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Behind the Veil: 3 (Temptation Unveiled)

Page 10

by Alexander, R. G.

Sheridan’s eyes flew open at Ceri’s startling comment. She blinked in confusion. “His beard?” she whispered. “She’s going to shave his beard?”

  Dian chuckled softly behind her. “Of course she is. Personally, I’m not averse to facial hair. In fact I’m rather entranced by it. We always covet what we lack, don’t we? But in this case, I believe a change is just what he needs to feel like a new man. And my Ceri has a fondness for smooth skin. I’ve spoiled her so.”

  She barely heard Dian’s words, drawn to the scene before her eyes. She was in one of Raj’s many guest bedrooms. Kyle’s room. She and Dian were standing behind the overstuffed lounge chair in the corner as they watched Kyle and Ceri kneeling on the floor at the foot of the king-sized bed.

  The two faced each other solemnly, separated by a porcelain bowl of steaming water, a small towel and a gleaming, old-fashioned razor. Kyle’s chest was bare and his jaw was covered in white foam.

  Hardly the kinky tableau Sheridan had been expecting. Shaving wasn’t something she thought anyone considered sexy. It was more of a shock. Since he’d hit puberty and had the ability to grow facial hair, she’d never seen Kyle without a beard. He loved that thing. So much that he’d chosen to keep it over his last three girlfriends.

  She turned her chin toward Dian, keeping her eyes trained on the surreal scene. “If this magical trip is supposed to convince me that you aren’t messing with my partner’s mind, you’ve failed. There is no circumstance I can think of that would induce Kyle to—”

  Sheridan’s lips parted in a surprised gasp as Ceri raised her hands to her shoulders and, with a shrug, dropped her shimmering robe to her waist. She was naked beneath. Breathtaking and completely naked. Her skin was radiant, her high breasts captivating. She was so flawless she seemed more a work of art or magic than anything real.

  Okay. Maybe there was one circumstance.

  Kyle’s guttural groan told her he agreed. Ceri’s full lips tilted at the sound. “I’m glad you approve. Now that I’ve fulfilled my part of this bargain, I should warn you not to move. I haven’t had to do this in a while.”

  He didn’t and neither did Sheridan. Long moments passed where she forgot to breathe. She heard the scrape of the razor and the splash of water as it was rinsed. She watched Kyle’s chest rise and fall with deep, labored breaths, clearly aroused by the naked body leaning toward him. Ceri’s breasts were close enough for him to touch, her movements at sensuous odds with her mundane task. Sheridan couldn’t find it in her to blame him.

  It was one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen.

  Dian’s voice behind her made her body jolt. “She’ll expect me to join them soon, Druid, and I’ll admit I am impatient to do so. First, however, let me put your mind at ease. We invite you to watch. To be the silent witness to our claiming. In fact, invite isn’t the correct word. We request your presence.” She could hear the anticipation in his voice. “Ceri and I will stop at any time if you feel we are forcing your friend to do something against his will. Just call our names. But I suggest you consider carefully before you protest. Kyle does appear to be enjoying himself.”

  He did, didn’t he? The traitor. “You won’t take anything from him? Scramble his brain? Lay this out for me. How exactly does this claiming occur? How will it protect him?”

  Her new friend sighed. “Alas, we are discovered. Luckily he had the good sense not to come barging through the door. Apologies, young Sheridan. I must leave you in the capable hands of another. I promise you, one way or another, you will be satisfied before you leave this room. Finn, I have requested she observe the claiming. Honor this.”

  Before she could ask what the hell he meant by that, Dian brushed past her, joining Ceri and Kyle’s intimate communion. She saw Kyle swallow hard at the Fae’s sudden appearance, but he didn’t move away when Dian knelt beside them. If anything, he seemed more excited than he had been before.

  She’d had no idea her old partner was so…adventurous.

  She knew Finn was there, but she refused to admit it, ignoring him until he swore softly behind her. “Are you going to acknowledge my presence or should I just leave you here without a means of escape? You know Kyle better than I do. How would he react if he discovered that you, of all people, were watching him experiment with such abandon?”

  Sheridan wanted to respond, but for some reason, she couldn’t tear her gaze from the threesome. Dian was cleaning away all evidence of Kyle’s beard, and Kyle? She’d forgotten he had a jaw line. Or such a strong dimple in his chin.

  The difference was amazing. She hardly recognized him. She shook her head in stunned resignation. “I honestly don’t know, Fairy man,” she whispered. “Ten minutes ago, I would have bet you anything that not even Aphrodite holding a winning lottery ticket in her teeth and a cold beer in her hand could have convinced the man I knew to shave that thing off, let alone have a magical threesome. My partner is gone. This Kyle is a complete mystery.”

  “He hasn’t changed, Sheridan. He’s just a man facing down an irresistible set of temptations.” His breath came out slowly, as if he were relieved. “I thought you’d still be raging over their arrival.”

  He reached for her and every muscle in her body tensed.

  “Don’t, Finn.” She couldn’t let him touch her. Not yet. Not after that dream. She needed to hold on to a little of her anger, if only for the sake of her reputation. And for Kyle. “I am raging. I’m just doing it silently so I don’t humiliate my friend. He shouldn’t have to do this. I mean it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that he wants to, but he shouldn’t have to. If your kind had more control, this wouldn’t be an issue. As if I needed another reason to be wary of the fairy.”

  Large, warm hands cupped her shoulders and she shivered, her body’s reaction belying her words. His fingers curled into her skin and she bit her lip to hold back a groan. Why hadn’t she moved away before he touched her? She had no sense of self-preservation.

  He growled in her ear. “You didn’t seem to be raging a few moments ago with the Dweller. Even now you can’t look away from him. What did the two of you talk about in your bedroom?”

  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Are you jealous of Dian?”

  He turned her around to face him and Sheridan’s heart sank. A few months ago she would have been able to resist him. A few days ago, before her dream, she would have wanted to. Looking at him now? The only voice currently in her head was begging her to tear his clothes off and see if the reality measured up to the dream.

  “Of course I’m jealous. You took a complete stranger’s hand and let him have something I’ve worked my ass off to earn—your trust. And now I find you mesmerized by Kyle’s seduction.” He moved closer, lowering his voice. “I lied when I suggested he wouldn’t enjoy knowing that. Knowing you’ve seen him naked at last. That would be the icing on his already multilayered fantasy cake. He doesn’t hide his thoughts that well. Especially the ones about you.”

  Sheridan took a shaky breath and rolled her eyes halfheartedly. “You’re giving your kind a bad name, Prudence. I thought exhibitionism was all the rage down in Tinker Town. Besides, I’ve already seen Kyle naked. Did you miss the part where he’s my best friend and I’ve known him forever?”

  Okay, that might have been stretching the truth a bit. She’d seen Kyle mostly naked when they were both much younger, and never in a sexual context. But what Finn didn’t know would drive him crazy. And then they would be even.

  “Oh have you now?” That intense violet fire leaped to life in his gaze and he licked his lips. Oh God. Had she pushed him too far?

  “Was I wrong?” he murmured, turning her back around to watch the threesome. “Are you the jealous one, love? Two of my kind, highly skilled lovers with infinite stamina are about to bring Kyle more pleasure than he’s ever had the audacity to imagine. More pleasure than his fantasies of you and him together—the ones we both know he’s had since he first realized he could.”

  Finn’s voice was positively wic
ked as he continued. “Imagine being the focus of two pairs of hands, two tongues ensuring your climax. All your pleasure magnified. All your desires met before you even know you have them. And I can assure you, when it’s over, he’ll never regret it, Sher. Sex with our kind will change him. He’ll never be satisfied with ordinary again.”

  She took a breath when he paused, wishing he would kiss her.

  “What he will be is able to walk freely among my people, something that, as a rule, is unheard of. And yes. That is for you. All of this…” The gravel in his voice deepened with an emotion she wanted to ignore. “Everything I’ve done has been for you. So forgive me if I begrudge the Dweller and your human their place in your sacred inner circle. My patience is wearing thin.”

  Oh hell. She couldn’t take it. Finn’s words felt like foreplay. Her entire body was tingling and alive. Aware of him. Wanting him. His words had been an unknowing seduction. His voice held the same magic it always had. There was no way to respond to that. No coherent way. So Sheridan didn’t bother trying.

  She was jealous of Kyle and she wanted what Finn was describing. As long as there was some way to duplicate him. Now that was a fantasy that, if she were honest, thrilled her far more than the Viking twins. Two of Finn.

  Her body was wound so tight she wasn’t sure which way was up. She glanced over her shoulder to find him looking at her the same way he had in her dream, which did nothing to restore her equilibrium.

  Damn that dream anyway. Memories of it were making it impossible for her to pretend she couldn’t stand him. Wasn’t that the reason why she was hesitating to continue their banter or make him apologize for Kyle’s inauguration into the wonderful world of woo-woo? A part of her, the part that was getting stronger by the minute, didn’t want to move away from him. Didn’t want him to stop touching her.

  She had no desire to fight him and she didn’t want to pretend nothing had changed between them. That she was still Sheridan Kelly, the one person in her family not impressed by the magical men who’d come to change their lives. The only woman on the planet who didn’t melt at the sight of the redheaded, magnetic Fae.

  The lie was getting too hard to maintain.

  Finn must have seen the give in her expression. He whirled her around again until she was flush against his hard body, his erection pressing insistently against her stomach, just as impressive—just as impossible—as it had in last night’s fantasy. “Talk to me, love. What are you thinking? They can’t hear us if you speak softly.”

  “I’m thinking you should stop calling me that.” Her whispered comeback was lacking its usual sharp tone. He smelled too good. Felt too good. She needed to focus. “I’m also thinking I should leave. Now.”

  Maybe another shower with her personal massager would help.

  Finn shook his head slowly, his gaze never leaving hers. “Stubborn. But even if you won’t tell me, you can’t leave yet. You’ve been asked to bear witness. It would be an insult not to comply.” He took one deep breath, leaning closer until his lips were pressed against her hair. “They will also know if you don’t turn around.”

  “You’re the one who keeps distracting me.” She tilted her head to one side, baring her neck to his gaze. “You’re also the one who hasn’t let go of my arms.”

  He released her slowly, his fingers caressing her skin before they stopped touching her completely, but she didn’t move away from him. Why wasn’t she moving?

  Finn’s jaw clenched. “Turn around, Sheridan. Now.”

  Had he turned her or had she moved on her own? Either way, the command in his voice was undeniably arousing. Before she knew the answer, she’d forgotten the question. Who could remember trivial details while watching the three naked bodies rubbing against each other on the bed?

  Her partner and lifetime friend—the guy who’d never met a bachelor cliché he didn’t embrace—was currently sandwiched in between the supernatural couple and loving every minute of it.

  A squeak of surprise slipped out from between her lips when Dian rocked his hips against Kyle’s ass. Was he—? Were they—? Had she missed it?

  Her friend tore his mouth from Ceri’s breast, his attention shifting to the shadows around them. “Did you hear that?”

  Ceri’s laugh was a soft and musical sound. “Distracted already? I know it’s been an age since I was this close to a full-blooded human, but surely I haven’t lost my touch entirely.”

  “Trust me, my darling one, you haven’t lost a thing. You know I can tell.” Dian’s words were muffled against Kyle’s shoulder. Sheridan tried not to notice the pale, smooth perfection of his body where it curled against her best friend’s back. “He merely shares the concerns of our Druid warrior that he’s being enchanted. Suspicious beings these…what do they call themselves? Cops?”

  Ceri slid her hand between Kyle’s legs, grinning with sensual knowledge and delight when he hissed and closed his eyes in pleasure. “Sweet boy, we wouldn’t do that to you. A claiming is too important to be forced. And we don’t have to, do we? You strike me as a man who can handle everything we have to offer. A man who wants so much more than he’s been given. Besides…” She paused, her head tilting toward Sheridan and Finn as if she knew they were there. “I know the Druid would never trust us if we did anything to take away your free will.”

  She was right about that. Sheridan would never forgive Finn or his strange friends if they scrambled Kyle’s brain. But they didn’t need to. He was more than willing. He was eager.

  Sheridan was eager too.

  Dian slid his hand over Kyle’s hip to cover Ceri’s where it closed around Kyle’s erection. “We do this freely, to allow you safe passage so you may protect and aid your dearest friend. We do this selfishly, knowing we alone of our kind will be allowed to sample you during your stay. Others will still try, but you belong to us. We protect what is ours.”

  Kyle made a strangled sound in his throat and the bald Tuatha grinned, obviously responding to something in Kyle’s mind. “The Fae have never been averse to pleasure based on the form it takes. Male. Female. Both. Other. Do not feel shame for enjoying a simple touch. We were all made to be touched. To be loved. Danu herself was known to enjoy variety.”

  She shouldn’t be watching this. Shouldn’t be intruding on Kyle’s privacy. Or be this intrigued about the idea of Dian and Kyle together. It was probably all kinds of illegal that she was enjoying it as much as she was. But God, she was. She was also reveling in the feel of Finn behind her, every part of him hard against her as they silently peered through this veil. Two voyeurs in the shadows, savoring a pleasure that wasn’t meant for them.

  Something occurred to her. “Have you ever done this to me? Watched me without me knowing?”

  Sheridan wasn’t sure why she’d asked. She didn’t want to know. Her body was crying out for his touch. Begging to be free to follow the ruby-haired Ceri’s example. That woman had no inhibitions. She took what she wanted without hesitation.

  At least, that’s what she seemed to be doing right now. Taking Kyle. And Dian. Together.

  Finn’s silence was telling. He had. At some point since she met him, he’d spied on her. When? Where? Had he done it more than once? Since they’d been together again?

  She waited for the familiar rush of indignation. Now was the time the old Sheridan Kelly would shout down the rafters. Or that damned voice would tell her she was a fool and she shouldn’t trust him. She should grab the nearest weapon and knock her pompous fairy nemesis right between the—

  “Sheridan?” Finn sounded surprised.

  She couldn’t blame him. She wasn’t behaving like the old Sheridan Kelly at all. She leaned forward, laying her hands on the chair they were standing behind. The movement pressed her ass against Finn’s hips. She bit her lip. He was so hard. The pressure felt good. Too good. “You’ve watched me. Did you enjoy what you saw? Did you imagine us like this?”

  There was no excuse. No way to explain away her words or her behavior, though she tried.
She was lost in the eroticism of the moment. How could she not be swept away? And she was desperate to re-create what she’d felt last night in her dreams. For satisfaction.

  Finn groaned. “Fuck, love. What are you doing?”

  “Just a dream,” she muttered to herself. “This must be another dream.” It was the only explanation she was willing to accept for her behavior. No better than an animal in heat, she berated herself. No better than the Fae.

  His fingers dug into her hips, guiding her movements against him as though he couldn’t help himself. And she knew it wasn’t wishful thinking—he was just as aroused as she was watching Ceri straddle Kyle with Dian kneeling behind her. Watching her take both men inside her as though they were made for each other. Hearing three matching cries of pleasure.

  Her jeans were too constrictive, too rough on her skin. She wanted them to disappear. She’d done it before. If this was her dream, she could control it. Maybe this time she could actually enjoy herself without her nightmares following her in.

  Kyle was moaning in ecstasy. His face seemed so handsome, so different, and she wondered if she’d ever really seen him before. Seen the man the boy had become. There was a soft glow around him, but her eyes were blurred from desire. Ceri opened her mouth against his chest and bit into his flesh and Kyle growled. Was this the claiming? She didn’t know the Fae were biters. Would she glow like that if Finn took her? Bit her? Right here, right now? She wanted to find out.

  She reached behind her and grabbed his hand, pulling it off her hip to guide it between her legs where she needed it to be. She needed relief, needed dream Finn to give it to her.


  The one word was all she heard before that familiar and—at the moment—hated light surrounded her. Without any fanfare, they were back in her bedroom. Alone. And Finn was standing a few steps away, looking angry.

  That didn’t make any sense. What did he have to be angry about? And why had he taken her away?

  She crossed her arms protectively over her chest and lifted her chin defiantly. “Chicken out, Tinkerbell? Too much for you? I thought we were supposed to be witnessing the claiming. Isn’t that what you said?”


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