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Behind the Veil: 3 (Temptation Unveiled)

Page 6

by Alexander, R. G.

  “I’m just a simple tracker, Detective. You’ve got me all wrong.” His groan rumbled in his throat as he looked down at her with need in his eyes. “You’re right about the dialogue, love. Is this an official police interrogation? How do you expect me to concentrate when you’re touching me like that?

  She couldn’t seem to stop. “I don’t know. I’m kind of worried about my mental state if you want to know the truth. First the usual nightmare, then that weird guy in the cave and now this. I’ll admit I was missing my gun earlier today but that is no excuse for this. What do you think my mother’s dream dictionary would say about me chaining a naked Fae prisoner up to this kinky Frankenstein bed without a lawyer?”

  Sheridan met his gaze and licked her lips. “Or about me thinking of riding him on it, in front of all those nice officers?”

  Finn groaned. “Not as much as it would say about you thinking of your mother when you have me naked at your command.” His grin made her heart race. “But I’m more interested in those other kinky fantasies you said you’ve had about me. Refresh my memory, Detective. What did we do and how much did you enjoy it?”

  She flicked his nipple with her nails and he inhaled sharply. “Thank you, Faery Freud, but I’m the one asking the questions. Behave or I’ll tell you about the ones you were in with the Brad twins. In graphic detail.”

  “The Vikings? I’m willing if you are. As long as I got to be in charge…and neither of them got to touch you.”

  “So not going there then.” She glanced around the room so he wouldn’t see her blush. It was an ordinary interrogation room…for a porno. But none of this should be here. She shouldn’t be here. She’d just gotten an important message…something she needed to tell Meru. “Where is Danu?”

  Finn glanced around the room and lowered his voice. “The audience I can handle, but now you’re invoking Danu? If you wouldn’t mind, Sheridan, I’d rather she not see me like this. With you and your family around, I’m not sure she wouldn’t come when you call. Especially in your dream.”

  Sheridan shrugged. “She never has before. No one has. And believe me, I’ve called for her more than once. Hell, I’ve even begged for Myrddin. I’ve never seen anyone else until now. Never left my own interrogation room.”

  “Oh Sher…”

  Sheridan circled the room, studying every corner and sliding her hand over each wall. Nothing. No clues. No other exits. “This is so weird. I thought she might be in here. I saw her in the last room. And then that man said—”


  She shuddered. His voice always did this to her. She’d long ago decided it was one of his “gifts”. The sound of it. That slight, almost undetectable accent. It was a voice that could heat her blood with one word. Make her thighs tighten and her heart race. It had to be a Fae enchantment. She’d believed her experiences had left her immune to its power. Hoped.

  Obviously she was wrong.

  When she came back around to stand beside him, she crossed her arms defensively. “Don’t distract me, Tracker.” She ran her eyes over his lovely, muscular body anyway. Thoroughly distracted. “Either you tell me where you hid it, or I have to wake up. I don’t have time to play.”

  “Before I tell you about whatever it is I’m supposed to be hiding, answer me first.” Finn licked his lips again, studying her body. “When you imagined me before, was I tied up like this?”

  “No,” she admitted, her voice lowering. “Not you. Never you.”

  He lowered his thick lashes. “Do you let me have my way with you, Sher? Without fear? Do you like it?” She nodded and he closed his eyes for a heartbeat, groaning. “You shouldn’t have told me. Though you wearing that is enough to make my restraint worth it.”

  “Wearing what?” Sheridan looked down at her body and her jaw dropped. “What the hell? Was the animal print not enough?”

  Sheridan walked over to stare at herself in the window and pointed at Harold, who obediently flipped a switch that made the row of Chippendale cops disappear and turned the glass into a reflective surface.

  “Great.” Now she was dressed as Catwoman. “This just keeps getting better.”

  Finn groaned. “Without a doubt.”

  A black leather bikini top and low-rise leather shorts revealed the lean muscles of her arms and legs, as well as a stomach that had never been so tight and flat. She touched it with a kind of awe. She actually had the faint outline of a six-pack. All these weeks of hard work with Raj, these months of training, seemed to be paying off.

  She was now officially in better shape than any man she’d ever dated. Except for Marco, the weightlifter she’d ended things with after he became addicted to spray tanning. But even he wouldn’t have been able to run up the side of a mountain without straining one or more of his bulky, orange-tinted muscles.

  She could.

  Would it be enough? Would any of it be enough when facing off against the Dark?

  She studied her scars, wounds that wrapped around her side and peppered her back and legs. The deepest mark was a slash from the top curve of her left breast to her collarbone. An image of herself screaming, of the blood covering her body, popped into her mind’s eye. She shook her head, determined not to go back to that part of her dream. She had to wake up first.

  But why?

  Why was she trying to leave so quickly? She didn’t actually want to. She wanted to stay in this place where, at least for the moment, Eonis wasn’t in her head. Where she was free. Here with Finn, who was currently trussed up like a holiday meal made just for her.

  Don’t think about that, Sheridan.

  But how could she think about anything else? Her short shower hadn’t satisfied her. The three orgasms she’d given herself before she fell asleep hadn’t done the trick either. The need for him still burned inside her. She was ready for him now. Wanted him now.

  Was that it? Had her insane desire for Finn helped her escape from her nightmare when nothing else could?

  She saw him in the mirror’s reflection, his cheeks dark and his eyes like violet flames as they studied her. This. Yes. The dream was so much more detailed than the fantasy. More real. Had she ever imagined feeling this way again? Sexy? Feminine? She couldn’t help wondering what he thought. “Enjoying the view?”

  His voice was deeper than before. Seductive. “If I enjoyed it any more, I would embarrass myself for the first time in well over a thousand years.”

  Sheridan turned around, gesturing to her bared skin. “Even with all these changes? Even with the scars?” She couldn’t believe she’d asked him that. Dream or not, she didn’t want to know. Didn’t want his pity. “Never mind.”

  “I might wish you’d never suffered to earn them,” he rasped. “But if anything, they only add to your beauty, Sher. My only complaint is that you’ve taken out that sparkly little jewel that adorned your bellybutton when I first met you. The one I wanted to wrap my tongue around.”

  She strode back to him and cranked a lever beside the slab-like table, until he was horizontal. She climbed up onto his body and straddled his hips. This was her fantasy. Her reward for all that time spent in the darkness. Even so… “I shouldn’t be doing this. I should be remembering that we don’t even like each other. I should be interrogating you and getting answers.”

  When Sheridan rolled her hips experimentally against the hardness she could feel through the towel, they both moaned.

  “Not to argue the point,” Finn said breathlessly, “but not even you can deny the evidence of just how much I like you, Detective Kelly.”

  She smiled, wanting to believe him. “It wouldn’t be much of a fantasy if you didn’t. But this is definitely different. We don’t usually talk this much. And like I said before, you aren’t usually the one restrained. Why haven’t you demanded to be released or flashed away yet? Why haven’t you held me down?”

  He huffed out a rough breath. “I don’t appear to have much choice in the matter. This isn’t my dream. But tell me honestly, since you’re s
o sure we don’t like each other… If this were really happening, if I were really here and free, would you come anywhere near me?”

  He lifted his hips off the table, pressing his erection against her as if needing more. She arched her neck and gasped for air as he spoke again through clenched teeth. “Would you be this close to me now?”

  She couldn’t lie to him. Not here. There was no point. “If I were awake? Not a chance in hell, Tinkerbell.”

  “Exactly,” Finn grumbled. “I suppose I can take comfort from the fact that you must feel safe now or you wouldn’t be calling me names again.” He looked into her eyes, his expression one of restrained intensity. “Do you, Sheridan? Do you feel safe with me now? Locked up and controlled like this?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was no more than a breathless whisper.

  His smile was a sexual challenge. “Then stay. Get your answers. You’re safe here, so stop thinking so much. Hate me and ignore me in the morning when you wake, but tonight? You can do anything you want to me. With me. Anything.”

  Anything. She rocked her hips against his erection again, leaning down to kiss his neck. “I want the spear. It’s so long and hard…I need it, Tracker.”

  “Love, I’ve got exactly what you need.” Finn groaned. “Take off my towel and search me again.”

  She huffed out a laugh against his skin. “That’s not the spear I’m supposed to be looking for.”

  Finn swore. “All I can think about is your lips on mine. Your taste. Kiss me, Sheridan. Stop the interrogation and kiss me.”

  “You’re awfully bossy for a submissive dream fairy.” But she lifted her head and kissed her way up his body slowly. Teasing him. “I’m the one in charge here, apparently. I say when and where you get kissed. My dream, my choice. Isn’t that what you said?”

  “Did I say that?” Their lips were inches apart. She could feel his breath across her cheek as he inhaled and softly sighed. “Then choose, Sheridan Kelly. What do you want to dream about?”

  Though she knew it made no sense, Sheridan smiled as a dark thread of excitement snaked through her. “I could really get into this dominatrix cop thing. Maybe I could dream up a nice paddle as well. Get a chance to spank you for a change. If you were the real Finn, I would.”

  “I know.” A shadow crossed his expression. “Lucky for you, I’m not real. If I were, I would never forget the implication that you’ve allowed me to spank you before. That you enjoyed it. Especially when the real me wants to throw you over his lap and make you beg and cry out for release for introducing him to the new and wonderful world of sexual frustration while you were denying us both our pleasure. Lucky this is just a dream. No consequences. No commitments.”

  She nodded, shivering at the thought of the real Finn spanking her. Driving her to the edge. “That is lucky. Although, since it is just a dream, I’d like to see you try, Tinker Stud.”

  “Stud?” He snorted. “That’s a step up from Tracker or Tinkerbe—”

  Her mouth on his cut him off mid-sentence. Oh yes. She remembered those lips. The first time he kissed her. The first time she forced herself to push him away. How many nights had she lain awake regretting that? Imagined a different ending, one that would have satisfied them both?

  She moaned against his mouth and tilted her head for a deeper kiss. She wanted more. His tongue came out to trace her lower lip, asking for a permission she gladly gave. Yes. More.

  Something inside her, something she’d thought completely buried, came roaring to the surface. Need and passion. Hunger and desire. His taste… He was as delicious as she remembered. As instantly addictive. She bit his lower lip and whimpered at his growl, thinking of her latest fantasy. But this was so much better.

  Her hips rocked against his almost unconsciously. She wished there was nothing between his skin and hers. No layers of leather and terry cloth to separate them. Too many layers.

  A moment later Finn tore his mouth from hers and swore. “Bloody hell, I’m starting to love the way you dream. Sher, you let me go.” He sat up, his arms wrapping around her as the handcuffs disappeared and his torture rack became a bed. “I knew you’d feel like this against me. Now that I do… You’re making it hard for me to hold back, Sher.”

  She looked down their bodies and realized that not only was he free, but what little clothing she’d worn had disappeared. So had his towel. Sheridan lifted her hips and pulled out of his embrace enough to sit on his thighs, studying his body. Speaking of hard. “Are you kidding me?”

  He chuckled roughly. “You see how you affect me? Just look at you. See what I see. You’re perfect.”

  Sheridan couldn’t. She had no desire to look away from him. She bit her lip. “I’m not. Don’t say that. I don’t need you to say that.”

  She licked her lips. He, on the other hand, was perfection. A work of carnal art she couldn’t resist touching. His sculpted shoulders were strong and alive under her hands, all lean, coiled muscle and warm, smooth skin. Everything about him was sensual and intoxicating, arousing all of her senses.

  And he was hung. In her wildest dreams, he’d never been quite this well endowed. The sight of just how well made her mouth go dry and her thighs heat.

  She swallowed, wishing she had the strength of will to tear her gaze from his jutting flesh. “So, is this another Fae thing?” Her thighs trembled against his and her stomach was actually fluttering with anticipation. “I mean, um, is this size normal?”

  Her answer came through gritted teeth. “It’s a me thing. I haven’t really thought about whether it’s normal, though I’ll admit it’s been awhile since it’s reacted quite this way. Must be the company. You did say you were looking for a spear, Detective.”

  Her palms moved without her conscious direction, sliding down his ridged chest and abs to wrap around the long, thick shaft of his cock. He was silk and steel and fire beneath her hands.

  He hissed and she shivered, realizing her long fingers barely met around his thickness. Her stomach clenched again with a decidedly female flutter and liquid fire pooled low in her belly. Did it scare her?

  The only thing that gave her pause was how much she wanted to taste it. How much she wanted to know what it felt like inside her. She was desperate for it. Too desperate.

  “You could take me,” he growled, seeming to read her mind, though she knew the real Finn couldn’t. “I promise you, love. You could take all of me.”

  Gone was the cool, enigmatic Fae. This was the storm beneath the calm. The wild, otherworldly being that was the embodiment of every erotic, forbidden fantasy she’d ever had. Almost. But he hadn’t grabbed her, hadn’t taken over since she’d pulled away from his embrace. She’d released him and he still restrained himself, his hands in fists at his side.

  “What are you waiting for?” she whispered, confusion mingling with arousal inside her clouded mind.

  “You, love. I’m always waiting for you.” His rough voice sounded pained. “I told you this was your dream and I won’t take it from you. Now you tell me what you want.”

  Sheridan licked her lower lip and lifted herself off him until she was on her knees beside him. She could tell him that she wanted him to take over. To own her. That she wanted to be spanked and taken. All of that was true. But even stronger than that desire was the need to make him crazy too. To own him. “Why don’t I just show you?”

  She lowered her head until her lips brushed against the flushed head of the erection she was still gripping in her fist. She licked her lips, swiping her tongue against his skin as she did. And just like that she knew she was lost.

  Oh unfair, she thought, closing her eyes and opening her mouth wider. She wrapped her lips around the tip and sucked. Delicious and unfair. She’d thought kissing his lips was addictive. It had to be yet another superpower. Finn could flash, he could track, he could shoot light out of his fingers, for crying out loud…and now this?

  She lifted her mouth, already wanting more the moment her lips left his skin. “You taste like— I
can’t even describe it. How?” And then she couldn’t say another word, because she had to sample him again. She was too hungry. Crawling-out-of-her-skin hungry. Starving for his cock.

  It was beyond description. An obvious Fae trick to ensure the males of the species were pleasured fully and often by the women who knew their secret. She could taste his desire on her tongue. Taste his arousal as it increased to a point of pain. She could even taste his restraint, his feelings, that he needed to hold back for her sake. How was that possible? It was more than salt and earthy male. It was chocolate and the thrill of the chase and fucking sunrise on the beach after a hurricane.

  A dream. This was just a dream.

  He laughed shakily, and then she heard him moan when she slid her mouth down his shaft, taking as much as she could. His words sounded farther away, barely discernible over the heartbeat drumming in her ears. “Too complicated to explain. Oh yes, Sher. Chalk it up to pheromones and… That’s right. It feels so damn good. Don’t stop.”

  His hips jerked upward and his hand cupped her jaw, fingers sliding into her hair. Sheridan whimpered, her mouth stretched full of him and this taste she couldn’t get enough of. He was taking over, guiding her mouth. Oh God, she loved it. Her body ached, wanting him inside. Needing him.

  Her hand slipped down between her legs. No fantasy had ever been so intense. Just hazy need and release. This was raw and gritty and real. No sex, real or imagined, had ever been as good as this and they’d barely even begun.

  His growl was her only warning. He released her hair and used both hands to grip her hips, turning her body around toward him and leaning back in a move that had her knees pressed against his shoulders. His mouth… Oh God.

  She could feel his breath against her thighs and she moaned as he spoke. “I tried. But I have to, Sheridan. You’re so hot. So sweet. You need this…and I have to know…”

  He moaned against her sex, his talented tongue creating fireworks behind her eyes and vibrations through her body. His grip tightened on her hips, dragging her closer to his mouth. Sheridan cried out around his cock as his tongue slid between the swollen, sensitive lips of her sex, filling her, the constant rumble in his throat letting her know he loved her taste as much as she loved his.


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