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The Throne of Fear: The Romano's

Page 17

by Stella Andrews

  “It hurts, I’m not going to lie about that, but if you’re wondering if it changes the way I think about her, it doesn’t.”

  I sigh with relief and nonna places her hand over mine and says sadly, “Georgio was a lost cause, Romeo, we all know that. He forgot about the importance of family and just had an overwhelming need for control and more. He always wanted more. More money, more contacts, more women. His own family were cast aside in the pursuit of what he wanted, not for the good of his family either, just him. He was selfish and I just thank God your grandfather never saw what he became, it would have broken his heart. Don’t get me wrong, he was every bit as ruthless as Georgio, but he had something important my son appeared to lack. Love. He loved his family more than anything, and they always came first. Be that man, Romeo, not like your father. Always put Ivy first and work with your brothers, not against them. Georgio had no time for anyone other than himself, which is partly why my daughters stay away.”

  “Have you heard from them lately?”

  Nonna nods. “They call me every week, sometimes every day, and beg me to visit. Maybe I will now you are all settled. I could use a change of scene.”

  I think about my Aunts, Sara and Francesca, who I lost touch with years ago. They hate this life, this family, the way we live. Both of them married and moved away, and by all accounts have done well for themselves. Aunt Francesca became a doctor and married a surgeon. They have two girls who I believe are at college in different states. Aunt Sara married a businessman who operates out of Vegas. He has a chain of Casinos that he shares the management of with his two sons, Calvin and Gideon Prince.

  Nonna sighs. “I think I’ll arrange a visit. If anything, it’s long overdue and they need to know what’s happened. Not that they will care, I’ve resigned myself to that at least.”

  For a moment we sit and eat and think about the approaching storm. Nonna’s right to leave, remove herself from a situation that could have repercussions on us all.

  Chapter 36


  When I wake the next day, everything changes. When I head down to breakfast with Romeo, there are new faces at the table. Riley and Lucian are deep in conversation with whom I immediately know is Romeo’s brother. Like Lucian, he scares the hell out of me. Heavy, hooded eyes watch me approach and I shiver inside. Beside him sits a small boy, the spitting image of his father, who looks at me with a shy curiosity and the woman beside him flashes me a warm and friendly smile and says softly, “Hi, I’m Isabella and this is Luca and Romeo’s brother, Dante. You must be Ivy.”

  I nod, unsure of the reception I may get. After all, their parents are both dead because of mine and this is the strangest situation.

  Riley smiles brightly and says loudly, “Come and sit down, Ivy, the food is seriously good today, grab some while it’s hot.”

  I feel grateful for their obvious show of support because from the look in their eyes, I know they have heard the shocking news.

  Romeo pulls out a chair and sits beside me, lacing my fingers with his and smiles reassuringly before turning his attention to his brothers, nodding, “Dante, good to see you, how was Barbados?”

  “Good, thanks.” Dante’s voice is deep and slightly husky, and if danger had a sound, it would sound like him. Isabella is different from what I imagined, younger, with pink hair and an impish smile. She is the light to Dante’s shade and yet stares at him adoringly whenever he looks her way and the look he gives her tells me his family means the world to him. The small boy–Luca, appears a little shy and Isabella says softly, “Luca needs a while to get to know you, after that you’d wish he didn’t.”

  She nudges the little boy who giggles and I see the happiness in his eyes as he stares at her. Riley appears to be glued to Lucian and his arm is draped across her shoulders as she chews on a croissant and laughs at something he whispers in her ear. To anyone looking on, this is a scene of family life at its most extraordinary. Three dangerous men relaxing with their families like normal people, and it takes my breath away.

  After my initial shock, I soon relax and just listen to the conversation. The men are mostly silent, but Isabella and Riley fill in the gaps with gossip and laughter that makes me instantly relax. Nonna is absent because apparently, she is packing for a trip to Vegas and after a while, Romeo leans down and whispers, “I won’t be long, I have business to discuss with my brothers, the girls will look after you.”

  He drops a light kiss on my lips and must sense my concern because he whispers, “Don’t worry, we’ve got this, everything will be fine.”

  I watch him leave with his brothers and it’s as if the air has been replaced in the room because both Riley and Isabella exhale and lean back.

  Riley rolls her eyes. “Thank god for that, we’ve got a few hours to educate Ivy on what to expect living here.”

  Isabella nods. “It must be a bit of a shock to the system, I know it was for me.”

  “How did you meet Dante?”

  I look at her with interest and she laughs softly. “I came as a nanny to Luca.”

  She ruffles the little boy’s head, and he grins. “He chose me and his father made sure I couldn’t say no.”

  She winks and then says to Luca, “Honey, run and find Jack, I think your father said he was visiting today and I’m guessing he’s in the playroom already.”

  As Luca runs off, Riley jumps up. “I’ll check they’ve got everything. I won’t be long; I need to answer a call of nature, anyway.”

  She rushes off after Luca and Isabella sighs heavily. “Alone at last. You know, Luca may seem like an angel but he’s getting naughtier every day and it’s exhausting.”

  “He’s gorgeous.”

  “Like his father.” Isabella winks and rests her elbows on the table and looks at me with interest. “Romeo’s super-hot too. You must be special because he’s never shown any interest in anyone to my knowledge outside of the usual booty calls.”

  My heart flutters as I think of him and I smile. “He’s amazing.”

  Isabella raises her eyes. “So, how are you feeling, Ivy? I understand you have a lot on your plate at the moment, you know, if you ever need a friend, Riley and me make good ones. If anyone understands what it’s like living with these men, it’s us. You’re not on your own around here.”

  She seems so open and friendly it settles my nerves and I smile brightly. “Thank you, that’s good to know.”

  Riley soon heads back and shakes her head. “Those boys are out of control. They’re playing war again; it must be bred into them.”

  She looks across the table at me. “How are you bearing up, I guess you’re a little worried at what may happen? Do you think your parents know you’re missing yet?”

  “I doubt it. They probably think I’m in bed with Drew and have been since yesterday.”

  I shiver as I think of my ex-fiancé and Riley pulls a face. “Lucian told me what he did, you’re well rid of him.”

  She looks thoughtful. “What do you think he’ll say if your parents ask him where you are?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  I feel the anxiety flare up and Isabella says kindly. “The guys will sort it; they love a challenge and I expect we’ll know soon enough. Anyway, we’ve been told to stick around here for the next few days, so is anyone up for a swim and a spot of sunbathing? It’s a beautiful day out there.”

  Riley grins. “Love to. I’ll arrange some refreshment; it will be good to top up my tan and read my book. I’m at a really good place in it and I won’t have Lucian distracting me for a change.”

  She runs off and Isabella laughs. “You’ll get used to them, Ivy. Riley and Lucian are so alike it’s quite scary really and she’s so far gone there’s no hope for her. Mind you, I’m not far behind her, those men of ours are something else, I’m sure you agree.”

  Thinking of Romeo brings the usual smile to my face and a warm feeling inside. Yes, I’m the lucky one because I know that I have met my match in every way possible.

  Chapter 37


  Lucian and Dante switch their moods to business and I follow.

  Lucian gets straight to it and fixes us with a dark look. “We don’t have long.”

  “What’s the plan?” Dante stares at him with an emotionless expression, and I wonder what Governor Thompson will think when he learns what we have in store for him.

  “Lorenzo is on his way; he should be here within the hour.”

  “That soon?” I stare at Lucian in surprise and he nods. “He needed to check a few facts out first, but sent them through. It appears that today’s the day because as it happens the governor’s schedule works to our advantage.”

  “Which is?” I look up with interest and Lucian smiles in his usual sinister way. “It seems that our beloved governor likes to play with a different toy once a week. Mrs. Thompson referred to it in her journal, showing how screwed up they both are. She heads to the hairdressers every Tuesday, as regular as clockwork, and he gets the cleaner in.”

  “The cleaner?” Dante looks confused, but the penny drops and I laugh out loud. “Would that happen to be the cleaning service one of our own businesses provides, not that he’d know it, of course.”

  Dante grins and Lucian nods. “Yes, our very own cleaning service with the emphasis on the service. He books the same girl every Tuesday for two hours and by all accounts, follows the same routine. She turns up in the cleaning van and meets him inside. All very innocent on the security camera but definitely wicked inside.”

  “So, what are you thinking?”

  Lucian grins wickedly. “We go along for the ride. Show him the error of his ways, maybe use the video Skylar will take for us when he’s trussed up like a turkey.”

  “And Mrs. Thompson?” Dante asks for me and Lucian shrugs. “The scandal will ruin her more than the knowledge. By the time we finish with Governor Thompson, she will be left with nothing. No friends, no home and her reputation in shreds. For a woman like her, it will be particularly hard to accept and when the news is leaked about her future son-in-law, she will have that scandal to deal with as well. Should keep her busy for a while, don’t you think?”

  “And Ivy?” I voice the only thing I am concerned about and Lucian nods and says softly, “She stays with you. There is no reason for her to go back and if I know you, she won’t be a Thompson for much longer, anyway.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  Dante looks at me with interest and his expression softens. “I’m happy for you, Romeo. God knows it’s been a long time coming.”

  “The best things are always worth waiting for.”

  Despite the nature of our conversation, there is a sudden lightening of the atmosphere, as we all realize the importance of finding love. I don’t suppose any of us were actually looking for it; just caught up in a world of excess without any of the happiness. Now we have all found the holy grail that everyone hopes to find, but it’s important we deal with the past and leave it where it belongs.

  As Lucian briefs us on the plan, I am keen to get this over with so I can start my life with Ivy, and nothing is going to get in the way of that.

  Just two hours later and we’re all set. It feels strange being in the company of all of my brothers because Lorenzo arrived thirty minutes ago and as always, I was pleased to see him. He’s our big brother in every sense of the word, and I’ve always looked up to him. He’s strong, calm and considered, unlike Lucian who is volatile and deadly. Dante is probably the most like him but holds a tortured past that has defined him and I miss Lorenzo heading up this family because he was a steadying influence, unlike Lucian who you never know what he’s going to do next.

  Four brothers, sitting in the back of a van, staring at each other with wicked glints in their eyes and revenge in their hearts. Skylar was briefed when she arrived, and the poor girl looked scared shitless when she realized what cargo she was expected to carry. Although this company is one of ours, we never get involved. She will have heard of us though and looked as if she may pee her pants when she sat cowering in the chair in our den, while we stared at her with our usual intimidating expressions.

  We use the journey to brief Lorenzo and he says gruffly, “Ryder has a rap sheet that would fill a boxed set on the governor. He hasn’t got where he is today by playing by the rules. He’s made sure there will be no repercussions on us if shit gets real.”

  “I love your leader.” I grin at my brothers because Lorenzo’s man in charge is one I would never want to go against. Ex-military, Navy SEAL and now paid assassin for the government. When Lorenzo’s MC Club comes calling there’s only one reason, and with the protection of the establishment behind them, they are invincible.

  Lorenzo is a powerful weapon that they use a lot, and I could watch him in action all day. Cold, quick and ruthless, he dispatches problems like a daily chore list.

  We fall silent and then Dante says, “Is Sophia with you?”

  Lorenzo shakes his head and a brief smile lights up his face. “No, she’s got her hands full with the new baby.”

  “I’m happy for you.” Dante smiles because of all of us he knows what being a father does to a man and I look forward to experiencing that feeling for myself.

  Lucian is also a daddy in waiting as Riley is pregnant, God help her.

  The van stops and we hear the door slam and share a wicked grin. It’s playtime.

  I set my mood in place and remove all thoughts of Ivy, babies and my family and revert to the bastard I am. No feeling, no principles, no morals, just a black heart that feels nothing.

  I watch my brothers shut down in the same way and the air is laced with vengeance. This is for our mom, more than our father because she never asked for any of this. Just thinking of what Mrs. Thompson wrote about her, makes my blood boil. Watching her fall will be the sweetest revenge because if we could have chosen the most painful way to deal with her, it’s what will happen to her perfect life, starting this afternoon.

  We wait thirty minutes and then leave the van. Skylar parked close to the entrance as instructed, which blocks the view of the security camera. As promised, the front door is unlocked and we move silently inside and make our way to the third room on the right—the garden room.

  I can hear the sound of a whip and a roar, and Lorenzo laughs softly. “I’m not sure I want to see what’s inside that room.”

  “What’s the matter, bro, it’s not anything you haven’t seen before.”

  It doesn’t mean I want to see him doing it, Romeo. It will put me off the pasta I’m hoping nonna left for me.”

  Lucian glares at us and holds his finger to his lips as another groan reaches us and then he nods and opens the door and we step inside.

  Chapter 38


  Governor Thompson is kneeling on the floor with his hands tied behind his back and wearing a blindfold. He is naked and Skylar has gagged him, thank god and it’s not a pleasant sight. She cracks the whip again, and the Governor howls in painful ecstasy and she hands Lucian her phone as she says loudly, “Do you accept your punishment, have you had enough?”

  “He shakes his head vigorously, wanting more, and she hands the whip to Lucian and winks. Then, silently, she leaves the room and heads back to wait for us in the hallway.

  Lucian grins as he prepares to deliver a blow the governor is certainly not expecting, and I laugh softly.

  Lucian strikes and the whip cracks as it hits him hard, and he falls forward, stiffening in shock. A strange gurgle comes from his throat as he tries to speak and Lucian takes great pleasure in handing the whip to me and I deliver another painful blow.

  One by one, we take our turn until the blood stains the white rug he is whimpering on. Then Lucian kneels before him and rips the blindfold from his eyes, and we relish the look of horror on the governor’s face as he sees us staring at him with contempt.

  His eyes widen in fear as Lucian rips the gag from his mouth and snarls, “It’s payback time.”

  It’s interesting to watch the governor start to shake as the fear takes hold. He knows why we’re here; I can see it in his eyes and Lucian grins like the maniac he is.

  “This is an interesting scenario we find ourselves in. The last Romano that sat in this room was our mother. Do you remember that visit, Governor?”

  He says pitifully, “I can’t recall.”

  “Then let me refresh your memory.”

  Lucian tosses Dante the journal and he reads the extract from it regarding our mom’s visit and the horror on Governor Thompson’s face will stay with me forever as he sees what we have in our possession.

  He interrupts with an angry growl, “Where did you get that?”

  “Patience, Governor, all will be revealed. Now, listen to my brother, it’s rude to interrupt.”

  Dante reads out every damning word and the governor snarls, “Stupid woman, you can’t believe everything you read.”

  Dante throws the journal to Lucian, who opens it on the page concerning our father and reads it in a low, dark and husky, voice. The governor tries to wriggle and Lorenzo steps beside him and holds his gun to his head and snarls, “Listen to every word, you fucking piece of shit.”

  He stiffens in fear as Lucian reads the damning evidence against him and then says smoothly, “Not looking good, is it?”

  He throws the journal to me and I open it at the page that concerned Ivy and kneel before him with pure evil in my expression. Then I read the part about how he punished her and he sneers, “That’s a private matter, it’s up to me how I raise my child, it’s not against the law.”

  Reaching out, I grasp the back of his head and slam it against the nearby table, relishing the blood that spills from an open wound in his nose and snarl, “Just so you know, Ivy is no longer your daughter, she’s my wife.”


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