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Page 8

by KJ Dahlen

  Nikoli nodded. “We also have men there.”

  Zipper looked over at him. he was very concerned about this news. “Where?”

  Nikoli smiled. “You will not see them. It is no use to even look.”

  Vilad chuckled. “Yeah dude, I tried that already. I even zoomed in on top of every building.”

  “Da.” Nikoli smiled. “These men are from an elite team. We use them for shadows and ghosting. They are snipers and can attack silently as well. No one will see them or even know they were there.”

  “We need him alive though. This Boris,” Pappy said.

  “Oh, we know that. Believe me. I want first... Blood. With him.”

  Zipper stared at him. Nikoli’s eyes were so hard... he could see Nikoli hated this man. He had reason to, as he seemed fond of Yuri. Zipper wanted him to bleed too, only he wanted to find out what this partner’s name was. So he could find out who the contractor for these hits was. Until they did, Deke wouldn’t be safe.

  “They are to use darts, unless they are forced to kill,” Nikoli went on. They will head forward and we will go in just after.” He looked over at Zipper. “We need Boris, so we will not wait till he leaves to get her. he would then just disappear I on us and we cannot have that. But she will be protected. They know all about your girl.”

  Zipper paused. “My girl?”

  Nikoli cracked a smile. “We shall see soon if you feel that confused about this subject.” He nodded at Vilad.

  Zipper caught the nod then looked over at the IT guy. What the hell was he talking about?

  Vilad tapped some keys and seemed to be rewinding video.

  Zipper watched closely as he could see the film going from dark to night as the street lights were on then blipped out and finally to daylight. Just as the sun was setting, Vilad stopped the video then centered and zoomed in.

  Zipper stepped closer without even realizing he had. He leaned in and stared.

  A face appeared in the window. Her hand rose up and she seemed to caress the glass as she stared out.

  “Zoom in some more,” Nikoli urged.

  Vilad tapped his keyboard again.

  Suddenly, her face was in clear view.

  Zipper sucked a breath in. Creamy complexion, big powder blue eyes, long raven hair. He couldn’t seem to swallow. His breath was trapped in his chest. Silence reigned around him. He couldn’t seem to pull his eyes away. “This is...” He had to swallow and try to speak again. “...Her?”

  Nikoli chuckled. “Da. Manhattan Girl is a beauty.”

  Zipper blinked as he realized the entire place had gone quiet.

  Vilad zoomed out.

  Zipper stood up straight and looked around. “God dammit!” he exclaimed in a gasping tone.

  Then men were all grinning at him, even Bones.

  He shoved his fingers through his hair and avoided their amused gazes. “Just make sure she isn’t hurt okay?” was all he could think to say.

  “Ok, let’s get locked and loaded,” Pappy called out.

  It was time. Zipper checked his weapon. Then he followed the men out to the cars. He halted when he saw a laundry van and a UPS delivery van.

  “This is how we won’t be noticed,” Nikoli explained.

  “Damn.” Sam laughed as he climbed into the delivery van.

  Nikoli motioned to Zipper as he climbed into the Brown UPS van.

  Zipper stepped up and got in.

  There were packages just like there should be and he saw the driver dressed in brown. “Is this the real deal?”

  Nikoli nodded.” It has just been borrowed for an hour and then it will be back for work by the time the mail goes out.”

  “We stay in the back Zipper,” Pappy told him.

  Zipper nodded and went to sit down next to him.

  The van stared and they were on their way. Since they would beat 8 am traffic it only took them 30 minutes to go over the bridge and into Jersey.

  Then another few minutes to hit Boris’ side of town.

  Zipper listened to Nikoli and Pappy as they discussed what would play out if all went well.

  “They will go in at first light. That way no one will be out in case of gunfire. Also, Boris is likely to be asleep.”

  Zipper knew for some reason that his girl would be awake. He paused. Wide awake as this was the day she had waited for. He remembered her exact words in fact. His Girl? He wondered if she... shaking his head he shouldn’t wonder anything. Who knew? She may have had a relationship online. She may not like him at all. Then she would want her freedom and hell, who could blame her?

  He did hope for a few days though. To... get to know her. She was after all, a legendary hacker.

  Nah... that was all bullshit. Her face, those eyes. That hair. He had that image imprinted in his head like a polaroid that wouldn’t fade.

  He straightened his shoulders and let out a long breath. Just focus on getting her out alive. That’s all.

  For now.

  He looked up and saw Pappy studying him. Then he looked over at Nikoli... same there, he was staring too. “What?”

  Pappy held his hands out. palms up. “Nothing.”

  Nikoli smirked. “Nyet. Like he said.”

  Zipper scoffed at their teasing or their thinking that Manhattan Girl was his girl. Suddenly, he felt the van stop. He sat forward. He saw the street sign. Bador. They were here.

  Nikoli whispered to someone on a slim mic as he tapped his com link in his ear. “We wait for the signal.”

  Zipper bit at his lip.

  After several more minutes, they heard a small scuffle then a muffled yell.

  Nikoli held his hand up. Then finally, he nodded.

  They all got up and Pappy led the way as he aimed his weapon right and left seeming to guard both Zipper and Nikoli.

  Zipper jumped down and looked straight ahead.

  The door to the brownstone stood wide open.

  They moved up the steps closer to it.

  His heart hammered in his chest as he went in.

  There was another noise as a man yelled something foreign. It was Russian. He stopped and looked up the stairs.

  A tall man stood there dressed in black. He then looked over Zipper’s head and nodded.

  Another yell sound then it was muddled from somewhere in the next room.

  Nikoli nudged him. “They just got Boris and his guard. It is all clear upstairs and she’s up there. Go ahead. My man just told me she is upset.”

  Zipper nearly lurched up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. As he got closer he heard her voice, “Who are you? Let me go!”

  He stepped closer the room that had the door ripped off. He walked on and over the door, then he saw her.

  Two of Nikoli’s men held her.

  “Manhattan Girl,” Zipper stated. It wasn’t a question.

  Her eyes rounded as she stared at him. “Who...”

  He stepped closer. “Let her go,” he told the men.

  They looked past him then nodded and stepped aside.

  She looked flushed and there was a small cut on her cheek.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he took another step toward her.

  She was breathing hard and her big blue eyes looked wild as fear filled her expression. “Zipper?” she asked in the softest voice.

  He nodded and stepped closer. “You are okay now.”

  She bit at her lip as tears filled her eyes and fearfully looked past him.

  Nikoli stood there.

  Zipper turned to glance at him. “He freed you. He’s the good guy,” he assured her.

  “Net.” Nikoli shook his head. “It was all him. He insisted that you be rescued.” He gave Zipper a wink.

  Her hands shook badly as she asked quietly. “Boris?”

  Nikoli’s smile faded as he answered, “In our custody. He will never see the light of day again.”

  With this statement, she looked from him to Zipper as if she didn’t believe what he’d said.

  Zipper nodded at
her and took her hands into his. They felt so cold that he started to rub them. “You are free Zeta. Free.”

  She stared into his eyes and gasped as a lone tear rolled down her creamy cheek. Then her body sagged as her eyes rolled up in her head and she pitched forward.

  Zipper caught her.

  Chapter Ten

  Zeta’s eyes fluttered. She felt odd. She was moving yet not. She realized she was in a vehicle. She wondered if she was dreaming this. there had been times when she’d dreamed of car rides. The only ones she’d ever had was when they had last moved and the time before that. She had never forgotten it though.

  “There you are,” a deep voice spoke from somewhere above her.

  She’d never heard that in the dream. Her eyes popped open. Staring down at her were deep green eyes. She blinked and now felt the warmth around her as the man held her.

  “Everything is okay,” he soothed.

  “W-where?” she asked.

  “On our way to the jet,” he replied.

  She bit at her lip and stared up at him. “Zipper?”

  He smiled. “Yep.”

  “Y-you actually came to get me?’

  He nodded.

  “B-but how?”

  He looked hesitant for a moment, then answered, “I’m a hacker.”

  She shook her head at this. he must be a dammed good one if he managed all this! Then she heard the noise. An engine. A car engine. She sat up suddenly and stared out through window as scenery flew by. “Oh, my god! It’s real!”

  “real?” he asked.

  She gulped as she thought she might cry over this. “We are moving. How fast are we going?”

  “What?” he asked.

  “How fast is this...” She looked around. “SUV going?”

  “Seventy maybe?”

  “Wow!” she exclaimed then looked out each window that she could. “Look at the way the sunlight hits the pavement and oh!” She spotted the top of the steel bridge. “Oh, my god!” After she looked all around and saw the river channel. The water sparkled in the morning light. “I-it’s beautiful.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Then she noted the silence and looked over at him.

  His eyes were huge in his face. He shook his head.

  “What?” Zeta asked, as she suddenly became self conscious about her appearance and swiped her tears away. She wondered why he stared. She cleared her throat and sat in the seat beside him. Then she grinned as she grabbed the seatbelt and looked at it. She then happily snapped it into place and looked up at him.

  His expression was odd as he asked, “When were you last in a...” He swallowed heavily then started again, “... car?”

  She stared at him. “Umm...Maybe five years ago?”

  He blinked hard. “So, you were in that Brownstone for five years?”

  She nodded her head. “In the apartment upstairs.”

  Zipper looked away and set his hands in his lap.

  Her brow furrowed. What had she done wrong? She then looked around again, as the SUV slowed down. “Where are we now?”

  Leaning forward, he looked up and out the window. “Nikoli’s private airport.”


  “Yes, you met him.”

  “Oh, the man with the pretty blue- gray eyes?”

  Zipper smiled then nodded. “I don’t know about pretty but yeah, that was him.”

  “W-where is he now?”

  “He is umm... well, taking care of Boris, I think?”

  At the mention of his name, her body almost slumped and her happiness evaporated instantly, like a bubble being popped.

  Zipper reached over and patted her hand. “Listen, Zeta...You will never, ever see him again. He will be going to Russia to be tried and sentenced for his crimes.”

  She stared at him. “You’re sure?”

  “Absolutely positive.”

  The car stopped just then and she leaned forward.

  A plane sat there ahead of where the SUV had parked. “Wow, nice jet.”

  “Yep. It is also Nikoli’s.”

  “So, um why are we here then?”

  He smiled. “It is gonna take us home.”

  Her smile dropped. “H-home?”

  He shook his head. “Well, to where I live.”

  “A-and I am going with you?”

  “Sure.” He nodded.

  I am going to fly in a plane? “Umm, but...I-I have never. I mean...”

  “What?” he asked as someone knocked on the window.

  Zeta jumped at the sound.

  He chuckled. “It is okay, it’s just the driver.”

  The door opened.

  Leaning forward, she peered out.

  “Okay, the plane is ready, so we need to go.” Zipper unhooked her belt.

  Suddenly, Zeta felt odd, not fearful, but uncertain then she remembered. “My laptop!”

  Zipper reached to the floorboard then raised up her sling bag. “I would never allow mine to stay behind either.” He grinned. “we also have some of your clothes, your books and the men said there were paints and brushes.”

  She grabbed her bag.” Thank you for this. But the rest of it...I don’t want any of it.”

  He looked into her eyes as he must have picked up on her hard tone. “But we thought that maybe—“

  “No. I-I don’t want anything that he bought. Anything that...he touched.”

  Zipper paused and studied her face for a long moment. “Okay then.” He looked over at the driver. “Leave the stuff in the car. Donate it to charity or something.”

  The driver raised his brows then he nodded.

  Zipper then looked up at her and held out his hand to her. “Let’s go then.

  With her trembling hand, Zeta grabbed his as she scooted over and stepped down.

  The rush of air whipped at her hair. She stopped and took a huge deep breath. “Ohhh...” she moaned with pleasure.

  Zipper paused and looked at her again.

  She shrugged. “The air. Can’t you feel it? It is so lovely.” She then stepped around him and spun in a circle. Her arms out at her sides with her sling bag over her shoulder.

  The sunlight dazzled her and the air almost made her feel high as she gulped it repeatedly. Zeta felt so exhilarated. This was the one thing she’d wanted for so long, to be out in the sunshine to breathe the actual air. She spun around and around then she started to laugh and cry as she whirled.

  The driver and Zipper stood and stared at her, along with Sam, Pappy, and Dewey as they all stood closer to the jet.

  Zipper couldn’t speak. He was entirely stricken with—what? Wonder and sadness all at the same time. This poor girl. To have been captive for so long and now, he realized she had never been let outside even. He had gotten choked up in the car earlier when he realized she was star struck simply by being in a moving vehicle. It was so hard to take. How cruel could a man be? To do this to a child then to a young woman?

  He never wanted to kill anyone so badly. He wanted Boris to suffer many times over for what he’d done to her. Violence had never been his thing, though he would shoot a man if he needed to, but emotions like he felt right at this moment had been entirely avoided for most of his life. He had been comfortable with that. In fact, he’d never thought of it quite this way before. That he had never felt strongly about anything. Well, loyalty to the club and to Deke. But anything else, he hadn’t felt much for.

  The men all moved closer to where he stood.

  “What in the hell is she doing?” Sam asked as she was skipping now and twirling every few feet.

  Zipper started to speak then had to clear his throat. “Can’t you see that she is enjoying something that we all take for granted?”

  Sam shook his head. “What?”

  “She was held captive, Sam,” Pappy spoke up. “For nearly 14 years.” Pappy swiped at his eyes.

  Zipper felt a little better now, as it wasn’t just him who felt this storm of emotion hitting him from all directions. This was heartbreaking
and wonderful at the same time. He never felt that before both sad and happy over anything.

  “Damn...” Sam looked over at Zipper after staring at her for a long minute. “I apologize Zipper.”

  Zipper kept watching her, then turned to Sam Bones Tory the meanest, most cantankerous biker he knew really. “What was that?”

  “You heard me,” Sam grumbled. “She is genuine, she—Fuck!” he swore and turned to stomp all the way to the plane.

  “Wow...” Dewey nodded and followed him.

  Pappy stood there with him. “Son, I have something to say.”

  Zipper tilted his head as he glanced at the older man.

  “You will need to be very careful here. See, I’ve been in this life for quite some time. I have seen men who had come out into daylight after months and months of being held in the dark. You gotta watch her. You gotta take care of her. You...” He sniffed then continued, “She will say and do things that maybe you won’t understand.”

  Zipper watched as she finally headed over to where they stood, a huge dazzling smile on her face. “But I’m not like... a therapist Pappy.”

  The older man reached out and patted his arm. “No, and maybe if she has too hard a time she could see one... But maybe not. She seems to be happy? But it is very important that you don’t let her think you pity her son. Just... roll with it.” He turned away. “Grab her up kid and bring her along.” He headed to the steps.

  He stared at the raven haired woman with the starry blue eyes as she slowed her walk and came closer.

  Zipper gave her the brightest smile he could and said, “Are you ready to fly?”

  Zeta stopped in front of him, then looked over at the jet. “For real?”

  Nodding, he answered, “For real.” He gave her his hand.

  She stared down at it then up at his face as she placed her small hand into his larger one.

  Zipper grasped her hand and tugged her along to the steps. Zeta quietly followed and he could feel the excitement coming off of her in waves. He just continued walking as he led her up the tarmac then up the stairs into the luxury plane. He figured this might be scary for her so he gave her no more time to dwell on it.

  Once they stepped inside, she halted her steps and gaped.

  Zipper patiently stopped with her. Yes, this plane had all the bells and whistles. A full bar, full kitchen with a small staff and large restrooms. Even a couple of bedroom spaces to sleep in.


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