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Siege of Pailtar

Page 19

by Robyn Wideman

  “No, but whatever it is, it’s not good. Aunt Avera is very sad right now,” replied Sharon softly.

  Avera led them up inside the castle, not speaking until they arrived at a small anti-chamber. Closing the door behind them, Avera turned to look a them.

  “Whatever it is, just tell us Aunt Avera. We’ve dealt with bad news before,” said Sharon.

  Avera sighed, “I know you have, my dear. That is why this is so hard for me to do. While you were at sea, there was an attack. Ava, Balthazar, and King Verbon were all killed.”

  Sharon stiffened at the news. It was if someone punched the air out of her lungs. Ava and Rose were like her sisters. Ava dead? “What happened?”

  “Balthazar was working on deciphering the tomes of the Red Order and Ava was helping him. Verbon came to check on their progress. The spy snuck a group of Darcarion mages into Balta. They attacked Balthazar and Ava hoping to steal the tomes. Before they could get the tomes, Balthazar burned them. The Darcarions combined their powers in a weird suicide attack, blowing up Balthazar’s house and everyone in it.”

  Quinton grabbed Sharon’s hand and squeezed it, trying to give her some comfort at the loss of Ava.

  “How are Nathan and Rose?” asked Sharon.

  “Not good,” said Avera. “Quinton, I have more bad news. It is a family matter, I’m not sure if Sharon needs to be here for it.”

  Quinton shook his head, “No, whatever else is going on, just tell us. I have no secrets from Sharon.”

  “Quinton, your father is dead. He was the spy for King Ganus, and when Verin realized the truth, your father attacked him.”

  The news rocked Quinton. His father was dead! Even worse his father had been the traitor who helped the mages who killed Ava. Quinton’s shoulder’s sunk as he realized his father was behind his friend’s death. His father had also had the king killed. “Are you going to arrest me?”

  “What? Why would she have you arrested?” asked Sharon. “You had nothing to do with Ava’s death.”

  “My father was a traitor. By rights, she could have me hanged,” replied Quinton. He felt so bad for everyone that had suffered because of his father.

  “Quinton, I know you had nothing to do with your father’s actions. No one is arresting you, or blaming you for anything. And no one outside the family knows what happened, and it is going to stay that way. We are telling people your father was attacked by an assassin.”

  “Why would you do that?” asked Quinton. “If my father was a traitor he should be exposed.”

  “Because he might not have been the only spy working for King Ganus. We are now at war with Morthon and if King Ganus doesn’t find out we know of his spies it can be of value to us. Protecting the living is now more important that exposing the truth about your father.”

  Quinton felt some relief that there was a logical reason for hiding the truth and they were not just doing it to protect him. “How is my mother?”

  “I’ve had some good talks with her. She is going to be okay. It seems there have been issues with your father that your mother was hiding from the family to protect you. Now that he is gone she has been able to open up and tell us what was going on.” Avera paused, “I’m sorry, Quinton, but your father was not a good man.”

  Quinton nodded, “I know. I’ve always known, but I hoped that it was just my imagination. He beat mother didn’t he?”

  “I don’t want to get into details, but I think you know that he was controlling and was getting worse the last few years.”

  “Yes, but I never imagined his thirst for power was so strong that he would betray his own brother.”

  Sharon squeezed Quinton’s hand in her own. She couldn’t imagine what he was feeling right now.

  “What happens next?” asked Quinton.

  “A new ruler has to be declared,” said Avera. “Your mother has abstained her rights to the throne to you. So now one of the family is declared king.”

  “I don’t want to be king!” said Quinton. “I am not the best choice. Verin or you should rule.”

  “It is not that simple. Because Verbon had no children of his own, it opens the position up to all of our bloodline. Right now everyone is waiting for us in the throne room. The family, along with select members of the people of Balta will decide.”

  “The bloodlines? Does that mean one of the Hodges or Marshes could be king?”

  “Yes. Now I’m sorry I had to tell you all this and then ask you to go into a meeting to determine the king, but time is not on our side.”

  Quinton understood. His mother abstaining her rights to him had caused the delay. Everyone had been waiting for his arrival before a king could be declared. “I’m ready.”



  “I SHOULD BE KING,” said Liam Marsh. “If Verin will not fill his brother’s role then I will do it.”

  Nathan looked at Liam. Dressed from head to toe in bright silk with more gold and diamond crusted pins, rings, and necklaces than Nathan had seen on any one man before, Liam certainly looked rich enough to be a king. But if rumors were true, dressing fancy was Liam’s main focus in life.

  “No, the merchants will not support any claim you make, Liam Marsh,” said Alexander Bron. Alexander Bron ran the Bank of Balta and was one of the community members that would be involved in the choosing of a new king.

  Technically, The declaration of king was a family matter, but everyone in the room knew without the support of Balta, any king chosen would be short lived.

  “What is your issue with my brother?” asked Logan Marsh with a snarl.

  “Liam has no appreciation of value, he spends your father’s money like it is never going to end, he has borrowed against your holdings and is not fiscally responsible. You, Logan, are a drunk and we will not support you either.”

  Logan tried to stare down Alexander Bron, but the banker did not flinch. The council had been worrying about the turnover of power to a new king ever since the death of Verbon Albet. Among the royal courts were many who did not possess the ability to rule.

  “If not me or my brother, then who?” asked Liam.

  “Verin, you are a respected man, leader of the rangers, if you would not be king, who would you support?” asked Elanor Deville, one of Balta’s most savvy business women.

  “My sister, Avera Albet, is the logical choice for ruler. She has been running the family businesses for several years, was my brother Verbon’s most trusted councilor on all matters of the kingdom. She is by far the most qualified person to be leader.”

  “She’s a woman,” blurted out Logan Marsh.

  “Thank you for noticing, Logan,” said Avera. “A queen is not an unprecedented event in our history. Twice Balta has been ruled by a queen and all records indicate both ruled fairly and sensibly. Are you suggesting our forefathers chose poorly?”

  “No, my brother is not suggesting any such thing, Lady Avera,” said Liam. “He is merely pointing out that is difficult to see past your beauty to the qualities that would make you a good leader.”

  “The same could be said about you, Liam” quipped Lady Avera. Liam was one of the most vain men in Balta and his good looks were his claim to fame.

  “I would support Lady Avera for queen,” said Agustin Hodge. “I know my mother wants me to try claim the throne, but I know I could not do as good of job as she. And to be honest I would hate to have to leave our lands to live in the city of Balta.”

  “I too support Lady Avera for queen,” said Quinton. “I’ve known her my whole life and she will make an excellent queen.”

  “Nathan, what about you? Would you like to step forward and become king?” asked Verin.

  Nathan shook his head, “No, I would be a terrible king. I support Lady Avera.”

  “And what of the merchants? Would you support Lady Avera as queen?” asked Verin.

  “I know her to be a shrewd business woman, I would support her as queen,” said Alexander Bron.

  The rest of the merchants hud
dled for a moment, before all agreeing they would accept her rule.

  “I do believe that is settled then,” said Elanor Deville. “Queen Avera, do you have anything to say?”

  “Yes, thank you, Elanor.” Avera looked around the room, making eye contact with each of the men and women in the room. “I never wanted to be queen. My brother, Verbon, was an excellent king. And if he had not been murdered he would have continued to be an excellent king. We face trying times ahead. King Ganus has made his intentions clear. He would rule all of Mithbea, and possibly the world. He is a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. We have to prepare for a war like Balta has not seen in generations. We are a strong nation, but, as we now know, King Ganus can strike anyone at any time. Our king is dead, as aretwo of our most powerful mages. We must continue to prepare for war. It cannot be avoided.”

  “We know how King Ganus treats his people,” said Alexander Bron. “Whatever you decide, the people will support you.”

  “For now, all we can do is continue to prepare. We train more men, we arm as many as possible and we build up our stores of provisions in case of siege. Thank you all for attending today. Together we shall survive this attack,” said Queen Avera.


  Once the merchants and distant family members like the Marsh’s and Agustin Hodge left, Queen Avera spoke with Verin, Quinton, and Nathan. “How do we defeat King Ganus?” Queen Avera asked Verin.

  “We keep doing what we have been doing,” replied Verin. “It would be foolish for us to try attacking him. You have the right plan, Sister.”

  “It’s frustrating that we aren’t able to do more.”

  “I know, but you asked me what I think we need to do. Getting frustrated won’t help. You are queen now and will have to lead us against King Ganus. When Ganus goes attack, many people will die, but your responsibility as queen will always be to the survivors. You have a difficult task ahead of you.”

  Avera sighed, “Is it too late to let Liam be king?”

  Verin smiled, “Elanor would murder you in your sleep if you let that pompous little prig rule.”

  “I know, but can you imagine the dinner parties if he were king? We’d be broke in a year, but oh what parties we would have.” Avera laughed softly, if only the cost of parties were the issues she had to face as queen. “How are you, Nathan?”

  “I’m okay. I’ve been focusing on helping out at the blacksmith shop to take my mind off Ava.”

  “That’s good,” said Avera. “Sometimes keeping busy is the best way to deal with loss.”

  “I’m afraid your slacker blacksmith days are going be done for a while,” said Verin.

  Nathan looked at his uncle. What did he have in mind?

  “Now that this queen business is sorted out, Nathan and Sharon are going to be coming with me.”

  “What are we doing?” asked Nathan.

  You’ll be scouting with my rangers. I’m spread a little thin with all the extra training. I’m using my more experienced rangers to train recruits. Having two more scouts in the woods will be give me two more rangers I can use to train recruits with.”

  Nathan welcomed the news that he would be joining the rangers to help scout the forests surrounding the city of Balta. Getting out of the city was the type of change that would help keep his mind of Ava.

  “What about me, Verin?” asked Quinton. Quinton wondered how much the rest trusted him now that they knew his father had been the traitor.

  “You are going to be very busy for the next little while,” said Queen Avera. “We have lost two powerful mages in the last while. The remaining mages are going to have to take on more responsibilities, and the younger mages like yourself are going to be studying extra hard. It’s not fair, but we need you to hone your battlemage skills as fast as possible.”

  Quinton relaxed a little. Being given extra studies as a mage was something he wanted. That they weren’t stopping him from studying because of his father was a good thing.

  “Also, because we no longer have a commander of the royal fleet, I am going to be restructuring the command structure. Quinton, you know the captains better than I. I want your input on which captains are best suited to take on more responsibility. On top of your mage duties, you are going to be working with me on this task. I need someone I trust advising me on this,” said Queen Avera.

  “Thank you,” said Quinton.

  “Don’t thank me, Quinton. I just sentenced you to long hours of study and even more hours of work with me and the military council. You will have hardly any time for your friends, Sharon included. I’m afraid you are going to regret agreeing to this workload before long.”

  Quinton did not intend to wither under the workload, no matter how much Queen Avera gave him to do. The fact that she was relying on him, trusting his word on military matters meant she truly believed in him. His father’s betrayal was not going to stain his future. Quinton would be forever grateful to Queen Avera for that trust. “I will do whatever is needed.”

  Verin slapped Quinton on the shoulder, “I’m sure you will. Now go see your girlfriend before I steal her.”

  Quinton grinned and quickly excused himself, leaving Verin with Nathan and Queen Avera.

  “Why am I really joining your scouts?” asked Nathan now that Quinton was gone. Verin’s explanation about needing more scouts for training made sense, but Nathan felt something else was behind the decision.

  “Ava’s death—”

  “Don’t say her death,” said Nathan, interrupting Verin. “She is gone. I don’t know that she is dead.”

  “What makes you say that Nathan?” asked Avera. She felt a glimmer of hope.

  “Balthazar did something to her before he died. I know she is gone, but it doesn’t feel like she is dead. I can’t explain it but it doesn’t feel like she is dead.”

  “Magic is a funny thing, Nathan, you and Ava had a special connection, maybe a part of her spirit is still with you,” said Avera.

  “Possibly,” admitted Nathan, “but I know what I saw. Balthazar did do something, and if anyone could have saved her from that explosion it was him, I am not giving up on her yet. She still might be out there somewhere.”

  “Good,” said Verin. “If it were the other way around, I know Ava would not give up on you either, and you are correct, If anyone could have saved Ava, it was Balthazar. His magic was very powerful.”

  “Do you still want me with the scouts?” asked Nathan.

  “Yes, Ava being gone is terrible, but I really do need you to be sharp. You and Sharon do need to be prepared. If King Ganus attacks by land, I will need warriors who know the woods. Nephew to the queen or not, you are a Stoneblood. Your place will always be at the front of the battle.”




  Everet looked around the room. In the days following the attacks he had been organizing the remaining Guild members, taking stock of who had died, been wounded or had been lucky enough to survive. The remaining mercenaries had been tracked down and killed, any that were not dead had fled the city. Today Colby and Evert were meeting a large number of the Guild hierarchy. The Guild needed to figure out a plan to deal with King Ganus.

  “How do you know that for sure?” asked Duncan Reed.

  Colby turned to Everet. “This is Everet, he is the one I spoke of.” Colby had told the Guild of Everet being the one to notice the mercenaries in the Barnyard Pub and spearhead the efforts to save other Guild members. “Everet and I captured Marco Miles, Everet used some creative methods to persuade Marco to tell us all he knew of King Ganus.” Thanks to Kiana Clairmont and Ethan, the Guild knew that Marco had been a spy for King Ganus.

  “What did he tell you?” Duncan asked Everet.

  “The mercenary attacks are the first wave. Troops from Morthon are crossing the desert and a fleet is sailing north from Conta.”

  “What of the mages that attacked the city guard?”

bsp; “Hired men, Marco did not know from where, just that he was to inform them of when to attack the barracks. The mages are not part of the mercenaries that attacked.”

  “I know who the mages are,” said Lilliana Clairmont, interrupting Everet. “They are from the far northern Isles. They are very dangerous, if Ganus has made a deal with them, we will not have seen the last of them.”

  “Troops from Meron, ships from Conta and northern mages, how are we going to defend ourselves?” asked Damian Rivas, one of the Guild’s top men.

  “With help,” said Lilliana Clairmont. “We ask Balta and Venecia for help.”

  “Will they come?” asked Leon Cooper, another of the Guild’s leadership.

  “If King Ganus takes Venecia, he has a port from which to launch attacks to Balta and Venecia. It is in their best interests to send help,” said Lilliana.

  “Okay,” said Leon. “I’ll inform the governor of Pailtar to ask for help.” The governor of Pailtar was the official leader in Pailtar, but everyone knew his authority did not cover the Guild. But with war coming the Guild would have to work with the city guards to defend Pailtar from the invading troops.”

  “Just have him send messages to Venecia,” said Lilliana, “I’ll send word to Balta. I know who to talk to.”

  Lilliana turned to Everet, “How long until they arrive?”

  “Marco did not know for sure, but within a fortnight. They could possibly be here as soon as a week.”

  “That doesn’t give us much time. Duncan, have scouts sent out into the desert. King Ganus will likely use the water holes for his troops. Make sure we know when his troops start crossing the desert. We cannot afford to be surprised. Damian, send men down the coast, have them watching for the fleet,” ordered Leon Cooper.



  THE CARRIER PIGEON ARRIVED at Avera’s home. The note from Lilliana was one that Avera had feared might come. Lilliana Clairmont, had once been one of the most powerful Thieves’ Guild members, and still carried significant weight within the organization, was a long-time ally of Avera’s. Her request for help meant much to Avera.


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