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Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1)

Page 26

by Nightingale, MJ

“What do you mean it’s a wrap?”

  “We’ve been on to this Gary fellow for a while now. Suspected him in this Tampa thing, but wanted to keep it under wraps until we could bring down the bigger fish. You really didn’t need to come down here. We have been keeping an eye on him and the Brimeyer Gang who he works for. You would have been cleared anyhow. The tape makes it nice and tidy with Gary though, so thanks for that.”

  “The Brimeyers?” she asked in confusion.

  “Yes, the Brimeyers,” he told her as she laid there mute with shock. “There a local drug scum outfit. We were just a few weeks away from busting them, but with Gary in custody, we might be making a little dealio with the little rich kid, and get them sooner rather than later. Give him fifteen instead of twenty for turning them in. They were Gary’s main supplier, and they have been dealing locally for nearly a decade. They have been working with Gary to extend their reach into Bangor, and they have been using him to bring more product into the state.” He shrugged like this was not news to her.

  Gary had been up to a whole hell of a lot more than she thought. She was flabbergasted. But cutting Gary a deal was out of the question. “You’re going to cut Gary a deal!” she scoffed, appalled at the thought of him getting off lightly.

  “I think you’ll be fine with the Marinos for fifteen years, Miss Sears. Plus, I don’t think prison is too kind to pretty boy rich kids. We’ll be on him when he gets out.” Detective Alexander stood there for a moment waiting to see if this little package had any other questions. It seemed she was still too stunned to speak. He had things to do. “Have a good day,” he said and gave her a mock salute as he exited.

  Holy hell, she thought. “Wait?” she yelled again.

  “What is it now, Miss Sears?” he asked with an exaggerated sigh popping his head in the door again. It was his turn to roll his eyes at her.

  “I’m not going to jail tomorrow?” she asked, a warm feeling beginning to course through her.

  He shook his head and smiled again. “Maine cops aren’t idiots. We have been investigating this drug ring for quite some time. We have been watching this group in the hopes of also getting their suppliers. We know you’re squeaky clean. Florida will get all our reports.” He nodded again, and this time she let him go.

  She was free. Free to be with Nikko. That is if he still wanted her. Her mind ran rampant with doubts. Would he? Want her? Would his brother’s accept her? After all they’d been through, they might . . . her fears were back. They’d said she was family, but that was before she’d nearly gotten their brother killed. Hell, she’d be reluctant to have her new baby sister, or brother involved with someone who’d put their life in danger, and she or he hadn’t even been born yet. What the hell was she going to do? What the hell could she say?

  There was nothing to do, but wait and see. And it seemed like hours before anyone came to her room even though it wasn’t. She was watching the clock. The next person to open her door though made her smile genuinely for the first time in a long time.

  “Gramps,” she burst out.

  He rushed to the bed, her grandmother at his heels. “Nana,” she added when she saw her grandmother was there too.

  “We came as soon as we saw it on the news,” her grandmother choked through her tears.

  Although he wanted nothing more than to crush his little granddaughter to his chest, Roland stepped back to let his wife in first. It was the right thing to do after all.

  As soon as his wife moved to go to the other side of the bed, he was there holding her close. His little sidekick. “Glad you’re safe chipmunk,” he whispered in her ear. “We love you.”

  “Love you too Gramps, Nana.” The tears were coursing down her face. It felt so good to have someone there who loved her.

  “I could have killed that old man,” her grandma said, indicating her husband, “when I found out he helped you. Don’t you ever do something so stupid again!” she admonished, shaking an old finger, gnarled from years of baking, sewing, and gardening, at her granddaughter and husband of nearly fifty years.

  Ronnie nodded. Her nana was known for her lectures. What could she do? She took it, noticing her grandpa winking at her over her nana’s shoulder.

  Ronnie was so relieved to have them there, but yet her thoughts kept straying back to Nikko and the Marinos. She quickly filled them in on her talk with Detective Alexander, and both her grandparents were thrilled to hear the news that her name had been cleared. Her grandmother fanned herself when she talked about the Brimeyers, scared for her granddaughter who had gotten so close to a real live drug ring. Ronnie wanted to be honest with them and tell them everything herself as it would be all over the news anyhow. It would be better coming from her. But, she knew what her grandmother must be thinking as she saw a myriad of emotions cross her face. She had been in far more danger than even she thought.

  The nurse interrupted them deep in conversation when she came in with a tray for dinner. And even at the smell of the hospital food, her stomach betrayed her.

  “Eat something, bebe,” her grandfather encouraged pushing the hospital food tray towards her, revealing a slice of turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy. And though it was hospital food, Ronnie wasn’t about to turn it away.

  “I’m calling your mother. She’ll be so relieved,” Bertie announced, pulling her cell phone out of her oversized purse. “What with the new baby and all,” she grinned from ear to ear, “this will make her day.”

  “You told her,” Ronnie laughed, taking her first bite of cold, dry turkey, dipping it into the potatoes to make it more palatable. This meal reminded her so much of another meal, very similar, but in a different location when she’d thought her life was over. Now, it seemed it was just beginning, but she needed to talk to Nikko first to know for sure. She needed to see him.

  “Of course,” her grandfather laughed at her accusatory comment. “She needed some good news to get me off the hook for helping you,” he winked.

  “I love you Gramps,” she reached for his gnarled hand and squeezed it as her grandmother chattered away in the corner.

  After her nana filled her mother in, she passed the phone to Ronnie who had eaten nearly everything by then.

  “Hi Mom,” she answered perkily.

  “Oh you . . .” her mom let out a shaky breath of relief through the receiver.

  They talked for a few minutes, and Jay popped on to tell her he was happy, too, that things seemed to be working out all right for everyone. They’d even had a call from Tampa saying the charges should be dropped as soon as they got word from Detective Alexander. He’d contacted the prosecution and called Lou personally, not twenty minutes ago, to say Ronnie turned herself in, so the bounty was secure. That bit of news flabbergasted Ronnie. Why would Detective Alexander say she had done that? She expressed those thoughts to her mom.

  Her mom laughed and then awkwardly admitted, “Oh, well, I actually know him. He dated Ana.”

  “Oh my God! Small f . . .” she caught herself before she cursed in front of her grandparents. “. . . world.”

  “Yes, it is. It didn’t last, but they had some fun, let’s say.” After a few more minutes of chatting with her mom, her mother finally broke off. “Okay, baby. I’m going to let you get some rest. I’m glad your grandparents are there with you. Grandma said they will stay in a hotel tonight and you can go home with them. Is that okay?” her mom asked.

  “Um,” her mind flew back to Nikko. “I guess. But Nikko. I need to talk to him. I’d like to stay here locally for a while at least while he recovers,” she looked at her grandparents her eyes pleading for them to understand. Her grandmother scowled. Her grandfather winked.

  “Okay, well don’t upset Grams. You know how she gets. Break it to her easily. Maybe ask them to stay in the hotel with you until Nikko gets out?” she whispered softly.

  “Good idea,” she breathed. “Love you Mom,” she said before hanging up.

  “Love you too, sweet heart. Call me every day and keep m
e posted.”

  “I will.” And with that they both hung up.


  Lou sat by Jay on the sofa. Relief swept through her for her daughter. She was glad this nightmare was behind her, behind all of them, yet she felt guilty not being there even though her doctor advised her not to fly right now.

  Jay sensed her disappointment. “She’ll come home.” He pulled his wife onto his lap and patted her stomach, his baby inside this remarkable woman.

  “But where is home?” she asked sadly, thinking of what the future might hold for her head strong daughter.

  “She’s sweet on Nikko. More than sweet. She’ll come here,” he stated with confidence and gently kissed his wife’s lips. He needed to distract her. Soon she was only thinking about those lips.

  There was a soft knock on Ronnie’s hospital room door, and her eyes fluttered open. Despite her nerves, she managed to doze off. Her grandparents left to get two rooms together at the hotel for when she was released tomorrow. They also wanted to freshen up and grab a quick bite to eat before coming back for evening visiting hours. Her grandfather also promised to bring her something back that was better than the hospital food.

  She glanced at the clock. It was only six-thirty.

  “Come in,” she called out groggily sitting up a bit, but stopped short when the door began to open and she heard a male voice in the hall.

  “Get out of the way, Nurse Daniels,” she heard Gio announce. “I’ve got Dr. White’s permission right here.”

  “But orderlies should be doing this,” she heard the nervous nurse announce.

  “My brother was going to get out of bed and do this himself. He wasn’t waiting two hours for the orderlies.”

  Ronnie saw the foot of a bed being pushed through the door.

  “Well, let me help you then,” the Nurse sighed loudly, knowing she wasn’t getting this large man to stop what he was doing. “Give me that pole.”

  She heard Gio’s rumble of laughter at the nurse’s command. She’d already picked up on the fact that everything turned into a sexual innuendo with this man.

  “Yes ma’am. I mean Nurse Daniels,” he teased, answering her with just the right amount of sexual undertones. “Nice uniform by the way,” he added at the pretty lady with the mop of sandy hair framing her oval face. She blushed.

  The bed was almost entirely through the doorway and Ronnie could make out a form upon it. Her heart beat faster.

  “What’s going on?” she asked sitting up straighter in her bed.

  “Ask him,” the nurse announced, revealing her name plate that stated she was Lacy Daniels. It was the same nurse who had come in earlier to give her some medication.

  Gio peered around the corner, face tight with concentration. He finally answered her question. “Baby brother didn’t want the private room. He wanted a roomie, but he passed out cold again on the way here.”

  “That’s Nikko?” Ronnie sat up straight.

  “Stay in bed,” the nurse ordered when it looked like this patient, too, was going to get tangled up in this mess.

  Ronnie sat back down. Her heart raced. Nikko asked to be here. In this room with her. She had been so worried, but his first thoughts when waking had been to be with her.

  With one more push, Gio had the bed all the way in. He bumped it against the door frame, and jostled Nikko who groaned in his sleep.

  “Be careful with him,” Ronnie cautioned, wincing for Nikko. She examined him more closely as Gio moved his brother’s bed over to position it next to hers.

  “Geesh, that’s the thanks I get for all this trouble,” he teased.

  “Oh, sorry,” Ronnie giggled softly. Obviously Gio letting him come here, meant he didn’t hate her. “Where are your brothers?” she asked. “Did they know you were moving him?”

  The nurse hastily plugged all the equipment back in. When Gio looked back up from watching the cute nurse’s derriere, he saw the fear in Ronnie’s eyes. He decided to put her mind at ease. His brothers had been too anxious about Nikko to pop in on her. They had also been answering questions from Detective Alexander and other officials while he had been running around doing all the drudge work. He may have to reward himself, he thought wryly, checking out the cute nurse one more time.

  “No, but they’ll be fine with it. They ran out to get something to eat. They’re bringing me back something.” When he still saw her doubtful expression, he gave her more words of encouragement. “They know you love him, I told him what you said in the ambulance. He loves you. You’re family now and to us that means a lot. No one is mad at you, Ronnie.” He winked at the nurse, and she blushed again as the door swung shut on her.

  “Oh, thank you,” Ronnie cried, a small gasp escaping her lips. She had been really worried about what Nikko’s brothers thought of her. Her worries dissipated when Nikko murmured in the bed next to her. It sounded like her name.

  “I’ll leave you two alone for a bit,” Gio offered as he looked at her and then back towards the door. “I’ll keep my brothers away too. For a bit. You’ve got an hour,” he winked conspiratorially. Without waiting for her answer, he began to leave.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed the word as he left.

  “Oh Nurse Daniels, honey,” she heard him call out in the hall way. She couldn’t help but laugh. He was such a tease, that one.

  Nikko was waking to her left, and she reached over to take his hand. It was wonderfully warm.

  “R-ronnie,” he murmured, coming to wakefulness.

  “I’m here,” she whispered and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

  He tried to sit up and groaned from the effort and pain. “You okay?” he asked and winced at the same time peering at her under heavy eyelids.

  “I’m fine,” she hastily moved, swinging her legs onto his bed careful to avoid jostling him. She slid into bed next to him.

  “Oh good,” he let out a breath and cracked one startling blue eye fully open. “I love you, Ronnie.”

  She propped herself up on one elbow, lying on her side, careful not to move him too much for fear of causing his injured shoulder any pain. When both of his eyes were on hers and he moved his right arm, the one nearest her, and luckily the one that wasn’t injured, she was able to snuggle into the crook of his arm. She gazed at him one more second before finally saying the words he longed to hear.

  “I love you too, Nikko Marino. I love you!” She kissed his lips, and pulled back. “I love you,” she kissed him again. “I love you.” And again.

  “Thank God!” he whispered. And despite his injury, he was kissing her back. This bounty was worth it.

  (Keep reading for a sneak peek at Blaze’s story

  Beautiful Chase – The Marino Bros.)

  His heart pounded in his chest beating a furious tattoo. It was much later than normal for him to head to his fiancée Nicole’s apartment. She wasn’t expecting him tonight. He had a paper due tomorrow for his Constitutional Amendment Rights course and he told her he’d be working late. It was his last class that he needed to ace in order to graduate with his law degree, and he was also cramming for his BAR exam next month as well.

  Nicole had been patient with him. For the last two years, their relationship was strained because of all the time he needed to put into his studies. But they had been together for four, and he knew she was the one. Once he found a job with the Prosecutor’s office in Manhattan, he was planning to propose. It was just after one o’clock and he had been packing up to head to his apartment in the city when he had gotten the strange text. It had been a picture of Nicole dancing with someone. The picture revealed her kissing that someone, someone he recognized. And it floored him. It must be some kind of mistake. He had to ask her about this, and see what it all meant.

  Nicole was finishing her undergraduate degree and shared a small apartment with two other girls. They were both out of town this weekend, and so he let himself into her apartment with the key she had given him.

  He was immediately struck by the soun
ds of passion. It shocked him. He really hadn’t expected that. But the sounds he heard could not be denied. Those were the sounds she made with him. He knew that murmur of satisfaction very well.

  “Oh God, yes,” she purred. “Yes, baby, fuck me.”

  His heart that had been beating so fast, now began to slow, but he could feel the blood pumping in his brain. What the hell? It couldn’t be. Nicole, sweet and innocent when he met her as a freshman, and he a senior. He had fallen for her innocence immediately. Her southern charm, and wavy brown hair reminded him of photos of his mother when she was just married. His mom died six years earlier. He still felt the pang of her loss, and his father’s. They died together in the end.

  But Nicole. It just seemed so unreal as he crept down the hallway. He had been her first. Well, he thought that, but this picture told a different tale. A tale he hadn’t even suspected her capable of.

  Yes, she had expressed loneliness these past two years at times, but he thought she understood. He was working hard for their future together. But from this picture, it was him, who didn’t understand her at all.

  “Oh, Alex, baby, that feels so . . . so . . .” her voice trailed off.

  He couldn’t believe it. She was with Alex. Alex, a friend to both of them. He liked Alex right away when they met. They had become great friends. A serious student, here on scholarship, playing ball for the university. They had met Alex at a party two years ago, and quickly developed a friendship over their shared love of the game, and the similar professors and classes they had taken. Alex was studying law too.

  He could hear his heart pounding as it tore into shreds. Not only was Nicole betraying him, but Alex as well. It was too much. He almost chose to turn and leave, but some sick perverseness overtook him, and he had to see it for himself. Had to see the woman he loved fucking their friend. He had to witness this betrayal.

  He walked down the hallway, and saw Nicole’s bedroom door slightly ajar.

  “Oh, Alex, so good. Yes . . .” she murmured. He couldn’t hear Alex at all, didn’t want to, but he still walked forward, as if in slow motion, towards that door that loomed larger as he got closer. His tunnel vision made it appear like it was miles away, yet he was just steps away from seeing her, seeing them together.


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