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The Field of Ice

Page 12

by Jules Verne


  On the 26th of April during the night there was a sudden change inthe weather. The thermometer fell several degrees, and the inmatesof Doctor's House could hardly keep themselves warm even in theirbeds. Altamont had charge of the stove, and he found it neededcareful replenishing to preserve the temperature at 50 deg. above zero.

  This increase of cold betokened the cessation of the stormy weather,and the Doctor hailed it gladly as the harbinger of his favouritehunting and exploring expeditions.

  He rose early next morning, and climbed up to the top of the cone.The wind had shifted north, the air was clear, and the snow firm andsmooth to the tread.

  Before long the five companions had left Doctor's House, and werebusily engaged in clearing the heavy masses of snow off the roof andsides, for the house was no longer distinguishable from the plateau,as the snow had drifted to a depth of full fifteen feet. It took twohours to remove the frozen snow, and restore the architectural formof the dwelling. At length the granite foundations appeared, and thestorehouses and powder magazines were once more accessible.


  But as, in so uncertain a climate, a storm might cut off theirsupplies any day, they wisely resolved to provide for any suchemergency by carrying over a good stock of provisions to thekitchen; and then Clawbonny, Altamont, and Bell started off withtheir guns in search of game, for the want of fresh food began to beurgently felt.

  The three companions went across the east side of the cone, rightdown into the centre of the far-stretching, snow-covered plainbeneath, but they did not need to go far, for numerous traces ofanimals appeared on all sides within a circle of two miles roundFort Providence.

  After gazing attentively at these traces for some minutes, thehunters looked at each other silently, and then the Doctorexclaimed:--

  "Well, these are plain enough, I think!"

  "Ay, only too plain," added Bell, "bears have been here!"

  "First rate game!" said Altamont. "There's only one faultabout it."

  "And what is that?" asked Bell.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean this--there are distinct traces of five bears, and fivebears are rather too much for five men."

  "Are you sure there are five?" said Clawbonny.

  "Look and see for yourself. Here is one footprint, and there isanother quite different. These claws are far wider apart than those;and see here, again, that paw belongs to a much smaller bear. I tellyou, if you look carefully, you will see the marks of all fivedifferent bears distinctly."

  "You're right," said Bell, after a close inspection.

  "If that's the case, then," said the Doctor, "we must takecare what we're about, and not be foolhardy, for these animals arestarving after the severe winter, and they might be extremelydangerous to encounter and, since we are sure of theirnumber----"

  "And of their intentions, too," put in Altamont.

  "You think they have discovered our presence here?"

  "No doubt of it, unless we have got into a bear-pass, but then,why should these footprints be in a circle round our fort? Look,these animals have come from the south-east, and stopped at thisplace, and commenced to reconnoitre the coast."


  "You're right," said the Doctor, "and, what's more, it iscertain that they have been here last night."

  "And other nights before that," replied Altamont.

  "I don't think so," rejoined Clawbonny. "It is more likelythat they waited till the cessation of the tempest, and were ontheir way down to the bay, intending to catch seals, when theyscented us."

  "Well, we can easily find out if they come tonight," saidAltamont.


  "By effacing all the marks in a given place, and if to-morrow, wefind fresh ones, it will be evident that Fort Providence is the goalfor which the bears are bound."


  "Very good, at any rate we shall know, then, what we have toexpect."

  The three hunters set to work, and scraped the snow over till allthe footprints were obliterated for a considerable distance.

  "It is singular, though," said Bell, "that bears could scentus all that way off; we have not been burning anything fat whichmight have attracted them."

  "Oh!" replied the Doctor, "bears are endowed with awonderfully keen sense of smell, and a piercing sight; and, morethan that, they are extremely intelligent, almost more so than anyother animal. They have smelt something unusual; and, besides, whocan tell whether they have not even found their way as far as ourplateau during the tempest?"

  "But then, why did they stop here last night?" asked Altamont.

  "Well, that's a question I can't answer, but there is no doubtthey will continue narrowing their circles, till they reach FortProvidence."

  "We shall soon see," said Altamont.

  "And, meantime, we had best go on," added the Doctor, "andkeep a sharp look out."

  But not a sign of anything living was visible, and after a time theyreturned to the snow-house.

  Hatteras and Johnson were informed how matters stood, and it wasresolved to maintain a vigilant watch. Night came, but nothingdisturbed its calm splendour--nothing was heard to indicateapproaching danger.

  Next morning at early dawn, Hatteras and his companions, well armed,went out to reconnoitre the state of the snow. They found the sameidentical footmarks, but somewhat nearer. Evidently the enemy wasbent on the siege of Fort Providence.

  "But where can the bears be?" said Bell.

  "Behind the icebergs watching us," replied the Doctor."Don't let us expose ourselves imprudently."

  "What about going hunting, then?" asked Altamont.

  "We must put it off for a day or two, I think, and rub out themarks again, and see if they are renewed to-morrow."

  The Doctor's advice was followed, and they entrenched themselvesfor the present in the fort. The lighthouse was taken down, as itwas not of actual use meantime, and might help to attract the bears.Each took it in turn to keep watch on the upper plateau.

  The day passed without a sign of the enemy's existence, and nextmorning, when they hurried eagerly out to examine the snow, judgetheir astonishment to find it wholly untouched!

  "Capital!" exclaimed Altamont. "The bears are put off thescent; they have no perseverance, and have grown tired waiting forus. They are off, and a good riddance. Now let us start for aday's hunting."

  "Softly, softly," said the Doctor; "I'm not so sure theyhave gone. I think we had better wait one day more. It is evidentthe bears have not been here last night, at least on this side; butstill--"

  "Well, let us go right round the plateau, and see how thingsstand," said the impatient Altamont.

  "All right," said Clawbonny. "Come along."

  Away they went, but it was impossible to scrutinize carefully atrack of two miles, and no trace of the enemy was discoverable.

  "Now, then, can't we go hunting?" said Altamont.

  "Wait till to-morrow," urged the Doctor again.

  His friend was very unwilling to delay, but yielded the point atlast, and returned to the fort.


  As on the preceding night, each man took his hour's watch on theupper plateau. When it came to Altamont's turn, and he had goneout to relieve Bell, Hatteras called his old companions round him.The Doctor left his desk and Johnson his cooking, and hastened totheir captain's side, supposing he wanted to talk over theirperilous situation; but Hatteras never gave it a thought.

  "My friends," he said, "let us take advantage of theAmerican's absence to speak of business. There are things whichcannot concern him, and with which I do not choose him to meddle."

  Johnson and Clawbonny looked at each other, wondering what thecaptain was driving at.

  "I wish," he continued, "to talk with you about our plans forthe future."

  "All right! talk away while we are alone," said the Doctor.

  "In a month, or six weeks at the outside, the time for makingdistant excursions will come again. Have you thought of what we hadbet
ter undertake in summer?"

  "Have you, captain?" asked Johnson.

  "Have I? I may say that not an hour of my life passes withoutrevolving in my mind my one cherished purpose. I suppose not a manamong you intends to retrace his steps?"

  No one replied, and Hatteras went on to say--

  "For my own part, even if I must go alone, I will push on to theNorth Pole. Never were men so near it before, for we are not morethan 360 miles distant at most, and I will not lose such anopportunity without making every attempt to reach it, even though itbe an impossibility. What are your views, Doctor?"

  "Your own, Hatteras."

  "And yours, Johnson?"

  "Like the Doctor's."

  "And yours, Bell?"

  "Captain," replied the carpenter, "it is true we have neitherwives nor children waiting us in England, but, after all, it isone's country--one's native land! Have you no thoughts ofreturning home?"

  "We can return after we have discovered the Pole quite as well asbefore, and even better. Our difficulties will not increase, for aswe near the Pole we get away from the point of greatest cold. Wehave fuel and provisions enough. There is nothing to stop us, and weshould be culpable, in my opinion, if we allowed ourselves toabandon the project."

  "Very well, captain, I'll go along with you."

  "That's right; I never doubted you," said Hatteras. "Weshall succeed, and England will have all the glory."

  "But there is an American among us!" said Johnson.

  Hatteras could not repress an impatient exclamation.

  "I know it!" he said, in a stern voice.

  "We cannot leave him behind," added the Doctor.

  "No, we can't," repeated Hatteras, almost mechanically.

  "And he will be sure to go too."

  "Yes, he will go too; but who will command?"

  "You, captain."

  "And if you all obey my orders, will the Yankee refuse?"

  "I shouldn't think so; but suppose he should, what can bedone?"

  "He and I must fight it out, then."

  The three Englishmen looked at Hatteras, but said nothing. Then theDoctor asked how they were to go.

  "By the coast, as far as possible," was the reply.

  "But what if we find open water, as is likely enough?"

  "Well, we'll go across it."

  "But we have no boat."

  Hatteras did not answer, and looked embarrassed.

  "Perhaps," suggested Bell, "we might make a ship out of someof the planks of the Porpoise."

  "Never!" exclaimed Hatteras, vehemently.

  "Never!" said Johnson.

  The Doctor shook his head. He understood the feeling of the captain.

  "Never!" reiterated Hatteras. "A boat made out of an Americanship would be an American!"

  "But, captain----" began Johnson.

  The Doctor made a sign to the old boatswain not to press the subjectfurther, and resolved in his own mind to reserve the question fordiscussion at a more opportune moment. He managed to turn theconversation to other matters, till it abruptly terminated by theentrance of Altamont.

  This ended the day, and the night passed quietly without the leastdisturbance. The bears had evidently disappeared.



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