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Page 19

by Serena Simpson

  “What does she feel like Noah?”

  “She’s so tight and soft like silk. The warmth of her is burning me alive. The walls of her pussy are pulsing around me. She wants me to move.”

  Cole came close to Noah, and my eyes got wide. I knew why he put so many pillows under me now. He reached for the lube lying on the bed. The snick of the cap opening was loud in the room. Noah’s gasp when the lube was poured in him was audible. I watched as Cole worked his fingers into Noah’s ass as I tried not to move.

  Was he going to? He did. Cole took his thick cock and began to feed it into Noah’s ass. The moan that came from Noah made my hips try to thrust up. I tried to stay quiet. Being filled with Noah’s cock and watching Cole impale Noah was too hot for me not to make a sound. Both Noah and I moaned. We were Cole’s it was the best feeling ever. This right here the three of us becoming one.

  “Both of you belong to me,” Cole told us. “Remember I belong to you.”

  He pressed into Noah, who pressed into me. When Cole withdrew, he took Noah with him. When he thrust into Noah, he thrust Noah into me. He was making love to both of us. My hips joined in moving with them.

  I knew I was going to come I had to. Cole’s pace picked up. Noah was grunting and howling with pleasure. I joined him as Cole’s thrust became harder and faster driving Noah deeper into me.

  Noah was begging Cole for release. I was begging them both for release. I felt that ball in the base of my spine the one I was beginning to love because I knew what it meant. It was so tight sending rivets of pleasure through my body. Then it started traveling up my spine loosening a little at a time until it burst. A damn opened inside causing a river of pleasure to roll through me. My head flung back as I screamed my pleasure.

  Noah howled joining me. Cole kept thrusting making our orgasm last longer. Finally, he came. I heard it in the deep groan of satisfaction that gave way to an inhuman sound. Both of my men found ecstasy.

  I couldn’t have been any happier than I was right then. Cole turned us over so we could stay that way for a while. Noah finally got up to get rid of the condom. I fell asleep knowing nothing could ever touch us.

  Chapter Twenty-nine




  “Are you coming?” Noah asked me.

  “I’ll be there in a minute get started without me.”

  “Will do.” He stepped into the bathroom with Cole shutting the door behind him to keep in the heat.

  I sat on the edge of the bed smiling. Every time I thought of last night my blood raced through my veins. It was just a preview of what my life could be like. All I had to do was reach out and take it.

  So why wasn’t I? Cole and Noah thought I was the missing part of their triad. If I were honest, I’d say the same thing. Fear, it’s what stopped me from telling them that I wanted Cole to bite me.

  Between Dante and Angel, I knew what had to be done. They assured me I was strong enough, but I had my doubts. It was one thing to fuck a person who had been abused but to love them enough to spend your life with them. That was a whole new level. I craved that very thing no use lying about it.

  A knock sounded at the door bringing a smile to my lips. Angel liked to pay us visits. He was nice, but every time I saw him; he looked a little sicker. That worried me.

  I picked up the tee sitting on the bed and tugged it down. My smile slid off my face when I opened the door. Why hadn’t I checked to see who was there first? Not that it would matter. The gun in my face wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Scream I beg you.”

  I stepped out of the room closing the door softly behind me. My future finally caught up with me.

  “Where’s Leta?” Cole asked me as the door shut behind me to keep in the heat.

  “She’s coming she said to get started without her.” I dropped my pants and boxers on the floor before I climbed into the shower behind Cole.

  I loved when all three of us were scrunched up in the shower together. The water hitting us while we traded lazy kisses and laughed.

  “Have we heard from Angel yet?” I asked Cole as I grabbed the liquid soap and lathered my hands up.

  “He called last night after you, and Leta passed out.”

  A smile graced my lips Cole made love to us twice. When he was done, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I remember falling asleep feeling both loved and protected.

  “The brother’s name was Maximillian Anderson.”

  “Max, I wonder how he ended up with the same last name since he was a half-brother.”

  “Angel didn’t know,” Cole told me. “He said the male went by the name Maxi.”

  “That was pretty brave of him. Did Angel know how he died?”

  “That’s the part where it gets interesting. Angel said that Maxi was in the car with his father. So, he died in the crash. The father was laid to rest, but Maxi was cremated.”

  I turned Noah around so I could see the expression on his face. His look of unease told me that I might be on the right track. Death was something we all faced, but it came for humans much more frequently. They thought about it differently than I did. It bothered me that the father was laid out, and the son was cremated. Then I learned the funerals had been combined into one. Not knowing what was happening, I was looking to Noah for direction.

  “We need to talk to Angel after the shower. I have some questions for him.” Noah said using his hands to clean my chest.

  “All right, maybe Leta can shed some light on it. I thought she said her brother was laid out.”

  “She did when she was in the car. Cole, where’s Leta? It’s been a while.”

  Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the sliver of a bond that had been trying to form over the last few days. Last night, it had solidified enough that I could feel her if she were close. It wasn’t a real bond, a mate bond, but it was a step in the right direction.

  I turned around under the hot spray of the water. It cleaned me of the soap clinging to my chest.

  “She’s gone.” I reached for a towel on my way into the other room. Noah followed me looking around the room like she may be hiding.

  “She didn’t take her shoes, Cole.”

  I met his eyes; we both knew she didn’t leave willingly. While Noah dressed, I called Angel.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “You always thought you were better than us. You had the money and the power that comes with it.”

  I never thought that, but the look in his eyes told me nothing I said would change his mind.

  “That’s not me, and you know it.” I mounted a useless defense.

  “Big house.”

  “A house I no longer want. A house I inherited from my parents.”


  “The government wouldn’t allow me to get a license or be on my own. I was deemed a threat to myself and others. You know that too.”

  “Too much money for one person.”

  “Money that you control.” Why was I talking to him? Because my life depended on it. The gun was still within easy reach of his hand. Not that it mattered my hands were tied behind my back.

  I cast my eyes to the back seat. There would be no escape. If I was honest there never really was.

  “Why?” I needed to understand why he would do this to me.

  “Because people like you need to suffer.”

  “Cole, where do we start?”

  God, the look he gave me was so cold. I knew it wasn’t meant for me. I could feel the ice moving through his veins along with the fire that someone would touch one of his mates. If he weren’t the combination of ice and fire, the fury in his veins would make him explode.

  “We start with her house. I want to explore that basement.”

  I slammed the door of the car as he took off.

  “Angel, we’re going to Leta’s house. Cole wants to get a better look at the basement they kept her in. Nope, no idea what he hopes to find. Keep looking for her. Yeah, that’s a good star
t. Thanks. Wait, I want eyes on her house and backup ready to deploy if we need them. Yeah, I’ll be checking in.”

  “What did he say?”

  “They’re pulling pictures taken at stoplights to see if they spot her. If they do, they will get eyes on the car. What are you doing?”

  Cole was pulling over to the side of the road.

  “I can fly faster than I can drive. Let’s go.”

  He had the radio on like it was a normal day, and I wasn’t a prisoner in his car. I looked into the back seat again. At least, I now knew I wasn’t crazy, despite what everyone told me. Since I was about to die, I’m not sure it mattered.

  “You don’t have to do this. If it’s money you want, I can give it to you. Do you want power, fame? Whatever you want it can be yours. I agree I have too much money.”

  “I want to rule the world can you give me that? I’m tired of taking orders, of being bossed around. I want the sweet taste of ultimate power. Your money can’t give me that.”

  Because money was never meant to give anyone that. It’s supposed to give us a better life. To make sure we can pay the bills, build the house and take vacations. It’s the assurance that we can feed and clothe our children. It was never meant to make the elite or even the less fortunate feel that it could stroke their dicks until the world knelt at their feet.

  “That kind of power trip doesn’t last long.”

  “Says the girl who never had a worry in her life.”

  “I was locked up for six years, and under the thumb of the government for three years. What the hell are you talking about?”

  He punched me on the side of my face. I should have been quiet, defeated. But the dead talk when they have a chance.

  “You’re a fool. Fuckin’ Naresh has destroyed your mind.”

  There was a surprised look on his face.

  Not as stupid as he thought.

  Noah knocked on the door. He was muttering something about breaking and entering being illegal. I wasn’t listening. The answering of the door brought an end to what he was saying.

  “Hello?” He opened the door a crack to look out.

  “Police, we have a warrant to search the premises,” Noah told him.

  “No one is allowed in the house until the mistress comes back. Go to hell.”

  That was my call. I kicked the door in breaking the new chain before he could slam it shut.

  “Thanks,” Noah said when we walked in. “I heard it was in the basement.”

  When the guy tried to hit Noah. I stopped to watch him take the guy down. He was poetry in motion. Then I left when another came out. I knew Noah could take care of himself, and Leta needed me.

  I rounded the corner to where I saw the basement door the day we rescued Leta.

  “Hey, there big guy.”

  Leaning on the door was a petite female. She was maybe five two with dirty-blond hair pulled back from her face. She weighed more than Leta; I put her around one twenty. I cataloged her because for a moment her petite stature reminded me of my mate. It was plain to see it wasn’t the same. Her ribs weren’t sticking out, and she didn’t have the same hunger for life wrapped up in fear that could break my heart.

  Mostly, it was the AR-15 in her hands that I was paying attention to.

  “I don’t know why you’re here, and I don’t care. I get paid to guard this door. So, unless you got a death wish, leave.”

  “It sounds right that someone should guard the door to hell.” Her eyes widened just a little.

  “Did you hold that same gun on Leta and threaten her life? Or did you stand at the top of the stairs as she was raped and beaten? Female solidarity.”

  Her mouth worked. Whatever words she was trying to say never came out.

  “Drop the weapon.” Noah came from the other side of the circular hallway as I kept her attention on me.

  “I can shoot him.” She said never taking her eyes off me.

  “You could, then I’ll make sure I aim for the head. I never miss this close.” Noah told her.

  “What’s so important about this basement?” She slowly raised her hands. It must have been the sincerity in Noah’s voice that changed her mind.

  “Hope you never find out.” Noah disarmed before taking her to where he had the others stored.

  I started on the locks. The electrical ones were the easiest. When Noah came back, he started on the others.

  “You don’t want to break the door down?” He asked me.

  “Not if I’m thinking like a human. There are ten locks on this door. Most humans would decide to break it down. If I thought that was going to happen what would I do?”

  “Set a trap. You’ve been studying us.”

  “From the day I set my ship down.” I gave him a fast nod. I believed in studying what didn’t make sense. Humans fell into that category.

  “Your ship managed to get through our radar.”

  “There was no radar when I arrived on the earth.”

  “Aww.” Noah finished his last lock, and we both stepped back before leaning over to crack the door open. Nothing happened.

  I went to approach the door; Noah grabbed my arm.

  “Wait, the thing about us humans is we love the unexpected. Surprise motherfucker you're dead.”

  He approached the door and found a switch that was waiting to be triggered.

  “I can work on this, but I’d rather someone who knew his stuff did it,” Noah said.

  “Did someone call my name?” Angel walked over to us.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Cole, your mate asked for backup. Here I am.”

  I nodded stepping back to give him a little room while Noah joined me. I wasn’t leaving.

  “If this blows, it’s taking the house and part of the property. No one will survive.”

  “The humans did that?” I asked him.

  “No, this is not human in origin.”

  Fuckin’ Naresh, who else could it be.

  Chapter Thirty




  Where were we? The car finally stopped. I watched every move we made, but I still had no idea where we ended up. I hoped we might go back to my house. No such luck. Wherever we were, it felt luxurious. There was a lake with several boats tied up to the pier. The house in front of me was grand.

  He wasn’t kind when he pulled me out the car and forced me into the house.

  “Here’s your dessert.” I was tossed on the floor at fuckin’ Naresh’s feet.

  I remembered him. It was like a blank spot being filled in with missing memories. Everything about him rolled over me. I dry heaved at his feet. He smiled down at me like I was doing an amazing trick.

  “Get the other one.” His voice grated on my nerves.

  The door opened and the hell I was in finally became real.

  “I like to play with my food, always have,” Naresh told me like he was admitting to a guilty pleasure.

  He grabbed my head and turned it both ways looking at my neck.

  “Cole didn’t mark you. Now I’m going to take you away from him.” The pleasure in his voice rolled through his laughter.

  Cole wouldn’t mark me until he was sure that was what I wanted. I hadn’t been sure before Markovic held a gun on me. I was sure now. Nothing like facing death to get your priorities in line. Nothing meant as much as Cole and Noah. I had been holding back even as they made my head spin with the way they loved me because I expected them to wake up one day and believe the word seared on my back. It would never happen that’s not who they were.

  “What would he think if he knew I had you? Do you think he would want you back?”

  My shoulders fell. He hated fuckin’ Naresh. How could Cole ever want me after knowing that Naresh had defiled me? What did I have to live for?

  “Take her to the basement.” He told Markovic, who laughed and pulled me stumbling to my feet.

  “Angel, can you disarm it?”

  “Not if you
keep breathing down my neck Cole.”

  I took another step back. I didn’t like the way he kept placing his arm around his middle like he was in pain or worse about to unravel. I knew asking him what was wrong wouldn’t be appreciated.

  Noah pulled on my arm taking me closer to the steps. I couldn’t see what Angel was doing because his body hid his movements.

  Now he muttered, and the door opened completely leaving us in one piece. That was a step in the right direction.

  “Angel wait for us.” His eyes flew to mine, but he didn’t offer a challenge. I wasn’t sure what was happening to him, but I knew that he didn’t need to see that basement. The fact that he didn’t protest told me how bad it was.

  “Noah, behind me.” I hit the light switch on the wall. I didn’t need to take another step down, I could see it all laid before me. I walked down the steps, anyway. Leta spent six years of her life here. I needed to honor her courage with a little of my own.

  “What the hell, Cole?”

  I looked around trying to see it through Noah’s eyes. On the far side of the basement was a modern kitchen. Tools were laid out like a chef would walk down here and begin cooking.

  On the other side of the basement was a torture chamber. The kitchen was new. The torture chamber was old.

  “Noah, do you see anything out of place? Something that shouldn’t be here.”

  “Everything.” He turned from the kitchen and walked toward where Leta was kept. His fingers went to the collar that was broken and lying on the floor.

  “They put this around her neck.”

  The pain in his voice reached me. It slid past the walls I built up. I thought, after all I went through that I could watch the remnants of pain without being affected. I wasn’t as hard as I liked to think.

  My eyes followed the chain to a pallet that was so thin it would have been like sleeping on the floor.


  He found it. The one thing that was out of place in this house of horrors. I watched him walk over and examine it. He went inside as if his eyes were playing tricks on him.


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