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Magic and Mayhem: Witchin' Hard (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Claudy Conn

  “There will be nothing to talk about. I. Will. Go. In. And. Take. Him. Apart when Rucker is safe. Before I allow Morlan to die, I will make him suffer.”

  Gramps studied me for a minute and said, “Understood.” He rubbed his eyes and sighed heavily. “For now, you understand your mission?”

  “In a sentence? Yeah, I meet with Morlan and offer myself to him in exchange for the spell to send the creature back to whence it came!” I snapped. I wasn’t happy with this at all and I wasn’t that happy with Gramps at the moment.

  “Forgive me, Dilly,” Gramps said quietly. “Don’t take him apart immediately after he gives you the spell. I want him imprisoned…just in case he is sly enough and gives you the wrong one.”

  I wouldn’t look at Gramps. This was my grandfather, yes, and I loved him, but he wanted me to imprison the devil that had killed his son—my father? No way. Morlan had to die and that death was going to be at my hands. Imprisonment was too easy. But what was the point of arguing?

  “Cole, thank you,” Gramps said.

  “Cole cannot accompany me. Morlan will take him prisoner and use him against me.”

  Cole smirked. “No one is taking me prisoner. Master Rollingwood gave me a very special amulet after he and your grandfather met last night.” He held up the amber stone dangling from a leather tie at his neck. “He met me again this morning and reminded me what it could do.”

  “What is it supposed to do?” I asked.

  “All I have to do is tap it once and it can transport me, with a thought, to anywhere in Rucker.”

  “And if I stab at you unexpectedly.” I lunged and he was gone. I had wanted to test his reflexes. He passed.

  A moment later, he returned and the look on his dear face made me burst out laughing. “You idiot!” I told him. Then to my grandfather, “All right then, when do we leave?”

  “This afternoon,” he said. “You two will leave this afternoon. I have already sent Morlan a message…”

  “You were so sure that I would agree?” I was really angry, but this was my gramps.

  “I was. I told him that we would allow you to meet with him at a place of his choosing. He wrote back that you would be expected in his offices at Rucker Palace. I agreed and said that you would no doubt have someone with you to return with a message.”

  “So, you always planned for Cole…you and Rollingwood?” My hands flew to my hips.

  Gramps shrugged. “Cole and you are friends and we are both aware of his mettle. We assumed he would volunteer.”

  I turned away, unable to discuss this any further.

  “Dilly?” Gramps said, hurt in his voice. “You can’t believe that I would send you into danger? I know you will be able to handle this.”

  “Not the point, Gramps. It isn’t the danger that has me sick. It is the thought of having to exchange conversation with the murderer of my father.” I had to leave. I wanted to get the hell away, but I offered, “I understand. Now, I have to go.” I moved away from Gramps, feeling like the worst granddaughter ever because I got on tippy toes and kissed Cole before I said in a cloud of purple smoke, “Gotta go. I’ll be back in time.” I never kissed Gramps good-bye, and a moment later, I was chastising myself.

  I nearly went back to throw my arms around him, but I was running out of time and I had to get to Kallem. I would make it right with Gramps later.

  I went inside myself and asked the ‘key’ to open the door to Kallem’s room in Mac’s home in the Human Realm.

  So easy, so quick, and there I was, standing by Kallem’s empty bed.

  What the holy frigging hell was going on? My heart lurched. He had to be okay. He had to be…? Had they moved him again?

  I heard a movement at my back and spun around to find Zelda looking very much more like herself and got right to the point, “Kallem? Where?”

  “A bitch, calling herself his mate, came and took him, Dilly. By Goddess, if I could have stopped her I would have. There wasn’t anything we could do.” Zelda flung her hands. “She was a tall broad with yella hair and sparkling eyes.”

  “His mate? She said she was his mate?”

  “I’m sorry, hon, yeah, that’s what she said. When I tried to stop her from taking him with my magic, she laughed at me and said while my magic was strong, it couldn’t stop a Royal princess. Royal asshole. She said she tracked her Kallem to us, and was taking him home to heal him. Then poof, and they were gone.”

  “His mate? A Royal princess—his mate?” I was dumbstruck and stuck on the words ‘his mate’. Something long and pointy stabbed directly into my heart. The words were like razors in my brain. I felt like I was bleeding inside and that soon the blood would pour into a pool at my feet.

  I don’t know what I looked like, but Zelda put an arm around me and said, “Aw hon…”

  All I could do was mumble something incoherent and then I think I said, “I see.” It couldn’t be true. Had Kallem been playing with me? Was he already mated?

  Zelda let out a series of curses. “Look, Dilly, this is my take on it. She—this royal whatever didn’t make sense to me and it still doesn’t. I liked Kallem and I don’t think he is the kind to purposely hurt an innocent, and you, kid, are just about that. Something doesn’t add up. So, my advice, don’t convict him yet.”

  His mate? “But she took him to Faery, and she said she was his mate?”

  Zelda’s face contorted but she didn’t speak. She didn’t need to.

  He was now in his world where I couldn’t go.

  Even my ‘key’ couldn’t take me past Fae wards into the world of Fae. I turned to Zelda and said, “Thank you. I have to return to Rucker…it is in trouble and I…thank you for everything. I…I am so happy I had the chance to meet you.” I closed my eyes and used my key to take me home.

  I don’t do hysterics.

  I don’t do scenes and drama. But I suspect that if Kallem had been there at that moment, I would have made an exception.

  Kallem had said we were forever. We had made love to each other, with each other, and I couldn’t have been wrong about what he felt.

  The memory of his touch was so vivid, so meaningful. It couldn’t have been just lust. How could it have been? Could I be so stupid?

  Kallem had said…but his mate had come for him. His mate. He had said I was his mate, but he had another all along, waiting for him in Faery. Only she got tired of waiting and came for him. Did she know about me?

  I didn’t go into Gramps’ home…I guess my home now. Instead, I ran for the woods, found a spot all by myself, sank down on a fallen log, and burst into tears.

  * * * * *

  Afternoon came too quickly.

  I used magic to hide my red eyes. I chose a killer black cocktail dress, scooped down to here and way above my knees. I looked in the mirror and wished I could sashay past Kallem looking like this and turn him up cold, after, of course, I kicked him in the balls.

  I stepped into the four inch heels I had stopped by my old room to get and brushed my long black hair until it was like thick silk.

  It was time. I smoothed my hands over the clingy material of my dress and went downstairs to meet Cole, who I heard talking with my grandfather.

  He whistled and then whistled again before he said, “Wait…you better wear something else. Morlan is going to hyperventilate when he sees you and won’t be able to think long enough to remember the spell he used…”

  Cole can always make me laugh, but, this time, I was barely able to manage a half smile.

  He frowned, stepped closer and took my hand. “Dilly, what is it? Are you worried about this? We can call it off if you have any doubts.”

  “Doubts? Well as to that, plans are never sure things. But no, I am not worried about taking Morlan on. He is a fool and can’t see past his hawk nose. Gramps was right. This will work.”

  Gramps walked over to us and put a hand on each of our shoulders. “Dilly, forgive me. I know I have asked too much of you…”

  “No, Gramps, I
am the one who is sorry. You are doing the best you can, under the worst of circumstances. I will do the same.”

  He sighed with relief and cautioned, “Dilly, Morlan spun a tale that made half the realm follow him for a time. He can be convincing, charming, remember that and be careful, because I know you think him a fool, but don’t underestimate him.”

  “Got it, but he no longer has half the realm at his back, does he? There are dissenters everywhere. He knows it and I believe is focused on one thing and can’t see the big picture past that one thing. That, Gramps, makes him a fool.”

  Cole laughed and Gramps shook his head. “Independent little monkey. Go now. It is time.”

  “Where is Mom?”

  “In the garden,” he answered, and his eyes twinkled. “I haven’t told her about your meeting with Morlan. No sense in worrying her. I thought it best to let her focus on…her present situation instead.”

  He knew. Gramps knew about Dad. Later, I would have to find out what he thought about it, but right now I had to ask, “You know, then?”

  He nodded. “He is my son, I was the one who altered the key to be a part of him. Yes, I know.”

  Okay, what did that mean? So, Mom wasn’t going crazy? I wasn’t going crazy? Mom was talking to him…I felt his presence—for real?

  Cole frowned. “Now what? What is going on?”

  I smiled. “Mom stuff, no worries.” I took his hand and called on my purple smoke.

  A moment later we were at Rucker Palace, standing in a private chamber that Morlan had taken for himself as an office.

  He sat behind a very large and ornate desk. He did not get up, but said, “So, you are actually here, and looking more exquisite than ever. Dilly, you should always dress like this. It suits you and the position you will hold.”

  “Cut the crap and let’s get down to dealing,” I said. Cole pinched my side. I frowned at him and stepped away.

  I wanted Morlan’s focus on me, not my friend. “This…” I waved my hand, “isn’t about just you and me. You started a war. You had a whole lot of followers that are followers no longer. I never knew what anyone saw in your ideas of a greater state. There was nothing wrong with the state we had. However, I love our realm too much to watch it be destroyed. You cast a Dark Spell that opened a portal to an unknown realm. Something came through that portal and landed on Rucker. That something is eating away at the core of our world. If we don’t work together to stop it, there will be no Rucker for you and I to rule.”

  “Well put, Dilly, but it seems to be out of my hands. I would rather talk about us,” he said, and came towards me.

  Ugh, ugh, if he tries to touch me, I think I will kill him. No. I will puke all over him and then kill him.

  I took a step back. “Negotiate, Morlan. You want me, and I want the spell you used that opened the portal that brought the freaking monster to Rucker.”

  “Yes, but, Dilly, let us not forget that I don’t just want you. I love you,” he said softly.

  I actually gagged as the words he spoke bombarded my head and bounced back at me. How could I do this? This frigging creep was an idiot, as well as evil incarnate.

  He didn’t seem to notice how sick he had made me feel because Mr. Fucko said, “Oh, my darling. Didn’t you know? You didn’t…Dilly, I should have made it clearer to you. I love you.”

  Okay, he had to stop. I rushed on, “Morlan, I am not going to argue with you about what the word love means, but I will offer you a pact. You have gone beyond the bounds of minor atrocities. You now have the same problem we have. A monster is destroying Rucker. I am proposing you accept a truce of sorts. Let’s bring the factions together, and talk, but you need to help me. I have to know what spell you used to open the portal to this things’ world so I can send it back.”

  “That won’t work,” he said, pyramiding his fingers and touching his nose before he flung his hands apart. “That just won’t work.”

  “How could you know that?”

  “Because when it came through, I saw at once that it did not accept my commands. I immediately tried to send it back using the portal that was at that moment, still open.”

  “And…it didn’t go back,” I breathed in my own words. We were in deep shit.

  “No. It apparently needs something in Rucker soil,” Morlan said, and his tone was resigned.

  “Give me the spell that opened the portal and let my gramps work with it to send the beast back to its world,” I told him, not sure this was the answer.

  He frowned and pulled at his bottom lip. “If I do, you must assure me that all factions will accept my position as King of Rucker. Also, you will stand beside me as my queen…share my bed?”

  Bile rose in my throat. I took a moment and said, “We have never had a king, but yes.” Would he see through my lie? I am not a good liar. I felt my lips twitch with hate.

  “Again, so there can be no mistake. You, Dilly Crescent, will accept your role as my mate…accept my advances, come willingly to my bed?”

  The images this conjured made me sick to my stomach. For a long moment, I was busy desperately trying not to puke. Finally, I was able to say, “Yes.”

  Murderer—my thoughts raged. Sure, then I will come to your bed and cut you while you are still alive, dismember you bit by bit, and throw your body parts to the vultures. That notion settled my insides. The images that brought to mind, put a smile on my face and I suppose gave credence to my huge lie.

  He said, “I see this pleases you. I am extremely happy.” He rubbed his hands together. “Now, you will immediately have your forces lay down arms and bow to my leadership.”

  “No, you have a choice. If you are able, you stop this beast. If not, you give us the spell in question that brought the beast here. Once that is done, I will send for the leaders of each county to sit with you and draw up a treaty. That is the deal.”

  “Then we are at a standstill. If that is my only bargaining chip, my dear, how will I know you will keep your end of our deal?”

  “You will have to trust me. I am a Crescent and true to my word.” Not any longer. But then, does one have to make promises to an insect…a snake…a backstabbing evil from hell? Nah.

  “Ah, therein lies the problem. You are a Crescent and your allegiance may shift once you have what you want—Rucker safe.” He shook his head.

  “Then die here in this palace alone because that thing you brought through…it is destroying Rucker and that means you will die, like the rest of us, only you will be all by your lonesome,” I snapped, and started to turn away from him.

  “Wait, I know this much. It is feeding off Rucker. Take away its food source and perhaps it can be destroyed,” Morlan sounded desperate. I have never heard him quite like that.

  “I suppose you didn’t hear me. It is feeding off our terra firma right down to the core. I don’t know if we have weeks or days before it cracks Rucker’s core.” I wagged a finger. “Now give me the Dark Spell you used!”

  He ignored me and glanced at Cole. “What is a vampire doing here with you?”

  “He will take back your decision to my grandfather. I will stay with you as a token of our good faith,” I answered promptly, and felt a shift of unease sweep through me.

  “Ah, yes, you will stay with me. I like that. Yes. I like that,” he said. “I think you are wrong about Rucker’s core. It won’t be destroyed. It will turn powerfully dark.”

  He was insane.

  “You bastard!” I snapped. “Rucker is like all realms, made of earth and water, wind and fire. Without the elements, even Dark Magic cannot survive. Rucker’s core is going to explode if this beast is allowed to live. Give me the spell or feel my blade cut through your gut, now, right now.”

  Oh no, oh no, what have I done?

  “Now there is the real Dilly!” He eyed me thoughtfully. “You know, I don’t have to agree to anything. You are in my territory. I can take you prisoner and still do as I please.” He nodded towards Cole, who had remained quiet throughout, b
ut whose fangs had just begun to show. “Do you think he can stop me?”

  “Do you think I would come here with my very good friend if I couldn’t stop you?” I scoffed. “Take me prisoner? I think you should think about who and what I am, or are you forgetting that I am the key?”

  “There is that,” he said more to himself than to me. “Ah, but you made an error bringing a friend. Why did you do that, Dilly? You know what I am and you know a mere vampire doesn’t stand a chance in my quarter.”

  “Time to go, Cole,” I whispered.

  Cole said, “Not without you, Dilly-girl.”

  “I am going to talk to him another moment longer, alone. If he doesn’t agree to the terms, I will tear him apart and then follow you. Now, get out of here.”

  Cole stood his ground. “Not going anywhere without you.”

  Morlan sneered, flicked his wrist, and a magical rope wound its way around Cole before he could tap his amulet. His fangs were completely distended now as he gave Morlan a vampire hiss and threatened him.

  I was so damned annoyed. This had gone south too fast.

  Gramps had thought Cole could be used as a distraction, that his presence would somehow keep Morlan in check, that he would be my protection. I had not. Oh, sometimes I just hate, absolutely hate, being right!

  Now, here I was in an untenable situation and it would be up to me to do the protecting. Maybe the time had come to just kill Morlan…slowly? The notion made me smile.

  As to the plans Gramps had in mind, damn the plan. Damn all plans!

  ~ Six ~

  MORLAN MOTIONED TO HIS minions and two of them took up a stance on either side of Cole, who was trussed up with a magical cord.

  I was beyond irritated and without a thought, I zapped Morlan’s men. They fell in two heaps, quite unharmed and would sleep for hours. I was changing. I knew it at once. My first instinct had been to kill the two guards. It had taken control to simply put them temporarily out of commission. Was it the ‘key’? Was it turning me dark? Or was it life turning me away from the naïve young woman into a warrior?


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