Page 25
“Here we go!” shouted Ariel stepping forward onto the first step down to the pathway, shooting a pulse of bright white energy into the night sky. It was the signal to their attackers that they stood ready. Amber positioned herself on the top floor of the house, behind a strengthened window from which she could blast attackers out of the sky. Michael’s expression of unabashed anger towards Earth and its inhabitants was portrayed by the Heavens with this ferocious storm which seemed to have renewed vigour. The shield around the house would not win them the battle, only serve to drain some energy from the attackers until Pravuil returns. While he hadn’t explained what would be that powerful to stop this war, he had insisted they hold the line. That’s exactly what Ariel was determined to do. He may not have understood Pravuil’s reasoning, but there simply wasn’t any other avenue to take. They were cornered and he was their last, and only, hope.
Across the street from the lonely Bassett house stood the Archangel Raphael. In the top front room of the two-storey town house, the room was dark and only the faces of those present could be made out. All the furniture, and humans, had been removed before Raphael arrived. Clad in complete black battle robes he stood surrounded by his assistants, special ops agents and bodyguards. Lisa, his adviser, stood beside him - the only one to do so. With unnatural perfectly straight long blonde hair which never moved, in the usual business attire, she was here to help Raphael root out the Bassetts.
“There is a layer of protection around the house, sir,” said Lisa, reading the document she had been given from one of the defence specialists.
“What kind of protection?” murmured Raphael, barely interested. He had a large battalion of Heaven’s finest warriors with him and was going to purge this disease once and for all. As for the Bassetts, it had been agreed that while capturing all would be satisfactory, obtaining at least one would do.
“Of ancient origin, sir. We have no further details at the moment. We will need to pierce the shield before we commence activities. If one of our troops comes into contact with the shield they will be destroyed.”
“Noted,” replied Raphael in the same tone. He looked round to Lisa and simply nodded.
“All forces, prepare for long range bombardment of the structure. Aim directly ahead and fire continually until instructed otherwise. There is a protective barrier shielding the target and we must destroy it first. Aerial units, prepare to bombard the structure from above. Concentrate your first on one particular area to increase effectiveness and conserve power!” ordered Lisa briskly to no one in particular. She knew however the hundred other angels in each house beside them and surrounding the target could hear her clearly. A special link had been created, allowing the command to communicate with its troops.
Raphael stood motionless for a long time. His stare deeply focused at the house in front of him through the balcony doors of this empty human bedroom. The simple white drapes at each side fluttered quietly but did not distract him. The two figures standing on the front porch were small but with his angelic vision he knew it was Ariel and David. Raphael was deeply concerned about the forthcoming battle. Although he had a mission and it would be completed it was clear Ariel had help from some older creatures of Heaven to create such a shield. He worried what else they had helped him with. Creatures of old had been around long before archangels and angels. It was never fully understood what abilities they possessed but it was always respected they came from an elder class of creation.
“Sir,” pressed Lisa quietly, handing him a piece of parchment just delivered to her.
Ariel scanned it quickly. Kali, a powerful God, had just send Michael a declaration of war. The entire situation was beginning to heat up exponentially and this Bassett annoyance needed to be sorted now. He nodded to Lisa, and then stared forward again.
“Orders, sir,” she finally asked loudly.
“Fire!” was Raphael’s immediate, heavy reply. Whatever lay ahead of them, they would find out soon enough.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39