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Page 8

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  "Let's get some sleep," Aurus told Chrys. "We'll leave again in a few hours."

  Chrys nodded and cuddled by Aurus's side. As they lay together in their little sheltered cave, Aurus kept watch, questions swirling through his mind. Where are you, Jaden?

  * * * *

  Jaden awoke to the feel of cold water lapping against his skin. He sighed in contentment, loving the way it swept over his scales. The slow whisper of the soft wave acted like a balm for his soul and mind.

  Allowing himself to float in the comfort of the welcoming water, Jaden realized he hadn't taken a few moments to simply relax in a long, long time. He couldn't wait to tell his brother and Aurus about this place.

  Awareness sparked in his consciousness. Something wasn't right. The water felt too cool and he couldn't tell Chrys and Aurus anything. The two mer had been left behind when the dragon kidnapped Jaden from the sea.

  Jaden's eyes shot open and the memories of the past day flooded his mind; the party, the brothel, running away, and meeting the dragon. He'd seen the sun for the first time from above the waters. He recalled the beast flying over the Windswept Sea, talking to Jaden in that peculiar language of the dragons. At some point, Jaden must have fallen asleep or unconscious. Where was he?

  He looked around, trying to figure it out. His eyes widened at the sight of his current location, some sort of endless underground cave. A clear river provided the water to the pool Jaden swam in. The walls of the cavern looked to be sculpted out of priceless gems, mirroring Jaden's with an enchanting shine. Through an opening beyond the end of the pool, Jaden caught sight of a different room, light falling on what looked like a peculiar bed. It was all so foreign, and yet, so beautiful.

  "I'm glad you like it," a husky voice said.

  Jaden yelped and turned to face the source. A dark-haired man emerged from the shadows, smiling. "I thought you would be uncomfortable waking up someplace else—at least until you shift and I can teach you the benefits of a real bed."

  Jaden gasped with dismay and outrage. He flushed at the daring words. "What…? Who in the world are you?"

  The man chuckled. "You may call me Vaar. And you know very well who I am."

  Jaden had the distinct feeling he did, indeed, know the dark man. Even if he could only see the stranger's face and not the rest of him, it didn't take much to figure out his identity. "The dragon."

  "Right on the first attempt, sweet Jaden." The so-called Vaar smirked.

  Jaden hated the shudder that swept through him at the sight of that wicked grin. "Where have you taken me?" he asked, proud his voice didn't tremble.

  Vaar's smile widened. "Can't you guess?"

  "Don't answer a question with a question!" Jaden shot back. By rights, he should be cowering in fright, but for some reason, he didn't fear this man… dragon… whatever he was.

  Vaar's expression softened. "My apologies, my treasure. I couldn't help teasing you." He took a few steps forward, revealing the entirety of his body.

  Jaden gulped and hastily looked away, not that it helped any. The man's nudity had forever branded itself into his mind. His torso looked like sculpted marble, each muscle perfectly defined with almost painful precision. The coppery disks of Vaar's nipples perked up in the cool, damp atmosphere of the cave, begging for attention. And between the powerful, muscular thighs, a mouthwatering, hard cock pointed accusingly straight at Jaden.

  Jaden closed his eyes, willing the image away. If only forgetting could be that easy. He had no luck, not when he could feel the heat of those burning, coal-black eyes searing into his skin.

  Jaden submersed, hiding in the sanctuary of the liquid. Even if it didn't feel like the sea, the temperature too low, it still provided him with a measure of safety. He wasn't unfamiliar with the cold. In Atlantis, it had always been much warmer, but not so in deeper waters and next to the Forbidden Zone.

  Furthermore, in the pool, he understood himself, what he wanted and needed. He already had enough difficulty accepting his attraction to Chrys and Aurus without adding the dragon to the mix. Not to mention that he needed to find a way out of here. By now, Chrys would be worried crazy. Jaden only hoped Aurus would stop Chrys from doing anything foolish.

  All of a sudden, warm arms pulled him against a strong chest. Taken by surprise, Jaden gasped and tried to pull away. The dragon, however, held him tightly.

  "Don't be scared, treasure," Vaar rumbled. "I won't hurt you."

  Vaar's rough hands caressed the top scales of Jaden's tail. Arousal shot through him, for once guilt-free. He melted against Vaar, his entire body aching for something he couldn't really understand.

  "It's okay," Vaar said. "Hold on to me."

  Jaden obeyed. He didn't know why, but he did. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck, feeling more confused than ever. Vaar didn't speak. Instead, he walked toward the edge of the pool, slowly exiting the water.

  Jaden panicked when the air hit his tail. He struggled again, yearning for the soothing familiarity of the water.

  "Shhh," Vaar whispered in his ear. "Didn't you want to know where you are? I'm merely showing you."

  Curiosity replaced panic. "A-All right. But you'll take me back afterwards?"

  "Of course," Vaar replied. "The water is there for you, after all."

  Vaar carried Jaden out of the pool room and into a hallway. Beyond, Jaden caught a glimpse of another luxurious chamber, but Vaar didn't linger there. He slowly progressed down the hall, holding Jaden tightly to his chest. All the while, Jaden did his best to distract himself from the feel of Vaar's arms around him by admiring the dragon's lair. It was miraculous that such a beautiful place had been created by nature. The walls of the passage occasionally changed from stone to reflective gems, recreating the mirror effect from the pool room. Alas, even the cave seemed to conspire against Jaden as, through that peculiar looking glass, he saw himself, held in the arms of a naked Vaar.

  Jaden snapped his eyes shut, not understanding his own behavior. He shouldn't be acting like this, damn it! He should have fought Vaar, cursed him, and tried to break free. Instead, he allowed the dragon to charm him with beautiful, shiny stones.

  "You're thinking too hard," Vaar said. "I assure you I mean you no harm."

  "Then why did you bring me here? What do you want with me?"

  He half-expected Vaar to remain silent. Instead, the dragon replied, "To be my companion, my mate, my treasure."

  Jaden gaped. Surely Vaar couldn't mean what Jaden thought he meant. They'd only met today, at least, face to face. Such a commitment required not only passion, but understanding, acceptance, love.

  Vaar knew all the truths in Jaden's heart, all the shameful secrets, all the hidden lusts. Jaden had spent a long time with the dragon, back when Vaar laid hiding in the depths of the ocean, still in beast form. How could Vaar want him when he knew all that? Was Vaar really the dragon or was he someone else entirely? The latter idea terrified Jaden.

  Vaar must have felt him tense up. "I know it's a lot to process right now," he said. "We'll talk about it later."

  Jaden wanted to protest but Vaar didn't give him the chance. A few seconds later, the dragon stepped out of the cavern and onto a cliff edge. "Look," Vaar said. "This is our home."

  It disturbed Jaden to hear Vaar say "our home" so casually, as if Jaden had already accepted it. It also frightened him, more so because he no longer had the certainty that this was truly his dragon. Jaden couldn't deny a sense of familiarity, but things simply didn't add up.

  Vaar cuddled him closer, rubbing his hands up and down Jaden's arms. "Sorry about the chill. It can't be helped when we're so high up."

  The phrase and the touch effectively drew Jaden out of his musings. He forgot all about his doubts as he obeyed Vaar and looked. A gasp escaped him when he took in the incredible, daunting beauty of the view. The dragon's lair seemed to rest at the very top of the highest mountain in the world. Cloud formations floated around the cliffs, creating silvery, hypnotizing shapes. Beneath them,
Jaden spotted a green, lush land, and beyond, the blue sparkling of the ocean.

  "Is that the Windswept Sea?" he asked breathlessly.

  He felt Vaar nod. "It is. These lands have belonged to my kind for many centuries."

  "You mean there are other dragons around here?" Jaden scanned the neighboring cliffs curiously, but couldn't see any sign of inhabitants.

  "No. There aren't," Vaar replied with a sigh. "Let's go back in. It's too cold."

  Vaar remained silent as they passed through the hallway and Jaden had the disquieting feeling he'd asked something he shouldn't have. When they finally reached the pool, Vaar deposited Jaden in the water and turned to leave.

  "Wait," Jaden said, reaching out to the dragon. "I'm sorry if I offended you. This is truly a beautiful place."

  Vaar gave him an inscrutable look, and then, to Jaden's relief, smiled. "You didn't offend me, my treasure. Just reminded me of something unpleasant."

  "Something unpleasant?" Jaden repeated, confused.

  "Don't worry about it," Vaar said. "I'll bring you something to eat. You must be starving."

  Jaden wanted to pry further but he realized he was, indeed, very hungry. He nodded at the dragon and, with another small smile, Vaar disappeared into the hallway.

  * * * *

  Vaar cursed to himself as he left Jaden's pool room. He hated showing weakness and vulnerability, least of all to his treasure. He'd vowed to protect Jaden and the young mer didn't need to be burdened with Vaar's stupidity.

  And yet, he couldn't help his melancholy. Jaden's words had stirred an old wound inside him, a hurt that had never really healed. As much as he hated to admit it, he'd never gotten over his exile or the reason for it.

  How could he? He was still the same black dragon, the same creature that killed any living thing with a touch. Even the day before, when he'd flown over the forests of Dragon's Ridge, he'd seen trees die as he passed by.

  He'd spent the past day focusing on getting his powers under control, and he felt satisfied he'd managed to achieve his goal. But no matter what happened, no matter how many barriers he put up, the darkness would slip out eventually.

  He couldn't understand why the three mer had been immune. Everything else died at one touch of a black dragon's magic. His hibernation had effectively polluted that section of the Windswept Sea with the deadliest of poisons. When he'd gone into slumber and lost his grip on his magic, wildlife had died, plants withered, even the very ground had shriveled in the aftermath.

  Eventually, he'd have to explain it to Jaden. The young mer wasn't afraid of him at the moment, but what would he think once he found out?

  Frustrated and angry, Vaar went to the part of the cavern that served as his sleeping area. He had hundreds of furs gathered there to serve as a warm, comfortable bed. Vaar rarely used it. When he slept, he preferred to shift into his dragon form. That could be a problem in the future. Of course, Jaden might refuse Vaar's touch altogether, in which case all of his careful preparations would be for naught. For decades, before his hibernation, he'd prepared for this moment, stocking each of his lairs with comfortable beds, washing areas, and beautiful ornaments. Jaden would want for nothing.

  Finally reaching the cooking area, Vaar scanned through the crevices that served as storage and identified the fish he'd prepared the day before for Jaden's dinner. He'd gathered some other meats and fruit to add to the sea food. Perhaps Jaden would appreciate the variety.

  With exquisite care, he readied a tray for his treasure. In the end, what did the rest of the dragons matter? Vaar had Jaden now, and the young mer would certainly understand the situation. Wouldn't he?

  Feeling a bit better, Vaar took the tray and left the room. He found Jaden in the exact same spot he'd left him, still staring at the doorway.

  "Is everything all right, sweet Jaden?" Vaar asked.

  Jaden blinked at him. "Yes… I'm fine. I was just… you seemed upset about something."

  Vaar felt warm inside. His treasure had been concerned. "It's an old memory, nothing more," he replied. "I'll tell you about it sometime if you like."

  Jaden nodded, but didn't prod further. He stole a look at the tray in Vaar's hands. "Is that for me?"

  Vaar almost blushed. He'd completely forgotten about Jaden's food. "Quite so, my treasure," he answered. He knelt on the floor, snickering to himself when Jaden quickly looked away. His mate had a very cute blush. Vaar wanted to tease him further.

  In all seriousness, he needed to fashion some clothes for himself and his treasure. He couldn't have Jaden looking so embarrassed and uncomfortable all the time. Besides, the chill of the cave couldn't be good for the mer. Vaar couldn't risk Jaden coming down with an illness.

  Jaden swam toward him and chose a piece of fish, gobbling it up hastily. He eyed the venison and the nabalka apples with suspicious eyes. "What are those?"

  "Meat and fruit native to the region," Vaar replied. "Try them."

  To Vaar's delight, Jaden did. He hesitantly bit into a piece of fried meat and his eyes widened. As he chewed, he let out a moan that made Vaar's dick swell and harden even further. "Mmmm… this is good," Jaden said between bites.

  Vaar watched his mate eat small pieces of venison and fried fish. When Jaden finished his meal with an apple, Vaar decided to broach the topic that still concerned him. "How's the water?" he asked. To him, any temperature felt all right, even if degrees of comfort varied. He needed to know if Jaden felt too cold, though. After all, the spring originated from a glacier at the top of the mountain.

  "Well… it is a little cool," Jaden admitted.

  Vaar nodded, expecting the reply, but satisfied Jaden had been honest. He slowly slipped into the water next to Jaden and pulled the young mer toward him once more. "I'm afraid you'll have to sleep in the bed until I can figure out a way to heat the pool permanently."

  He didn't think breathing fire would help much, since it might get the water too hot or make it evaporate altogether. He'd have to do it carefully and with Jaden out of the pool.

  "That's not necessary," Jaden started to protest. "I'll get used it. I've been in cold places before."

  "There's no reason for you to suffer the slightest discomfort. Don't worry," Vaar said. "It's just a temporary thing. I know you're most at ease in water. "

  Jaden still looked doubtful, but Vaar added, "Trust me, okay?"

  Jaden scanned his face, those beautiful green eyes reaching out to Vaar's very soul. Much to Vaar's surprise, Jaden buried his face in Vaar's chest and muttered, "Okay."

  Smiling, Vaar carried Jaden out of the water and into the bedroom. He wiped Jaden down with one of the furs, knowing the makeshift bed could be scratchy if wet. Jaden would probably be surprised at the change between sleeping in the water and this new bed, and in normal circumstances Vaar wouldn't have suggested it. As it was, he wanted to make the best of the situation and limit Jaden's discomfort as much as possible.

  When he dried his mate's tail, Vaar thoroughly massaged each scale. He hid a smirk as he watched Jaden try to suppress his arousal. Truly, he had no intention of attempting intimacy so early, but Jaden might prove too tempting.

  At last, he deemed Jaden dry. He placed the young mer on the makeshift bed, covering him with the furs. At first, Jaden seemed uncomfortable, unaccustomed to the sleeping accommodations. Vaar made a mental note to procure an Atlantean bed as soon as possible. He'd slept in water before and he wouldn't have too much trouble adjusting to it again.

  Finally, Jaden's eyes drifted shut. Vaar pressed a kiss on his treasure's forehead and left the room. He still had many tasks to accomplish before Jaden awoke.

  Chapter Six

  Aurus scanned the road and discontent filled him. Two guard patrols watched the entrance and exit to the village, with several more occasionally sweeping through the environs. He and Chrys couldn't possibly sneak inside and get some well-deserved rest at an actual inn without risking capture. Cursing, Aurus snuck back into the shadows and stealthily made his way to the
spot he'd left Chrys.

  "Well?" the young mer asked.

  Aurus shook his head. "No luck. Sorry."

  Chrys's face fell. Aurus knew his lover had been hoping to recover strength at an actual civilized establishment and perhaps purchase some supplies. Even if they could handle food easily enough, they didn't have clothing or any type of personal care items. Furthermore, their only weapon, Aurus's magic, powerful in itself, wouldn't help them in a tougher confrontation. Alas, they'd lost his sword in the havoc caused by the dragon. Soon, they'd leave Atlantean lands and enter even more dangerous grounds—cooler waters infested with predators.

  Sighing, Aurus sat down on a rock and pulled Chrys onto his lap. "I think my father must be looking for me," he confessed. "That's the only explanation I can find for the patrols."

  He had expected the king to mobilize his troops in order to find Aurus, but he'd underestimated the speed with which this could be done. If he'd known how quickly it would happen, he'd have returned to the capital to grab some supplies before leaving. In the chaos, they might have gotten away unseen.

  "It's okay," Chrys murmured. "We'll get by somehow."

  They rested for a little while in the same spot and took their leave after grabbing a small bite to eat. They bypassed the village without looking back. Aurus hated it, but he couldn't take such a huge chance.

  When they'd left the danger zone, Chrys spoke once again. "I think Jaden and the dragon must've stopped, because I feel him closer now. We're going in the right direction."

  Aurus didn't like tearing the thread of optimism, so he nodded in silence. In truth, he suspected the dragon had taken Jaden to dry land, which meant they were still very far away from the right location. The only landed area Aurus knew of close by was the Atlantean University, set on an island to the north. The dragon couldn't have taken Jaden there.


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