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Mafia Prince

Page 6

by Bella J.

  Lorik came sauntering over and caught sight of my bleeding hand. “What the fuck? Please tell me I didn’t miss it.”

  “Miss what?”

  “You kicking Matteo’s ass.”

  “Believe me, if I kicked Matteo’s ass, it wouldn’t be just my hand covered in blood.”

  Lorik raised a brow. “Then who’d you kill?”

  “No one…yet.”

  Antonio cleared his throat and looked at me. “We need to leave before everything gets out of hand. We can figure out what Matteo’s game is later when you’re not within shooting distance of him.”

  Lorik held up a hand. “Even though I’m extremely disappointed because I’m still sober at my supposed bachelor party, I do agree with your brother on this.”

  “What?” I glared at Lorik. “You never agree with Antonio on anything, and tonight of all nights you decide you’re on his team?”

  “I’m only on his team because I choose not to witness a massacre tonight.”

  “Fuck!” The longer I stood there, the angrier I became. Knowing Layla was with that son of a bitch, thinking about what the fuck he was doing with her was driving me crazy.

  “I’m not leaving here without her.”

  Antonio straightened. “You don’t have a choice.”

  “Fuck that!”

  “Dante, we don’t know what the fuck is going on, and I can’t allow you to cause a fucking war over a goddamn woman.”

  I balled my fists, cold, hard fury spreading all the way from my spine through every bone in my entire body. Unfortunately, my brother was the one standing in front of me, the one who would be on the receiving end if he didn’t back the fuck off.

  “She is not any goddamn woman, Antonio.”

  “You’re right. She’s the woman who left you. The woman who broke your fucking heart. So get a goddamn grip, take a breath, and let us figure this out together.”

  At that moment, I had no control. That was what Layla did to me. She made me lose every shred of control, making me think and feel nothing but her. Her scent still lingered around me, the sweet smell of citrus and roses. When I had her body up against that goddamn wall, I was nothing but a fucking puppet tied to everything I had ever felt for her.





  Possessive as fuck.

  And right now, Antonio and Matteo were the only people standing between me and her…which was why I swung my arm, aiming for Antonio’s face.

  Lorik jumped in between us and tried to stop my fist from connecting. Unfortunately, Lorik’s face ended up in the crossfire.

  “Jesus Christ!” Antonio grabbed hold of Lorik, who stumbled back from the impact. “Dante, what the fuck?”

  Lorik’s hand was on his face, fifteen thousand f-bombs dropping from his mouth. Within a split second, every eye was on us, the entire top floor coming to a standstill. I shook my fist and glanced at Layla, who stared at me with bewilderment. For a few seconds, our eyes were locked on one another, and I knew I needed to get the fuck away from her. For the second time in my life, she changed everything for me. Ruined everything. And here I was, so angry and jealous and motherfucking confused I felt like I could slaughter a goddamn army.

  I glanced at Lorik. “I’m sorry, man.” And then I stormed off. Antonio called after me, but I couldn’t stay there a second longer. The thought of Layla being with Matteo, actually leaving with him, staying with him, doing God knew what with him was just too fucking much. I wanted to grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and haul her ass out of there…right after I slit Matteo’s throat.

  But Antonio was right. It would start a war, and right now I had nothing to go to battle with. I had no clue what the fuck was happening, and I was too angry. Too furious. Too goddamn jealous to think straight.

  I rushed down the stairs and through the crowd. With every step I took, I could feel the distance between me and Layla. It took every ounce of strength for me not to turn around and go back to her because it hurt. It fucking hurt leaving her behind with that son of a bitch, not knowing what he was doing with her.

  The bouncer at the back door saw me coming down the hall and opened the door. I didn’t thank him. I didn’t even fucking nod. All I saw was red. All I felt was rage. All I wanted to do was give in to the anger.

  Once I was out the door, I inhaled deeply, trying to get as much oxygen into my lungs as possible. I was on the verge of exploding.

  I closed my eyes, and all I saw was her. All I felt was her body against mine, her lips meeting my kiss with the same amount of vigor. Good God, the way she rocked her hips over my thigh, her pussy searching for release. Her entire body was shaking while I had her pinned against that goddamn wall.

  Her whimpers.

  Her moans.

  Her rapid breathing.


  I slammed my fist against the pillar next to me and screamed like a demon straight from hell.

  Jesus fucking Christ, this was not happening!

  I was about to assault the goddamn pillar again when my phone buzzed in my pocket. Jerking it out and answering happened with one swift swoop of my hand.


  “We got another one.”


  “We brought him to the warehouse.”

  “I’ll be there in twenty.”

  I hung up and rushed to my car. This was exactly what I needed to get rid of all the anger I was struggling to contain. Layla was wrong about me not being the man she fell in love with back then. But unfortunately, that guy died the day she left…and a monster was left in his place.



  It killed me to witness what I was doing to Dante. Even though he kept a big part of him a secret from me back then, I never doubted his love for me. I knew deep down that I owned his heart—all of it. But my decision to leave wasn’t based on whether he loved me or not, or even about the secrets he kept from me. The decision I made was because of something much more important. It was more important than us both.

  “It’s working,” Matteo gloated as he leaned back on the couch watching Antonio help his brother-in-law-to-be nurse his bruised face. “Whatever you did in that bathroom with Dante, it worked like a fucking charm.”

  I rubbed my hand up and down my other arm, the insides of my veins starting to itch. “I did what you asked. So I’d like to go home now.”

  “Oh, come now, Layla dearest. Let’s stay awhile. Have some fun.” His fingertips brushed over my shoulder, his touch turning my skin to ice. “After what we just saw, we have much to celebrate.”

  I shrugged his hand away. “You gave me your word, Matteo.” My distaste for him echoed with every word I spoke.

  “Settle down.” He moved to the edge of the seat. “You know I always make good on my word.”

  I dug my nails into the skin of my arm. “Then I’d like to go home now.”

  He took a sip of his drink. “I’m not ready to go yet.”


  Abruptly, he grabbed my knee, his fingers digging painfully into my flesh. I cringed then felt him lean into me. “Do not make misuse of my tolerance, Layla. And I warn you not to test me.” He let go of my knee, his face close to my ear as he whispered, “All I need is one reason. One good goddamn reason to defy my father’s orders, and I’ll do it. I will spread your legs so fast you won’t even have a chance to beg me not to.”

  A shiver traveled all the way down my spine. The mere thought of Matteo touching me in such a way made me sick to my stomach. I should have counted myself lucky that Stefano ordered his son not to lay a hand on me—well, not in a sexual way. But I knew Matteo wanted it. I could see it in his eyes as he stared at me like a depraved, hungry animal. If given half the chance, Matteo would have taken what he wanted from me, leaving behind nothing but an empty corpse.

  He relaxed in his seat, and I let out a breath. My heart was beating so fast the sound echoed in my head. The fea
r I’d been walking around with for the last few months was starting to carve me open from the inside out.

  I stared down at the vein in my arm. What they did to me, and what they were forcing me to do now was beyond cruel. Because of them, I had no choice. Because of them, I stood on the brink of losing everything. And once the day came when they had no more use for me, I knew in my heart I would never get back what they took from me. I had been sucked in too deep. It was like Dante said, once you were a part of this world, there was no getting out of it. But I had no choice, and I prayed to God that when the end came, everyone I cared about would know the truth…especially him. Dante. The man I ended up deceiving the most.

  I stiffened when I felt Matteo’s fingertips against my back. “I was thinking, since you did so well tonight, I will reward you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at him. “Reward me?”

  “Yes. Tomorrow I will let my driver take you to your sister’s house for a little visit.”

  I turned in my seat as I felt the tiniest sliver of hope. “You would allow that?”

  He shrugged. “Of course, you won’t be given free rein. You will be escorted with security, and you only have twenty minutes.”

  Twenty minutes wasn’t long. But the last time he allowed a visitation, it was only for five. It wasn’t nearly enough time to explain everything to Kate. But it was enough to tell her what she needed to know in order to keep our secret safe.

  “Thank you, Matteo.” My voice was soft, my confidence zero. Even though it was a kind gesture for him to give me twenty minutes with my sister, I wasn’t stupid. There was no way he would allow something like this without having an ulterior motive. And I was pretty sure I already knew what it was.

  Chapter 9


  I slammed my car door. Lucio was already waiting for me at the entrance.

  “You sure he’s one of them?”

  My cousin nodded. “I’m sure. We caught him in the act.”

  I started to unbutton my jacket as Lucio opened the door, allowing me to walk first. “Heroin?”



  “Two blocks from Paradiso.”

  I stopped abruptly and turned to face him. “The fucker tried to make a sale around the fucking corner from our restaurant?”

  Lucio crossed his arms. “That, and he was luring in a group of girls.”

  “Fuckers!” I turned and stomped down the hall, tossing my jacket to the ground. With every step, I felt my anger reach new fucking heights. How dared they? Did they really think we would allow them to continue poisoning our goddamn streets?

  No fucking way.

  I rolled up the sleeves of my white dress shirt. “Was he alone?”

  Lucio still followed. “Yes.”

  “Background check?”

  “Done. The guy’s a nomad. No family, no ties.”

  “Good. He won’t be missed, then.”

  “Not likely. He’s just a low-life fucker with shit for brains.”

  I snorted. “I’m starting to think the Mancusos prefer their employees stupid.”

  “Dante. There’s something else.”

  I stopped and faced Lucio. “What is it?”

  “The girls he tried to sell to, they were only, like, fourteen years old. The motherfucker was trying to sell to goddamn children, man.” Lucio wiped a hand down his face before roughing it through his dark brown hair. “We need to do something.”

  Worry lines formed grooves on my younger cousin’s forehead. In a lot of ways, Lucio was like me. Loyal, but he relied a lot on his instincts—which was why he was here with us in Boston, and not with my uncle and his family in New York. He came to visit a few months back, and when he heard about the drug problem the Mancusos were causing, he decided to stay and help. And by help, I meant he stayed to help me…in my way.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Tonight we bring the flames of hell down on this son of a bitch.”

  Lucio nodded, and we entered the back room of the warehouse. I smiled when I saw the scene in front of me. A motherfucker tied to a chair, his wrists bound with ropes to the tops of his thighs. My little cousin was learning. He knew what I liked.

  “You know why you’re here, right?” I approached the guy, and he lifted his head, his eyes already swollen from a heavy beating at Lucio’s hand, no doubt. Lucio might be my little cousin, but when it came to size, he was my equal. The guy spent more hours working out in the gym and fighting in steel cages than I did in the goddamn bar.

  He spat out some blood but said nothing.

  I walked over the table set up especially for me. I scanned the objects. “It’s my understanding you have no problem selling drugs to minors.”

  “I have no problems selling drugs to anyone. I ain’t forcing no one to take it. It’s their choice.”

  Even with my back toward him, I could hear how fucking smug he was. If this asshole had any kind of idea what I had in store for him, he wouldn’t be spitting out arrogant answers. He would be begging for his fucking life.

  My fingertips brushed over the knives in front of me. “Do you know who I am?’

  “You’re a Valenti.” The guy spat again as if mentioning my family name left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  I picked up a blade and turned to face him. “That’s right. I’m a Valenti. And do you know what that fucking means?”

  He smirked. “That you’re a cocksucker.”

  My lips twitched with a half-smile as I stared at him. He was probably in his mid-twenties. Scrawny. Ugly. Filthy. High.

  And soon to be dead.

  I walked up to him while slowly stroking the blades of the knives in my hands. After the whole thing with Layla at Vertigo, this was exactly what I needed. It was like the universe was throwing me a bone, trying to make up for the shitty night I’d had so far.

  “Actually, it means you’re selling your shit on our streets. To our fucking people, our children. And unfortunately for you, when you fuck with what’s ours, we have no choice but to eliminate you.”

  He snorted, his eyes wide, face pale. The guy was obviously high. Disappointing, though. It meant he wouldn’t fully register what was happening to him, the pain he felt. But at least it would make me feel better.

  The second I stopped right in front of him, I lifted my arms in the air and spun the knives between my fingers before jabbing the blades straight through his hands and into his thighs.

  He screamed. He screamed so fucking loud I was sure it echoed through to every corner of hell. Blood oozed out on the sides of the blades, running down his thighs.

  I felt the rage melt out of me with every second his screams filled my ears. Son of a bitch deserved it. How many lived had he ruined already? How many children had he destroyed? People like him didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. Yes, I was the monster who made all these fuckers bleed. Yes, I loved exacting retribution by dealing out pain. But just like the rest of the men in our family, I only demanded justice from those who deserved it—like the fucker who currently sat bleeding in the goddamn chair.

  His screams had subsided, his head lolling forward. The drugs in his system mixed with the pain would make him pass out soon. Unfortunately, I couldn’t drag this out for much longer.

  “You work for the Mancusos.” It wasn’t a question. “What is Matteo up to, huh?”

  He looked up, his eyes glazed over, tears and spit dripping down his face and chin. “Why don’t you ask me what you really want to know?”

  Warning prickled at the back of my skull. “What exactly is it that you think I want to know?”

  He let out a maniacal laugh, and it pissed me the fuck off.

  I grabbed the knife handles and twisted the blades deeper into his flesh. He squealed like a fucking banshee.

  “I’ll ask you again. What is it exactly that you think I want to know?”

  Lucio stepped up behind him and grabbed his face, forcing the fucker to look at me.

nbsp; I let go of the knives, and he let out a few labored breaths. He opened his eyes and looked me square in the eye. “You…” He struggled to speak through the pain. “You…want to know…about…her.”


  I launched forward and grabbed his face, my fingers pushing painfully into his cheeks.

  “Who the fuck are you talking about? Who?”

  “The pretty blonde. So fucking pretty.” He smiled through clenched cheeks, eyes rolling to the back of his head. “Such a shame. Such a damn shame.”

  I jerked his face. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I screamed right in his face, but he was already starting to lose consciousness. “Talk, you piece of shit!”

  Lucio took that as his cue and pulled out his gun, pressing the muzzle against the guy’s temple.

  The guy just smiled. “They want to ruin you. They want to destroy your family.” He dragged out his words, his eyes closed, his face drained of color. “It was supposed to start with her…your sister.”

  “Karina,” I whispered.

  His tongue lapped over his dry, chapped lips. “But we all know how that turned out.” He took a long breath. “But now, you’re next.”

  I let go of his face and straightened, my heart pounding as I tried to make sense of it all.

  His eyes fluttered open and he stared up at me. “She’s so pretty. I can see why she has you all fucked up.”

  “You’re talking about Layla?”

  Again, the corners of his mouth turned into a smile—a freaky as fuck dreamy smile. “Layla. A pretty name for a pretty lady.”

  I was losing my patience. And this piece of shit referring to my woman as a pretty lady was pushing me to the fucking edge.

  “If you don’t tell me right now what the fuck Matteo is up to, and what Layla has to do with all of this, my cousin here will put a bullet in your head.”

  Still, he just smiled. “Such a pretty lady. Such a shame…such a shame.”

  Jesus Christ. I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him toward me, so damn close to my face I could smell the horrid stench of his breath. “Why the fuck do you keep on saying that? What is such a shame?”


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