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Meant for You

Page 6

by Layla Hagen

  Val and Hailey were wiping tears from their eyes.

  “That’s a first,” I said sheepishly.

  “You never caught it before?” Hailey asked.

  “Nope. Though I can’t say I caught this. More like it hit me straight on.”

  I wondered if it was a sign. Ah, but the flowers were beautiful. I admired them as we rushed off to the side, leaving the dance floor for the men. I was surprised at how many showed up to catch the garter.

  “Men usually aren’t so excited about this part,” I murmured to Val.

  “In my opinion, the excitement is directly proportional to how beautiful the woman who caught the bouquet is.”

  “Oh, oh!” Now I remembered. The guy who caught the garter was supposed to slide it up my leg. I looked at the crowd of men, trying to detect potential candidates to cheer for. Then I saw Will joining the crowd. He stood out among the dozen or so men. He was taller, and by far the best-looking one. And those arms... yummm. I wondered if he could lift me up with just one. He wasn’t wearing the suit jacket, and the white fabric of his shirt was stretched a little too tight over his biceps.

  Oh, so now he was interested in catching the garter, was he?

  I tried to catch his attention, but he was focusing on Graham. It looked like he was serious about winning.

  Graham threw the garter up in the air in a swift move. The crowd of men lurched forward, but Will, being taller, had the advantage. Plus his reflexes seemed sharper. He caught the garter with little effort. One of the competing men literally bounced off him. I tried to contain my joy, but it wasn’t easy, especially when Will winked at me.

  Oh, God. He was going to put his hands on me. In front of everyone. How high exactly did he have to push that garter? I’d never bothered to find out, and asking the Connor girls would be too embarrassing. In any case, I congratulated myself on choosing to shave all the way up today. I’d thought about cheating and only shaving to the top of the split, then decided not to be a lazy ass.

  Graham took the microphone, asking me to step forward and explaining the tradition of the garter for the guests. I heard only half of it. Will was looking straight at me, and by the way his gaze traveled up and down my body, I knew he was going to make me squirm. Damn, I already was squirming.

  After Graham lowered the microphone, Will brought a chair on the dance floor, motioning for me to sit on it.

  I did that and crossed my legs before realizing it was counterproductive. Will followed my every move, taking stock of the leg where the split was. He chose the other leg to slide the garter up.

  “Thought you didn’t want to catch the garter,” I teased. Will was close enough to hear me, but no one else could. A catchy song was playing.

  “You thought I’d let some other guy put his hands all over you?”

  My God, had he somehow become sexier in the past half hour since we’d danced? Something was different....

  “Ah, I see. Well, I was rooting for the guy next to you.”

  Will cuffed my ankle. I was reminded of our kiss and the way he’d held my hands behind my back.

  “You’re a bad girl, Paige. And I am going to make you pay for every button you’ve pushed today.” His voice was low and seductive, and I knew I was toast. I was at his mercy again, only now we had a crowd watching and clapping.

  He moved his hand up to my ankle then higher, drawing small circles with his middle finger on the back of my calf. A sizzle went up my spine. Yep, the sizzles were starting already, and he wasn’t even at my knee. He trailed the finger up to my knee, then let the garter drop.

  He turned to the crowd, shrugging as if to say, “What can you do?”

  Then he started the whole ordeal from the beginning, starting with my ankle. I was clasping the edges of the seat with both hands, willing myself not to squirm.

  But when he moved past my knee, I lost the battle. He smiled, as if he knew exactly the effect he was having on me, watching me intently. He’d trapped me with those sinful brown eyes. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.

  “How do you like this, Paige?” Will whispered.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” I whispered back. My entire body was tingling, even though he was only touching my leg. And the pressure between my thighs was intensifying. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I felt every callus on his fingers.

  “Good, that’s exactly what I’m going for.”

  I inhaled deeply through my mouth, exhaling through my nose. If Will Connor thought I couldn’t push his buttons even when I was at his mercy, he was in for a surprise.

  “If you continue to go so slow, you’ll never reach high enough to check if I’m wearing any panties.”

  Victory! Oh, yeah. Will clenched his jaw, his hand tightening on my thigh.

  “Paige,” he warned. His voice was breathier, which gave me immense satisfaction.

  “You were saying, Detective?”

  He wiped the sass right off my tongue when his hand moved higher.

  “Tell me if you’re wearing any.”

  “What if I won’t?”

  His hand inched higher. He was going to call my bluff. The others wouldn’t know exactly what was happening under my skirt, but I would. When he moved his hand higher still, I relented. He was only halfway up my inner thigh, but I couldn’t risk it.

  “Fine, yes. Yes, I’m wearing panties.”

  He gave me a smile that left me feeling as if my lacy, barely there thong had caught fire. “What kind?”

  “Will Connor, I am not going to describe my underwear to you.”

  “Then I’ll check for myself.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  I knew it was the wrong thing to say a second after I spoke. Will’s smile turned wolfish. Holy shit, I’d never met a man willing to go toe-to-toe with me. So, I was surprised when he let go of the garter, which made a tiny snapping sound as it touched my skin. When Will pulled back his hand, I felt a little foolish, realizing he couldn’t have called my bluff. He couldn’t very well look up my skirt in a room full of people.

  The guests clapped and cheered, and I stood up, rolling my dress up so everyone could see the garter. I knew that would get a rise out of Will. Looking sideways at him, I wiggled my eyebrows. That hot and possessive look he gave me in return? It could have melted Antarctica.

  Chapter Nine


  “Uncle Will, can I talk to you?” Milo asked me as the wedding reception was winding down.

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  I motioned to the chair in front of me, and he climbed on it. I was facing him, but I was also keeping an eye on Paige, who was three seats away. She’d been deep in conversation with my sisters up until a minute ago when they’d gone to bring a fresh round of drinks. They were all tipsy already.

  “So, Mom and Dad are going on their honeymoon in two weeks,” Milo said.

  I nodded.

  “And Mom wanted to talk to Aunt Val so I could stay with her, but... can I stay with you? I like Aunt Val, but....”

  And now I understood why he’d waited until my sisters left. He hadn’t wanted to hurt Val’s feelings.

  “Of course you can. I’ll talk to Lori.”

  Milo clapped his hands in excitement. “Can we build a birdhouse?”

  I ruffled his hair, filled with a strange happiness. “Sure.”

  Before Graham, Jace and I had been the ones to show Milo the ropes when it came to manly activities, as Lori called them. Now Milo was basking in the fact that he had a dad who could show him all those things.

  I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I’d missed our time together. I was thrilled to spend a week with him.

  As Milo hopped off the chair, running straight to Lori, I realized Paige had been watching us and was smiling warmly. Val and Hailey returned, carrying tequila shots. They’d been chugging champagne for the past few hours, and now were topping it off with shots?

  I was one to talk. I was buzzed from champagne... and still hi
gh on Paige. On the taste of her mouth and the smooth skin of her thighs. She was getting tipsier by the second, but it was endearing to watch her be a goof and have fun with my sisters.

  They were talking about her dad. She was telling them about one of his deployments, and I was shamelessly eavesdropping. When she’d said her dad had been in the Army, I realized what she’d meant that day about detectives not being her type. She’d said it jokingly, but paired with her comment today about understanding my sister’s worry, and her insistence on the day we’d bought the alarm that my looking around was making her uncomfortable, there might be some truth behind it.

  That didn’t sit well with me, because I liked Paige. The sweet way she’d reached out to me in the church completely took me by surprise. The way she’d goofed around the entire day, pushing my buttons even more than usual... somehow she’d known I needed that today. And that kiss... how she’d surrendered to me. My dick twitched at the memory.

  When all of the guests had left and only family was around, Paige rose to her feet. She was beyond tipsy. Her gait was steady, but other things gave her away. She grabbed her phone too tightly; her movements were too brusque.

  Over her shoulder, I saw her pull up the app for ordering a cab.

  “You don’t need to order anything. Those cars we all came in are waiting outside.”


  “I’m taking you home, Paige.”

  She blinked up at me, giving me a dazzling smile. “That’s nice of you. Thanks.”

  On the way to the car, I tucked her into my side, half supporting her weight. I’d been right about her level of tipsiness.

  In the car, I became aware that I wasn’t faring much better. The champagne had gone straight to my head. Not touching Paige took a huge effort. Her dress slid off one leg, revealing all that creamy skin. I sat next to her, careful not to make any contact. If I kissed her, the driver would be in for quite a show.

  “How did you like the wedding?” I asked.

  “It was great. I’m so glad you talked me into going.”

  I leaned in, whispering right in her ear. “I’m quite good at talking you into what I want.” I could feel her wanting to argue with me, maybe dish some more of that sass. Almost without thinking, I touched her bare thigh on the spot where I’d slid the garter on her other leg. She let out a sound between a sigh and a moan, and when I cocked my head in her direction, I nearly lost all my control. Her eyes were hooded, full of lust. It took all I had not to kiss her.

  It became clear quickly that she was also tired. She slid lower in her seat, and her head kept lolling to one side or the other as she dozed off.

  “You’re tired. Relax, I’ll hold you.”

  I slid my fingers under her chin, tilting her head on my shoulder. Before long, she was asleep. I would have liked to talk to her, but this worked just fine for me too. She made an adorable sound, like a purring cat. Her hair smelled like strawberries.

  When we arrived at her building, I rocked her gently.

  “We’re here, Paige. Wake up.”

  She blinked her eyes open, straightening up. I climbed out of the car, then opened her door, helping her out.

  “This is me,” she said unnecessarily.

  “I’m walking you to the front door.”

  I scanned the area and decided it was semisafe. It was a sleepy residential area, with an inner courtyard and free access to the staircase. The corridor didn’t have a full wall, so I could watch Paige walk to her apartment, but there could be plenty of creeps waiting somewhere along the way.

  Paige was fidgeting. “Will, I had a great time tonight, but....”

  She glanced to the building, then at the car. I realized she thought I was inviting myself into her apartment or her bed. I stepped closer, taking her head between my hands, looking her straight in the eyes.

  “Let me walk you to the door. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  She bit her lip, then nodded. It was a testament to how tipsy she was that I got no sassy reply. Paige lived on the second floor, and I was satisfied there was no creep inside.

  I walked her to the door and stood right behind her while she searched for her keys. I felt the heat of her body against my chest.

  “Here is where I leave you, Paige.”

  She turned around. “You really just wanted to walk me to my door?”

  “Yes. You should get an alarm, by the way.”

  She chuckled, bringing her hand to her temple in an army salutation. “Yes, sir. But only if you help me install it.”

  “Of course.” I brought my lips to her cheek, then trailed them to her mouth, kissing one corner, then moving to the other. Then I kissed her. I hadn’t thought a kiss could be hotter than the one at the wedding. I’d been wrong. She leaned back against the door for support as I deepened my exploration. She was free to touch me this time, and she took full advantage. She started with my arms, then moved to my shoulders before descending to my chest. I groaned against her mouth, and then one of my hands was on her thigh, touching her bare skin. She rolled her hips forward. I moved my hand higher just a fraction of an inch and then stopped. My other hand tightened on her shoulder. I was fighting the urge to move my hand even higher. She seemed to realize that... and moved it for me.

  She was going to be the death of me. I needed to touch this woman intimately. I’d barely refrained when I kissed her at the wedding, but now, in this dark hallway.... One inch, then another, I trailed my fingers, until I reached between her legs. Her pussy was drenched. I was trembling with the desire to push her panties to one side and sink my fingers inside her. Hell, I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her with my mouth, right now. Instead, I retrieved my hand completely, placing it on the door with a loud thump. I had to tear myself away from her.

  Outside the building, she’d been wary of me coming up. Now she was aroused in addition to being tipsy, and I knew that combination meant she wasn’t thinking clearly. She’d regret this tomorrow. I was a nanosecond from breaking down the door and taking her inside, spreading her wide and feasting on her, sinking inside her. I pulled on every ounce of self-restraint and almost moved away... but then she lowered her hands to my hips, slamming them against hers.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. I was only human, and I was so turned on, I could barely think. My dick was painfully hard, and the suit pants weren’t much help covering it. The length of my cock was pressing against her belly, and the friction was driving me insane. Paige had wound her hands in my hair, and she lifted one leg up my thigh, opening herself up. I nearly came in my pants. I breathed in and out, and finally tore my mouth away from hers. I brought both hands to her hips, pushing them firmly against the door.

  “Fucking hell, Paige. You’re killing me.”

  She was looking up at me with pent-up desire. I wanted nothing more than to go inside with her. If I thought I could keep my hands off her, I would. Just to talk to her, maybe find out a little more about her reticence about my job and how deep it went—if it was a deal-breaker. I was content even to just take some more button pushing from her. I wanted to be with her partly because tonight of all nights, I didn’t feel like being on my own, but also because I was consumed by her.

  I’d always followed my instincts, and I felt it deep in my bones that I wanted Paige in my life, perhaps even needed her. I wasn’t sure how I felt about needing someone since I’d pushed away that concept at seventeen, but the entire day, that instinct had grown stronger. I wouldn’t ignore it.

  “Go inside. We’re both buzzed from the champagne, and I’m very close to losing control. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She blinked, then said awkwardly, “You’re right. Thanks for keeping a clear head.”

  She turned around, but not before I noticed a strange expression on her face. It looked like shame, possibly even disappointment. I wanted to clear something up. I brought a hand to her waist, figuring it was safe to touch her because she had her back to me, so I couldn’t get lost in her eyes or
be tempted by her mouth and lose all reason.

  I brought my mouth to her ear. “Paige, this doesn’t mean I don’t want you. I do, and when we take that step, I promise I’ll fuck you so good.” My voice was almost a growl. Her knees buckled, and she missed the lock twice. I covered her hand with mine and guided the key inside the lock.


  “But I want us both—you especially—to be completely sober and in full possession of our mental faculties.” I kissed the top of her back, then lower between her shoulder blades. “And in full possession of our senses, so you won’t miss any single thing I’ll be doing to you.” I spoke every word against her skin. I felt a small quiver snake through her just as I took my hand away from her waist. She turned the key in her lock, then went inside. I fought against all my instincts to keep from knocking at her door.

  Chapter Ten


  Next day, I headed to my parents’ house for brunch. My sisters and my brother were going to be there too, which made me giddy with excitement. I was going to get some much-needed quality time with my nieces. It had been far too long since I’d played with them. I put on a sundress and a large hat, bagging sunscreen too. My parents had a small pool, and I intended to use it.

  I’d woken up with a suspiciously clear head. I’d feared a hangover, but so far, so good. Maybe I’d imagined all those champagne glasses... or the hotter-than-hell way Will had kissed me against the door. Had I imagined the dirty talk too? A sizzle went through me as I remembered his exact words. Nope, my imagination wasn’t that good. I appreciated that he’d remembered we were both buzzed, when I’d gotten so lost in him. I knew most men wouldn’t have cared about me being drunk when I practically jumped him in front of my door, even though I hadn’t intended to let him into my bed so soon.


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