aaron?” Katie said, her voice so low he could barely hear her. “That. That’s what I want to do.”

  Katie knew she’d shocked him. Hell, she’d shocked herself. But she felt daring tonight. She felt beautiful and confident.

  She felt powerful.

  When she’d seen the masked people on the street as they drove by Lux, she knew she wanted to join them. Right away, she understood. They were avatars, but in real life. They wore masks not to protect themselves, but to free themselves.

  As soon as Katie had put on the mask, she felt it, the change. She wasn’t pretending to be somebody else. No, the mask let her inhibitions, all the insecurities tied to the persona of Katie Martinez, completely fall away. The mask freed her, it bared her, reset her back to who she was before the accident, to the woman she was becoming before her company was stolen and her body was marred. In the mask, she was just the woman in the red velvet dress. Confident in her beauty and certain of her desires.

  “Are you sure?” Aaron asked for the third time.

  She laid a hand on his cheek and pressed her lips to his.

  “I’m sure,” she said. “That’s what I want. Well, with a few adjustments.”

  Aaron explained how everything worked. Because they’d be hosting a scene, they got to select a Lux playroom. Once they did, an announcement would go out over the club’s internal media system alerting potential participants to the event. Anybody entering the room had to first read the terms of the scenario and agree to abide by any limits.

  “You set the limits,” said Aaron. “And if you trust me to, I can run the scene.”

  She smiled. “I trust you.”

  Aaron touched the flat screen and selected a form from a menu. It was a limits profile. Katie filled it out.

  “Other people can touch me, but I want you to decide when to undress me,” she said, hitting a button indicating her choice. She glanced at him.

  Aaron nodded and bit back a smile. “I’m honored,” he said.

  Katie turned back to the screen and tilted her head. “Hmm…this one. Intercourse. Let’s see, do I want to allow for multiple partners or just one? Privately or with an audience.” She turned back to Aaron. “Thoughts?”

  Aaron folded his hands on the table and bowed his head.

  “I think if you keep this up, I’m going to come in my pants before we ever make it into that room.”

  Katie laughed, knelt on the seat next to him, and cradled his head against her breasts.

  “I want your input on this,” she said.

  Aaron groaned and nuzzled into her cleavage.

  “Aaron?” She lifted his face from her chest and squinted at him. “Do you want to watch other guys fuck me?” She fluttered her eyelashes teasingly. “Or no?”

  “No,” he said with a huff. “While the thought of watching you with other guys turns me on, the reality I think would make me apoplectic. I mean they can touch you, that’s fine, but fucking you? Hell no. I mean we haven’t even–”

  Katie turned back to the touch screen before he could finish his thought.

  “Okay, so intercourse is only with you.” She tapped a button. “Yes to the audience. And….yeah, that’s everything.” When she turned back to face him. His mouth was gaping.

  “Yes?” he stuttered. “You want me to fuck you in that room? Tonight? With all those guys watching?”

  “Well, we can play it by ear,” she said, patting his arm affectionately. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  Aaron stood up so fast the silverware clattered on the table. His body caged hers, loomed over her so that she was pressed against the back of the booth, her chest heaving as he bent low and growled in her ear.

  “Whatever I’m comfortable with?” he said. “Beauty, you’ve got no idea.” He lifted a finger and dragged it slowly over her jaw to her lower lip. “You want me to show you off? I will strip this curvy little body bare and lay out all your secret places for those men’s eyes.”

  Katie trembled and Aaron’s finger pressed hard against her lips.

  “Rough hands all over your body, all those cocks hard for you, wanting you, wish
ing it was them fucking you.” His voice grew deeper, harder now as his free hand slipped lower, bunching up the hem of her dress, stroking under the fabric toward her heat. “I’ll have to do it. For them, you know. Fuck you hard enough for twenty men, fuck you until your dripping wet and all used up.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her thighs quivering.

  “But not one of them get to have you,” he said as his fingers found her, hot and already wet for him. “This,” he said, slicking between her folds, “is mine.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The room was decadent. Heavy curtains draped over windowless walls covered in a deep gold damask fabric. Dark wood paneling. Solid, oversized furniture. It was a man’s room. And in a few minutes it would be full of them.

  He’d had to turn half of them away, but that hadn’t been a surprise. The profile photo they’d sent out in the playroom announcement had been taken in their private booth and showed Katie in all her glory, dark hair and seductive gaze.

  Fucking beautiful.

  Those full red lips had looked just a little fuller in the photo, bruised from the kisses he’d been too weak to resist.

  Now she stood, lovely and regal in the center of the room as a dozen masked men in pressed suits filed in and circled.

  Aaron walked up behind her, put one hand on her waist and bent to her ear.

  “You sure about this?” he whispered. “We can call it off. We can call it off at any time.”

  She reached up and palmed his cheek, her quiet laughter easy and husky. “Not on your life. Unless that’s your way of telling me you want to call it off?”

  “No.” He pressed a kiss to her palm. “But we are swimming awful fast into some pretty deep waters. Just want to be sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m great.” She turned into him, and he let his hands coast over the bare skin of her back and down, to cup her backside. “I feel like my avatar Aaron,” she whispered. “Uninhibited, in my own skin. I don’t want to waste this feeling.”

  She was amazing him. This room, this fantasy they were about to play out, it was more than he’d ever hoped a partner would be willing to experience with him. But still, he couldn’t help but worry that she felt pushed, or persuaded into it. Aaron bent and kissed her softly then whispered in her ear just one more time, one more measure to ease his mind, and hers.


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