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Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

Page 55

by White, Stella

  “Mom, you should leave my decisions to me. I can take care of myself.” He covered his lie, not wanting her to take more interest in him.

  “I want to meet her,” Rosalie said quietly and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Word relentless didn’t even begin to cover his mother’s personality.

  “You don’t have to, Mom.”

  “I’ll only believe when I meet her, Raphael. Bring her to the party.”

  With that ultimatum, the line went dead. “Fuck!” he kicked the chair and cursed.

  Just then there was a knock on the door. He thought of ignoring but then opened. It was Sofia.Not now.

  “I told you…”

  “And I said I wanted a moment with you.”

  They both stood glaring at each other. Her blue eyes sparked bright with unknown expression. He could feel her breathing heavily and her lips were slightly parted. All he wanted to do was taste those lips again.He shouldn’t repeat his mistake. That kiss was a mistake and thinking about it now was a bigger mistake. But damn, he was tempted to take her into his arms again and ravish her delectable mouth properly. This had to stop before he lost what little restrain he had.

  “Make an appointment.”

  He closed the door on her face.

  Why was his life suddenly on a roller coaster? He needed to get a grip on himself. He never lost composure but at the moment it felt to him as if he never heard the word before. He waited for ten minutes to resume his normal self back and then stepped out of the room. Thankfully he didn’t spot Sofia anywhere.

  His relief was short lived when he saw her leaning against his car. She straightened as he approached.

  “What do you want, Sofia?” he sighed in resignation. She clearly didn’t understand anything he said to her.

  “I want to talk to you.”

  “And I told you what to do.”

  “It isn’t about course.”

  “Then there is nothing to talk.”

  The sharp exchange of dialog only made the air between them more palpable. She looked up at him, her blue eyes were now dilated.

  “I wanted to talk about… that night. You left before I could talk to you,” her voice was hoarse and he could see blush rising on her dark skin. About time, Sofia.

  “It should never have happened.” He fished out his keys and turned to the door. A small attempt to reduce the effect she was casting on him. But that only brought him closer to her. Bad move.

  The enclosed space wasn’t serving in their favor to keep the things professional. The air was dense with the intensity of heat.

  “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have hit on you like that.” Her voice was filled with embarrassment. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I was high on drinks and then I saw my ex with my best friend, it all messed up. But that’s not any excuse for my behavior. I am really thankful that you didn’t take it to the management. It could have end my academics here before it even started.”

  What girl was she? One minute she was like a firecracker and other minute all shy. She was a complete package.

  “Come with me to an event tomorrow as my date,” words slipped his mouth before he knew. Sofia shot her head up.

  “Excuse me?”

  Now that he had said it, the idea sounded appealing. He needed a date for the engagement party and she was perfect for him. She complemented his personality. She’d shut his mother’s matchmaking stunt.

  “You heard me.”

  “But why?” “I need a date.” He shrugged.

  She scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself, Mr. Giovanni?” When he didn’t comment, she fidgeted uncomfortably.

  “This is unprofessional thing to even consider.” Tell him about it.

  “And you think seducing your Professor when you are half drunk and kissing him is professional, Ms. Hawthorn?” he leaned his head down and looked into her eyes. She blinked twice and swallowed.

  “I can’t.”

  “Then pack your bags, Ms. Hawthorn. Your stay here was unfortunately, only this long.”

  “You’re blackmailing me.”

  “You said you owe me. I am just cashing my favors in.”

  “You are an asshole.”

  “That’s not a news to me.”

  They stood staring at each other. She was the first one to give up. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Tomorrow at six thirty. I’ll pick you up from the back of your dorm. Wear a dress.” He didn’t wait for her approval, just sat in his car and drove away. He knew he was being a Grade-A idiot. But his mind had already stopped working since he had laid his eyes on Sofia Hawthorn, so whatever came out of his mouth, it didn’t surprise him.

  He had opted to play with fire and he wanted to play it well.


  Sofia laid back on her bunker and let the entire night play in her mind all over again. It had went nothing like she had expected. She had been furious with Raphael for his blackmailing, but deep down it all excited her. Doing something that’s forbidden, the thrill was enticing. And that kiss they had shared in L.A.? She was on fire since then. And it had only made her more aware of his presence. Whenever she looked up at his face, her eyes went to his lips, thinking what magic they had worked on her. There was also a lump of disappointment that they’d been interrupted by Michael. A thought which she was terribly ashamed of.

  Seeing Michael the other night, after sharing a very hot moment with Raphael had put at least one thing in perspective; her league was definitely not Michael. He had apologized to her and had wanted to make up with her. When she had questioned about Lindsay, he said she could never replace Sofia. At that note, she had left the bar too. And then looking at Raphael back in college, it had all messed up her thoughts. Raphael was someone she could never have, and Michael wasn’t whom she wanted anymore. For two weeks she had just gawked at him like an awestricken fool, fantasizing about him. And every passing minute, she had only fallen deeper into the well for him. Everything about him galvanized her. She was wrong to obsess after her Professor but she couldn’t help it. His personality was like fire and she was a moth attracted to it even after knowing that it will only kill her.

  When she had finally gathered her guts to talk to him, he had acted so rudely that it had hurt her. What was she expecting? That he’s take her in his arms and finish off what they started in L.A.? And then he had asked her to be his date for an event. And not just any event but the engagement party of his brother. She played back the hours spent with him at the high profile event. He had been nothing but a perfect gentleman. He was polite, attentive and protective.

  A smile appeared on her lips as she replayed the moment when she had tried to take sip from her drink. “Let’s not test your limits, Sofia.” He had taken the flute from her hand gently. “We both know what happen afterwards.” He had smiled at her and flashed her small dimple that she didn’t know existed. She had swooned inwardly. And then he had taken her to the dance floor and despite her protest, he had swayed her seamlessly across the crowd.

  “Dancing is all about following the lead,” he had whispered in her ears. At the end of song, he had pressed a kiss on the back of her hand and she swooned a little more. When the night closed and he came to drop her, he just thanked her for the night. He made no attempt to touch her. That disappointed her big time. She wanted him to kiss her and tell her that he was right there with her, just as affected as she was by all this unknown thing going around them. But no, he had driven away as soon as she had stepped inside.

  Raphael was all distant and formal to her after the party. He gave her no hint of recognition as she sat in the front row for his lectures. He didn’t as much as spare a glance at her. She tried to get his attention by asking questions and giving in her views but he never made the eye contact or acknowledge her.

  It was third session since the party night and he was ignoring her, she decided to confront him. How could he act so alien with her? As the lecture ended, she waited for the hall to empty.

��You are coming?” Luke asked her. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She told him to go. Once everyone was gone, she stepped in front of Raphael who was tapping into his phone.

  “Are you avoiding me?” she came straight to the point.

  “The class is over, Ms. Hawthorn. Leave.” She stared at him in disbelief.

  “Why are you talking to me like this, Raphael?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you don’t know me. Like I don’t exist for you.” She was heading towards a big heartbreak. She could sense it already.

  “Do you?” he looked up at her with those sinful eyes, sharp and challenging. And then returned to his phone.


  “You can’t refer to me by my first name. And you can leave now.” Anger boiled inside her and she bent forwards and snatched his phone from his hands.

  “How can you do this after…” “After what, Sofia?” he didn’t let her complete and snapped.

  “Stop running ahead of yourself everywhere. You are my student. It will be better if you keep your mind clear on that.”

  “I wasn’t the other night.”

  “That was a give and take thing. I just cashed in my favor. We are equal now.” His tone was bitter and every word that came out from his mouth, hit her like an arrow. For him, that kiss was a favor.

  Before she knew her palm hit his face with a loud smack. “There, now we are equal.”

  She placed his phone back into his hand and walked out of the room.

  There. Something broke. Oh yes, her heart.


  Raphael’s cheek still stung from that slap Sofia had given her. It was well-deserved, he agreed. He was being a jackass to her and he knew it. But what else was there that he could do? He was afraid of where his feelings were heading. The most natural thing to do was make the catalyst of those feelings run away. That was what he had done. Taking Sofia as a date to engagement party was a bad idea. He knew he was in trouble when he had first spotted her in that black dress on the corner of the street with her hair flowing around in loose curls. And by the end of night, the whole idea had become terrible, because he was just a fraction of centimeter close to drag her into the closest stairwell and lose himself inside her.

  That night had been enlightening and the lesson learnt was to stay the hell away from Sofia. His lewd desires would only throw her out of the college and his own career would be put to an end. He couldn’t care less about his career because teaching was what he did out of passion. A seat was already at his disposal at Giovanni Enterprise if he wanted to takeover. But he had never given his family business much thought. As for Sofia, there was no other option for her if he couldn’t contain his horny urges to himself. So, in front of her, he pretended like he didn’t acknowledge her presence. And what happened today was exactly what he wanted all along. But, damn, he didn’t expect to hate it so much.

  More weeks passed and he had no more encounters with Sofia. She attended his classes, of course, but never attempted to show her presence. Like he wouldn’t know she was there. He was aware of every bit of her. It was like his body was attuned to her, jumping to attention every time she passed him. He had expected his desire for her to die down with the time but only the opposite had happened. Instead of dying down, it has enhanced to the level of breakage.

  It was the last lecture of the semester when he bid luck to his students. “I hope I don’t have to see any of your faces in the same class again.” He joked and entire class snickered. His eyes fell on Sofia who wasn’t amused. The expression on her face was disturbing.

  As the students started to leave, he called, “Ms. Hawthorn, please stay back for a minute. I have to talk to you.” Talk to her about what?

  It was just him and Sofia left in the room. “Are you alright?” he asked her. She just gave him a brisk nod. “Sofia…”

  “Am I excused now, Mr. Giovanni?” She didn’t look him in eyes. He wanted to shook her and ask her what was wrong with her. All these days he had seen her, never once was she like this. And it unsettled him.

  “Is something wrong? Tell me, Sofia,” he insisted.

  “It’s none of your business, Mr. Giovanni. You are my Professor, not lover.” She walked away. He stared at her back and a million voices inside him called to go after her. He stood struggling with his thoughts.


  Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as Sofia rushed to the library. Her whole present was a mess. She had stopped fighting her feelings for Raphael. She was in too deep to get out so she didn’t bother to struggle. And Michael had been one hell of pain in ass for her. He was traumatizing her with continuous phone calls and texts, telling her that he couldn’t get over her and wanted her back. She declined him politely at every turn but then in one conversation, she said that she was interested in someone else. That had brought some reaction out of Michael and he had threatened to kill whoever tried to lay a finger on her.

  Since then she had avoided his every call and message. But this morning, he had appeared out of nowhere when she was on her way to her class. “You are mine, Sofia. Never forget that.” He had caught her by shoulders. His eyes scared her and she was afraid he would snap her neck right then. But she was saved by couple of girls whom she had become friends with through Luke.

  Michael had left but the fear had stayed. And then sitting in Raphael’s class had brought back the earlier threat. What worried her was the thought of Raphael getting hurt. Even though he had no feelings for her, but she did and she couldn’t bear if he got hurt because of her. She had almost broken down when Raphael had asked her. But then she had brought her guard up and masked her feelings.

  Now that she was alone, she let all the emotions takeover her. She was around the corner to walk straight towards the library, when someone gripped her shoulder. She stiffened. “Sofia,” it was Michael. He turned her.

  “Michael, I told you that I cannot be with you. Why are you harassing me? And why are you here?”

  “I also told you, Sofia that I will win you back.”

  “Just go back to Ontario, please.”

  “I am not leaving without you. Either you come back, or I’ll stay here with you until you decide otherwise.”

  “Please don’t make a scene here.” She looked around as other students passed by. Michael dragged her to the storeroom’s area which was deserted.

  Shit. She was more comfortable in the corridor, knowing Michael won’t do anything in public, but this place was a bit deserted.

  “Now we are alone. Let’s talk.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “You love me, sweetheart. You are just angry with me.” He held her by shoulders.

  “No, Michael. I don’t love you anymore. Please go.” She tried to walk away but he pulled her back and then pinned her against the wall. “Stop, Michael, you are hurting me.” She struggled in his arms.

  “You need to be reminded what it was between us, love.” He was crushing his lips against her and all she felt was disgust. She fought hard but Michael was well built. His hand roamed on her body. “Don’t do this, Michael, please.” Tears fell from her eyes as he found the button her jeans. “I love someone else.”

  That only infuriated Michael. “You cheated on me? Bitch!” he caught her again by neck and Sofia closed her eyes. All too soon Michael’s hands were gone and there was a sharp yelp of pain. She opened her eyes to see him down on his knees and Raphael was showering punches on his face.

  “You fucking touch her again and I’ll rip you down to pieces, asshole! She is mine, and only mine!”

  He was here, Raphael was here to save her. And did he just called her his? Her knees weakened and she slipped down along the wall to the ground.

  Raphael grabbed Michael by collar and pulled him up. “If I see you anywhere near Sofia that would be your last day walking on your legs.” His voice was lethal and his face was intimidating enough to dry blood. Michael didn’t wait for any further words and wa
s already moving away. Only then Raphael turned to her. Their eyes met and he too dropped down to her level.

  “I won’t hurt you, Sofia. I just want to see if you are alright.” Still distancing himself. She wanted to smack something hard on his head.

  “You said she is mine and only mine,” she repeated his words. “Who were you talking about?”

  He didn’t answer so she stood up to leave. He caught her by waist. “If I was talking about you, then what?”

  “Ask when you are sure.” She glared at him and tried to fight out of his hold. He didn’t let go of her and next moment he was kissing her – like a man starving for months. She didn’t fight, she gave in. “I have never been this sure in my entire life, Sofia. You are mine, only mine. I want to know if I am yours too?” he murmured after the long, dazzling kiss.

  “You are my Professor.” She didn’t want to get her heartbroken any more than it already was so she had to clear this beforehand.

  “Not anymore. I just handed my resignation.” What? “Why?” “I want you without fearing that my desire for you will harm your future.” She fell deeper for him.

  “You are fifteen years older than me.”

  That had him stiffened. “That bothers you?” he asked. His expression was so stunned that she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her mouth. His face softened and he kissed her again. This time slowly. She melted in his arms. “It doesn’t bother me.”

  “I want to explore every possibility with you, Sofia.” He looked into her eyes. Those emerald-onyx were flooded with the intense emotions. “Is it too soon to say that I think I have fallen for you?”

  His confession stunned her – in the best possible way. “Raphael…” no words were enough to describe her feelings so she let her actions speak and kissed him with whatever feeling she had inside her for him. She too wanted to explore every possibility with him and they had all the time of life for that.




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