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Bond of the Maleri’ 4, Ride Em Cowboy

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by Kate Steele

  Bond of the Maleri’ 4, Ride ’Em Cowboy

  Kate Steele

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2006 Kate Steele

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  ISBN (10) 1-59596-512-2

  ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-512-7

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

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  Editor: Connie Alberts

  Cover Artist: Fabiano Fabris

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  Lights from the computer screen flickered over the round, boyish curves of Zebian Bakar’s face. His fingers flew over the keys, adding to the data that flashed before his silvery blue eyes. So intent was he on the work before him, he didn’t hear the knocking that sounded several times at his door.

  It was only when the door slid open and a hand settled softly on his shoulder that he pulled his attention from the screen. Without looking, his Maleri’ senses told him immediately it was Kiel Omontri, his guardian.

  “Rick says you’ve not eaten since first meal, young one. Come share the evening meal with us, Zeb.”

  “I’m not hungry.” Zeb felt a swift twinge of resentment which he quickly pushed aside, knowing it was unfair to aim such feelings at Rick.

  Rick Mason, Kiel’s human mate, was concerned for his well-being. It was a feeling many others had expressed for Zebian since the death of his parents. Orphaned and alone at the age of twelve, he was an object for concern and pity. Zeb hated it, and so he retreated. Computers and facts and figures had no sympathy to offer. They merely bestowed knowledge and distraction and a surcease of pain when his unruly thoughts skipped back to the happy days before the accident. The accident that took his mother, his father, and his heart.

  “Zebian, I know losing yourself in this work brings you comfort, but come eat. Rick will think you don’t like him.”

  Zeb’s brow crinkled. “That’s not fair. You know I like him.”

  “I know. And you’re smart enough to know I’m using this excuse to get you to join us. I also know you have a heart filled with kindness and compassion. You’ll come, if for no other reason than to put Rick’s mind at ease.”

  A long sigh passed his lips before Zeb rose reluctantly from his chair. His eyes met Kiel’s and found affection and concern. Kiel and Rick had made a place for Zeb in their home. Together they’d held and comforted him through his tears, anger and confusion. In the many months he’d been living with them, they had become his family, a fact that oftentimes frightened him. What if something happened to them? Losing one family had been hard enough. He never wanted to go through that again.

  But Kiel was right. He didn’t want to hurt Rick and so he’d go, eat the evening meal with them and keep his barriers in place. There was a line drawn before his heart and no one -- no one -- would ever be allowed to cross it.

  * * *

  They were having sex. Again. It sometimes amazed Zeb just how often his two mentors indulged. Though he couldn’t hear them, the past six years of living with Kiel and Rick had been enough for him to have established a peripheral link to them both. Now that he was eighteen, they no longer bothered to shield him from the mental vibrations of their play. He could feel the faint echoes of their pleasure as they touched and loved each other.

  Zeb lay back on his bed, naked, his cock erect and aching as he moved his hand up and down in a leisurely stroke from the base to the tip. Eyes closed, he let his arousal build with theirs. Frequent spikes of pleasure drew audible groans from his lips. The hand at his cock moved faster while the other glided the length of his slim torso. His free hand slid over his nipple, pinching the tiny nub as it hardened.

  Their emotions were so strong at times like these. He could almost feel the heat and the slick slide of skin on skin as Kiel’s cock breached Rick’s entrance and slid deep within. Zeb convulsively tightened his grip on his own cock, phantom touches of Rick’s silky sheath surrounding him, urging him to thrust deep into the tunnel of his own fist.

  Zeb let himself sink into the growing sensation. His senses were alive with spectral touches, sounds and heat. The link blossomed open. Rick and Kiel invited him to partake of every aching pulse of pleasure that beat seductively through their veins. Sweat broke out on Zeb’s body. Incorporeal tongues swept over his skin and he groaned aloud, shivers rippling down his spine.

  The need for release grew stronger. Rick and Kiel’s arousal was a wild, demanding thing that pushed them and him over a towering precipice and sent them careening through the air. Zeb’s cry of completion echoed theirs. He came to his senses with his hand still lightly stroking his fading erection. Thick streaks and smears of semen decorated his hand, cock and torso.

  He lay still for a time, until his breathing eased, before rising to clean himself. As he settled in front of his computer, longing made a fleeting appearance in his mind before he pushed it away. He was eighteen now. Kiel and Rick had told him six months ago, on his birthday, that he was welcome in their bed. They allowed him to feel their pleasure when they made love instead of carefully shielding him as they’d done when he was younger. It was the way of the Maleri’. He longed to join them but refused to take that final step.

  Young Maleri’ of eighteen were sent to live with a mated Maleri’ pair. The pair acted as the young man’s mentors. They helped him in his transition from student to part of their exclusive brotherhood. Maleri’ were born empaths, men who were trained to help other people and other cultures. In return, they received benefits for the people of their home planet, Belthola.

  The mated pair saw to their charge’s every requirement, including his indoctrination into all things sexual. Maleri’ males had an instinctive need to seek one man, a mate with empathic powers who would provide not only love and companionship, but who would ensure their very survival. They were not by nature a promiscuous bunch but, as with all living creatures, their bodies demanded an outlet for their physical desires. The young, unmated Maleri’ had his needs met by his mentors until he was ready to seek his mate.

  Zeb knew he had to leave. Because of his circumstances, orphaned at twelve, he’d been living with his mentors for the past six years. Six years in which they’d become a necessary part of his life. If he gave in to the demands of his body, sought to fulfill his sexual urges with them, he knew he was doomed. The love he’d held at bay would spill over and there would be no denying it. No ignoring it. No way to cut himself off from the pain if something should happen to either one of them.

  And so he took the way out that had been offered.

  * * *

  “He’s only eighteen, Councilor Ruran, much too young to be put into service.”

  “I understand your concern, Kiel, I really do. But Zebian will not come into contact with outsiders. His job will be strictly research, data and computers. The boy has an amazing gift. It
would be a shame to waste it unnecessarily.”

  Kiel paced the council chamber. Running a hand through his long, dark hair, his agitation was more than apparent. “You consider his emotional growth unnecessary?”

  “Of course not! To what are you referring? Explain.” Councilor Ruran gave Kiel his undivided attention. He was a man known for diplomacy and fair play.

  “Councilor, the reports you’ve read concerning Zebian all deal with his intelligence, his studies, his aptitude for the job you wish to assign him. They don’t deal with his emotional state.”

  With a frown, Councilor Ruran studied the reports on his computer screen. “His psych exams are here as well. According to them, he’s very well adjusted. You and Rick have done an excellent job with him these past six years. I understand your attachment…”

  Kiel held up his hand for silence. “Please. It’s not just that. Despite the fact that he appears to have recovered from the death of his parents, Zeb has built walls around himself. He won’t let anyone in. Even though my mate and I have established a link with him, he will allow just so much contact before breaking away. It’s been more than six months since his eighteenth birthday and he has yet to come to our bed. Have you heard of any Maleri’ male who turned from his mentors in this way? In most cases, it’s a struggle to curb the young one’s enthusiasm and make them wait.”

  Councilor Ruran cleared his throat. “What you say is true, male sexual urges being what they are. Perhaps there’s some disharmony of some sort?” he asked tentatively.

  “No, the three of us get along very well together. Zeb takes advantage of his link with us when we make love, but he does not join us physically. He’s keeping himself from becoming too involved. He’s hiding behind those walls he’s built. Sometimes I see it in his eyes and feel it so strongly when he looks at me or Rick. It’s a longing so sharp it near brings me to my knees. He’s hurting and he’s afraid. I don’t know how to free him from this fear.”

  There was silence between them for a time. Councilor Ruran sighed. “But what is there to be done about it, Kiel? We can’t force the boy. This isn’t an exercise of the intellect, something Zebian is so aptly talented for. It’s an emotional issue. Perhaps some time apart from you and Rick will bring his need to the surface, make him unable to deny the fact that you two are his family and that he loves you.”

  “I only hope you’re right. What I truly fear is that Zebian will succeed in burying his heart for good. If that happens, what will be his fate when he finally needs to seek a mate? Will he even try?” Kiel sat heavily on the chair in front of the Councilors desk, his eyes filled with worry.

  Again there was silence between them. Each knew the answer to Kiel’s question. For an unmated Maleri’ male there was only one fate. Insanity and death.

  “We will watch him closely. I want you and your mate to continue to have contact with him. If, after a suitable passage of time, we still feel there’s a problem, we’ll have to devise a plan to shake things up. Let’s give the boy time to find his way.”

  Kiel nodded his agreement. “Perhaps you’re right.”

  “Time will tell, Kiel. Time will tell.”

  Chapter One

  Six Years Later

  “But, sir, I’m not a field agent. I really don’t think I’m the right person for this assignment.” Zebian stood before Councilor Ruran, his stomach in knots. It wasn’t often that he left his computers for face to face meetings with any of his fellow Maleri’, especially not one with so exalted a position.

  Councilor Ruran smiled kindly and gestured from behind the big desk that separated them. “Please sit down, Zebian.” Zeb took the chair the councilor indicated. “You’ve been with Division Seven for six years now, is that right?” Zeb nodded. “By my calculations that makes you twenty-four. As you know, all of the Maleri’ brotherhood are dedicated to helping those who have need. And all of us, at one time or another, have worked with people of other planets and cultures. It’s high time you joined your brothers, Zebian.”

  “But, sir…”

  Ruran held up his hand. “Let me fully apprise you of the assignment before you voice further objections.”

  Zeb held his tongue and waited. Best give the man his say, then back out as graciously as possible. Surely he’d be able to make the Councilor understand that sending him anywhere but back to his research would be a mistake. Zeb settled back in his chair, his confidence returning.

  “The planet Casithia is, compared to many others in that sector, a very under developed and mostly rural planet. Casithia’s sister planet, Erogos, assumes guardianship of Casithia, providing defense from outsiders. Because of the system’s development, it is there that the bulk of the system’s food stuff is produced. While visiting here, the Erogian Minister was treated to a meal of Earth produced beef. To say the meal was a success is an understatement.”

  Councilor Ruran locked gazes with Zeb. “The Erogians want beef and they’ve shared what information they have about it with the Casithian High Council. The Casithians want to know how the ranches of Earth operate, what’s involved in the everyday running of a ranch, the care of cattle, breeding procedures. Everything. The people of Casithia would profit a great deal from this. It would open a whole new trade for them with their sister planets in the system and beyond.”

  “So what has this to do with me?” Zeb asked, although he had a terrible suspicion he knew without asking.

  “You, Zebian Bakar, are an expert at gathering and collating data. Your job will be to go to Earth and learn everything there is to know about ranching.”

  “Councilor Ruran! You can’t be serious!”

  “Oh, I am quite serious, young man. Arrangements have already been made for you to stay on an actual ranch on Earth in a place called, hmm, let me see…” Ruran flipped through several screens on his computer. “Ah yes, here it is. Wyoming. Interesting name, don’t you think? Free Plains Ranch owned by a partnership of three, two silent partners and the man who runs the place, one Jace Fremont. Think of it, Zebian, a real Earth cowboy!”


  “Have you never watched any of Earth’s entertainment vids?” Ruran asked, his expression incredulous.

  “No, sir, I haven’t.”

  “Then that’s one of my first orders for you. You leave in three days, and to prepare I want you to watch at least three Earth vids about cowboys. They call them Westerns. I also want you to spend the next three days with Kiel and Rick. Rick will be a fount of information about this part of Earth’s culture.”

  Zeb squirmed in his seat. Ever since he’d moved out, he’d managed to spend a minimum of time with Kiel and Rick, never staying more than a day with them and rarely two. Still, there was a lot of research to be done before he left. Perhaps he could avoid those feelings, both emotional and physical, that threatened to overwhelm him each time he found himself in their company.

  He felt he had to try once more to wiggle out of this wretched assignment. “Sir, don’t you think I would be of more use here? You could send someone else, let them send me the necessary data and I could collate it for the Casithians.”

  “No, I want you there. With your keen mind, you’ll ferret out every iota of information needed. That’s my final word on it, Zebian. Now go. Spend the next few days with Rick and Kiel. Rick is going to help you get outfitted with the proper clothing. I’ve informed them of your assignment and your pending arrival. Arrangements are already being made for your arrival on Earth. You will have a complete identity in place. No one will know you are from another planet.”

  Resigned to his fate, Zeb rose from his chair. “I’ll do my best, Councilor Ruran.”

  “I never had any doubt of that Zebian.”

  * * *

  Zeb stepped off the airplane and followed the other passengers to the terminal. A Beltholan ship had transported him to the surface, cloaking itself against detection. He was deposited near an airport in a place called New York and, according to plan, boarded a plane bou
nd for Wyoming. Once there, he was to be met by an employee of Free Plains Ranch. His arrival was orchestrated to look normal should anyone be curious as to where he’d arrived from.

  His background and credentials were in order. His presence endorsed by two of the three partners who owned the ranch. The third, Jace Fremont, had been very vocal in his objections. Zeb understood his reluctance, considering the fact that it was Jace who’d be responsible for looking out for him. Still, he resented the implication that he’d be unable to take care of himself. How hard could ranching be?

  He’d talked extensively with Rick and viewed the Western vids with him and Kiel. It seemed silly. A bunch of grown men riding horses and chasing cows all over great stretches of open land. What hadn’t seemed silly was the fact that they wore weapons and spent a great deal of time shooting at each other. It was an overwhelming relief to him when Rick explained that the weapons and the shootings were things of the past. Modern day cowboys did not carry six shooters. Still, it seemed that Earth men, at least this breed of Earth men, were a rather rough bunch.

  Zeb tightened his grip on his carryon bag. He was here. There was nothing to do but go forward. No matter how much he longed to call the ship to come for him.

  Once inside the terminal he looked curiously around. There were gates like the one he’d arrived at with people coming and going. A huge open area was filled with seats for passengers awaiting their flights. Smells from several food stands assaulted his nostrils, and he smiled to himself at Rick’s admonishment to stop at some eating place symbolized with yellow arches. He was instructed to have something called a cheeseburger. Oh, yes, and fries. Rick said they were delicious.

  At this point his stomach was less than enamored at the thought of food and so he walked on, coming to the place where the passengers from his plane had gathered to retrieve their luggage. He stood still, letting his gaze wander the crowds. In a sea of cowboy hats, one stood out. Not for the hat, itself, but the body below it -- a man who literally took his breath away. A larger-than-life, modern day cowboy.


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