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The Devil's Scars (The Road Devils MC Book 1)

Page 25

by Marysol James

  “Ah!” Zoe cried as her body opened to him, then clamped down hard. “Scars – my God…”

  “Tell me when you’re coming,” he whispered in her ear as he started to make sexy little figure-eights with his hips, deep inside her. “I want to know, so you tell me. And I want to come on your breasts, Zoe… is that OK?”

  She nodded, and he knew she was sinking into her pleasure now and going non-verbal. He kissed her, and started to thrust in a building rhythm, faster, faster, faster again, telling her how amazing she felt around him, and she moved with Scars, moved over and over, and she felt him inside her, thick and hard and so hot – and suddenly Zoe’s entire existence shrank to her wild, frantic, blossoming need.

  “Now,” she whimpered, barely able to form the word. “Now, now, now!”

  “Fuck, yes,” he said, loving how she shook and melted around him. “Come for me, beautiful. Come hard.”

  Unable to do anything except what he told her, Zoe’s world went black, then exploded into stars, over and over again. She was still coming in tiny bursts when Scars pulled out of her, and him rubbing his fingers against her clit while he yanked off the condom extended her pleasure, set it off once more.

  “Oh!” she cried, unable to believe that it was happening again. “Now, now!”

  “That’s my good girl,” he breathed, stroking himself fast and hard. “Come with me this time. Come on, baby… give me one more. Now.”

  She sobbed as her second orgasm crashed over her, and Scars groaned as he gave up all control, and just released over her perfect breasts. Zoe gasped, loving the sticky heat on her, feeling like this man had just claimed her in all the ways that truly mattered.

  “God, yes,” he said, thinking that he could die here and now, and be the happiest man alive. “Zoe… you’re amazing, baby.”

  She touched her glistening chest, moved her hand to her mouth. She held his eyes as she sucked his pleasure off her fingers, thinking that he tasted like pure, unapologetic, animal lust.

  “You filthy girl,” he said thickly, his chest still heaving. “You’re so goddamn perfect.”

  She smiled at him, and she was radiantly lovely. His angel with the soul of the sweetest sinner he’d ever known, his reason for believing in fifth chances.

  “Does this mean that you want to keep me, handsome?”

  “Hell, yeah.” Scars lowered his lips to hers, and was astonished that he was hardening again already, that he wanted her again so soon. “I’m keeping you, Zoe. You’re mine.”

  “Yours,” she said, and the second the word left her mouth, she set down her last fear, her last reservation, her last protest. Her walls were gone, just blown apart by this man’s amazing patience and kindness and belief in her. She was a rose without a cage of ice, and she found herself stretching, reaching to the sun, wanting to be both warmed and protected by its power. “Yours, Scars. I promise.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two weeks later

  Zoe glanced at her cell phone and smiled. Willa had just sent her a text, bursting with great news. She and Jimmy had finally stopped extending their seemingly-never-ending vacation in New Mexico, and had returned to Fargo to look for a place together. Zoe was thrilled for her friend, thrilled for Jimmy, and also thrilled that she could finally talk to Willa again, after more than two months of spotty cell reception, and being crazy busy traveling.

  Oh, and of course, Zoe had had her own stuff going on. She’d been quite the drama queen for a while there. Thank God that was all over and done with.

  She flipped to her cell phone book, and was just about to call Willa when that voice that she heard in her dreams drifted over her:

  “Hello, beautiful.”


  He watched as her face lit up at the sight of him, and he smiled back, immediately and instantly happy. She flew into his arms, no hesitation or pause, and he closed her up, tight and close against him, a part of him still unable to believe that she gave herself so freely now. He was grateful every second of every day that she did – and he thought that he’d probably never stop seeing her trust and faith in him as a tiny miracle.

  “How was your day, baby?”

  “Busy but good.” She cuddled a bit closer, loving how safe and secure she felt right there. “Yours?”

  “Great. Hired a new waitress for Satan’s, and I get the sense that she’ll give the boys and the regulars a run for their money.”

  “Really?” Zoe said, putting her cell back in her purse, resolving to call Willa later. “What’s her name?”

  “Sofia. With an ‘f’. She was really specific about that.”

  Zoe giggled, and as always, he marveled at that sweet, girlish giggle coming from one of the most guarded women he’d ever known. It was a little glimpse into her softer, gentler side, the one that she allowed him to see more and more often.

  “Sofia with an f, huh?” she said as they walked across the parking lot hand-in-hand. “I’ll remember that.”

  “You’d better.” Scars opened the door of Satan’s for her, and they stepped into the raucous cacophony of music and voices. “I’m not totally sure that she could take you, baby, but I figure she’d make you work for victory.”

  “Women’s mud wrestling fantasies again?” she teased him.

  “Only if you’re one of the ladies in bikinis.” He looked hopeful. “Please?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Awww.” Scars looked heartbroken. “Killing a man’s dream. Cruel and heartless.”

  “You’ll live,” she said airily. “And I know how to make it up to you.”

  Right away, he perked up. “Do tell…”

  “How about I show instead, handsome?”

  “The ‘show’ part of ‘show and tell’ is always better,” he agreed. “Go on, then.”

  Just as he’d hoped that she would, she got up on her tiptoes, and lifted her face to his for a kiss. God, he loved this – loved the fact that every single time she did this exact thing, he was reminded of that first tippy-toe kiss, that first time he’d taken her as his own, that first time she’d shown that sweet, soft side of herself to him. Like light through water, like silken flame, she glowed and blazed, and he just sank down into the kiss, forgetting everything except her.

  After a minute, maybe two, maybe a day, he raised his lips from hers, just a bit. She smiled at him, those emerald eyes hot with lust, and he smiled back.

  “Back room later?” he whispered. “For old time’s sake?”

  “Hell, yes,” she whispered back. “You want to see what’s under my jeans today, babe, and believe me, you don’t want to wait any longer than you have to.”

  “You don’t say?” Scars kissed the top of her shining head, gave her a small hug. “You went shopping?”

  “I did.”

  “Gimme a hint,” he begged. “Just one.”

  “Black silk and lace.”

  His breath actually stopped in his chest. “You bought it? The set that I pointed out?”



  “That’s all you get, Scars.” She stepped back a bit, smiling that fucking heart-stopping smile at him. “If you want to know for sure, meet me in our favorite back room in an hour.”

  “An hour!” he exclaimed in disbelief. “You’re gonna make me wait an hour?”

  “I am.”

  “So cruel,” he said dolefully. “So heartless.”

  She giggled again, then looked over at the bar, where Wolf, Cole, the twins, and Rebel were sitting. They were all grinning at her, making kissy faces and noises, and laughing uproariously. She rolled her eyes at them, knowing that she looked exactly like a disapproving school marm, and they burst into peels of laughter again.

  Scars heard them, turned to look at his brothers too. “They never get tired of teasing us, do they?”
  “Apparently not,” Zoe said, with a massive mock sigh that she was sure the guys clocked from the bar. “Then again, they did have quite the pool going on when and how we’d get together. Seems they thought we were one hell of a long shot.”

  “Because of you,” Scars said as they crossed the room to the guys. “The big bet was on if you’d ever get your stubborn, pretty little head out of your ass and give me a chance.”

  “Eight hundred bucks to Wolf for believing in me,” Zoe said wryly. “Nice of him to give me half, though.”

  “Well, well, well,” Wolf said to them now, standing up and gallantly offering Zoe his bar stool. “How are the lovebirds today?”

  “Horny,” Zoe told him, just to get a reaction. “Sooooo horny.”

  The other men didn’t even blink.

  “Figures,” Cole said, setting a beer in front of Scars and a Coke in front of Zoe. “I swear, every time I see you two together, I feel like holding up a match to see if it catches. Electricity and flame, man. You two are smoking.”

  She blushed, and Scars gave her a sexy little wink.

  “Want to hold up a match, baby?” he asked her. “See if we make fire?”

  She laughed, shook her head with affection. Scars’ cell phone rang then, and he glanced down at the number. He moved away from the bar, said to Zoe, “I’ll just take this, OK?”

  “Sure,” she said, taking a big swig of mercifully-alcohol-free Coke. “I’ll just sit here and be ruthlessly and relentlessly teased.”

  “Nah,” Dux said, his blue eyes sparkling with warmth and humor. “Me and Drake need to talk to you about getting matching tattoos, so you get a break from the ruthless and relentless teasing.”

  “Yeah?” She right way slid into professional persona. “You guys always get matching tats, or this is something new?”

  Drake shrugged, ran his hands through his dark hair liberally sprinkled with gray. The salt-and-pepper looked fantastic on the twins, especially with those Arctic-blue eyes, and Zoe called them The Silver Foxes, which made them laugh and tell her how right she was.

  “We have gotten matching tattoos before,” he told her. “But we have some individual ones, too.”

  “OK. Interesting. I’ll look forward to seeing your ink.”

  “Why wait, honey?” Dux said.


  Bang on cue, without a word, probably using that weird twin telepathy that they had, Dux and Drake whipped off their t-shirts in perfect sync, and Zoe suddenly found herself staring at two gorgeous muscled torsos, both covered in salt-and-pepper hair, which looked just as damn good on their chests as it did on their heads.

  “What,” she sputtered now, choking on her pop. “What the hell?”

  “No need to wait, Zee,” Drake said, turning to give her the equally-delectable back view. Dux did too, and she blinked at the amazing fact that the twins had identical perfect asses. “Feast your gorgeous eyes now.”

  “Ohhh-kaaaay. What’d I miss?”

  Scars wandered back over, taking in the shirtless twins, even as the bar patrons erupted into whistles and cat-calls. Several women looked seconds away from either fanning themselves, or flinging themselves at Dux and Drake. Unperturbed, Scars grinned at Zoe. “You window-shopping, baby?”

  “Can you blame me?” she said with an elegant little shrug and a sassy toss of her head. “Double my fun.”

  “You know it,” Dux told her, holding her eyes. “You ever up for a party of three, Zee, you let me and Drake know. It’s a whole new world, let me tell you.”

  She looked up at them, wondering if he meant what she thought he meant, and Scars put his arm around her.

  “Stop hitting on my girl,” he growled. “And anyway, she’s too much woman for you guys, either individually or together.”

  Zoe had just registered that yes, actually, Dux had meant what she’d thought he’d meant, when Scars kissed her cheek. She turned her eyes up to him, saw that he looked a bit excited.

  “Baby, I’ve got to go out of town tomorrow,” he told her, picking up his beer. “Just one day and one night, alright?”

  “Sure. Is everything OK?”

  “Everything’s great,” Scars said, watching the other guys move off to flirt with a few eager women. Unsurprisingly, the twins were getting the bulk of the attention, and Cole had gone back behind the bar, but Wolf and Rebel were definitely attracting groups of admirers. “It’s just an old friend, one that I haven’t seen in a while, and he needs my help.”

  Her green eyes clouded with worry. “Help, like ‘an old MC friend in trouble’ kind of thing?”

  “Nah, beautiful. This is really and truly about a high-school friend, not an MC friend. John has never even been on a motorcycle, I swear. I think he’d scream like a four-year-old girl if he ever had to get on one, to be honest. He’s an IT guy. Favorite color is beige. Or maybe gray.”

  She relaxed then, started breathing a bit better. “OK. Then I won’t worry.”

  “Never worry,” he said, his hand on her lower back, caressing and supporting her. “I keep nothing that’s potentially dangerous from you, Zoe, not one damn thing that puts me at risk, or might get me hurt. That’s the deal between us, and it goes both ways. Right?”


  “Now.” Deliberately, Scars set his beer on the bar, took her glass out of her hand and put it on the bar too. “I know it hasn’t been even close to an hour, but I truly do not give a crap. We’re going to the back room, and we’re going now, baby.”

  She laughed. “Scars! It’s barely been ten minutes!”

  “And I just said that I don’t give a crap.” His blue eyes blazed down at her, and right away, her thighs tensed. Ohhh, boy, she knew that look. It was the one that he gave her when he was inside her writhing body, stroking her deep and hard with that incredible cock, pushing her closer and closer to the edge, one perfectly-executed thrust at a time. “You going to make me say it again, or are you going to be a good girl and get that sexy ass ass where I want it?”

  “I’ll be good.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He helped her to her feet, kissed her blonde curls. “Now, listen up, baby. You got three minutes to get into the back room from the first night, and get stripped down to nothing but black silk and lace. Then you get on your hands and knees. Back arched. Eyes closed. And you hold that position until I get there.”

  Her breath stopped; her pussy opened; her nipples hardened. He saw what his words had done to her, and he smiled again, his dark, dangerous smile. The one that meant that he was up to the best kind of no-good.

  “Not one word when I walk in the door, Zoe. Not one. You just stay like that, on all fours, back arched, eyes closed, and you wait for me to touch you. If you move or talk or open your eyes, I don’t touch you at all. I walk right on out again, and you stay there and wait. And no matter what happens, no matter what I do to you, you don’t break position. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her throat thick with desire. “Understood.”

  “Go on then,” he said, giving her a tiny tap on her jeaned butt. “Three minutes. Your time starts now. Go.”

  She was ready in less than two minutes. And she came hard two minutes later, trembling and crying out incoherently, Scars teasing her swollen, heated center from behind with three fingers and his tongue… and like the good girl that she wanted so desperately to be for him, just for him, Zoe held position the whole time.

  Each time. All four times.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Zoe glanced up from the utterly baffling and infuriatingly detailed monthly expense report, and immediately her tetchy mood vanished. There stood Maria, and in her arms she held a squirming, singing little bundle. Zoe got to her feet, already smiling and extending her arms.

  “Hey, little flower,” she said. “How’s your day been?”

nbsp; Maria handed Keira over, and right away, the baby clung to her mother like a monkey. Zoe smoothed some unruly blonde curls back, kissed Keira’s forehead. The baby clutched Zoe’s shirt, and grinned gummily even as she rubbed her eyes, thrilled to have someone else to coo at.

  “How was she today?” Zoe asked Maria. “Is the teething better?”

  “A bit.” Maria set the loaded diaper bag on the chair next to Zoe’s desk. “But she was so busy practicing pulling herself up on every piece of furniture in the house, that she didn’t go down for a nap She needs a sleep pronto, and I’d be surprised if she lasts an hour.”

  “Ahhh, poor baby.” Zoe kissed Keira’s nose, and as if on cue, the baby yawned widely, practically swallowing Zoe’s chin. The two women laughed, and Keira scowled at them. “Standing up is way better than lying down, huh?”

  “She seems to think so,” Maria said. “Every time I turned around, she was off and standing somewhere else. She can cross a room at warp-speed now, I swear.”

  “I know,” Zoe agreed. “I keep hoping that I’ll grow eyes in the back of my head.”

  “No luck so far?”

  “Nope.” Zoe rocked Keira as her little body started to go limp and heavy. “But fingers crossed.”

  “So… same time tomorrow morning?” Maria asked, handing Zoe the blanket from the diaper bag.

  “Yes, please.” Zoe gently set Keira into the travel crib that she had set up between her desk and the door to the back storage room. “And you’ll be able to go a bit early, I think. My last client will be finished around three, and I’m going to try to get away ASAP. I want an evening with Little Miss Sleepy here.”

  “No problem.” Maria grabbed her backpack. “See you tomorrow, Zoe.”

  “Thanks, Maria,” Zoe said. “Have a good night.”

  Maria nodded, and headed out through the tattoo parlor, greeting the guys as she went. Zoe looked down at Keira, and tucked the pink bunny from Scars against Keira’s soft cheek. The baby sighed happily, hugged it tightly, and dropped off, as easy as a light switch being flicked.


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