Book Read Free

Campus Player

Page 25

by Jennifer Sucevic

  My fingers itch to touch him. Giving in to the need, I grab the hem of his shirt before dragging it over his torso and tossing it to the floor.

  “You have an amazing chest,” I whisper, fingertips gliding over sinewy muscle.

  He tugs at my shirt, quickly divesting me of it. “Trust me, I’m a real fan of yours, too.”

  My lips lift as he cups my bare breasts. I arch into his palms, loving the feel of him holding me. His touch is always reverent.

  “Is Sydney going to be home anytime soon?”

  “Nope. She and Ethan were planning to hit a party and then spend the night at his place.” I grin. “Which means we have the apartment all to ourselves.”

  A matching smile lights up his face. “Guess I won’t have to muffle your screams of pleasure.”

  “Don’t get cocky.” I roll my eyes as a punch of heat slams into my cheeks. “It was one time, all right?”

  “Please, woman,” he grumbles, “it’s a point of pride. Just let me have it.”

  I chuckle and press my lips against his. “Fine. You’re a stud.”

  His eyes narrow. “Why do I get the feeling you’re placating me?”

  “What? Me? No way.” The moment my fingers settle on his thick length, he thrusts against them. I’m about to pull the material down when the apartment door crashes open, and loud voices fill the quiet space.

  “If that’s the kind of girl you want, then you can have her! We’re through!” There’s a pause before Sydney snaps, “And this time, I mean it!”

  I yelp, my fingers tightening around Rowan’s dick.

  He grunts with a wince. “Damn girl, I’d like to use that appendage in the future.”

  “Sorry!” I release him, hands flying to my naked breasts as the apartment is flooded with light.

  Sydney stalks into the tiny living room, grinding to a halt when she spots us on the couch. Her eyes widen in surprise. Ethan slams into her back, and she pitches forward a couple of steps.

  “Why did you—”

  His voice falls off as he takes in the sight before him. The tension filling his face vanishes only to be replaced by one of amusement. “Oh.” A chuckle escapes. “Sorry, man, looks like we’ve interrupted your Friday night.”

  Rowan drags a hand through his hair. “It’s not a problem.”


  I’m perched on his lap.


  This definitely seems like a embarrassing one.

  Sydney spins around to face her boyfriend. Or maybe ex-boyfriend. It changes on the daily and is difficult to keep track of.

  “You should go. Not only have you ruined my night,” she thrusts a hand in our direction, “but you’ve ruined theirs as well!”

  Ethan’s lips sink into a frown as the humor from moments ago evaporates from his eyes. He folds his arms across his chest. “I’m not going anywhere until we hash this out. As usual, you’re overreacting.”

  Her brows skyrocket into her hairline.

  I almost shake my head. That’s the wrong thing to say to a girl who is already pissed off.

  “As usual?” Her voice rises a couple hundred decibels until it could shatter glass. “What does that mean?”

  You can see the exact moment Ethan realizes the error of his ways as he drags a hand over his face. “That’s not what I meant,” he mumbles.

  “All right.” She plants her fists on her hips. Ethan should quit while he’s already behind. If he continues, this won’t end well for him. “What exactly did you mean then?”

  He presses his lips together before throwing a pleading look in our direction as if it’s possible for us to save him from himself.

  Sorry buddy, you’re on your own with this one.

  “We need to get out of here,” Rowan mutters, “before it turns ugly.”

  I glance at my naked breasts which are still shielded by my arms. “Any ideas as to how we accomplish that?”


  Before I can ask any further questions, Rowan wraps his arms around me and rises swiftly to his feet. I bury my face against the hollow of his neck and hang on for dear life.

  “We’re, ah, gonna give you guys some privacy to talk,” he says by way of explanation for our hasty retreat.

  Let’s hope it’s more talking and less yelling. Although I wouldn’t lay money on it.

  Neither respond as Rowan moves swiftly toward my bedroom, firmly shutting the door behind him. Once he settles on my bed, I lift my face to meet his gaze. A smile curves his lips, and I find my mouth bowing up at the corners. A chuckle slips free before his shoulders quake, and then we’re both dying of laughter.

  “So,” he says, “you still interested in continuing this or...”

  “Or,” I quickly reply. “Definitely or.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”



  Students scatter like rats fleeing a sinking ship as Professor Peters releases us for the day with a reminder that there will be a not-so-pop quiz on Friday.

  Rowan groans, joining the chorus of other less than thrilled students. I shoot him a smile before elbowing him in the side. “Oh, come on, you did awesome on the last one. Pretty soon, you won’t need my help.”

  “Maybe I should consider tanking this quiz on purpose so I can keep getting your special brand of assistance.” Humor ignites in his voice.

  “Don’t you dare!” I roll my eyes as a grin simmers at the corners of my lips. Ever since Rowan and I got together, I’ve been over-the-top, ridiculously happy. It’s like I’m living in my own real-life version of a Disney movie. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if I woke up to woodland creatures singing on my windowsill. Not even Annica’s snarky comments are enough to bring me down. Her antics are like that of a pesky fruit fly. Easily ignored.

  Once our bags are packed up, we head into the crowded corridor. Rowan snags my fingers as we make our way out of the building. People call out his name, greeting him as if he’s a celebrity. I never noticed all the attention he garners. I was too busy trying to avoid him. A lot of guys in his position would soak it up as if it were their due and bask in the adoration, but he doesn’t seem to give a damn about the notoriety. He simply goes about his business as if it’s normal. The way he handles himself only makes me fall harder for him. He’s nothing like what I assumed. Or maybe what I talked myself into believing.

  Thank goodness he never gave up on me. I would have missed out on getting to know a great guy as well as a meaningful relationship.

  Rowan holds open the door as we step into the bright autumn sunshine. There’s a hint of crispness to the air as the breeze wafts over us. As much as I love summer, sweater weather is my favorite time of year.

  “Want to grab a coffee before your next class?”

  See how well he knows me?

  I shoot him a grateful look. “You read my mind. I’m dying for a Frappuccino.” My next class is even more boring than stats. Imagine that if you can. I’m going to need all the caffeinated help I can get to make it through the morning.

  We’re not more than a few steps down the cement walkway when Rowan’s name is shouted. I glance around, not immediately spotting the individual. Rowan’s fingers stiffen as he picks up his pace. He must not realize someone is trying to grab his attention. If he did, he’d stop. He’s always so gracious when fans want to talk about football or snap a selfie with him.

  I shrug it off as we make our way along the path.

  “Hey, Rowan Michaels!”

  This time, the name booms over the crowd. Several people crane their necks, glancing at us before searching the surrounding vicinity. When Rowan’s fingers bite into mine, I wince, flicking my gaze to him. I’m surprised to find that his expression is pinched. Even under the bright sun filtering down, his skin tone has turned ashen. He looks moments away from being sick.

  “Rowan,” I murmur, “you’re hurting me.”

  “Sorry.” He immediately releases my fingers as we grind to
a halt.

  I peer around, trying to find the person shouting his name. After a moment of combing the throng, my gaze lands on a man pushing his way through student traffic in an attempt to reach us. I’m not sure who I was expecting, but it wasn’t an older dude who looks to be in his late forties or maybe early fifties. It’s difficult to tell with the ball cap pulled low over his eyes. From what I can see, his face is creased with lines. He doesn’t strike me as someone who works for the university. His appearance is a little too...rough.

  Unease slithers down my spine as my gaze stays pinned to the guy walking toward us. For reasons I don’t understand, I’m afraid to take my eyes off him. As if he’s a predator I need to be cautious of, which is strange; we’re in the middle of campus, there are swarms of students, and it’s broad daylight. Nothing is going to happen. But still...there’s this little buzz at the back of my brain screaming—danger! No matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the disconcerting sensation.

  Even though we’re standing side by side, I edge closer, needing the comfort of his body next to mine. “Do you know him?”

  Rowan watches the older man carefully as if he too, senses that something is off. It only reinforces my initial feeling of concern.

  Instead of answering the question, he mutters, “Why don’t you grab your coffee, and I’ll catch up to you in a couple of minutes.”

  And leave him alone with this strange dude?

  No way. Not that I’ll be any help if this situation turns sideways, but still...I refuse to leave Rowan’s side.

  “I’ll skip the coffee, it’s not a big deal.”


  A strange urgency fills his voice. Rowan doesn’t get a chance to bite out anything more before the guy following us stops a few feet from where we stand.

  His pale blue gaze bounces between the two of us before fastening on Rowan. “I was afraid you didn’t hear me.”

  A crack of anger flashes across Rowan’s face before it’s tucked away behind a steely mask. “Sorry, there’s a lot of noise.”

  I’m not sure who this guy is or what he wants, but I know Rowan isn’t telling the truth. The moment he heard this man’s voice, his fingers tightened almost painfully around mine. His entire demeanor changed, becoming more anxious. As those thoughts circle through my head, I realize that Rowan must know him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  The older man shrugs as his lips twist into a thin smile. “Just thought I’d swing by campus and check the place out.” There’s a beat of awkward silence. “It’s not like you’ve returned my calls.”

  That statement only confirms my suspicions. They definitely know one another. But how?

  Rowan’s jaw locks. A mixture of nerves and anger vibrate off him in suffocating waves.

  Who is this guy?

  When it becomes apparent that neither will fill me in, I step forward and thrust out my hand. “Hello, I’m Demi.” I hesitate before tacking on, “Rowan’s girlfriend.”

  The man’s piercing gaze flicks to me before sliding over my body in an assessing manner that makes me feel as if I’ve been stripped bare. Another bolt of unease shoots through me when his rough skin comes in contact with mine.

  “Girlfriend, huh?” His brows rise under the brim of his hat. “Seems like you’re doing pretty well for yourself, huh, Row?”

  Row. With the exception of my father, no one else calls him that.

  “Who are—”

  “Demi,” Rowan cuts me off before I can spit out the rest, “why don’t you head to class, and I’ll meet up with you later.”

  A fresh wave of tension rolls through me as my narrowed gaze bounces between the two men. Now that I’ve had time to study them side-by-side, I realize there’s a likeness between them. They have the same sharp cheekbones and straight nose. Rowan is taller by a handful of inches, but they both have the same broad set of shoulders.

  Is it possible they’re related?

  It’s an unsettling thought.

  “Umm...” It’s on the tip of my tongue to argue. Even if they are family, I’m still loath to leave Rowan alone with this guy. The hair at the back of my neck prickles with unease.

  “Demi,” his voice drops, “please.”

  I’m unsure what to do. If Rowan wants me to take off, I should go. But still...

  My instincts are screaming for me to stay.

  “Demi,” he growls, impatience simmering in his voice.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’ll catch up with you after your next class.”

  “Fine.” My focus shifts from Rowan to the man silently watching our exchange with amusement. I don’t like it. Not one damn bit. It’s as if he’s won some sort of game. This entire interaction can only be chalked up as bizarre.

  For a split second, I consider brushing a kiss across his lips, but don’t want to do that with this stranger looking on. Instead, I give a hesitant wave before taking off. Rowan’s expression turns to one of relief as I step away—which is odd. He’s never happy when we part ways, and he always tugs me in for a kiss. Even when we’re in public. Rowan has turned out to be surprisingly affectionate. I can’t say that I don’t love it.


  Rowan gives me an abrupt nod, only meeting my gaze for a moment before his attention shifts back to the man.

  It’s almost difficult to turn my back on him and walk away, but it’s obvious he doesn’t want me to stick around. When I’m about twenty feet away, I glance over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of the thunderous expression on Rowan’s face.

  I don’t know what this is about, but I’m going to figure it out.

  One way or another.



  Relief pumps through me as Demi takes off. I know she was hesitant to leave and wanted to argue but thankfully changed her mind at the last minute. I don’t want her anywhere near my father. And I sure as shit don’t want him sniffing around her either. If I had my way, he wouldn’t even know she existed.

  Unfortunately, it’s too damn late for that. He’s already sizing her up and assessing the situation. If he can use her to squeeze me, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. It doesn’t matter if I’m his own flesh and blood.

  He cocks his head and watches her walk away. “Pretty girl you got there.”

  “Don’t talk about her,” I growl, taking a step closer and forcing his gaze to me.

  “What?” he says with a chuckle. “You’re a chip off the old block when it comes to the ladies.”

  That thought fills me with revulsion. I don’t want to be like him in any regard. I’ve done my best to be the polar opposite. I try to live my life with integrity and discipline. My father knows nothing about that. He’s always taken the easy way out instead of working hard for what he wants.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” My jaw is clenched so tightly that it aches.

  A smug smile simmers around the corners of his lips. I’m so tempted to punch it off his face. I have to keep my arms locked at my sides in order to not give in to the impulse. I’m much too cognizant of the audience that surrounds us. Even now, people are calling out greetings and waving. Whatever I do will spread through campus like wildfire. I’m sure that’s why he chose such a public place to ambush me. My father might be a lazy piece of shit, but he’s not stupid.

  He jerks his shoulders as if he doesn’t understand why I’m upset when in reality, this is all a game, more like a warning. He’s not afraid to insert himself where he doesn’t belong. And he wants me to understand it. “Like I said before, you haven’t been answering my calls.”

  “That’s because we have nothing to talk about,” I snap with frustration. “You asked me for money,” more like demanded it, “and I gave you everything I had. We agreed you wouldn’t contact me again.”

  “Hmmm. Is that what we decided?” He purses his lips all the while pretending to look thoughtful. “I can’t remember.”

  A growl explodes from my lips as I pr
opel myself forward, eating up a chunk of distance between us. I’m so damn tempted to strangle the life out of him and put us both out of our misery.

  As soon as the thought pops into my head, I rein myself back in. I won’t allow him to crawl under my skin and burrow there. That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. Drag me down to his level, and I won’t allow him to fuck with me or my destiny.

  “You know damn well what—”

  “Hey, Michaels,” a voice calls out, interrupting our terse conversation, “do we have film review at three?”

  I flick my gaze in Brayden’s direction and give him a tight smile. “Yup.”

  He points toward the student union. “You interested in grabbing an early lunch?”

  “Nah.” I shake my head. “Can’t. I’ve got class.”

  His focus shifts to my father. Curiosity fills his eyes. Before he can ask any more questions, I say, “I’ll catch you at three.”

  He jerks his head into a nod and takes the hint. “Yup. Later.”

  Relief escapes from my lungs as he leaves. People continue to walk past and stare. A few girls giggle and wave when I catch their gaze. I really need to take this conversation someplace a little less public.

  “Not sure why you would tie yourself down when the pussy is so plentiful around here,” my father says with a leer as he watches the girls walk away. “Goddamn, son. You must be drowning in it. Makes me realize how much we’ve done for you.”

  My jaw drops to the ground.

  Is he fucking delusional?

  Rage claws at my insides, searching for an escape.

  “I told you before,” I mutter, not wanting to be overheard, “I don’t have anything else to give.”

  “Well,” he jerks his shoulders and raises his hands as if it can’t be helped, “that’s gonna be a problem.” He pulls off his ball cap and scratches his head. “Who would have thought everything would be so damn expensive? A grand doesn’t stretch nearly as far as it used to. I’m going to need a little extra to help get me on my feet.”


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