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Page 7

by VictoriaVallo

  “Godwin might’ve worried I couldn’t be impartial.” Or maybe he believes Garrick. Thomas took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s no reason for alarm,” he added, even though he felt himself starting to worry.

  “Good. I like Viktor,” Meg said.

  “I do, too,” Thomas whispered.

  “Nothing’s impossible, I guess, but I don’t see how they could’ve planned something like this.”

  “We planned our departure date over a week ahead of time. And I filled Viktor in on our exact itinerary. It’s actually quite possible.” Thomas frowned. “But I know Viktor didn’t plan this.”

  “Oh, you found him! Thank the gods!” Bella said as she came flying around a corner, catching the hem of her dress on a table. “Damn!” she said, pulling on it and ripping it.

  Thomas stopped briefly. “You all right?”

  She nodded and then started in the direction they’d been heading. “One of the stable lads filled me in. It was my mother’s jewels. And quite a few bags of coins. He even had one of your petty cash bags. The ones with the red stitching. He said Viktor gave it to him.”

  “That’s a lie. I gave it to him,” Thomas said.

  “What?” Meg and Bella said at the same time.

  “He was trying to seduce me. Got angry when I turned him down. Demanded a hundred silver pieces to leave. I gave him what I had and told him to get out. Stupid of me to trust him. I should’ve gone right to your uncle and Viktor.”

  They reached the main hall, and Thomas grabbed for the door handle. The guard standing there hesitated a second before placing his hand on the door. “I’ve been told not to let anyone in. The vane is trying to keep this quiet.”

  “Gossip is already flying everywhere,” Thomas said. “I suggest you let me in.”

  The guard, a man Thomas didn’t know, shook his head. “I’m sorry. I have orders.”

  “I’m Vane Godwin’s steward, and one of the men accused is my lover. You’ll let me in.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry. You’ll have to wait.”

  “Then you’ll have to arrest me. I’m getting in there whether you let me in or drag me in with shackles on.”

  The guard’s mouth fell open. “There’s no need for that.” He frowned. “You’re the steward?”

  Thomas took a deep breath, hoping he’d be forgiven once this was all over.

  * * * *

  Viktor turned his head at the sound of raised voices. It sounded like Thomas, but he couldn’t be sure through the thick door. Garrick babbled on at Godwin, who looked completely unconvinced by the rambling story. A story, Viktor had noted with a shake of his head, that had already changed twice since they’d entered the room fifteen minutes ago. The magistrate wrote everything down as fast as he could, though he kept looking up at Godwin as if he didn’t see the point in continuing. Thomas would’ve done a better job, but Viktor understood why the vane hadn’t wanted Thomas there. Godwin wanted everything to be impartial, given the circumstances. The vane seemed slightly amused, actually, now that Viktor focused on him. He seemed to be fighting the urge to laugh as he nodded and raised and lowered his eyebrows in turn. The groom who had caught Garrick trying to steal a horse as well as a bag filled with jewels and money stood gaping at Garrick, looking almost too stunned to laugh.

  Godwin’s just going to let Garrick ramble on and make an even bigger fool of himself. He didn’t like him to begin with. If Garrick hadn’t been eyeing Thomas since his arrival, Viktor might’ve stepped in to end his brother’s torture, but he found he simply wasn’t in the mood to stick up for a family member today. The gods knew he’d done it dozens of times and hardly ever received any thanks for it.

  After another cry, the door burst open, and Thomas came rushing in. The guard who’d been left outside entered just behind him, holding his nose. The room went silent as they all stared.

  “Forgive me, Vane Godwin. I know why you don’t want me in here, but I have to be allowed to speak for Viktor.” He took a deep breath. “If I’d had any idea Garrick might do something like this, I would’ve come to you sooner. He’s been trying to seduce me from day one, and today I’d finally had it. I asked him to leave, and he demanded a hundred silver coins. I gave him the petty cash, hoping he’d be satisfied by that. I would’ve paid the household back, of course. I was only thinking of getting him away from here and preventing him from causing any trouble for Viktor or you. I was stupid to think he had any loyalty to his brother. I know Viktor hasn’t been here long, but I’d trust him with my life. Absolutely. I demand a formal hearing, not some backroom affair. Others have had problems with Garrick as well. I’ll give Viktor a character reference even if you don’t want me to. Even if you dismiss me. You can’t send him away. If you do, I’ll be going with him.”

  Viktor opened his mouth to speak but couldn’t. Everyone else seemed equally stunned. Bella and Meg stood in the doorway, Meg holding one hand over her mouth as she and Bella exchanged a look. Godwin seemed to compose himself first.

  “Thomas, did you punch the guard?” Godwin asked, nodding to the man behind Thomas.

  “Yes, sir. I’m very sorry, but I had to be allowed to speak.”

  “And a fine speech it was, but,” Godwin cleared his throat, “did it occur to you to ask if I was taking this accusation against Viktor seriously or not?”

  “You … aren’t?” Thomas asked.

  “I’m obliged to hear both sides, but Viktor actually has an alibi for the time when Garrick claims his brother was helping him.” He pointed to his own chest. “Me. I was talking with Ronald in the stable yard as Viktor was working on inspecting the windows. He was in my sight the entire time. The past two hours or more. Plus, I’m neither blind not stupid. I didn’t completely trust Garrick from the start, and I’ve had people reporting back to me. Instead of to you. I was trying to keep you out of it.” He looked to the guard. “Though I’m sure Viktor is flattered by your … fervor.”

  Thomas went white and lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t … I didn’t mean to doubt you, sir.” He clenched his hands behind his back as his mouth opened and closed a few times without any sound coming out. Finally, he managed to say, “I guess I panicked. Please forgive me.”

  “No real harm’s been done, though perhaps you should make your apologies to someone else,” Godwin said.

  Thomas turned to the guard. “I’m very sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  The man wiped at his nose. “I’ll be fine. I’d have ducked if I’d had any idea a little guy like you could punch so hard.” He drew out a handkerchief and held it to his nose. “It’s fine, though. I’ve had far worse.”

  Thomas gave a quick look to Viktor before returning his gaze to the floor. “I don’t usually act like this, of course.”

  “It was very flattering,” Viktor said, coming over to Thomas. “And rather sweet, but you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wasn’t thinking straight,” Thomas said, looking incredibly embarrassed. He chewed his lower lip and only met Viktor’s gaze briefly.

  Viktor knew of only one way to take Thomas’s mind off his embarrassment. He slid his arm around the man’s waist and drew him close, kissing him soundly.

  Thomas gave in for a moment before struggling to free himself. “What are you doing?”

  “Returning the grand romantic gesture,” Viktor said, kissing him again.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Garrick said.

  “That’s enough nonsense out of you,” Godwin said. “Get him out of here. We have more than enough evidence.”

  “Yes, sir,” the magistrate said.

  Thomas drew away, still blushing, and nodded to the others. “I need to go. Do the paperwork.”

  “What? You can’t be serious,” Viktor said.

  “Later, please,” Thomas whispered, his voice so low Viktor barely heard him. “Just … give me a little while. I’ll see you later.” He tore himself away and rushed out the door behind the magistrate, the groom,
and Garrick, leaving everyone else to stare after them.

  Godwin cleared his throat before heading for the door. “I’ll be sure he comes back soon. If I have to bring him to you myself.” He left the room without another word, signaling for the guard to come with him as well.

  Viktor turned to Bella and Meg, who both stood there staring at the door everyone had just left through. Bella blinked and said, “I believe the words you two were looking for are I love you.”

  “I’m not sure—” Viktor began before he was cut off.

  “Oh, don’t even,” Bella said. “Didn’t you hear him? He punched a man. Thomas. Punched. A. Man. He wouldn’t kick a dog if it bit him. Wouldn’t hit a woman if she came at him with a knife.”

  Viktor smiled. “You’re exaggerating.”

  “All right, maybe, but you know what I mean. I couldn’t believe it when he forced his way in here. I’ve never seen anything like that. He loves you, and he knows that he just revealed that fact. If he could’ve crawled under one of the rugs, he’d have done it.”

  “Is he going to deny it later?”

  Meg and Bella exchanged a look. Bella said, “Hmmm. Maybe. But don’t listen to him.”

  Running his hand through his hair, Viktor said, “Did you imagine you’d be having this conversation a few weeks ago?”

  “No, but that’s what real life is like. It’s complicated and crazy and … wonderful. Don’t let him go back into his shell. You’ve got him out. Keep him out.” She grabbed Meg’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go set all the gossip straight.”

  “And spread some more?” Viktor called as they left.

  “Of course! You want everyone to know just how romantic it was, don’t you?” Bella said.

  “Sure. Why not?” he said, laughing as they rushed away.

  He stood there alone, staring at the floor. Here I was thinking I’d fallen too quickly, that I’d scare him off if I told him all that was in my heart. He’s braver and bolder than he thinks. Much too good for me, of course.

  Viktor left the room, a plan already forming in his head. A priest at a roadside shrine had told him to head for the sea, and that had led him to Dannis, where within two days he was recommended for this job. Never again would he hesitate and question the workings of the gods. It seemed they knew what they were doing all along.

  Chapter Seven

  Thomas took the signed papers across the room and lit a candle before opening a tin of sealing wax sticks. He melted a small puddle of wax onto each piece of paper and then pressed Godwin’s seal into it. He busied himself tidying the desk as he waited for the wax to harden. Godwin and the groom had left after placing their signatures where they were needed, so that left only the magistrate, the guard Thomas had punched, and Garrick. All three of them stared at Thomas’s back—he could feel it. Thomas tried to keep his breathing steady. Never before had he ever done this many things to draw attention to himself in a single day—he’d certainly never let his guard down so much, or so readily thrown aside the control he prided himself on. But he knew why he’d done it, and he also knew he’d do it again without hesitation. Thankfully Viktor had respected his wishes and not insisted on following along. The teasing alone would’ve been Thomas’s undoing. Thomas didn’t know what he would say when they saw each other again. Or how he would look the other man in the eye without the vulnerability he felt right now increasing tenfold.

  As he walked back to the magistrate, though, he almost smiled. Garrick glared at him, apparently having gotten over his shock. The one bold move Thomas certainly didn’t regret today was taking a handkerchief and shoving it into Garrick’s mouth as they walked to this holding room. The magistrate and the guard had both stopped short on either side of the prisoner, while Godwin had chuckled and continued walking, dragging the groom along with him, though the startled man had twice looked back at the scene unfolding behind him.

  “That’s everything in order,” Thomas said. He handed the papers over to the magistrate. “You can send a pageboy along with proposed sentencing dates. I believe the week after next is almost completely open.”

  “I’ll check our schedule and send someone tomorrow morning.”

  Thomas nodded before focusing his attention on the guard. “Can I get you anything?” He wanted to apologize again, but he’d already done so enough times that he feared annoying the man.

  The guard shook his head. “No, but let me introduce myself so perhaps you’ll see me as a friend next time, not a foe.” He extended his hand. “Branard. Everyone calls me Bran.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Thomas said, shaking his hand and feeling even more mortified because Bran was being so understanding. “You’re with the new troop that arrived two days ago, right? I’ve been so busy I haven’t even looked at the roster Viktor gave me.”

  “That’s understandable. We were just glad the vane had returned when we arrived so we didn’t have to sit idle waiting for assignments.” Bran looked to the magistrate. “Would you like an escort?”

  The magistrate nodded. “Yes. He’s a bear shifter, and I can’t say I trust him not to shift and slip away during the confusion.”

  “Take more men if you need them,” Thomas said, almost volunteering to go with them. But even Godwin had told him not to dawdle, throwing him a meaningful look.

  “We may do that,” the magistrate said as he took Garrick by the arm.

  Garrick lost his docility as he was moved to the door, and he at last managed to spit the handkerchief out. “Viktor thinks he’s better than us, but he’s not! He’s exactly the same! And he’ll be done with you soon enough, so you’d better—”

  Bran stopped Garrick’s words by punching him in the face, seemingly knocking him out altogether. To Thomas he said, “I figured your hand might still be sore, but someone had to do it.”

  “You might have to teach me how to do that,” Thomas said.

  “Let’s just hope you never have to,” Branard said as he helped the magistrate half-carry and half-drag Garrick from the room.

  Once Thomas was alone, he sat down at the table in the middle of the room and stared at the shiny surface, studying the map embossed on it. He traced his fingers over the mountains and the rivers, along the lakes and around the coastlines. He didn’t even realize anyone had entered the room until a voice at his side startled him.

  “You better not be mad at me. I wasn’t the one who got into a fist fight.”

  Thomas jerked his head up, relaxing when he saw Viktor and realized what he’d said. He let a hint of a smile touch his lips as he quietly said, “It wasn’t a fist fight, and I’ve been forgiven. Of course I’m not mad at you.”

  “But you seem to be avoiding me,” Viktor said. He drew out a chair and sat beside Thomas.

  “You did kiss me in front of everyone.”

  “I wasn’t aware that wasn’t allowed.”

  Thomas shrugged one shoulder. “I didn’t say that.”

  Viktor reached over and took his hand. “You said a lot of other things, though.”

  Thomas looked up, feeling his chest tighten. “I did. Got a bit carried away, I guess.”

  “I believe you said you’d quit your job for me. That you’d leave with me if I was sent away.”

  Thomas licked his lips. “I did.”

  “And you meant it?” Viktor intertwined their fingers.

  Thomas opened his mouth but found he couldn’t say anything.

  Viktor inched closer. “What’s wrong? Didn’t you see how happy it made me?”

  “It didn’t embarrass you?”

  “Embarrass me?” Viktor shook his head and laughed. “I’m honored to have won the love of such a wonderful man. And with so little effort.”

  Thomas felt his heart pounding. “But I only said I’d leave with you. I didn’t say … that.”

  Viktor held his gaze a long time. “You can deny it if you want, but I don’t believe you.” He reached his other hand up to cup Thomas’s cheek. “Or maybe I simply don’t want to believe I�
��ve misunderstood this gesture because I’ve fallen in love with you so quickly.”

  The pounding stopped as his heart skipped a beat and then began a whole new rhythm as his breath caught in his throat. He swallowed against the constriction in his windpipe but couldn’t say anything.

  Viktor rose and kept hold of Thomas’s hand, drawing him up and smiling down at him. “I’ll give you until we get to my room to find your tongue. If you’re still speechless then, you’ll be out of luck because I plan on keeping your mouth occupied for a while.”

  Thomas didn’t fight or even try to say anything. He’s in love with me? He actually said he’s fallen in love with me? He glanced up at Viktor as he was led to the man’s room. He wants me to be in love with him? He said he was honored. He can’t mean that. How in the world can he really mean that?

  Once they were safely behind the door of Viktor’s bedroom with the bolt thrown into place, Thomas looked up into the eyes of the man holding him.

  “Nothing to say?” Viktor asked.

  “More like I don’t know where to start.”

  “Someone told me earlier that life can be complicated and crazy. And wonderful. I love you, and I’ll wait as long as I have to for the actual words from you. I don’t need them to know you’ll always stand by me, just as you stood up for me today.”

  “I … I do love you.” He swallowed. “But I don’t see what I did to deserve this.”

  * * * *

  Viktor couldn’t help frowning. “Deserve this? Everyone deserves love.”

  “From our parents maybe. We deserve compassion and respect from others as well. But something this wonderful?” Thomas slid his arms up Viktor’s chest. “I don’t know.”

  “Glad as I am you think my love such a precious thing, I don’t like you believing you don’t deserve it.” He kissed Thomas’s temple, then his forehead. “I want you in my bed each night. I want all of our plans for the future to be made together. And I don’t want you feeling insecure or doubting you deserve any of this.”


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