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Jacked - The Complete Series Box Set (A Lumberjack Neighbor Romance)

Page 123

by Claire Adams

  “That was great!” I said. “Makes me wish I could do something like that.”

  “You can,” Ollie said as he hopped down from the saddle. “Just takes practice.”

  “I don’t know. I felt pretty uncoordinated up there. You looked so… It just looked so natural for you.”

  “Well, I’ve been doing it a long time. It’s like cooking for you, I bet. It’s something you’ve done for a while, and you’re accustomed to it. You should see me in the kitchen—it’s a complete disaster.”

  “Maybe I should give you some cooking lessons some time,” I said. “Cooking has actually been very therapeutic for me. Sort of like meditating, except not nearly as boring. I tried meditating before, and I didn’t have much luck with it at all.”

  “You know, I wouldn’t mind learning a thing or two in the kitchen. I might have to take you up on that.”

  “I’d be more than happy to show you. You can’t be any worse in the kitchen than I just was right now on a horse.”

  “You really weren’t that bad.”

  He smiled at me. God, he was handsome. And before I could stop the words coming from my mouth, I was asking him if he wanted to go down to the swimming hole a few miles away, right before you got into town. I was thinking we could do that and maybe get a bite to eat at the restaurant on the way back.

  “It’s hot enough today to go for a swim,” he said. “I haven’t been swimming in a while.”

  “Well, let’s do it then.”

  “I should probably be back by four or so. Got evening chores to do, and then Garrett told me he wanted me to go up to the house tonight, have a talk.”

  I nodded. “Hmm. Sounds serious,” I said, mostly joking. “I’ll make sure you get back on time.”

  Chapter Twelve


  It had been a hell of a long time since I’d last been swimming. Not that I hadn’t thought about it, though, especially on those hot days, trapped inside Reynolds, the air thick and pungent with the smell of body odor and piss and spoiled milk. What I wouldn’t have given for the chance to come out to one of these swimming holes where you could stand on a boulder and jump into the cold water, so clear you could see the fish swimming twenty feet below.

  We drove over in Wren’s Jeep Wrangler, which didn’t have the roof or the doors on. It was a bit unnerving to be sitting there as she sped down the road and to see the asphalt zooming by.

  “I don’t know about that,” I said, edging my right leg over to the left a little more.

  Wren was sitting slightly slouched, one hand casually placed on the steering wheel, looking a hell of a lot more at home behind the wheel of the Jeep than she just did up on Sweetpea.

  “You don’t like it?” she asked.

  I tried to keep my eyes on the road in front of us, as it seemed somehow better when looking through the windshield.

  “It’s just kind of weird, I guess. A little freaky, going this fast with the road right there.”

  “It’s no different than driving around in your truck.”

  “I know, it’s just my truck has a door, so I don’t feel like I’m about to fall out.”

  She smiled. “You’re not the first person to say that, but I think that’s pretty interesting, considering I’m sure you probably wouldn’t think twice about going this fast on a horse, and that’s a whole lot scarier, and there’s no seatbelt, and I, for one, would sure as hell fall off.” Her smile widened. “Or are you saying my driving scares you?”

  I laughed. “No. Not yet, anyway.”

  Surprisingly, there were no other cars parked on the soft shoulder of the road when we pulled up.

  “Looks like we might have the place to ourselves,” Wren said. “Although sometimes people walk in.” She grabbed a few towels from the back seat.

  We walked in about an eighth of a mile from where we parked. I felt good, excited at the prospect of getting to swim.

  Except when we got there, there was a slight problem.

  “I forgot a bathing suit,” I said. “Well, really, I don’t have one.”

  “That’s okay,” she said, unbuttoning her jeans. “I don’t have one on either; I was just going to go in my underwear.”

  She pushed the jeans down, revealing slender but well-muscled legs. Her underwear was pink with black stripes and looked like it very well could pass for a bathing suit.

  “That’s the thing though . . . I don’t have underwear on. Or boxers or anything.”

  “Free-balling it?” she asked with a grin.

  “Errr, yeah.”

  She shrugged. “Then I guess you’re just going to have to take your pants off.”

  “I’m not doing that.”

  “Why not? There’s no one else here.”

  “Yeah, but people could show up at any time.”

  “We’ll leave the towels right here on this rock, so if anyone else shows up, you can just swim over and so long as you get up here fast, you’ll be able to wrap the towel around you before anyone even notices.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out.”

  “It’s just too nice of a day not to go for a swim.”

  She had a point.

  “Do you usually not wear underwear, or was today just laundry day?” she asked.

  “I usually don’t.”

  I’d stopped wearing underwear in high school because I hated the feeling of all that fabric down there; briefs were too constricting, but boxer shorts were too baggy and wouldn’t be comfortable when I was riding.

  Wren looked around. She pulled her shirt off. Her torso was as toned and slender as her legs, and her breasts… Well, I had to look away. She looked too damn good.

  “In I go!” she said after she’d thrown her shirt over her shoulder. She took a running leap off the rock and dove into the clear water. It did look incredibly refreshing. She resurfaced and bobbed there, watching me. “Come on!”

  I thought of all the guys back at Reynolds, who not only would give their right arm just for the chance to dive into this water, but who would also give their right nut, too, to have a girl like Wren calling for them to jump in after her.

  “All right, you’ve convinced me,” I said. I pulled my shirt off and shucked off my pants, then jumped in, feet first.

  The cold water swallowed me up, and I let myself plummet before I stopped and started swimming for the surface. I opened my eyes and could see the blurred beams of sunlight shooting through the water. When I broke the surface, Wren was right there.

  “Hi,” she said.

  Then she splashed a big wave of water at me and dove away before I could return the favor. I dove after her, but she was fast, and it had been a long time since I’d swam; there was no way I’d be able to catch her. So, I flipped over onto my back and let my arms and legs splay out to the sides and I floated, staring up at the big blue sky. A few seconds later, I could sense that she was right next to me again, and when I turned my head slightly, I saw that she, too, was floating on her back.

  “Isn’t this nice?” she said. “Much better than riding a horse.”

  “I don’t know about that, but it is nice. And you did great, by the way. On the horse.”

  “I find that hard to believe, but thanks.”

  “This is nice, though,” I said. “I thought about it a lot when I was in—” I stopped, because I hadn’t talked to her about this yet, but it seemed like something maybe I should mention, if we were going to be hanging out. Which was I wasn’t expecting to do, but was hoping might happen again. “You may know already,” I said. “This being a small town and all. Maybe you heard a thing or two about who I am, where I’ve been. If you haven’t, I guess it’d probably be good if you heard it from me first. I was in prison, for seven years. I killed a man.” The water was up around the sides of my face, nearly touching the corners of my mouth, so my ears were submerged and my voice sounded muffled, disembodied, almost like it was someone else talking. Could she even hear me? I turned my head and looked at

  “I did hear something about that,” she said.

  “Well, it’s true.”

  “Funny. Most of that gossip usually isn’t.”

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “Are you asking if I’m fearing for my life right now?”

  “No, I just… I don’t know. I think some people might have second thoughts about hanging out with someone who’d been to prison.”

  “No one’s perfect,” she said. I thought she was going to continue, but she didn’t. She seemed content to leave it at that, and, if she was, then I guess I could be, too.

  I made it back in time for the evening chores, and once the horses had been watered and grained, I made my way up to the main house. I was curious as to what Garrett wanted to talk about, though that curiosity waned when I saw that Jacob and Keith were there too.

  We all sat the dining room table, and I could tell by the expression on Keith and Jacob’s faces that they didn’t know why they were here, either. We all looked expectantly at Garrett.

  “Now, there’s a reason I wanted us all to get together again,” Garrett said. He threw a stern look in Keith and Jacob’s direction. “And it’s not because the last meal we had together went so well.”

  I sat there, wracking my brain as to why Garrett had invited us all up here again. Last time had been so excruciating, I about wished I was back at Reynolds.

  “We want to first start by saying that we’re not trying to create any conflict here,” Marie said.

  Garrett nodded. “That’s right. And this is probably a ways off, anyway, but it’s the sort of thing that everyone will need some time to think about.”

  “I’m not so sure I like the sound of this,” Keith said.

  Jacob remained silent, though he kept looking over at me as though I had some knowledge about whatever it was Garrett was going to say.

  “Well, why don’t you have a listen first, and then you can decide how you feel about it,” Garrett said. He cleared his throat. “Marie and I aren’t getting any younger,” he began. “And while we both love what we do here, we’re getting to the point in life where we’d also like to go out into the world and see what else is out there.”

  “You’re selling the ranch,” Keith said, visibly perking up. “That’s understandable.”

  “No.” Garrett shook his head. “We’re not selling the ranch, at least not right now. We’ve looked into buying a condo in Florida, though, and I think we’ve found one we’re going to purchase.”

  “Florida?” Jacob wrinkled his nose. “Are you serious?”

  “I have an aunt who lives in Naples,” Marie said. “I spent a lot of time there in my childhood, and I always hoped to go back. Not year-round, of course.”

  “So, you’re making Dad move,” Keith said, sounding like the petulant teenager he must’ve been.

  I looked down at the worn wooden tabletop and let my eyes fall shut. I took slow, deep breaths, and imagined that I was falling through an endless black hole. I’d started doing this at Reynolds, sometimes to simply pass the time, others to block out the chaos. The talking at the table continued around me, and though I could hear it, I was simultaneously able to tune it out and not truly hear what they were saying. There was a lot of back and forth. And then one sentence jerked me out of fall.

  “If he’d like, Ollie is going to take things over.”

  My eyes flew open. “What?” I said.

  Keith snorted. “What were you doing—falling asleep over there? For Christ’s sake.”

  “We’d like you to run things for us,” Garrett said. “With the idea that you’d eventually take over the place—”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Jacob shouted.

  “Yeah, this has to be a joke, right?” Keith chimed in. They were both glaring at me as though I’d orchestrated the whole thing.

  “What?” I repeated.

  “You’re telling us that you’re just going to hand over the reins to some ex-con to run the place for you? Do I need to tell you what a horrible idea that is?” Jacob said.

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. And you can tell me it’s a horrible idea all you want, but it’s not up to you to decide, I’m afraid.” Garrett looked at me. “I know this probably seems like a lot. And it’s something Marie and I would like you to think about—you don’t have to give us an answer yet.”

  “You want me to run this place for you guys?” I asked, still not believing what he was saying.

  “It’s clear to anyone who sees you that you’re in your natural element here,” Garrett said. “Now, if you told me you didn’t want to because you wanted to move to the city and live the metropolitan life, I might not agree with it, but it’s your choice, and of course I wouldn’t stop you. But if you’re happy being on a ranch, then why not take things over for me here? Believe it or not, out of all my employees, you’ve worked here the longest.”

  “Minus the seven years he was imprisoned, of course,” Jacob said. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m just having a hard time believing any of this. Are you suffering from some sort of early-onset dementia, Dad? Is that what this is? Do you even realize what you’re saying?”

  “I realize exactly what I’m saying,” Garrett snapped, a hard edge in his voice. “Which is why we had all three of you here at the same time—so I could assure you that this decision was made while I was sound of mind. Also to give the two of you some time to digest the idea because I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy pill for either of you to swallow.”

  “But what if he doesn’t want to do it?” Keith asked. I might as well have not even been in the room. “Then what?”

  “Then we’ll address that if we have to. As much as I’d like to say this ranch is going to stay in the family and be something that gets passed down through the generations, it’s difficult to promise that when the two of you show so little interest.”

  “And we’re not just going to be gone forever,” Marie said. “We want to scale back, is all. I’m personally getting tired of the snow, the long winters. But we need someone to look after the ranch, and then maybe we’ll come back for part of the summer, because I really can’t bear the thought of not seeing some of our regular guests ever again.”

  “That’s all well and good,” Jacob said, “except for the part where you’re leaving it in the hands of…you.” He looked at me now, looked at me as though I were no better than a pile of manure that happened to be in his way. I knew what they wanted—they wanted to hear that Garrett and Marie were going to fly south for the winter and leave the ranch for them to do what they’d like with, whether that be sell to developers or sell to someone else who’d be interested in keeping the guest ranch going. They’d take their cut of the money and be done with it.

  “It sounds like your mind’s made up, so I don’t really see why you brought us here,” Keith said, standing up from the table. “You want us to give us your blessing? It’s a bad idea, if you ask me. Anyway, I’m going to hit the road. Let me know if you change your mind about the whole thing.”

  Jacob stood, too. “You’re making a big mistake, Dad,” he said, before he followed his brother out of the room.

  And then it was just the three of us sitting there. “They left before I could offer pie,” Marie said. “I know no one’s had their supper yet, but I’ve got that nice peach pie just sitting out there on the counter. I’m going to go slice it.”

  While she was out in the kitchen, Garrett gave me a smile. “I didn’t mean for that to come as a big shock,” he said. “It might’ve been better to pull you aside and give you some warning, but it’s been something I’ve been thinking about for some time now.”

  “You were thinking about this while I was in prison?”

  “Sure was. I figured if it was something you might be interested in, you’d accept my offer when I said you could have your old job back.”

  I bit my lip. “I don’t know why you’re being so nice to
me, Garrett.”

  “I told you, you’re like a son to me. Some days, you feel more like a son than those two.” He jerked his head back toward the doorway Keith and Jacob had disappeared through. “Those two have never had any interest in anything to do with this place, unless they thought it was me talking about selling and then the only thing they’d want to know is how much they were gonna get. They don’t have an appreciation for the land, for the animals, for the hard work it takes to run a place like this. And that’s okay—this sort of life isn’t for everyone. But it’s in your blood, I’ve always known that, and if what I just said is something you’d be interested in, I’d be more than happy to let you take this place over. Now, Marie and I would still own it, and should the time come to sell, we’d make sure you got a cut, but I don’t want to shut it down. Also, I can’t keep doing what I’m doing, much as I hate to admit it. Age is the one thing none of us can escape.”

  It seemed too good to be true, and because of that, I was wary. Not that I didn’t trust Garrett, or believe he only had the best intentions. But I certainly hadn’t been expecting any of this once I got released, and the fact that it was happening was still hard to believe.

  “I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” I said. “And you know there’s no way in hell I’m going to move to the city and live some urban life. But…I just don’t know if me taking this place over is such a good idea.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “Because…” Because a part of me felt like everything that Keith and Jacob were saying was true. That someone who had killed a man, who’d just gotten out of prison, shouldn’t be running a guest ranch, didn’t deserve anything even close to that. I had not expected a good life once I got out, not in the least. I imagined I’d have to get a job at a gas station, maybe the overnight shift at the twenty-four-hour place right off the highway, except I’d heard horror stories about how difficult it was to get hired anywhere if you were a felon. “Because I don’t deserve it,” I finally said.

  “People all make mistakes.” Garrett glanced over his shoulder toward the kitchen, where I could hear Marie opening and closing cupboards. “I’ve made a few myself,” he said, lowering his voice a little.


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