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Because You're Mine

Page 16

by Nan Ryan

  “God, you’re so beautiful, so sweet,” he murmured, brushing his hot face back and forth over her naked breasts. “You make me so happy, Sabella. I’ll make you happy, too, if you’ll let me.”

  “I … I’ll let you,” she said anxiously, eager to have his mouth back on her yearning breasts.

  “Will you, sweet?” he whispered and placed a dark, lean hand beneath her bare left breast, urging it upward as he bent to it.

  “Ahhhhh,” Sabella sighed involuntarily when his warm lips opened over the straining, throbbing nipple and his tongue began to make licking, loving strokes across the taut point of pure sensation.

  Her freed hands went into Burt’s dark hair at the sides of his head and she impatiently drew him to her, pulling his hot, handsome face closer, thrusting her torso forward, frantically urging more and more of her bare throbbing breast into his hot sucking mouth as it opened wider and wider to accept her.

  Sabella was so caught up in this delightful procedure, in pleasure of which, until now, she had been totally ignorant, she was no longer concerned with what was expected of her tonight. She didn’t dread what Burt would do to her in his big bed. Sighing and squirming and drowning in physical joy, she no longer thought past the moment. This exquisite experience, the strong, flexing pull of Burt’s lips at her breasts drew from her all thought of the future.

  So enraptured was she, Sabella didn’t mind a bit when Burt laid a warm, caressing hand on her knee. She did not object when he snagged the hem of her nightgown and began slowly pushing it up, his hand stroking the golden tan flesh of her thighs.

  Sabella had no idea how long they stayed in the leather Happy chair, kissing, touching, enjoying the increasingly thrilling journey toward that final destination of all-out love-making. It seemed at once like a long time and yet it was as though it passed in a heartbeat. Perhaps that was because she relished every new thrill, each novel sensation she experienced at the hands of this skilled, patient lover who was her husband.

  “Burt, Burt,” she whispered and trembled.

  She buried her face in the curve of his neck and shoulder when his hand, which had been lying unthreateningly atop her bared leg, slipped slowly down to the warm inside of her thigh. He touched the damp, curling triangle of blond hair between her legs and she gasped.

  “Shhh, baby,” he said, his hand doing nothing more than cupping her possessively, gently pressing the springy golden curls against the moist flesh. “Kiss me, Sabella.”

  He turned his head and captured her mouth with his own. He kissed her and throughout the long, hot sexy kiss his hand stayed where it was, carefully covering the crisp blond curls which protected that most feminine part of her. That possessive hand stayed completely still, the lean fingers at rest. For that reason, because he made no attempt to stroke or probe or rush her, Sabella relaxed and her quivering thighs, tightly pressed together, fell naturally apart.

  By the time Burt rose from the Happy chair and carried her across the room to the big waiting bed, Sabella was more than ready to go. She wasn’t quite sure when it happened, or exactly how, but she realized when Burt stood up that she was no longer wearing her satin nightgown. She was completely naked in his arms, her gown and negligee lying in a shimmering white pool on the darkness of the rug.

  She didn’t care.

  She sighed with sensual pleasure when Burt put his knee on the mattress, leaned over, and gently laid her in the very center of the big, silk-sheeted bed. Almost all her inhibitions had been discarded along with her nightgown. She lay stretching and squirming, enjoying the feel of cool silk against her hot skin. She hadn’t realized she was still wearing one of her house slippers until Burt removed it, leaning down to kiss her bare instep before sliding the slipper off and tossing it to the floor.

  She smiled dreamily when he said in a low, baritone voice, “I told you I would kiss your feet.”

  “Mmmmm,” she responded then turned her head to watch as he kicked off his own shoes, dropped down on the edge of a chaise lounge, and took off his dark stockings.

  He rose and his hands went to his belt buckle. Sabella wondered idly if she should turn away, not look.

  She watched as he unbuttoned his trousers, shoved his thumbs into the sides of the waistband, and sent both dark trousers and linen underwear to the rug.

  Sabella drew a quick, shallow breath and stared in wonder at his glorious physique. He was truly magnificent in his naked glory, an Apollo—a veritable god. His broad chest and smooth back were matched in their masculine beauty by the rippling muscles of his tight belly, the strong, sleek muscles of his thighs and long lean legs.

  She could no longer avoid staring at that part of his anatomy about which she was the most curious. As if he knew exactly where her questioning glance was focused, Burt came to the bed, wrapped a hand around the intricately carved post of the bed’s tall headboard, and stood proud and still for her to leisurely examine him.

  His pulsing erection, thrusting upward out of the dense growth of black hair covering his groin was awesome in size and shape. Sabella had never in her life seen a naked man. But she had been raised on a ranch, had watched horses mate. Involuntarily, she shivered. The naked, fully aroused Burt put her in mind of a mighty stallion, ready to mount a mare. A small degree of her earlier fear returned. Would he behave as a stallion, yank her up onto all fours, and shove that huge member into her, deaf to her cries of disgust and pain?

  Burt released the bedpost.

  Gracefully, as he did all things, he slipped into bed and quickly drew the champagne-colored sheet up over his nakedness to his waist. He turned onto his side, raised up and supported his weight on his elbow. He reached out and laid a gentle hand on Sabella’s tense face.

  His fingers stroking her cheek, he looked into her large, frightened eyes, and said, “Come into my arms, sweetheart. Let me hold you.”

  His fingers moved down the side of her throat and out across her bare shoulder. Slowly, surely he pulled her into his embrace, lying back flat on the bed, drawing her against his side. He felt a tremor surge through her naked, slender body. He put a thumb beneath her quivering chin, turned her face up to his, and kissed her.

  He kept kissing her until she was again warm and pliant in his arms. He purposely turned onto his side as he held her so that his straining erection could press against her belly. His lips feasting on hers, his arms around her, he allowed her to acquaint herself with his body. He let her feel the throbbing flesh against her, to become comfortable with the size, the texture, and the hardness of him. To experience the powerful palpitations surging through him while he was still outside her body, before he buried himself deep inside her.

  He could tell by the way she was pressing herself to him that she was eagerly familiarizing herself with him. He wasn’t surprised. Sabella was a healthy, curious, hot-blooded woman and he looked forward to the long, lovely nights ahead teaching her how to make love.

  After a time Burt pressed Sabella down onto her back and leaned over her, his lips still playing with hers. He kissed her temples, her eyes, her cheeks, and then moved to her mouth again. When his lips slid over her chin to brush a kiss to the hollow of her throat, Sabella sighed. He nibbled and nuzzled his way down to her breasts and she sighed more heavily when his mouth covered a straining nipple.

  Burt sucked on her nipples until she was writhing and squirming and whispering his name. At the same time his hand began to stroke her bare belly, her shapely thighs. When his fingers went to the golden triangle this time, they did not stay still.

  Burt lifted his dark head and watched Sabella’s beautiful face as he carefully, gently slipped the tips of his fingers through the blond coils until he touched the sensitive female flesh. Her back arched and her breath caught in shock when he touched her where no man ever had before. She wasn’t sure she liked having his fingers there. She didn’t, she decided. Not at all.

  Sabella fidgeted in an attempt to get him to stop what he was doing and she glared at him, making
a face. But Burt simply smiled at her, began to gently stroke her, and promised, “Soon, sweetheart, it will feel good.”

  And he was right.

  Before she knew it Sabella was sighing and writhing with excited pleasure. It felt to her as if his caressing fingers were spreading liquid fire and that any second she would burn completely up. And the strangest thing was, she welcomed the coming blaze, could hardly wait for it to happen.

  “Burt, Burt.” She was breathless, her gaze was locked with his, “It’s so … so … ”

  “Yes, yes,” he murmured. “Feels good, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”

  “It … it … feels so … so good I can’t stand it any longer.”

  He whispered, “Just a few more seconds now … just a little while more.”

  Throat dry, blond head tossing frantically on the pillow, Sabella licked her lips, and asked, “How do you know when to stop? How will I know when I—”

  “You’ll know, sweet,” he softly assured her.

  “Will … will … you know, too?”

  “I think so,” he said, the timbre of his voice low, soft, carefully hiding his amusement at the innocence of her question.

  His eyes filled with love and tenderness, Burt continued to patiently guide his beautiful virgin bride ever closer to her first climax. Her long slender legs parted, her breath coming in rapid little gasps, Sabella lay there glassy-eyed, feeling as though were Burt to take his hand away, she would surely die. At the same time feeling she would surely die if he did not.

  Just when the wild new pleasure escalated to the point where it was so intense it was painful, Sabella felt a great, mysterious explosion of heat where Burt’s fingertips were touching her. A blinding, throbbing ecstasy transported her upward to an undreamed-of level of rapture and kept her there for several long frightening seconds.

  Left shaking and stunned by the experience, Sabella was grateful when Burt’s arms went around her and he held her tight. She clung to him for dear life, her heart pounding in her chest, her eyes wide with wonder. Burt held her, murmured endearments, kissed her flushed face, and soothingly stroked her bare back until she had calmed.

  He gave her time to lie back and relax, allowed her to rest on the pillows. She drew deep breaths and sighed, her arms and legs gone totally limp, a wonderful sense of well-being enveloping her. She had absolutely no energy, but she didn’t care. There was nothing she wanted to do. She had no desire to move, to change positions, just wanted to lie here flat on her back forever.

  When Burt began kissing her forehead, her cheek, her ear, she didn’t mind, but neither did she respond. Eyelids drooping with total relaxation, she lay there lazily accepting the soft, gentle kisses he brushed to her open lips. As if he didn’t realize that she was not interested, he continued to kiss her. His mouth kept moving warmly on hers, forcing hers to open. His tongue played over her lips, licking and teasing. At the same time his hand caressed her breast, the thumb rubbing back and forth over the sleeping nipple.

  Quite unexpectedly Sabella felt herself beginning to come alive, to respond to his kiss, his touch. Soon her lips were clinging to his and the thrusting tongue inside her mouth thrilled her, pleased her just as it had before. Her arms went around his neck and she pulled him closer. He put a hand to her rib cage and, rolling back up on his side, brought her with him. They lay facing each other and Burt drew her leg up over his hip and around his back.

  It was then Sabella realized fully that Burt was still very much erect. Thoughtlessly she had forgotten that he had not yet known the kind of wild, beautiful release she had experienced.

  Burt’s dark hand spread on the rounded cheek of her bottom and urged her pelvis to meet his rhythmically in a simulation of the act of love. That hot, hard power against her bare belly was electrifying and Sabella immediately wondered if it would feel that good when it was inside her.

  Burt’s spread fingers left her buttocks, captured her wrist, and drew her hand between their pressing bodies, placing it on his rigid flesh. He released her hand, looked into her eyes, and said, “I caressed you, sweetheart. Do it to me.”

  “I … I don’t know how,” she admitted, her fingertips barely touching him. She moved her leg from around his back and looked at him.

  Burt showed her. With his hand coaxing hers, he showed her what to do, how to wrap her fingers not-too-tightly around him and slowly move them up and down the length of him. Sabella learned quickly. In minutes she shook off his helping hand and took over on her own. She was warming to the intriguing exercise when Burt abruptly grabbed her hand to stop her.

  She frowned. “It doesn’t feel good?”

  “It does, but I … ” He smiled, drew her down, and kissed her. He didn’t want to say it out loud, to tell her that he was going to explode in her hand if she continued touching him.

  Their kisses were instantly fever hot. So were their bodies. With his mouth fused to hers, Burt pressed Sabella over onto her back. Their lips separated as his hand swept over her belly and urged her legs apart. His touch found her wet and hot and ready. He moved between her open thighs, lowered his dark face to hers and kissed her, his long, lean body pressing against hers, his weight supported on his elbows.

  He slid downward a little to let the tip of his blood-filled tumescence press and rub against the slick, burning spot which was the true key to all her carnal joy. After only a few seconds, he lowered his hand between them, dipped his fingers into the wetness flowing freely from her and spread it on himself so that he would go in easier.

  Sabella knew the moment had come and couldn’t keep from tensing, tightening her muscles against the invasion. She shut her eyes as tightly as possible and gritted her teeth. One second passed. Two. Three. The tip of his maleness was pressing into her, seeking entrance.

  She heard Burt’s low, compelling voice saying, “Open your eyes, darling. Look at me so I’ll know if I’m hurting you.”

  Sabella’s dark eyes reluctantly opened. She clasped Burt’s hard biceps with clawlike hands, her nails biting into his flesh. She looked into his eyes.

  “Now, my love, relax,” he said. “Let yourself go completely limp.”

  Sabella nodded, swallowed convulsively, and forced her body to go slack. Burt felt the change and thrust swiftly into her. She released one little involuntary moan at the shock of it, but then no more. The pain was brief and bearable and much sooner than she had expected the discomfort had passed and it started to feel good.

  She soon began to move in rhythm with Burt, to lift and lower her pelvis to meet the roll and thrust of his. Pleasure began to spread in an ever-widening arc outward from that fiery place where his body was joined with hers. She was beginning to experience that same wonderful sensation she’d known earlier when his hand had so lovingly caressed her.

  Only this was better.

  This was unbelievably wonderful. She realized with surprise that a fine sheen of moisture covered her naked body and that Burt’s muscular shoulders and clefted back were glistening with perspiration despite the coolness of the room.

  Her hands slid down his slippery arms, moving to his hard, trim waist. She smiled dreamily recalling how she had wondered earlier, when she felt his throbbing power pressed against her stomach, if it would feel that good inside her. How foolish she had been, how utterly ignorant of her own body as well as his.

  She realized now, moving with her dark, handsome lover as if she had been born to do nothing but this, that she’d had no conception of what it was like to make love. It was, she decided, a purely physical act that had little or nothing to do with being in love. It must be so because in the part of her brain that was still capable of logical thought, she was fully aware that she did not love this man, did not even admire or respect him. He was her enemy.

  She hated him.

  Yet here she was, naked in his bed, her body if not her soul laid wide open to him. And it was pleasurable, no use denying it. Wonderful, breathtaking pleasure unlike any other pleasure on earth.
  Already Sabella had learned enough about this new pleasure to know that they were joyously striving together, ascending toward that longed-for burst of blinding ecstasy she now knew awaited. Faster and faster became their rhythm. Deeper and deeper were his filling, stretching thrusts. Hotter and hotter grew their sweat-slick bodies. Harder and harder beat their racing hearts.

  “Burrrrt … Burrrrt … I … ” she murmured breathlessly, feeling her climax beginning.

  “Yes, baby,” he whispered, driving into her, feeling himself expanding to that aching fullness which could only end with total emptying release.

  Together they attained a deep, shuddering rapture, that sweet gift of passion liberated, the wondrous explosion of ecstasy that seemed to go on and on with such devastating magnitude that Sabella cried out loudly and bit Burt’s slick shoulder with sharp, punishing teeth.

  As they slowly, tiredly drifted back to reality, Sabella became vaguely aware of music and of voices carried up from below on the cool ocean breezes. She turned her head on the pillows and looked across the shadowy room. The tall doors all stood open, had been open the entire time they were making love.

  Her head snapped around and she opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say a word, Burt told her, “They didn’t hear you cry out, sweetheart. I’m the only one and it was the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.”

  He then collapsed flat on his back, put a long arm around her, and drew her close. Her head cradled on his shoulder, she snuggled tiredly to him, and draped an arm across his chest.



  “Is … is making love always … ” her words trailed away and she sighed.


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