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One More Breath

Page 14

by Delaney Williams

  “I completely understand if you don’t want me standing up at your wedding, let alone being your friend anymore. But I need you to know that something has changed. I realized that while I do love you, I think I loved you because you were available. I do like men, but I also realize I like women. My ideal relationship would involve both. I think I need both a man and a woman to be happy in life, if that makes any sense.” He looks up at me with red eyes.

  “Wy, who am I to tell you what love is. If you want a man and a woman, I will still be your wingman. Hell, I can help on both sides.” I nudge him, trying to get a laugh. “I can help you pick up men and women.”

  Smirking, Wyatt says, “I haven’t told you the worst part.” My eyebrows go up. “When I realized I loved men and women, I started thinking and realized something even worse. You know how I have always been protective of Lola as she has grown up?” Crap. Now I know where this is going. “Well, the night she turned eighteen and we spent the entire evening talking, I realized I loved your daughter. I am in love with Lola. Your fucking eighteen-year-old daughter. I am screwed, man! I can’t date an eighteen-year-old. What do I do? I cannot stand losing my best friend. You are a part of me. You found me at my lowest and picked me up, helping me heal and see the good in the world. Your family became mine. Now I have to go and fuck it all up by falling in love with your daughter? How the hell do I ignore these feelings when I know she returns them and I was forced to turn her away? I think Zander is here to spite me.” By now, tears are streaming down his face, and I am beginning to get a much clearer picture of the conflict that has been floating around us as of late. I now get Wyatt’s poor attitude and Lola’s sudden boyfriend that I can tell she isn’t into. I can’t begin to imagine how hard this conversation is for him or how long he has been holding it all in.

  Am I thrilled that a thirty-seven year old man loves my daughter? No. But if someone is going to love her, I am more than happy it is Wyatt. The fact that he wants a man in the relationship, too? That is the missing piece. How could he think I would ever consider not supporting him? It has to have been the fact that the woman he wants to be with is my daughter. Most people would see Wyatt and think I am crazy for letting this man-whore go for my daughter, but that’s his mask. I fully support him in all that he does and I always have. That’s never going to change. Am I a little worried this step he wants to take involves Lola? Hell, yes. That is something I’m not so sure about, but if he wants to approach Lola with that, I will let him. She is an adult and can make her own decisions. Apparently, she already went after Wyatt and he turned her away. I truly appreciate that sentiment. But who knows what is out there for the both of them. Or, in Wyatt’s case, the three of them. Damn, I feel like a fool for not knowing this key piece about my brother, my best friend.

  Turning in my chair, I take his face in my hands so his drunk, red-rimmed eyes are focused on me. “Wyatt, the fact you like men means nothing to me. You should know me better. Love is love, in any combination. That you thought you loved me just tells me you have good taste.” I wink. “Would I prefer someone closer to Lola’s age loved her? Sure, but you’re my brother. If there is anyone I would trust with the care and well-being of my daughter, it is you. You have my blessing, and all the luck I can give you,” I smirk, “but only when she is older and maybe after she finishes college, has a few cats, and has some wrinkles.

  “Now, as for the threesome… I don’t know her feelings on that and, for my sanity, I am going to keep myself out of it, but you do what you need to do, okay? If she is good with it, good for you. Just be truthful with everyone from the start and, maybe someday, we will celebrate your commitment ceremony somewhere. Though how a Dad ever gets that image out of his head, I don’t know.” Seriously, it’s now stuck on repeat.

  “Now, enough with the hard stuff. I love you and support you, but if you hurt my baby girl, I will kill you. Now, let’s drink before I go tie the knot.”

  Wyatt looks at me and smiles the first real smile I’ve seen on him in a while. It makes me wonder exactly how long this has been weighing on him. He shakes his head, gives me a tight hug, waves the bartender over, and orders the two of us another round. With that, we are back on track. I am drinking with my best friend and, tomorrow, I am getting married. Life is great.


  In the morning, I am rethinking the drinks. Sometime in the middle of the night, I crawled into bed, missing Leire and knowing she is sleeping right next door. Twice, I wake up and run to the bathroom. Leire must have heard me because, being the amazing woman she is, she shows up at the door a little later and gives me water and Advil, as well as holds a cool cloth on my neck as I vomit. I am sure it isn’t helping her stomach any, but if it is a problem, she isn’t letting me know. She just smiles, holds me and the cloth, and helps me through the night.

  By the time morning comes, I am feeling better, more than ready to marry this woman. I look up at her. “You are my miracle, my neska polita.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You made me get no sleep the night before our marriage. You better suck this up and be okay. I am going to get a catnap before everyone shows up to get ready.”

  Despite her stern lecture, she still smiles and pushes my hair from my face. “You must be feeling better, though. It has been a while since you called me that,” she says. Has it? I need to make it a point to tell her more often.

  I reach up to hold her, but she pushes me away. “As much as I love you, Ander, you smell and we have a wedding to get ready for, so now is not the time. The plan is for you to go get ready with Wyatt in his room, and we will see each other again at the ceremony.”

  I smile. I can’t wait. “You. Are. Mine,” I tell her.

  “I have always been yours, Ander. This is just a formality. Tonight, you will take me as yours with your name. My caveman will have it all.” She smirks. That little devil. I hug her and rush out of the room, heading to Wyatt’s with every intention of going back to sleep. What man needs an entire day to get ready?


  In the morning, the chaos begins. First thing I do is kick Ander’s smelly, drunk ass into Wyatt’s room, leaving him to deal with it. I wonder why he got so drunk. I hope he’s not having cold feet. Ander has always done what he wants, so I can’t see him having cold feet when he was the one who charged full-steam into this marriage thing. So it has to be something else. Maybe he’ll tell me later. Maybe I could “force” it out of him. Hmm… I clench my thighs. I miss sex. It seems like he has created a monster. Even one night without it make me ache for it. I pull out my phone and text him.

  I miss your cock filling me up. I miss your amazing taste and how you have the ability to make my toes curl and my insides scream for you. You better be ready to have me jump you tonight.

  Babe, my cock is so hard right now, I am amazed I can think to type. I will be in you in every way tonight. Every hole you have will be filled by me…multiple times. I am going to make you come so hard, the entire island will know what I am doing to you. They will all know you are mine and that I, alone, make you scream. And squirt. We are DEFINIETLY doing that again. FYI, I am going to eat you until you can’t take it anymore.

  I just ruined my wedding underwear.

  Why do you even have underwear on?

  I don’t. You ruined them.

  So, all day, I have to live with knowing my wife has no underwear on?

  It’s your fault. Now, leave me alone. I need to get ready to marry some handsome sweet-talker who ruins my underwear.

  Damn. Just for that, I am going commando, too. Ha!

  Good. All the better to suck you off.

  Now I can never get dressed. I love you. See you at the altar!

  I love you, Ander. More than words.

  I set my phone down with a huge smile. The hairdresser has just finished up Lola and Cora, so it’s my turn. I also have one working on Ander’s and my mom, even though they both protested, and I can tell they love the attention.

  I close my ey
es and relax into the hairdresser’s and makeup artist’s hands. The next thing I know, they are telling me to get up and into my dress. It’s time!!! I stand and wobble a bit, almost falling over. I quickly write it off to standing so soon after being so relaxed. Both Lola and Cora help me into my simple wedding dress and crystal-lined rainbow flip-flops. If I am getting married on the beach, I am doing it right.

  Once dressed, they turn me and I see myself in the mirror. “No crying,” the makeup artist warns. But how can I not? I don’t even recognize myself. My mom tears up and gives me the biggest hug of all. I bet she never saw this day coming.

  I smile and hold my hand over my bump. “Well, little one, let’s do to this. Let’s go get your daddy and make us an official family. What do you say?” As if the baby heard me, I feel a small kick. I jump. “Lola, Cora, Mom, come here!” I take their hands and let them feel the baby. “It is really happy about this wedding, too!” We all laugh and begin to head down to the waiting area.

  While we are waiting, I start thinking of how different my life has turned out from what I had planned. I wanted to stay disconnected from life, from everyone, but look at me now. I have friends, a baby, and a soon-to-be husband. My life has changed so completely. Suddenly, I get light-headed and almost fall, but the wedding planners catch me. With concern on their faces, they ask if I am okay. I explain that I’m just excited and more than ready to get moving. With relief in their eyes, they nod and go on with their preparations. Soon, it’s time for me to begin my walk to Ander.

  As the music starts and I start walking down the sandy aisle towards my future, I feel nothing but calm. My eyes lock on his as I make my way into his arms. His eyes hold the sheen of unshed tears. When it is time for our vows, he reaches out to cup my face.

  “Leire, before you, I was just putting one foot in front of the other. There was no reason to look forward to the future. I had no family and, it seems, I didn’t even take the time to know my friends.” He glances at Wyatt. “Leire, you have given me life. You have given me hope. You have given me reason to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. You are my sunrise and my sunset. I plan to fall asleep and wake up with you in my arms every day. You brought me out of my self-imposed shell and made me see the colors in the world. I will love you through the good times and the bad. We will face everything that comes our way as a team because that is what we are now…you and me, Lola and the baby. We are a team and we work stronger together. Thank you for helping me see that. To see that strength isn’t about going through things on my own, but allowing others to help me when I need it. Thank you for being my strength. Thank you for completing my family and bringing it together. I love you.”

  With that, he takes the ring from Wyatt’s hand and places it on my finger. I am crying silent tears the whole time. I don’t see how I am expected to get through my vows. New rule… Women go first, especially pregnant ones. I look up at the man that I love and take deep breath.

  “Ander, for the longest time, I thought the only way I would be able to get through this time was to keep myself separate from everyone else. I was an island. Then I walked into a small tattoo shop and met this man who would not leave me alone. He worked his way into my life, then into my heart. Now here we are, getting married. I not only have a husband, but an amazing daughter in Lola. I also have a little miracle on the way. You, Ander, have given me so much. You give all of yourself in all that you do and I want you to know that I appreciate and love that. I will give you all of me in return. We will work through my fears together. I will not hold them from you. We are like that sea glass, formed under great pressure and found beautiful by one person who is looking for that piece for their art. I found my piece in you. You are my sea glass, Ander, and I intend to love you with all I am for the rest of time.”

  I am a mess by the end, but he reaches up and uses his thumbs to wipe the tears from my face, holding me so I am forced to look into his eyes. Somehow, someone had placed his ring in my hand because the next thing I know, I am sliding it on his finger. Smiling, the officiant tells us we may kiss.

  The look on Ander’s face is one I will keep with me always. It is the look of someone who has everything they’ve ever dreamed of right in front of him. He reaches for my face, running his thumb down my cheeks and over my lips, leaving his hand around my neck, pulling me in. He kisses me so thoroughly that the few guests begin whistling. He then scoops me up, not breaking the kiss, and begins walking us down the aisle. I barely hear the officiant telling the guests that we are now moving to the reception and that the bride and groom thank them.

  After spending a supremely short and I am sure highly suspicious amount of time at our reception, Ander takes me to our room, where he quickly lifts up my dress to see that I really don’t have underwear on. Garters and stockings, but no underwear. He looks up at me with a look of pure adoration in his eyes before exclaiming, “Mine,” and diving in. Thankfully, the entry table is strong because I am gripping it hard. Ander has me coming over and over in minutes.

  When I finally grab his head and pull him up for a kiss, he reaches down and undoes his zipper. His perfect pierced cock springs out as if it has been held under duress. Before I even have a chance to prepare, he is in me. It may not have been the calm, slow, lovemaking most people have as their first time, but it is us. The fast and brutal, the moaning and screaming… It is us. I hold on when he picks me and the heavy dress up, turning me and holding me against the wall as he pounds into me. “My wife. You are my wife now,” he says, and I swear I can hear the tears in his voice.

  When we both finally came down from amazing orgasms and straighten our clothes, we have a good laugh. “I couldn’t wait,” he says. “I needed you. I needed to make you mine in every way as soon as I could. All I could think about during the whole ceremony was consummating our marriage. Now we can go back to the party and have more fun. But don’t get too tired because I have plans for tonight. Big plans.” He winks. Shit. My thighs clench and my cunt wants more.

  After making sure our clothes are straight, we leave our room and head to the small reception area. I feel a little off balance, but I write it off to the sex and excitement.

  The reception is amazing. We eat, drink, and dance the night away…well, everyone else does. I pass out in a chair sometime after joining the party, the pregnancy taking its toll. I wake up later to find my new husband has carried me from the reception to bed and is whispering to the little bump in my belly. He is talking about going to the zoo and seeing the ocean. Everything a child wants to do, my husband is telling the bug they will do.

  He doesn’t notice I am awake until I can’t hold the tears back anymore. Slowly, he kisses his way up my belly and breasts to my mouth. “I love you so much, my wife, my neska polita, my everything. Thank you for bringing light and joy into my world. Thank you for walking through those doors and giving this grumpy man a chance at heaven.”

  He kisses me again as I feel him slide into me, and we make love as man and wife. We never look away from each other’s eyes as we come. When we fall asleep, he’s still in me. It is the very best sex we’ve ever had. There were no naughty words, or toys, or even ropes. Just us and our eyes, vowing to be there for each other, no matter what. It is the perfect ending to the perfect day.


  Over the next week, we lounge at the beach and have sex in every place we can think of. At one point, while walking hand-in-hand down the beach, we turn a corner and find ourselves very much alone. Ander decides beach sex is on the menu.

  Kissing me as if he is going to eat me alive, he unties my top and pushes the bottoms of my suit down, then backs up to look at me. With a wicked look in his eyes, he looks me up and down. He moves to spread my legs as far apart as they can go without me falling over, then drops to his knees and runs his nose from my belly to my crotch. “Do you know how enticing you smell to me?” he asks. I shake my head, looking down at him. “I smell you in my dreams. I want you so much. If I could bottle
the way you smell and open it throughout the day, it still wouldn’t be enough for me. You smell like home, like heaven.”

  And I feel his tongue start to lick from the back all the way to the front before focusing his efforts on my clit. He varies his speed and pressure so that just when I think I will explode, he backs off and leaves me hanging. I am screaming with need when I feel him stick his fingers in me, turning them in just a way to find my spot. That, combined with his rapidly moving tongue, throws me over the edge. I scream, not caring that we are in the open. My husband is a god. My knees go limp and he helps me lie down in the sand.

  As we lie there, he grins up at me. “I am a god, huh?” he says.

  Oh my. Had I yelled that out loud? “Um… In this department, I would have to say yes.”

  He slowly crawls up my body, kissing and licking until he reaches my bump. The look on his face is pure love as he takes in the life he helped create. He kisses and places his forehead on it, whispering something only he and the baby can hear, then continues up my body. When he gets to my breasts, he takes his time worshipping each one to the point I think I will come from that alone. When he finally lets loose and kisses my mouth, I am a writhing mess of want.

  Suddenly, he uses my swimsuit top and ties my hands above my head. “Now I get to do what I want and you have to take it,” he growls.

  I nod and he rewards me with another kiss. He begins to slowly enter me, one inch at a time, then pulls out. I can see this is torturing him, as well. His face a mask of pleasure and pain. When he finally seats himself fully in me, he refuses to move. He looks at me and tells me he is too heavy to be on the baby. With a smirk, he flips us over and now my hands are tied in front of my big belly and my balance on his dick and my thighs. He smirks. I am so turned on that I begin to rock, rather awkwardly, grinding back on him. He reaches up and starts to help me move up and down. In this position, not only does my clit get stimulated, but his piercing hits so deep and so perfectly, I come nearly instantly.


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