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Jude's Salvation: This Love Series

Page 4

by Smith, Nicole

  “You are not my target Eden. I do not stalk naive female tourists or any tourists for that matter. I actually don’t stalk anyone,” he stammers, I can tell he’s feeling a little flustered. He takes a breath and looks into my eyes.

  “I just happened to be at the right place at the right time, lucky enough to set my eyes on the prettiest woman I have ever seen. I couldn’t resist. I can admit that I have no self control. I am a selfish man. I take what I want and Eden, I want you,” his voice sounds even deeper, sending shivers over my exposed flesh. He wants me. I want him. I want those lips on mine. His eyelids actually seem heavier making him look like a sultry male model out of GQ magazine. I wonder if he knows this. I take in a deep breath, and as hard as it is, as much as I don’t want to believe it, I call his bluff. He must pick woman up like this all the time. There isn’t anything that special about me. He may want me this week but who did he have last week and who will he want next week. I regain my composure, feeling way too insecure suddenly.

  “Nice line Jude, you almost had me,” I reply with a wink, sounding more self-confident than I actually am. I tighten my ponytail, feeling vulnerable in front of him now. He keeps his eyes on me, looking confused at my reply. I’m sure rejection isn’t something he’s used to.

  “It’s not a line Eden, don’t even try to deny me," he replies to my rebuff in a slightly deeper octave sending another shiver over me. He is intense. I swallow, feeling hot suddenly.

  “I can tell you feel something between us too,” he whispers, holding my gaze. He does look sincere and way too gorgeous. I glance at his plate when the waitress stops to pick them up, somewhat relieving me of the building tension growing around us again, hovering like a heavy cloud.

  “Wow, seriously, you ate all that? What are you a trucker or something?” I blurt out, shocked that his fit, svelte body managed to digest all that deep fried and lard ridden food. He looks confused at first then his eyes sparkle with mischief.

  “Yes, I did eat all that and no I am not a trucker,” he defends himself. He pats down his shirt and looks back to me.

  “But I do need to walk now.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “When you get to Paris I’ll give you a list of very fine, very exquisite restaurants to check out. You can thank me now if you’d like, you will not be disappointed,” he tells me, sounding very confident again.

  “Well, if they are anything like this fare than I think I’ll pass,” I whisper, not wanting the staff to over hear me. He bursts out laughing this time.

  “I noticed you finished everything on your plate too miss, there are a lot of heavy carbs in your belly now,” he jokes, reaching over the table to tap my stomach with his strong hand. Without thinking I grab his hand, holding it in mine, our eyes lock for a moment then he slides back to his side.

  “Oh my, I did eat all that didn’t I? Seriously, I’ve never had french fries for breakfast before,” I stammer, needing to say something to break the emotions flooding through me. Touching his hand almost made me think of my nightmares and I'm not sure why.

  “For future reference, we call them ‘chips’ here,” he grins, oblivious to my little panic attack.

  “I’ll think of you every time I order them correctly in the future,” I muse. We fall into a heated, but comfortable silence, our eyes gazing over each other as I collect my breathing. I didn’t even notice the waitress placing the bill on the table until Jude ends our connection to get his wallet out. He lays down enough pounds to cover the bill and tip.

  “What’s my share? I have a number of pounds to blow while I’m here,” I say, wanting to offer.

  “This is my treat, save your pounds for later,” he tells me with a smile. I wonder what’s later but I’m too afraid to ask, just in case he meant when he’s no longer with me. Is this it? I wonder what’s next as I watch him stand and hold his hand out for me. I take it, wishing I knew what to say to make him stay with me. He pulls me closer to him and I feel his lips on my forehead.

  “Spend the day with me,” he asks but it sounds like a plea, or maybe an order. Either way I know I want to, I know I will. I briefly wonder what to tell Mariana. Sophie has an itinerary today and I’ve already held them up but I want to be with Jude.

  “I would love nothing more than to spend the day with you Jude,” I tell him, his hand still holding mine. I tilt my head up to look at him and he grins.

  “Go tell your girls they have to keep a five hundred meter distance from you if they wish to continue chaperoning us. I will show all of you what London has to offer,” he tells me. I’m shocked he would offer to take us all around, but I like the idea of them having to stay back. I want him to myself.

  “Ok, that is very nice of you, but I hope you keep one of those London offerings just for me,” I flirt. His eyes light up, like I just told him the best secret.

  “For your eyes only Eden, I have so much more to show you,” he winks. Those words make my body heat, I feel it right down to my core and I shiver in anticipation. I will never forget that wink, that grin, or that voice. I hold myself back from pouncing on him. I want him too much and way too soon. The idea of using my credit card strikes me, maybe I should get a room for just the two of us. Daddy did say to use the card on anything that strikes my fancy, well a very charming Oxford graduate strikes my fancy.

  I will never forget this day for as long as I live. From the changing of the guard, Tower Bridge, museum after museum and the evening cruise along the Thames, it was all perfect. My friends shortened their distance from us as the day went on until we eventually all traveled together. I knew he was a keeper when he made Mariana laugh and Sophie gave up control allowing him to plan our route. I was determined to keep Angie’s hands off him especially when I heard her using her ‘flirt voice’ and fluttering her thick long eyelashes. I didn’t hide my possessiveness and neither did he. No matter the lines, seats, room on the sidewalk, he always kept me close to him. Yes, I fell and hard.

  He placed himself behind me on the cruise once the boat began to move. I sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He felt right and familiar to me as I breathed him in. I loved feeling the heat of his body on my back. When he spoke the actual words floated away as I reveled in the way his breath felt skimming across my neck. It took all my willpower not to turn around and kiss him. I couldn’t help but lean back into him. He responded by holding me tighter to him.

  Once everyone made it back to the hostel they began gushing over their great day with Jude. I stood back as I watched each of them kiss my man on the cheek, saying goodbye and thanking him for the perfect tour of London. I continued to watch them as they marched up the stairs, making sure they were gone. I waited with Jude, not wanting him to leave me yet.

  “I never would have thought that the traditional full English breakfast this morning would have led to such a fun day, thank you Jude, so much,” I say, wishing I was brave enough to tell him more. He smiled but didn’t laugh, his gaze heavy, causing me to tremble. He moved closer to me, almost as though he read my reaction to him. He’s so close now I can smell his ocean scent and my head spins.

  “Spend the night with me Eden,” he asks, but it sounds more like another command. I like the way he commands me. I have never slept with a guy on the first date, even the diving instructor had to give me a few lessons first. I shouldn’t but I know we don’t have much time. I am only here for three more days.

  “We both know I shouldn’t, I want to but I can’t. I’m sorry,” I moan, not liking the answer as I said it. I glance up at him wondering if sex may have been the reason he spent the day with me. I truly hoped not. Did I read him wrong? I step back and turn from him to the door, not liking the unsettling feeling in my gut. Leaving him like this was the last thing I wanted to do but I have my pride.

  “Eden Clara Daniels, wait a minute, please look at me,” he demands. I like doing what he asks me to but I knew I couldn’t sleep with him tonight. I turn and look into his deep, heart stopping eyes. No man has ev
er affected me like this. I stand there, on the dark quiet street under a dim front door light feeling my heart beating out of my chest. My mother would never have entered a place like this, let alone slept in one.

  “That was a very good answer. I think we’ve made some progress today. The girls even promised to wear the same jeans twice,” he said with a wink. Yes, I love him, in under twenty four hours I have fallen deeply and irrevocably in love with Jude Everett.

  “Thank you again for today, I had so much fun with you, it was magical,” I gush, feeling my cheeks heat. He takes my hand, pulling me back to him. I can’t help but breathe him in. I can feel my body aching, a need within me rising.

  “If you want magic, just wait till I show you around Paris,” his lips forming into that lick-able grin again. My eyes light up at the idea that we may have more than three days together.

  “You would really follow me to Paris? I will hold you to it you know,” I tell him, the idea of spending time with him in Paris makes me so unbelievably happy. Is he really going to follow me?

  “I promise you Paris Eden,” he tells me, his eyes heavy again as he looks down at me. His lips are so close but not where I need them, I need them closer. He kisses my cheek softly and I move into him, my chest against his. I wrap my arms around his neck. He trails a few kisses along my jaw and I tilt my head for him as he continues trailing kisses down my neck. I don’t care that we are on a sidewalk, it’s dark but it doesn’t matter. His touch is all that I can think of. I hold him tighter, closer, my body responding more than I wanted it to.

  “I do need to see you tomorrow,” he tells me, his voice sounding husky against the top of my ear. I move closer still, his hard body heating me. He feels so warm and so perfect against me. When he slides his hands up from my waist, slowly along my sides, I can feel my nipples harden beneath my silk shirt. I breathe in heavily and when I don't respond to his request he pulls back a little to look at me. I catch his eyes run up and down my body, lingering on my chest before rising up to my eyes. I want him, he knows I do. I wish I could just say it. I wish I could scream it out loud and not care how it makes me look but I don’t. Instead he plants a chaste kiss on my lips, a tingling sensation races through me and I'm left cold when he steps back. He takes my hands in his and kisses each like a proper gentleman.

  “Good night Eden,” he whispers.

  “Good night Jude,” I whisper back, feeling breathless and suddenly panicked. He releases me, leaving me shivering and alone. I feel terribly lonely standing there watching him walk swiftly down the street and turning a corner without looking back.

  I race inside and up the stairs. Everyone stares at me when I burst through the door and slam it shut. They don’t say anything when I flop down on my cot and close my eyes. Why did he leave me like that? Was I too much of a tease? I wipe a tear and dress for bed. Mariana walks over to me and gives me a hug.

  “I’m fine, I should know better than to crush on a guy while traveling, right? I mean seriously, the distance is insane,” I cry, accepting that I’ll probably never see him again even though he promised me Paris.

  "If it is meant to be you'll both find a way. Come on Eden, you’re the one that reads romance, believes in marrying for love, butterflies and what else is it you are holding out for?" Angie asks, laying on the bed beside me.

  "Fireworks, I'm holding out for fireworks," I sigh, knowing Jude could have given them to me tonight if I'd only said yes instead of 'I can’t'.

  Lying on my cot that night, I toss and turn, dreaming of him. When he turned and walked away I felt as though he’s left me before which is impossible but I couldn’t shake the feeling. We just met. The faint memory left me unsettled.

  When I wake in the morning I reach for my flashing cell in the dark room. I assume it’s my parents. I sent them a text yesterday informing them that I arrived safe and sound, staying at hostel number one. They have a copy of our itinerary as do all our parents. I pick it up and wipe at my eyes as I unlock it.

  It isn’t them, it’s Jude.

  Him: Good morning my beautiful Eden. I dreamed of you last night and it was nice but now I want the real thing. Please tell me when I can see you again.

  He added the word ‘my’ to his greeting. Considering we just met yesterday I don’t think I’m his yet. Maybe I just read too much into things. I’m always looking for an alternate meaning. I shake the reservations from my head and text him back, adding ‘my’ to his name too. While I am here, I want him to be mine, only mine.

  Me: Good morning my charming Jude. Um, are you groveling, begging maybe? Just teasing, I want to see you but today I’m with the girls, a bit of shopping and a spa trip. I’ll text you as soon as we’re done and I’m back. Maybe we can spend the evening together?

  Him: Girls with backpacks that sleep in hostels do not go shopping or indulge in spa days while in London. Be careful, please. No flaunting bags when you walk back into that hostel!! Yes, I want to spend the evening with you. I want you for dinner.

  Me: We’ll be careful, I promise. Wait, what? You want ‘me’ for dinner? Are you Hannibal? Now I’m scared.

  Him: Have dinner with me tonight and I'll try not to eat you;)

  Me: Till tonight then.

  Him: Text me the minute you return.

  Me: Yes Sir!



  After spending hours at Harrods and probably way too many pounds, I am ready to go back to the hostel but Sophie insists we get facials at the Away Spa. She made appointments for us months ago. It would be rude to cancel at the last minute. Sophie probably wouldn’t be allowed in again, ever.

  I have to admit that the pampering was a treat. I managed to forget all my worries for more than an hour or so and thoroughly enjoyed the scents and sensations. It felt amazing and my skin was glowing. I considered sending Beth a picture but I knew that would just make her jealous and I want her to to think I'm roughing it anyway.

  "This is exactly what I need after the fright you gave me the other night," Angie tells me from the massage table beside me.

  "I'm so sorry about that Angie. I just don't know what the hell is wrong with me lately. Maybe I shouldn’t see Jude tonight. He doesn't need this mess in his life," I confess to her.

  "Do what is best for you Eden, he’s a big boy. If he can't handle a nightmare or two then he doesn't deserve you," she says with a smile.

  "Thanks Angie, I'm so glad you're here." I reach for her hand and she gives me a squeeze.

  "Besides, that boy is too yummy to let get away. If you don't see him tonight I will," she jokes. I release her hand and smack her leg.

  "I warned you Angie, hands off," I tease back.

  The day goes by much too slowly for my liking. I love my friends but all I can think about now is spending time with Jude tonight. I’m so excited to see him again. I need to know that he didn’t take offense to my rejection last night. I’ve even thrown together an overnight bag so I don’t arrive back in the same outfit in the morning. Just in case I spend the night, a ‘walk of shame’ does not fly with my girls. We always prepare or we don’t spend the night, usually. I throw in my toothbrush and a change of panties too. I handed Mariana his hotel address. I don’t want her to worry too much about me.

  “Text me where you are going for dinner too,” she demands.

  “As soon as I know, I’ll text you,” I tell her, kissing her cheek. I dash into the bathroom to change and freshen up.

  Dressed in my strappy Jimmy Choos that I bought today and a snug, strapless black dress, I add a cashmere cardigan in Lilac for warmth. Trying to check myself out in this shoebox of a bathroom with a medicine cabinet mirror is impossible. I take a deep breath, hoping he'll approve. I shouldn’t really be dressing like this while leaving a hostel but I want him to see me, the real me. I’m not a princess, I’m certainly not a diva but I do like to dress up for dinner, especially on a date in London. I can’t fake who I am. I love my jeans but impressing a man that I’m f
alling for is just something I want to do. I'm pulled from my primping when my phone beeps.

  Him: I have arrived, don't keep me waiting any longer. I missed you all thru the night and every moment of the day.

  "Oh wow," I moan quietly.

  "You okay?" Angie asks as I walk back into the room in a daze. I smile over at her, looking the fool.

  "Better than okay, Jude is here. Don't wait up," I giggle as I race for the door.

  "Have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do," she yells. I laugh as I shut the door.

  I attempt the stairs as quickly as possible, not wanting to keep him waiting but don't want to ruin the night by falling down the stairs. He meets me out front, holding the door open for me again. I breathe in sharply, looking him over. A dark tailored suit, nicely colored silk tie and a black Mercedes with a driver awaits us. I thought I may have been overdressed, he never mentioned if this was going to be fine dinning or not. I grin, realizing we are not so different after all.

  He takes my hand, holding it as I slide over for him to join me in the back. He smiles, knowing I don’t require his formality anymore. I just want him. I only need his company. He moves closer to me, his arm drapes over my shoulder, his lips form a mischievous grin.

  “You look absolutely edible tonight Eden,” he whispers in my ear. I laugh, loving his playful yet still sexy side. He pulls me closer to him, his lips kiss my hair. I can only dream that his eyes close as he inhales. Please, can I have that dream? The car comes to a stop right out front the restaurant Jude has chosen for us.

  "Tonight is London dining at it's best. I hope you like foie gras?" he asks, glancing over at my raised eyebrows and pale face.


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