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Jacked - The Complete Series Box Set (A Lumberjack Neighbor Romance)

Page 31

by Claire Adams

  I stripped my clothes off and walked up the stairs. I decided to soak in the tub instead of taking my normal quick shower. I needed it after the week I’d had.

  Chapter 17


  I didn't regret it, and I would do it again. I wanted to do it again. I wanted my lips on hers. I watched her walk into the woods and thought about following her but thought better of it. I spent the rest of the day piddling around the shop, not really wanting to work on my project because I was so distracted. I gave up and drove into town to see if Ryan needed any help at the office since he was there on a Sunday.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “That seems to be a common question lately.” I laughed and walked over to the desk. “You need some help?”

  “Sure, yeah.” He handed me a list of stuff that his father had left for him.

  I walked around and spent the next several hours doing inventory.

  “Let’s grab some food.” Ryan walked up next to me.


  “Should I call Emmy and see if she wants to join?” he asked.

  I wanted to say yes, but I knew we both needed a little space, especially after today.

  “She was in the woods when I left. I would assume she’s still there.”

  “She better head back soon if she wants to stay dry.”

  The rain started to fall just as we sat down in the diner downtown.

  “What can I get for you boys?” Ethel asked.

  “Hey Ethel, how’s today been?” I asked as she sat down in the seat beside me.

  “Well, since you two young men walked in, it got a little brighter,” she smiled at me then over at Ryan.

  “You want the usual, Ranie-boy?”

  “Absolutely. You know me so well,” Ryan chimed.

  “You have ordered the same sandwich for fifteen years. Don't give me that much credit.”

  “And you, Lukie-poo?”

  “BLT and fries?” I said.

  “Is that a question or an order?”

  “Order.” I laughed and leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  “You always know how to make an old lady feel special.”

  “Who’s old?” Ryan asked.

  “You are just as sweet as pie. It's good to see you boys in here. You started competing?”

  “Last weekend,” I told her.

  “Well, good luck. Maybe this will be the year,” she smiled.

  “Let's hope so. I don't know how many more I have in me.” I winked at her, and she turned, taking the ticket to the kitchen. The diner wasn't packed, which was weird for the time of day. Must have been the threat of rain. The town was getting older, and so were we, and most of the people in town stayed home when it rained like it was supposed to today.

  Ethel walked back over and sat down our drinks before disappearing to another table. She was kind to everyone, but we were the only ones in town that had special nicknames. She had called me Lukie-poo since I was ten years old, and while I didn't appreciate it then, I did now.

  Ryan and I chatted over our meal about the next several trips, and every time he tried to steer the conversation toward Emerson, I diverted.

  “What the hell is going on?” he stopped me when I was talking about the Portland trip.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You refuse to talk about Emmy?”

  “Why would we be talking about Emmy—Emerson.” I corrected not so smoothly.

  “You had your tongue down her throat last night, and now you won't talk about her? I remember when you dated Leslie a hundred years ago. You talked about her nonstop for months.”

  “I just don't want to talk about her, okay?”

  “What happened? Something had to have happened.” He glared at me.

  “We just decided that maybe it was best if we slowed things down.”

  “Why? That's stupid.”

  “I didn't say I liked it, but I agreed with her.”

  “So you didn't want to slow things down?” he asked.

  “No, not really.”


  “I'm not going to push her, Ryan. She has a lot on her plate, and I shouldn't have kissed her.”

  “Wait. That was the first time you've kissed her?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded

  “Holy shit!” he said loudly.


  “I mean holy shit,” he whispered.

  “It just happened.”

  “You had her pinned up on the counter half naked after one kiss! Dude, I need some secrets.”

  I shook my head not really knowing if I should even be talking about this with him. “No secrets, it just kind of happened.”

  “I hate I even came over, you guys would be married by now if I hadn't interrupted. I need to go talk to her.”

  “You need to NOT go do that.”

  “Why? She was my friend before she was your girlfriend.”

  “She isn't my girlfriend.”

  “Sure, she’s not.”

  “She isn't,” I stated.

  “So, you make out with her, second base, might I add. And then she gets all cold. What the hell did you do to cause that?”

  “I pushed her, and I shouldn't have.”

  “You regret it?”

  “Nope, not even a little.” I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her in my arms.

  “Well, once I talk to her, I'll give you the wedding date.”

  “Oh my god, would you just leave it alone for now? She is going to come to the competition in Portland end of the month. Can we just be friendly until then?”

  “Sure, if that's what you want. I just don't see the harm in chatting with her, maybe picking her brain.”

  “You can talk to her all you want, but I would prefer that you didn't talk about me,” I explained.

  He threw his hands up in unenthusiastic defeat, and I steered the conversation away from Emerson and back to the competition coming up.

  I hopped in my truck and drove back out to the house. Emerson was on the porch when I pulled in, so I waved, smiled, and then walked into the house. I wanted to talk to her and I had mail in the truck, but I didn't want to talk to her at that moment. I just wanted to get in the house and try and get some sleep.

  Chapter 18


  Luke had been friendly but distant. I wasn't sure if he was upset with me or if he was just trying to give me the space I had asked for. I hadn't intended to not talk to him but more just not kiss him anymore.

  “Emmy!” Ryan ran up and grabbed me and twirled me around in a hug. I hadn't really talked to him since he interrupted us the other night. I wasn’t sure exactly how much he knew, but considering how close he and Luke were, I just assumed he knew everything.

  “Hey!” I laughed as he continued to spin us.

  “You gonna run with us this morning?”

  “No, I have a report I have to submit in the next few days. So, I really need to work on it.”

  “Well drink up and get to work.” He smacked me on the back as I walked away.

  I laughed, grabbed my coffee cup, and disappeared into the house.


  My phone rang a few minutes after noon, and I reached for it.




  “Yes! I lost my phone and all of my contacts were in it. You have been avoiding social media obviously because you haven't answered any of my messages from last night!”

  “You sent me messages?”

  “Umm. YES! I have some awesome news! And I want to tell EVERYONE, but I wanted to tell you first!”

  “Yeah?” I said, even though I already knew what the news was.

  “Charles and I are getting married.”

  “Yay! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you.”

  “I'm over the moon.”

  “I bet you are,” I proclaimed.

  “So, how are things out there? Have you told the hot neighbor y
ou’re into him?”

  “Really? You just got engaged and this is what you want to talk about?”

  “Are you at least getting laid?”

  “What? No.”

  “Well, you should be. Don't waste that gorgeous body.”

  I laughed. “Shut up. Now, when are you coming out to visit?” I asked.

  “I have a week off coming up, and I would love to fly out and see you for at least a few days.”

  “That would be amazing! There is a lot of testosterone out here and not enough estrogen.”

  “Awww, you do miss me?” she cooed.

  “You know I do!”

  “Well, we shall remedy said affliction. By the way, do you know how many people I called before I thought about getting your number from Charlie’s phone?”

  “You crack me up.” I laughed into the phone.

  “It’s my job. Okay, I have to call like my mom and stuff,” she laughed. “I'll call you later this week and give you the details of when I can come out.”

  “Awesome! We can stay in Portland for the day and see everyone. Granddad says you’re always welcome there.”

  “Aww, I love that man. Is he okay now?”

  “As crazy as ever. He wanted out of the hospital the day after.”

  “Yup, that sounds about right. Tell them I said hi when you get a chance.”

  “I will. Hey, I'm sorry I haven’t called much.”

  “Girl, please. I know how you are when you get a new grant. There were weeks when we lived together that you didn't speak to me. I miss you though.”

  “I miss you too. Love you, talk to you soon.”

  “Love you too, bye.”

  And she was gone. I was a shitty friend, but at least she knew me and my quirks. This was another reason why I never dated. There would be times where I was so focused on work that I didn't pay attention to anything else around me, and while that hadn't necessarily been the case, I was going to let it be at least for now. She would understand when she got here and saw my neighbors.


  I worked more than usual over the next two weeks, and I avoided Luke as much as possible. We were always friendly and talked a little here and there, but he kept his distance and so did I.

  When Friday rolled around, I drove to Portland and picked up Rachel. We spent the weekend with my family, and then I brought her back to the house Sunday. We stayed up until midnight watching Harry Potter and drinking wine then crashed.

  When she heard the yelling and chopping the next morning at seven a.m., she stumbled out of bed and shouted at me, scaring me half-senseless.

  “You lying bitch!” she pointed at me.


  “You have two of the hottest men ever, shirtless and sweaty chopping wood in your backyard.”

  “Yeah, and?”

  “Why didn't you tell me they were Magic Mike hot?”

  “There was nothing to tell?”

  “Bullshit, I am calling it now.”

  I wiped the sleep from my eyes and then stood, pulling back the curtain. My eyes found Luke, and I smiled a little.

  “You sneaky little slut! You are totally doing it the dark haired gorgeous one.”

  “I am not,” I defended.

  “I don't believe you.”

  “I'm not, I swear.”

  “Well... you should be.”

  My face flushed.

  “Oh, this is good shit right here. You so want him. Look how red your face is,” she teased.

  “We might have kissed once.”


  “Yeah and made out a little, but it wasn't anything, and I told him afterwards that I didn't think it was a good idea.”

  “What the—? Why the hell would you do that? Could you even imagine what it would feel like to have sex with all that?” She waved her hand in a circular motion around Luke.

  I stared down at Luke and smiled again. “Oh, the imagining has happened, but honestly I won't be here forever, and why should I start something I'm just gonna have to leave?”

  “What is wrong with you?” She placed a hand on my forehead. “Why wouldn't you?” She stared at me like I had lost my mind. “And dear God, if Charles wasn't the love of my life, I would take a spin with his tall, lean friend there.”

  “That's Ryan.”

  “Like email Ryan?”

  “Yeah, and he is just as awesome in person as you witnessed through email,” I told her.

  “I would think so.” She stood at the window looking out over the two of them. I was a little jealous that I had shared them.

  “Okay what are we doing today?” she asked, still looking.

  “Hanging out. There really isn't a lot to do.” I shrugged.

  “And yet you haven't had sex with any of that. It really is a shame.”

  “You know I have been working.”

  “Well take me where you work. I want to see these magical woods you speak of.”

  “Okay let's get some coffee and then we can head out,” I suggested.

  “Yes! All the coffee!” she growled.

  When we walked out of the door, Ryan stopped and walked toward us.

  “Who is this lovely lady?” He smiled his mischievous smile, and I stepped in front of him.

  “No.” I pointed at him, and I heard Luke laughing in the background.

  “What? I was just asking,” Ryan said.

  “She is attached to someone, and that person isn't you.”

  “I was just being friendly,” he pouted.

  “Yeah, I know your kind of friendly.”

  “Name’s Rachel, and sorry but you are about two years too late.”

  “And what a shame that is,” Ryan added. “It's nice to meet you, Rachel.” He reached a hand out to her, and they shook.

  “Hi. Luke.” He stepped over and introduced himself. I was completely distracted and didn't even notice how close he was until he said something.

  “Hi.” Rachel winked at him. “I’m Rachel, and I have heard sooo much about you,” she chided.

  “Is that right?” He smiled. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Rachel.” He looked down at me. “How are you?” he asked.

  I had to steady my breathing. “I'm good. Busy. Trying to wrap up the first part of my research. Then, Rachel decided to pop in and disrupt my life for a few days.”

  “Thanks for the note by the way,” he said, smiling softly at me.

  “Didn’t want you to worry,” I replied.

  His smile was kind, and I could see he wanted to say more. It was like that every time we talked over the last couple of weeks.

  “I need to get with you about the competition coming up. Pass the details along and tell you where we’ll be,” he said.

  I nodded. “Sounds good.”

  “I'll come over later.”

  I grabbed Rachel’s arm and turned her toward the woods, pulling her away from whatever conversation she’d been having with Ryan.

  “I bet he needs to get with you,” Rachel whispered in my ear.

  “Stop it!” I laughed.

  “I see the way he looks at you. That is sooo not an I want to be your friend look.” She looked me in the eyes.

  “I honestly don't know what to do.”

  “Umm. No brainer. Him. You do him. How are we even friends and you not know this?” She ran her arm through mine, and we walked the path into the woods to my meadow.

  Chapter 19


  I was looking over the crowd trying to find Emerson. She told us she would be here before she left for Portland on Tuesday to take Rachel to the airport. I had sent her all the details via text a few days ago. I just wanted to see her face, and know she was there.

  “She’s here,” Ryan said.

  “Did you see her?” I looked over my shoulder.

  “Dude, seriously?”


  “She messaged me like twenty minutes ago. Apparently, you haven't been listening to me.”

� I felt a little sheepish, but I didn't show it.

  “There.” He pointed, and I felt my blood run cold. She was talking to Chris Martin, the biggest asshole on the circuit. He wasn't known for putting on a good show to win the ladies but had been accused of some not so nice things once he had. I wasn't sure why she was talking to him, but I was going to find out.

  “Hey, Em,” I said as I walked up, Ryan on my heels. I specifically shortened her name so Chris immediately knew our acquaintance wasn’t just casual.

  “Luke. Ryan,” Chris said as Emerson turned and laid eyes on me.

  “Luke, hey.” She smiled big, sending a rush through me. And when she reached for me, I pulled her into a tight hug and smirked as Ryan grabbed her from me, swinging her around. He kissed her on the cheek and then whispered something in her ear making her laugh.

  “I didn't realize you guys knew each other,” Chris said. He puffed his chest out slightly, his male posturing not lost on me or Ryan for that matter.

  “Yeah,” Ryan said dropping his arm over Emmy’s shoulder.

  “You know him?” Emerson asked looking up at me.

  “We’ve competed over the years, yes.” I said trying not to let my emotions get the better of me. I wanted Chris to know Emmy was off limits and not to be messed with. At the same time, I didn't want to go all caveman on her and mark territory that I wasn't sure was really mine.

  “Chris works with my grandfather,” she announced.

  “And you,” Chris interjected.

  “Yes, and me sometimes.” She looked over at him oddly and then back to me. I could see a little confusion on her face as she was pulled into the middle of a pissing contest. I didn't like that she worked with him. Hell, I didn't even like her standing three feet from him.

  Ryan said something to her I couldn't hear and then turned, walking back toward our setup with Emmy under his arm.

  “We will be over there when you two get done,” Ryan said over his shoulder.

  “I’ll talk to you later, Chris,” Emmy called out.

  He nodded and waved, smiling sweetly at her until she turned back around.


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