Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

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Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] Page 3

by Kailin Gow

  He kissed me again, resting his cheeks on mine, and stroking my hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Nat, Summer. I’m sorry I was too much of a chicken, too much of a good son to my dad, to hold such a secret from you. It killed me to see you go through everything you did, thinking Nat was dead, when I knew he wasn’t. I couldn’t let you know. I was told if I did, it would put everyone I love in danger. Especially you. I couldn’t risk you being in danger too from those guys who were after Nat. I’d rather you end up hating me than being on their hit list, especially after what Nat and your mother did.”

  I pulled up. “My mother?”

  “She was the real reason why Nat went on the mission…to get her out. My father promised Aunt Sookie he would do everything he could to look after your mother and you before Aunt Sookie passed away. She was on a dangerous mission, and was taken hostage.”

  I sat straight up now and adjusted my dress as Drew got up. “Tell me more.”

  “I will, but I have to check on dinner.” He pulled me up on my feet and led me to the dining table off the side of the kitchen island. He pulled a chair for me, seated me, and ran to turn off the stove, and lift the lid of the pan he was simmering.

  The rich scent of tomatoes, herbs and spices, filled the room, and I heard my stomach growl.

  “Looks just about right,” Drew said, taking dishes out of the cabinet, draining some pasta, and preparing the dish.

  He scooped out the steamy sauce and added it to the pasta, and washed his hands before grating a block of cheese on top and then chopping up some cilantro to add a pinch to the dishes.

  With a smile of satisfaction, he brought two plates out to the table, placing one in front of me and another in the seat at the front of the table next to me, where he sat down.

  He placed a napkin over his lap before he unfolded another to place on mine, brushing his hands over my still sensitive crotch area, sending a thrill through my body. He pulled back, stopped, and smiled his typical and lovable Drew smile that I missed so much.

  “As I promised, Summer, here’s dinner, and some Drewgasms before dinner.”

  His smile widen, as I felt a blush cross my cheeks. “You certainly delivered on those promises, Drew,” I said thinking about how incredible his Drewgasms made me feel just moments ago.

  “And I’ll deliver on more promises, Summer,” Drew said, taking my hand. “Including you begging me to make love to you again, including me making you mine and only mine.” He looked confidently into my eyes and said, “Now eat up. We have a lot of things we need to do tonight.”

  Chapter 4

  I had nearly forgotten how good of a cook Drew was, but with one taste of a spoonful of pasta with sauce that he fed me, my mouth was filled with an explosion of flavors.

  “Oh, this is so good,” I said. “How come you’ve never made this dish when you were staying at the Pad with me?”

  “Because Summer,” Drew fed me another spoonful, and then licked the rest of the spoon. “I make dishes from the places that inspire me. At Aunt Sookie’s Pad, I made dishes that reminded me of summer days, of beaches, of the sea.”

  “And this place?” I opened my arms gesturing all around me. “What does this place say to you?”

  “It’s another stage in my life, Summer,” Drew said. “It’s the part of me who enjoyed traveling to new places. It’s the part of me who love beautiful and luxurious things that comes with being the son of a billionaire. It’s also me, who is stepping up to become the son my father wanted me to be, to lead Donovan Dynamics one day.”

  Drew looked away for a second before facing me again. “I’m not trying to be Nat for you, Summer. I know you think this is more like Nat’s style than it is me, but I’m letting you know right now, this is just another side of me that you haven’t seen much of before.”

  I blinked and stared at him, not yet sure what he wanted me to say. Do I want the old Drew back? I’ve always loved him, but deep down inside, I did wished he would grow up a bit, show more depth than just the gorgeous hunk of a football hero that he portrayed to everyone, including his own family.

  I leaned back into my chair and took a good look at Drew, noticing how his black shirt and slacks gave him a sexy sophistication and a sense of danger that was irresistible. It brought out the brilliant blue of his eyes, as well, which stared back at me with a vulnerability that showed that he cared a whole lot about what I thought.

  “If this is you being you and not Nat nor what your father expects, then I love it,” I said.

  Drew let out the breath he was holding. “Thank God,” he said, getting out of his chair to go down on his knees to wrap his arms around me in the kind of hug he always gave me. “I can’t go back to being like I was before…always the little brother hiding and waiting in the wings. Just Rachel’s twin brother. As much as I love Nat, Summer, I love finally being the one my parents turn to…the one being taken seriously for once.”

  “I always took you seriously,” I said.

  “I know,” Drew kissed me on my lips. “That’s why you’re so different than everyone else. That’s why every word you say to me, every gesture you gave me, growing up and even now, meant so much to me. You are my everything, Summer. When Aunt Sookie’s stalker Sloane came after you that one time and I found you just in time, I wanted to kill him for terrorizing you and almost raping you. If you hadn’t stopped me, I probably would have. Now these guys who took your mother hostage and then my father…they’re ten times worst.”

  He closed his eyes.

  “Summer, the reason I didn’t tell you about Nat is because not only would it put Nat, my dad, your mother in danger over there, but they would have come looking for you too. Sloane was just one small part of their criminal ring, and the work your mother and Donovan Dynamics were doing, helped shut down that part. But it’s bigger than that. It’s a larger problem than anyone knows.”

  The look in Drew’s eyes was dead serious as he let all that sink into me. I could only register part of what he was saying, as the enormity of what Drew was saying hit me. “Oh God,” I said. “Nat had to disappear, fake his death so that he could live.”

  Drew nodded.

  “And you, Rachel, your mother, and the Team at Donovan Dynamics all had to act like it’s the truth in order for it to work,” I went on.

  “These criminals are the masters of deception, Summer,” Drew said. “They can smell the setup a hundred miles away if it isn’t authentic.”

  “So me being closest to Nat, being his girl…they were watching me, weren’t they?” I asked

  “Like a hawk. You know how Sloane was able to get private photos of you, was able to take photos of you everywhere, even in your shower at the Pad?” Drew looked angry for a moment. “Even posed as a fellow college student in our class?” Drew’s eyes flashed. “That’s how close they can get to you.”

  I shuddered, remembering how Sloane had stalked me, how he had vandalized Aunt Sookie’s Acting Academy’s theater…everything. It was just too close for comfort.

  “So me being with you…me and you making love for the first time when I was at my lowest and you found me in the bathtub…that was all part of the plan? Did Nat want all that too?”

  “Nat made me promise him that I will do whatever it takes to protect you.”

  “Did he want me to be with you? To have us make passionate love with each other that entire time I was in grief over him?”

  “It had to look real, Summer, that you were grieving him, that you had moved on, to me,” Drew said. “But no, it wasn’t what Nat wanted. It couldn’t possibly be what he would want. But it happened, and what happened between us while we were both grieving him, was real. Every time I kiss you…every time I make love to you, is real.”

  “But how did you get from barely knowing anything and being mildly involved in Donovan Dynamics to now being able to run Donovan Dynamics? You seem to know your way around pretty well.”

  “I wasn’t completely left out of learning abou
t Donovan Dynamics growing up,” Drew said. “I worked there on and off throughout the years, especially when Dad needed all of us kids to help out in the beginning.”

  “The superficial Drew who only cared about one-night stands and football? Was that an act, too?”

  Drew grinned, “No, not at all. That’s just who I was then. You caught me then and saw through that façade. But it sure made me look non-threatening to them so I guess it wasn’t all that bad.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” I smiled. “I fell in love with that Drew, but this one…it’s growing on me…”

  “Glad this one is growing on you,” Drew said. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint. But listen, Summer, there is a real good reason why I brought you here tonight instead of anywhere else.”

  I stared into Drew’s blue eyes, demanding him to tell me the truth.

  “Whatever we say in here, whatever we do, it’s surveillance-free. We’ve been swept for bugs, viruses, whatever can be used by the crime ring. This suite here is on top of Donovan Dynamic’s new secret satellite office. It also provides a way for me, Rachel, and now Nat to be down here as college students with you in Malibu.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. Did I hear right?

  “You just said Nat was here too?” I asked.

  Drew blew out some air. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Is he here?” I asked again.

  Drew looked down and said, “Shit. I blew that one.”

  “Drew?” I asked, taking my hands to hold his face so he’s looking me in the eyes. “I’ve been through so much the last few months worrying and grieving over Nat…at least tell me something…is he here in Malibu…so so close to me?”

  Drew’s eyes held mine as he said those words that he knew could cause him to lose me forever. “Yes.”

  As though right on cue, the doorbell rang, causing both Drew and I to turn our heads so fast to look at the door feeling both dread and excitement.

  Chapter 5

  I wanted to run to the door and yank it open, but Drew put a hand on my shoulder, silently telling me he would check on the door. His jaws clenched tightly as his anger with Nat took over, and he walked towards the door in strong strides. From the way his hands balled into fists, I was expecting a fight.

  I got up and walked calmly over to stand behind Drew as he opened the door. If there was a fight brewing between the two brothers, I was going to be there to stop it, knowing and fearing someday, they may end up killing each other if I was not around.

  Keeping me safe from Sloane was one of the reasons the brothers bonded again after Nat and I got together and Drew went missing. Also, there was a bond we all shared, having been raised by Aunt Sookie, who was my biological aunt, but who took the Donovan siblings under her wings. When she died, the bond was still there, but it had been tested many times.

  Drew, always Drew, had been there for me.

  Always there…picking me off the floor.

  Oh how I’ve been so blinded by my own hurt to see that Drew was only keeping Nat’s secret in order to protect me.

  I gently touched Drew’s shoulder and leaned in to kiss his cheeks, surprising him enough to stop from opening the door, ready to pounce on Nat. “Drew,” I said, looking up into his eyes, “I understand. It wasn’t your fault, and I’m sorry I blamed you all this time. I’m sorry I shut you out of my life for the last two weeks after I received Nat’s letter. I was consumed with grief over Nat, and then to find out it was all something you, Nat, and your father came up with to deceive me, I couldn’t take it any longer. So you see, Drew, I didn’t mean to have all that pain explode on you when you came to see me. I shouldn’t have blamed you. You were just as much as a bystander as I was. Nat and your father always had a way to make you go along with their plans. I realize now how it isn’t your fault…it couldn’t be. You were just there to pick up the pieces Nat left of me. He should be the one I never want to see again. Not you. You’ve always been there for me. I just never saw through my blindness to your love and kindness.”

  Drew’s hand fell off the doorknob, and he turned around, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me to him. “Summer,” he whispered, his eyes filled with agony but love. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that to me.” He crushed his lips on mine in a kiss that made my toes curl and my head spin. How long we had been kissing, I didn’t know, but when we finally pull apart, Drew cupped my cheeks and said, “I love you Summer Jones. You are the most precious person to me. I don’t ever want to be torn away from you again!”

  I took his hand and pressed it against my cheeks, “I can’t stand not having you a part of my life, Drew. It tore me apart being away from you these past two weeks as it did when I lost Nat. I became someone filled with darkness, bitterness, and anger…someone I don’t want to be.”

  “Summer…” Drew kissed my forehead, then took my hands, kissing the tips, before he poured kisses all over my face. “Summer,” he said, pressing harder against me, turning me around so my back was to the wall next to the door. He raised my arms above my head with his right hand, and lowered his head to kiss my neck, my shoulders, and the top of my cleavage before returning his sweet lips to devour my mouth. “I want you so badly it hurts. I’ve been holding back because you asked me to respect your wish to just talk, but…”

  I was flushed from being against Drew’s delicious body, from his hot kisses, and electrifying hands. “I want you too…”

  Drew groaned and lifted me to wrap my legs around his waist. His hands cupped my bare butt, my panties already torn and beyond repair lying on the rug near the sofa. “You are so aroused, my dear Summer,” he grinned. He lifted me higher until my thighs were sitting on his strong broad shoulder, and my lower half that was craving him so much, faced his sweet full lips. “Hold onto the wall, Summer,” he said, taking a step back so my folds opened up to him invitingly. “There,” he said. “So beautiful and sweet. I wanted to savor my dessert, but with you, there is no way I could take my sweet time with you. You are the one I crave, Summer. Your taste alone satisfies me.” His mouth covered my entire lips with a deep kiss that made me almost lose my grip on the wall.

  “Drew!” I cried. “Oh Drew…” his hot tongue circled my lips, before he plunged into me.

  I closed my eyes, relishing his onslaught on me before my body was overfilled with pleasure, it exploded with tremors all over. Drew slid me down to hold me while my body continued shaking. “How do you feel?” he asked afterwards.

  I leaned into him as he stroked my back. “Hmm?”

  “I guess that means you enjoyed it,” Drew said looking at me with adoring eyes.

  “How could I not?” I asked. “I’m putty in your hands. When it comes to you, Drew, my body becomes your puppet to do with it as you please.”

  Drew laughed. “I like that!”

  I shook my head, “Oh no,” I glanced at the door. “I was just trying to keep you from killing Nat, but we got caught up in it…I can’t believe I keep losing my head when it comes to you, Drew…”

  I grabbed the doorknob to open the door, twisted it and swung it open to reveal a hallway that was empty.

  Drew stepped up next to me to look up and down the hallway.

  I ran out to the elevator. “Maybe we can catch him downstairs. Oh no, I can’t believe I missed him.”

  I punched the elevator door, and had it go down to the first floor of the building. Why? I had no clue where Nat went or even if he lived here at the building, too. But I went down to the ground floor, got out of the elevator and looked around. Like the entire building, except for the top floor, which was Drew’s penthouse suite, the entire place was empty of people.

  “Nat?” I called out? “Nat?”

  I walked around the lobby area, hoping to see any signs of someone. It was night, and only a few lights were on in the building. I walked down the hall towards one office that looked like there was a light on inside.

  I quietly turned the knob of the door
to open it when a hand touched me on my shoulders, causing me to jump.

  “There you are,” Drew said. “You ran so fast for the elevator, I didn’t get a chance to catch you. What are you doing down here?”

  I looked down. What was I doing down here? Snooping? “I wanted to catch Nat. If he left the building wouldn’t he had to exit from the first floor?”

  “Summer,” Drew said, cupping my chin so I was looking at him. “I’m afraid that wasn’t Nat at the door. I forgot to tell you I have security, just one man sometimes who check up on the building. Make sure things are fine. I think that was just Jim checking up on me.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I thought you said you would find Nat…that he was here.”

  I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

  “He was supposed to, but somehow he didn’t,” Drew looked as disappointed as I felt. “But you know what, Summer…maybe there was a reason, a good reason, because now you understand why I did what I did to you.”

  I couldn’t help feeling I let Nat down now, though, although Drew and I had cleared things out. Did Nat actually show or was it really the security guy checking up on Drew. If it was Nat waiting at the other side of the door while Drew and I were talking, kissing, and together; he would’ve heard everything.

  Chapter 6


  All he had to do was show up. That was all I had asked of Nat so Summer could have her closure…so she could move on and finally let herself go with me.

  But the guy didn’t even have the balls or decency to face us.

  Summer was heartbroken about Nat’s deception, and I was left to pick her up, even left with feeling the brunt of her despair. There was no one else she could turn to, yet the two closest people to her who held her fragile heart in their hands twisted it and deceived her. It was a testimony to her generous heart, that she was able to find love for me once again.


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