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A Cowboy in Paradise

Page 13

by Shana Gray

  “I love this store.” She looked around with an assessing eye and realized there was a lot she could do with it. The tropical theme was lovely, with some unique items, but it could use an infusion of a few higher-end products to complement the island theme. Like her clothing line. Excitement bloomed in her chest as an idea began to form.

  “You do? Well, I’m glad I brought you here, then.”

  “Me, too.”

  She needed panties and spied some at the far end of the store, where a selection of very pretty undergarments was displayed. Jimi was in heaven.

  “I’d like you to pick for me,” she told Dallas with a mischievous grin.

  He looked at the neatly arranged array of rainbow-colored underthings. “Me? You want me to choose this stuff?”

  “Why not? I’m curious to see what you like. A man’s perspective.”

  “Hmm, okay. Let’s see...” He gave all of his attention to selecting four pairs of the prettiest panties she’d ever seen.

  “I see you like the minimalistic look.”

  “I can already imagine how they’re going to look on you.”

  “Mmm, well, okay then. This is getting more and more interesting.” Jimi was wound up pretty tight with the anticipation of spending some naked time with him. Now the urge to get the shopping over with was paramount.

  She decided she didn’t need bras since she had the bikini top. Plus, she was lucky enough to have stand-up boobies, so she could go without one if it came down to it. The girls could go free for the next few days. Desire rushed through her and she felt her nipples harden. Yes, it was definitely time to get out of here and alone with this amazing man.


  THANKFUL FOR THE rush of island air that came in the open window to cool the flush that still warmed her body, Jimi watched the scenery and the varied landscapes. The drive wasn’t too long and she was enchanted by the island. Even more so when they drove into a lush and tropical location. She wondered if his house was close now.

  “Wow, it’s so beautiful.” Jimi was like a bobblehead, trying to take in all the scenery.

  “I know. I never get tired of it.”

  “It’s so different on this side of the island.”

  “It is. There are eight climate zones or eleven to thirteen, depending on who you talk to, from humid tropical to arid to tundra. Where we’re going is very lush, tropical and not like you saw when you were biking.”

  Jimi laughed. “What do you mean about the climate zones?”

  “It can be sunny and hot in Kona and gale force winds by Hawi.” Dallas smiled and then turned back to the road.

  “I wasn’t really expecting the arid, almost desert-looking area. I expected to see palm trees and flowers and waterfalls everywhere. This island seems so much more rugged. Mmm, just smell that wonderful air.”

  “You don’t like air-conditioning?”

  “Only when I’m sleeping if it’s hot, but I prefer the fresh air. I love an open window so I can smell the breeze and feel it on my body. Hearing the night sounds and waking to the birds is heaven. I guess that comes from my childhood.”

  They fell silent for a moment.

  “So what did you think of the wedding, the camping expedition?” Dallas asked her.

  “It was interesting. I hadn’t roughed it like that since I was a kid. I must say I got out of the habit of being down-to-earth and had gotten way too used to being pampered. It brought me back to reality in a hurry.”

  She liked that he smiled when she said that.

  “Now, it’s hard to imagine you as a pampered princess.”

  “Not so hard, really. I was one, at least as a grown-up. Not as a child. I certainly didn’t look the part when I arrived at the ranch, though.” She remembered how frazzled, ragged and lost she’d been getting off the bus. So out of sorts at all the things that had gone wrong. “Not having my own clothes and all my paraphernalia, and depending on the generosity of others certainly was humbling.”

  “I wasn’t complaining. I like your earthy appeal.”

  That struck her as outrageously funny and Jimi burst out laughing. “Earthy! That’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. I’ve never thought of myself as earthy, but you know what? I like it.”

  She stared at him, thinking. Earthy. For the first time in her life she actually didn’t mind someone knowing about her commune upbringing. Unknowingly, he’d helped her see past the stigma. She’d definitely been earthy as a child, and now she could see how far she’d tried to run from it, hiding behind clothes and makeup, only to come around full circle back to the basics.

  The look he cast her was smolderingly hot, and she swallowed at the burst of erotic heat that boiled through her blood, making her heart beat a little bit faster. It was surprising how easy it was being with him. No pretenses, airs, the need to be runway ready, even though she wasn’t a model. She could just be with him and that was so wonderfully liberating. She felt devilishly sexy around him, too. Jimi drew in a big, contented sigh and gazed out the window, quite happy with the direction this little side trip was taking.

  “Why do you like earthy?” Her curiosity needed an answer.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess because I am. Just a simple kind of guy who enjoys the simple things in life. It fits with me.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” she mused. That really got her thinking about all sorts of things. Jimi sensed she was barreling down a road that was going to have a fork in it. And she’d have to choose which way to go.

  “Look to your left. You’ll be able to catch a glimpse of the ocean through the trees. We’ll be coming up to the turn soon that will take us down to my house.”

  Excitement brewed in her at the immediacy of their interlude fast approaching. She looked where he indicated and gasped when the beauty of the ocean flickered through the trees. She was eager to see what his house looked like, and then the reality of it all set in. She was in a strange place, with a strange—sort of—man, and no one knew where she was. She swallowed nervously. Okay, she admitted to herself, as much as this tryst promised to be exciting, it was suddenly a little bit nerve-racking.

  Was it too late to change her mind? It’s never too late. But did she want to change her mind and go back to her hotel? Alone.


  Anxiously she watched the road ahead, realizing she had no clue what kind of place he lived in. She had no preconceived notion of his lifestyle, other than he was a ranch hand. The truck was clearly a farm truck, so she wondered at his status, as well. How much money did a ranch hand make? Then she felt guilty for even wondering about it. It wasn’t any of her business and not what was important, either. It was the man who was important. And everything about him had shown her the kind of man he was. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be with him. There, she’d settled her nerves.

  Watching Dallas from behind her windblown hair, she knew she liked him. A lot. So, she would just let the chips fall where they may. It was still too fresh, new, to even think about a future together. And the fact that she even let that thought creep into her mind—more than once—made her ponder the future. Could she live here? As much as she liked the beauty of it, her business was across the continent. Almost a thirteen-hour flight away. Too far for a long-distance relationship. She shoved the thought from her mind and decided not to dwell on it.

  Dallas turned off and drove along a laneway, through a green tunnel of arching tree branches, towering palms and flowers clinging to the foliage.

  “Oh, my God. Are those orchids?”

  “Yes, they are. And there’s a lot more flowers around here.”

  “I love flowers.”

  “Most women do.”

  “I can’t get over how beautiful this is, doesn’t matter how many times I have to say it.” Jimi leaned her head out the car window, inha
ling the wonderful scent and loving how her hair streamed out behind her. Sunlight dappled across the ground and Jimi drew in a breath when a house appeared around the next bend.

  “Oh my, it’s so beautiful. Wasn’t it damaged by the hurricane?” she asked him.

  “Whenever I’m not here, I lower the hurricane shields on the windows. So far I’ve been fortunate nothing too drastic has happened. Just a few branches to clear away.”

  “I’m blown away by your house.”

  “Why? What did you expect?”

  He pulled up in front of the wide slab steps that led to a beautiful porch. The house, made of wood and a black rough stone, held a very Hawaiian appeal. Flowers were everywhere at the front of the house.

  “I honestly had no idea. But not this! It’s spectacular.”

  Dallas came around and opened her truck door, helping her down. He reached into the back and grabbed all the bags.

  “Here, let me help.” Jimi took what she could manage while he easily carried the rest, shaking out his keys to unlock the heavy front door. She could see through the beveled glass a teasing glimpse into his house and couldn’t wait until the door was open for her to see it properly.

  “Oh, wow. This is amazing.”

  Dallas let her enter before him and it took her breath away. Even with the windows shuttered, she could tell how lovely the house was.

  “Over to the right is the kitchen.”

  After putting the bags on the counter, she watched Dallas open all the storm blinds to reveal the view beyond. It was even more stunning with the sun streaming in. She followed him through the wide living area out to the sweeping deck after he’d pushed the glass walls to the side, tucking them into their secret hiding compartments on either side of the room.

  “Come.” He took her hand and she curled her fingers around his. This man was full of surprises and wiggling his way even more into her heart. They stepped onto the deck and she dragged her gaze away from him to see where he’d taken her. The deck ran the width of the house, with a Plexiglas front so as not to obscure the magnificent view.

  “Oh, Dallas. Look.” They were perched on top of a cliff with an unbelievable vista that seemed to drop away to the sea below. Craggy black outcrops ringed them, covered in lush trees, bushes and flowers. “This is simply amazing.”

  “I have to agree.”

  She felt him come up behind her, placing his hands on the railing and pinning her between his powerful arms and rock-hard chest. She was becoming addicted to his touch.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere except here. With you,” she whispered, closing her eyes. Jimi lifted her face, enjoying the breeze coming in from the ocean. He sighed and they stood that way for a little while. Quiet. Content. But she wasn’t immune to the energy radiating from him, wrapping her in its sultry embrace. The rustle of the trees and palm fronds serenaded them. “I love that sound and could get used to hearing it morning, noon and night.” She kept her voice as a whisper, not wanting to drown out any nature sounds. “I could get used to this.”

  “Get used to what?”

  Jimi opened her eyes and waved her hand in front of her. “Being here with you like this. Everything. I love it. As much as I hate to admit it, it reminds me of how we kids were raised. Maybe I’m only now appreciating the country way of life and the simplicity, even with its complications. If that makes any sense.” She returned her gaze to the vista in front of them. “Is there a way down?”

  “Yes, there are some steps, but they are very steep and tricky.”

  Jimi clutched the railing and leaned over to look below. His arms squeezed on her sides.

  “Careful now. I don’t want you to go tumbling over.”

  She liked how he cared. It was a new feeling to have someone actually give a shit about her. The craggy black rock and the crashing surf below was beautiful. It seemed so raw and angry, and yet a breathtaking sight.

  “I’d like to go down. Is there a beach?”

  “There is a small cove, only accessible at low tide.”

  “That sounds almost magical.”

  “It is.” He pushed back from her and Jimi immediately missed his presence. “Make yourself at home. I’m going to unpack the groceries.”

  “I can help you do that.”

  She took his hand and they walked back into the house.

  “Your house is lovely. Did you build it?”

  “No, it’s been here for a while. My parents owned it first, and then I bought it from them. Did some updating.”

  “Why didn’t they want to live here anymore?”

  He was silent and she turned to look at him. Had she said something wrong?

  “My mom just didn’t want to live here anymore.” He paused and Jimi wondered if she’d touched on a sensitive topic. “So what can I get you to drink? Some of the wine we bought today? Or I make a mean mai tai. I may not know my way around the kitchen, but I do know my way around a bar.”

  “I’d love a mean mai tai.” She was dying to ask him why his mother wouldn’t want to live in a place like this, but she felt the timing wasn’t right. Obviously, he didn’t want to talk about his parents. Fine. She wasn’t going to pry and would respect his privacy as she would like hers respected.

  “Feel free to wander around while I make the drinks.”

  “I will, thanks.” In an impulsive move, Jimi hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She thrilled when he caught her in a big bear hug and swung her around. “I’m so glad you brought me here.” She giggled and, when he let her go, she lingered in his embrace for a few seconds.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  With a skip in her step and a heart full of happy, Jimi wandered back into the living area and through a door to a hall on the other side of the room. She paused, glancing over her shoulder, and smiled when he met her gaze.

  I haven’t felt this happy in...forever.

  Following the hallway, she looked out the windows to her left, seeing the driveway they’d just driven up. The wide, brightly lit hall ran the length of the house. It wasn’t a huge house. It was a nice size, and she dared to think of her waking up here every morning. With him. A shiver of delight ran through her. Yes, she could imagine the mornings, waking up in Dallas’s warm, comforting embrace.

  Three doors lined the hall on the right, the first a cute bedroom that had an inner door to a really nice bathroom with a wonderfully deep tub and a view the same as the living room. Farther down was a very well-equipped office with a huge old desk that looked as if it was carved from one chunk of wood.

  “I wonder if it’s made from island wood,” Jimi mused.

  She eyed the closed door at the end of the hall. Her heart thumped a little harder.

  “I bet that’s the master bedroom.” She crept up to the door, almost feeling like an intruder. She placed her hands on the knob. Taking a breath, she hesitated for a second before turning and gently pushing it open.

  “Oh, my God.”

  It was a master bedroom and absolutely stunning. It seemed to jut out over the cliff, as if it were suspended, and three walls were all glass. A king-size bed was positioned just before the window and it was a few steps up. The deck wrapped all the way around to here. A hot tub, too! She could imagine sitting in the tub with wine, watching the stars.

  “Just wow. I can totally imagine myself waking up in that bed tomorrow morning.” Jimi hugged herself at the thrill of excitement that rippled through her body. Not so much about the house but because of Dallas.

  The decor was very tropical, with honey-colored wood, a vaulted ceiling and light-colored floors. The furniture was very Hawaiian, as were the closet doors. Vibrant pillows with a matching duvet cover draped on the bed. Jimi was impressed. She spied another door on the far side of the room. Could it get any better?


  An en suite that rivaled the one at her hotel. In fact, this one was even better. She felt she’d just stepped into a tropical jungle, all clear glass windows looking into the rain forest. No view of the cliffs and ocean, but the soft greens and dappled sunlight, ferns and flowers in every color of the rainbow painted a picture Monet couldn’t have mastered and filled the panorama just outside the glass.

  “Wow,” she whispered when she saw the shower.

  It was doorless, big and tiled shoulder high, where glass then replaced the remaining height. She walked over and stepped inside, twirling around and looking up. An array of showerheads lined the ceiling, just like the walls. She was determined to get him into this shower tomorrow morning, and she knew that was going to happen because she was just as determined to be sleeping here, in his arms and bed. Tonight.

  Jimi was so enthralled by this room that when Dallas slipped his hands around her waist from behind she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Oh, you scared the hell out of me!”

  “Sorry.” He nuzzled her neck and Jimi sighed.

  “You have a wonderful home.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Mmm-hmm. I do.”

  She leaned back against his powerful chest, his muscles hard like granite next to her. He splayed his fingers over her belly, pressing with an almost possessive grip, which she liked very much. His hand inched lower, his fingertip slipping under the waistband of her shorts while the other slid up to cup her breast.

  “Oh, Dallas.” The words fell softly from her lips as she got lost in the sensation.

  Resting her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes so she could focus on his touch. With him behind her, and the way his hands searched along her flesh, she was spellbound. Aroused. For him.

  “I love how you feel,” Dallas whispered into her ear, his breath rustling her hair.

  “I love how you touch me.” Jimi murmured the words on a breathy moan.

  She sucked in a gasp when his fingers slipped beneath her shorts. Exploring lower while at the same time his mouth found the curve of her neck, pressing delicious little kisses until he found her earlobe.


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